AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES Volume 17, Number 1, 2001, pp. 35–43 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
The Antiviral Drug Docosanol as a Treatment for Kaposi’s
Sarcoma Lesions in HIV Type 1-Infected Patients:
ABSTRACT Docosanol inhibits a broad spectrum of lipid-enveloped viruses in vitro including HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, CMV, HHV-6, and HIV-1. These observations led us to conduct a pilot clinical study with docosanol 10% cream as a topical treatment for Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) in HIV-1-infected patients. In this open-label study 28 cuta- neous KS lesions in 10 HIV-1-infected patients were treated topically five times daily for 4 weeks with eval- uation of lesion characteristics of area, edema, and color. All patients elected to enroll in an extended treat- ment protocol and continued to treat for up to 35 weeks. Within 28 days, 2 of 10 patients exhibited a partial response based on standardized criteria exhibiting 74 to 83% reductions in total target lesion areas. With ex- tended treatment, a partial response was exhibited in two additional patients where total target lesion area was reduced by 52% in one patient and target lesions in another patient that had been large, swollen, and painful at study initiation were no longer visible. No patient experienced disease progression or signs of vis- ceral disease. The average percent decrease in lesion area for all target lesions was 20% (p Ͻ 0.01). A pa- tient’s response to therapy appeared to be independent of anti-HIV regimen, HIV viral load, or previous KS treatments. These results suggest that docosanol merits further investigation as a potential topical therapy in the treatment of AIDS-associated Kaposi’s sarcoma lesions. INTRODUCTION
virus, and human herpesvirus (HHV) 6. Non-lipid-envelopedviruses including poliovirus, adenovirus, and reovirus are re-
DOCOSANOL (n-docosanol, 1-docosanol, behenyl alcohol) is sistant to inhibition by the compound. Lipid-enveloped viruses
a 22-carbon fatty alcohol that inhibits a broad spectrum of
that enter cells by endocytic means also resist inhibition by do-
lipid-enveloped viruses.1 Formulated as docosanol 10% cream,
cosanol. Studies indicate that docosanol has a novel mechanism
it has recently been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
of action, exerting its anti-HSV activity predominantly by in-
ministration as a topical treatment for recurrent oral-facial her-
terfering with the process of viral fusion with the host cell.1,5,8,9
pes simplex infections (trade name Abreva™). Its efficacy in
Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is the most common tumor in HIV-
reducing the healing time and symptoms of oral-facial herpes
1-infected individuals and contributes substantially to the mor-
simplex infections has been demonstrated in Phase 3 placebo-
bidity and mortality suffered in patients with AIDS.10 The cu-
controlled clinical trials2 and, previously, in a Phase 2 clinical
taneous lesions characterizing the disease can be numerous,
trial.3 The drug has an excellent safety profile in the clinic, and
disfiguring, and painful. The etiology of the disease appears to
no toxic potential is indicated from the results of extensive and
have an infectious component involving both HIV-1 and HHV-
8.11–15 HIV-1 infection may increase levels of several cy-
In vitro antiviral activity of docosanol has been demonstrated
tokines, including tumor necrosis factor interleukin-1, inter-
against a number of lipid enveloped viruses.1,5–8 Susceptible
leukin-6, and basic fibroblast growth factor that may promote
viruses include HIV-1, herpes simplex viruses (HSV) 1 and 2,
the growth of KS cells.16 DNA sequencing studies,17,18 have
cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster virus, respiratory syncytial
revealed a close association between KS and HHV-8, also re-
1The Scolaro Medical Coalition, Beverly Hills, California 90211. 2Avanir Pharmaceuticals, San Diego, California 92121. SCOLARO ET AL.
ferred to as Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV),
dose was applied under the direction of the investigator and/or
and it is becoming accepted that HHV-8 is necessary but not
the research nurse. Patients kept a diary to record the date and
sufficient for development of KS neoplasms.14,15
time of each application. The protocol specified that those pa-
The optimal treatment for KS depends on the severity of the
tients who completed the 28-day trial and who the investigator
disease and the immunological status of the patient.19 Patients
judged would benefit from continued treatment were eligible to
with relatively discrete mucocutaneous KS can be effectively
continue treatment under an extended use protocol.
treated with local therapies including intralesional chemother-
The number, area, and appearance of all KS lesions were
apy, surgical excision, and radiotherapy.19–21 Patients with ad-
recorded at study enrollment. Lesions were numbered and two
vanced KS, including patients with widespread mucocutaneous
or three target lesions that were easily accessible and previously
disease or visceral disease, are generally treated with systemic
untreated with either local radiation or topical chemotherapy were
chemo-therapy with cytotoxic agents such as liposomal an-
selected by the investigator at study enrollment to be examined
thracyclines, vinca alkaloids, or paclitaxel.19,22–25 Other treat-
for clinical response to therapy. All patients were to be assessed
ment options include interferons, human chorionic go-
once weekly. The target lesion dimensions and appearance [i.e.,
nadotropin, all-trans-retinoic acid (tretinoin), 9-cis-retinoic
lesion-associated edema, color, and lesion nodularity (raised ver-
acid, granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and
sus flat)] were to be recorded during these visits.
