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Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting Held April 24, 2012
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Mt. Morris met in Regular Session in the Board Room
of the Village Hall in said Village at 7:00 PM on Tuesday April 24, 2012.
The President called the meeting to order and directed the Village Clerk to call the roll.
Upon roll being called, the following answered present: Don Sorensen, Jan Hough, Mary
Francis, Trustee Harvey, trustee Hoffman and Jon Murray. Upon roll being called all Trustees
present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
Eric Morrow and Corey Buck were present.
VISITORS: Jerry Stauffer, Larry Ubben, Rob Urish, Howie Herman, Linda Straith, John
Finfrock, Doug Aken, Bob Coddington, Tim Toulon, Paul Dempsey and Aaron Palmer
MINUTES: Trustee Hoffman moved and Trustee Francis seconded the motion to accept the
minutes as presented. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President
declared said motion carried.
CURRENT BILLS: Trustee Francis moved and Trustee Sorensen seconded the motion to
accept the current bills as presented. Upon roll being called, all Trustees present voted “Aye.”
President declared said motion carried.
ADMINISTRATION: Village President Unger reminds everyone of the electronics recycling
event sponsored by Ogle County Solid Waste Management on May 4 & 5th.
PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS: Tim Toulon and Paul Dempsey of Exelon Corp. came
before the Board and made a $15,000.00 donation on behalf of Exelon for the refurbishing of the
band shell and new benches on the campus. On behalf of the Village of Mt. Morris Village
President Unger thanked Exelon for their generous donation.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GROUP: Chairman Rob Urish of EDG came before the Board
making a recommendation that they consider executing a franchise agreement with Leaf River
Telephone to bring I-fiber into the Village of Mt. Morris. At this time Aaron Palmer with LRT
gave a brief over of the project. Palmer hopes to have the project complete by the end of the
summer. Trustee Harvey moved and Trustee Hoffman seconded the motion to accept the
franchise agreement with LRT as presented. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted
“Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
LARRY UBBEN: Resident Larry Ubben came before the Board asking the Village Board to
consider the use of the Bandshell for more concerts during the summer. Village President
recommends that Trustee Harvey work with Ubben to help facilitate and to come back before the
Board times, costs etc.

Trustee Sorensen reports that the digester and the north well are
still down. Digging for the first clarifier has begun along with the water main.
Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting Held April 24, 2012 Page 2
STREET DEPT: Trustee Hoffman reports that the Street Dept., will begin trimming trees.
Cold patch work is done. The skid loader cylinder is cracked, in the process of being rebuilt.
Hoffman reports that in 2-3 years the utility truck will need to be replaced. Village President
Unger to sign street maintenance contract and back to the State for approval. Center St. still
needs to be surveyed.
ORDINANCE: Work still needs to be done on the building codes proposed by the Planning
FINANCE: Trustee Francis presents second draft of the budget. Will approve first meeting in
PARK & RECREATION: Trustee Hough reports that the Park truck has repair issues. Still
discussing park improvements and possible cleanup day.
PUBLIC PROPERTY: Flood in basement of Village Hall professional company has been
hired to do cleanup work.
CHANGE THE WORLD: Trustee Francis addressed the Board on behalf of the Methodist
Church Change the World Day May 19, 2012. Francis highlighted the goals of this community
work day. Trustee Francis moved and Trustee Harvey seconded the motion to accept the
proposal as presented. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President
declared said motion carried.
POLICE DEPT: Trustee Harvey moved and Trustee Sorensen seconded the motion to accept
the bid from Lowe’s Automotive for the 2002 squad car in the amount of $351.00. Upon roll
being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
SECURITY SYSTEM: Trustee Harvey presented to the Board several options for a security
system for Village Hall. Will look at the end of the budget carryover and discuss at a later date.
Jerry Stauffer suggests that the Board consider smoke alarm system as well.
There being no further business to come before this Board, Trustee Francis moved and Trustee
Harvey seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 PM. Upon roll being called all
Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.
The next regular Village Board Meeting will be held on May 8, 2012 at 7:00 PM in the Village
Board Room.


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