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Porsche Club Kuwait Participate at
The Third Automotive Photography Contest 2013
By Historical, Vintage & Classic Car Museum
Porsche Club Kuwait participated at the Third Automotive Photography Contest 2013 that was organized by Historical, Vintage & Classic Car Museum that held the Awards Ceremony by presence of His Excel ency Sheikh Mubarak Sabah AlSalem AlHomod AlSabah member the Board of Trustees of Historical, Vintage & Classic Car Museum. The ceremony took place at 7:30 pm, on Wednesday the 3rd of July 2013 at the Main Exhibition Hal at the Museum which is located at Shuwaikh Industrial Area 1, Block 1, Street 7, Building 48 opposite Kaifan, next to Mr. Mustafa Makhseed, the director of committees at the museum said :” we are happy to hold such contest, and the management is happy to see the development on the type and quality of the photos competing and the increased number of the participants”. He also thanked His Highness Sheikh Nasser AlMohammad AlAhmad AlSabah, for his continuous support to museum activates and the youth in Kuwait, Also the special attention that Mr. Abdulaziz Ishaq members of the Board of Trustees is giving to the museum, he also thanked His Excel ency Sheikh Mubarak Sabah AlSalem AlHomod AlSabah for his continuous support and presenting the awards to the winners. Eng Zakaria Dashti – President of Porsche Club Kuwait, said :” we were delighted to be part of the Museum, and we are proud of al the help and support that the museum is giving the club and its activities. We wil start by thanking the Museum and al the persons behind it, and also thank them for giving us this opportunity to be part of the photo contest for the second year to choose the best Porsche photo from the competing photos and give them gifts to encourage and appreciate their great work, we like to also thank our sponsor Porsche Centre Kuwait – Behbehani Motors Company for their continuous support of the club The Awards ceremony began by honoring and thanking the Judges Committee that had known and experienced judges from different photography institutes in Dr. Suad AlHammar - Col ege of Basic Education - Institute of Applied Studies and Dr Ahmad AlJassar Hamoud Al-Jassar - Col ege of Basic Education - Institute of Engineer Majid Sultan Ali - Vice Chairman of the imaging and documentation – Mr. Faisal Abdul AlBisher - Photography Department - Kuwait Science Club Mr. Abdulaziz AlAsoosy – Professional Photographer and Certified Trainer Then the awards were given to the contest winners and then the Porsche Photos winners by Porsche Club Kuwait, and the winners were:
Best picture of Porsche
It was a pleasure to see that some of the winners of the main contest where Abdulaziz Habib AlSHimaly – 1st Place – Logo Category Mishary AlRsheed – 2nd Place – Colored Category And there was some more participating Porsche photos by: - Ibraheem AlAwadhy - Sadeq Makhseed - Mohamad AbudulRidha Awad - Aisha Ali Abdul a - Abdulla Muhammad AlAbdulla For further information about the club please contact Porsche Centre Kuwait or Historical, Vintage & Classic Car Museum in Shuwaikh Industrial 1, Block 1, Street 7, Building 48, the official working hours (the morning from 9:00 to 12:00 & Evening 5:00 to 8:00 pm) for review and inquiry: To communicate with Museum Social media network:


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European Neuropsychopharmacology (2010) 20, 459–466w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / e u r o n e u r oThe change of prefrontal QEEG theta cordance as apredictor of response to bupropion treatment inpatients who had failed to respond to previousantidepressant treatmentsMartin Bares , Martin Brunovsky , Tomas Novak ,Miloslav Kopecek Pavla Stopkova , Peter Sos Vladimir Krajca C

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