whole body hyperthermia.19,26–28 Panretin gel has receivedFDA approval for topical treatment of KS lesions.29 Consid-
ering the inhibitory effects of docosanol on viral replication of
The primary efficacy assessment was the proportion of pa-
HHV-6 and HIV-1, docosanol might also be clinically effec-
tients experiencing a partial or complete response using proto-
tive in the treatment of AIDS-associated KS in patients with
col-defined criteria. The protocol specified that clinical re-
discrete lesions while lacking the toxicity or invasiveness of
sponse of the target lesions to treatment was to be graded
the above treatments. We, therefore, initiated the pilot clinical
relative to baseline as complete response [CR] (complete reso-
trial reported here to examine the safety and efficacy of topi-
lution of target lesions with histological confirmation), partial
cally applied docosanol 10% cream in the treatment of cuta-
response [PR] (loss of lesion color and/or Ն25% reduction in
neous KS in HIV-1-infected patients.
lesion area of target lesions), no response [no change in coloror area of target lesions (these patients are also referred to asstable)], or progression (increase in area or vascularization of
target lesions). Because this differs from the standardized uni-form evaluation and response assessment criteria (ACTG re-
sponse criteria) for KS, the data are evaluated here accordingto standard accepted criteria. The major difference is that a par-
Each gram of docosanol 10% cream contains 100 mg do-
tial response is defined by ACTG as a Ն50% decrease in the
cosanol formulated into a white, nonstaining, moisturizing
number of lesions that lasted for at least 4 weeks, or complete
cream that is easily applied and is readily absorbed into skin
flattening of Ն50% of all previously raised lesions, or a Ն50%
decrease in the sum of the products of the largest perpendicu-lar diameters of the marker lesions and no new lesions or new
visceral sites of involvement and no new worsening of tumor-
HIV-1-positive male patients over 18 years of age with clin-
ically determined cutaneous KS lesions confirmed by a posi-
Lesion area was calculated from the product of two perpen-
tive biopsy were screened and enrolled at a single study site
dicular diameters, which were measured using a single calibrated
(Scolaro Medical Coalition, Beverly Hills, CA). Eligible pa-
slide caliper. Total lesion area for each patient was calculated
tients were otherwise clinically stable with no evidence of ac-
by summation of the individual target lesion areas. Change in
tive opportunistic infection as documented by medical history,
mean lesion area from baseline was calculated for the individ-
physical examination, and clinical laboratory examination per-
ual target lesions and also for total lesion area by patient.
formed at baseline. Patients with known systemic KS disease
Lesion color was recorded generally as purple, burgundy,
were specifically excluded. Patients were also excluded if they
deep red, pink, brown, or tan. Lesions that began as purple, bur-
had a history of chronic alcoholism or drug abuse. Patients sta-
gundy, or deep red and were later described as tan or brown
bilized on an antiretroviral regimen with no change in regimen
were interpreted to have undergone a loss of lesion color.
within 14 days prior to study initiation were eligible to partic-ipate but were to abstain from new antiretroviral or KS treat-
Demographic information and patient medical history infor-
mation were summarized for the study group. Lesion area and
All eligible patients were dispensed docosanol 10% cream
Efficacy analysis included all patients who had baseline and
to be applied five times per day for 28 days. Patients were ad-
Week 4 (final) visit (N ϭ 10). A paired, two-tailed t-test was
vised that they could treat all of their current as well as any
used to assess the change in lesion area from baseline to trial
new cutaneous KS lesions that might occur. They were in-
endpoint. Safety evaluations were based on all treated patients
structed to apply enough cream to cover the entire lesion plus
(N ϭ 13). Statistical efficacy analysis was not conducted on
approximately one-half inch around the lesion border. The first
data obtained from the extended protocol. DOCOSANOL TREATMENT OF CUTANEOUS KAPOSI’S SARCOMA
of 34.2 mm2 (range ϭ Ϫ280.0 to 0.0 mm2) during the 28-daydocosanol 10% cream treatment period with an average percent
Safety assessments were to be made based on the reporting
decrease in lesion area of 20%. The decrease in mean lesion
of adverse events and from clinical laboratory measurements
area was statistically significant (p Ͻ 0.01).
including blood chemistry, urinalysis, and hematology atweekly clinic visits.
The mean of patients’ total target lesion area (the sum of the
product of two perpendicular diameters for all target lesions)was 923.7 mm2 at baseline and decreased by 95.7 mm2. The
largest decrease in total lesion area was 355 mm2 and the small-est was 0; the average percent decrease in total lesion area was
23% between baseline and the final visit. Borderline statisticalsignificance (p ϭ 0.057) was found in the analysis of change
Thirteen HIV-1-infected men with a mean age of 39 years
from baseline total lesion area by patient.
