Tca peel post-op instructions


1. Start your antibiotic (Duricef/Keflex) and (Valtrex) after you awaken the first morning
after the surgery. Continue each as directed until all gone. Take the antifungal
(Diflucan) on the first morning after surgery.
2. Antibiotic ointment (Polysporin) was placed copiously over the peeled areas. Gently
apply this ointment (Polysporin) to these areas of your face with a Q-tip as necessary to
keep these areas moist continuously after the procedure.
3. Take 2-3 Motrin or Ibuprofen every 6 hours or the prescription pain medicine (Darvocet)
4. You will be scheduled to return to our office during the first 48-72 hours or 7 days after the peel depending on the complexity of the procedure. 5. Sleep on your back so you do not rub off ointment from your treated skin. Sleeping with your head elevated for the first 48 hours will keep swelling to a minimum. 6. At night, place white cotton socks over your hands and secure with rubber bands to keep you from inadvertently scratching your face, if full-face peeling was performed. 7. Clean wounds three times a day with first, mild soap followed by a 50% water & 50% hydrogen peroxide solution with Q-tips and/or cotton balls. 72 – 120 HOURS (3 –5 days after peel procedure)
1. The forth day after you laser procedure, stop the antibiotic ointment (Polysporin) and
apply the mild 1% cortisone ointment (Hytone or hydrocortisone) to your treated areas.
Apply this as necessary to keep the exposed skin moist.
2. This is the period when the swelling will start to decrease and you should be more comfortable. If your discomfort increases instead of decreasing, notify our office. During
this time you the treated areas will start peeling. Do Not pull off the exfoliating skin—
doing so may create a scar or increased healing time. You may trim it back as necessary,
let it fall off as it is ready.
3. Eat a soft diet if a full-face treatment was performed. Do not chew vigorously in order to keep perioral movement to a minimum if this area was treated.

1. Do not expose your facial skin to sunlight, even sunlight coming through a car window or indirect sunlight. Do not go out in the sun unless absolutely necessary for the first 2 weeks after the laser procedure. During the first 2 weeks, place sunblock over exposed facial skin and wear a wide-brimmed hat if you are outside, even on a cloudy day. After the first 2 weeks, you should always wear sunblock whether inside or outside. If you are going to be in direct sunlight, protect your face with a wide-brimmed hat. Direct sunlight on the face for the first 2 months after a peel may cause some pigment changes. Sunglasses on a bright day will prevent rapid recurrent of “crow’s feet” which are dynamic wrinkles from squinting.
2. If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer (Neutrogena Moisture\Murad Moisturizer or
other non-allergenic moisturizer).
3. If you are acne prone or notice small white heads, switch from 1% hydrocortisone 4. Wash your face as previously directed twice a day. You can discontinue using the hydrogen peroxide. For the first month, do not allow a forceful shower to hit your face directly. 6. We will instruct you regarding a make-up that will mask the pink-red skin that may persist for months. For small areas, a lip stick-type skin colored concealer works well. 7. Do not exercise vigorously for 1 month after the peel procedure. Avoid sweating for the first 2 weeks after the procedure. Avoid stretching or wrinkling the facial skin (i.e. hearty laughter, eating a large sandwich, going to the dentist, etc.) for 2 weeks after the peel procedure. 8. Do not take birth control pills or estrogen for 3 weeks after the peel procedure. 9. Males should use an electric razor for 1 month after the peel procedure.
10. If you have naturally dark skin, Dr. Merheb will restart your bleaching agent (Eldoquin
Forte 4% or Soloquin Forte 4%) regimen approximately 3-4 weeks after the peel
procedure. It is easier to apply this every other night for 1 week and then go to every
11. Glycolic Acid may be resumed 3 weeks after the peel procedure. 12. Do not hesitate to call us if you have questions.


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