(range 27 to 52 years) were enrolled in the trial. Ten patientscompleted the 28-day treatment. Three discontinued prema-
Lesion color. In all but one patient (JTG; three lesions) analy-
turely because of conflicts with protocol requirements. The dis-
sis of weekly color assessments of target lesions revealed a pro-
ease characteristics of those patients completing the study are
gressive lightening or fading in color with treatment. None of
summarized in Table 1. KS was confirmed by histopathologi-
the target lesions became darker in color during the treatment
cal evaluation in all patients (e.g., see Fig. 1A). In 8 of the 10
period. Of the 28 target lesions evaluated, 16 (57%) faded from
patients, KS was the AIDS-defining illness and had been pres-
deep red, burgundy, or purple at baseline to pink, brown, or tan
ent for 1 year or more. Seven of the 10 patients had a history
by 28 days. Five lesions faded to a tan or brown color.
of prior opportunistic infections. All patients presented withmultiple cutaneous KS lesions (2 to 21) with no oral or nodal
Histological evaluation. Lesions biopsies provided histo-
lesions. One patient reported severe tumor-associated edema
pathological confirmation of KS in all patients. Following treat-
and pain and a second patient reported severe tumor-associated
ment, biopsies of lesions in patients exhibiting partial responses
pain. One to two nodular lesions were described for each of
were taken for histological evaluation. For example, sections of
three patients, however, only one of the nodular lesions was se-
a KS lesion from patient WEB taken prior to treatment shows
lected as a target lesion. Of the patients who completed the
spindle cell proliferation that forms vascular slits with ex-
study, eight were concurrently receiving multidrug antiretrovi-
travasated erythrocytes (Fig. 1A). The lesion extended into the
ral treatment therapy; in six of these patients the regimen in-
superficial panniculus. Hemosiderin pigment was noted and
cluded a protease inhibitor. The antiretroviral regimens in the
chronic inflammatory cells were identified. The lesion appeared
eight such treated patients had been stable for at least 2 months
to be in the plaque stage of development. Following 4 weeks
in all but one patient. Two patients were not receiving con-
of treatment, skin sections (Fig. 1B) of a KS lesion from the
same patient demonstrated improvement. The pathologist’s re-port described focal residual KS characterized by a few irreg-
ular dilated blood vessels accompanied by a few vascular slits
The area, color, and characteristics of the 28 lesions evalu-
in the superficial papillary dermis with extravasated erythro-
ated during the treatment period at baseline and at the 4-week
cytes and hemosiderin pigment. The lesion appeared to be con-
visit are summarized in Table 2. Assessments made at other
weekly intervals throughout the study are not shown. Accord-ing to standardized criteria, two patients exhibited a PR based
Edema. Lesion-associated edema was present at baseline in
on Ͼ50% reduction in total target lesion area (patients WEB
one patient (SHC). Target KS lesions were located on his right
and D-D whose total target lesion areas were reduced 74% and
foot and these lesions were associated with localized lymphatic
83%, respectively). Loss of lesion color was observed in one
obstruction and lymphedema with massive edema up to mid-
patient, SHC. By the 28-day visit the total target lesion area in
calf. The three target lesions ranged in area from 200 to 1200
SHC had decreased by 16% and the severe edema and pain
mm2, were purple in color, firm to the touch, and caused dis-
around the lesions at baseline were largely resolved.
abling pain at study initiation. This patient experienced a par-
None of the patients manifested progression of their target
tial resolution of the lymphedema following 1 week of do-
lesions, as indicated by changes in area or color, or developed
cosanol treatment. By 28 days, the edema was largely resolved,
any signs of visceral dissemination of KS during treatment in
the lesions were no longer painful, and total target lesion area
either the 28-day treatment period or during the extended treat-
was reduced 16%. After 35 weeks of treatment the lesions were
ment study (although one patient, LMK, developed a single new
reported to be no longer visible (see below). A second patient
KS lesion at an untreated cutaneous site during the 28-day treat-
reported decreased lesion-associated pain by the 28-day visit
ment period). No patients exhibited a complete response. The
quantitative and qualitative treatment effects observed follow. Other lesion characteristics. In this study, no baseline le-
Lesion area and number. None of the patients exhibited a
sions were described as raised and only one lesion was reported
decrease in the total number of KS lesions. The average indi-
as nodular at baseline so effects of treatment on decreasing the
vidual lesion area for the 28 target lesions was 329.9 mm2 at
vertical dimension of the lesion could not be assessed. The tar-
baseline (range ϭ 12 to 1216 mm2), and decreased by a mean
get lesion described as nodular at baseline was reduced 44% in
aTarget lesion characteristics are listed in Table 2. bBy ACTG criteria. cNA, Not available; ND, none described.
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