Bibliography Kilpisjärvi
If you like to receive a copy of any of the following reprints, please mark theappropriate number and return the list to the address above.
- Suomalaisen Eläin- ja Kasvitieteellisen Seuran Vanamon
Linden, J. 1943. Bidrag till kännedomen om vegetation och
Enontekis lappmarks björk- och fjällregioner.
biologisestamerkityksestä. - Luonnontutkija 1: 1-5.
Kalela, O. 1956. Nisäkkäiden yhteiskunta- ja laumaelämänkehityksestä. - Luonnon Tutkija 60, n:o 3: 1-8. (Alsoavailable as a mimeographed translation entitled "Originof mammal colonies and herds".)
Kalela, O. 1957. Regulation of reproduction rate insubarctic populations of the vole, Clethrionomysrufocanus (Sund.). - Ann. Acad. Scient. Fennicae (A IV)34: 1-60.
Peiponen, V. A. 1957. Wechselt der Birkenzeisig,Carduelis flammea (L.), sein Brutgebiet während desSommers? - Ornis Fennica 34: 41-64.
Kalela, O. 1958. Über ausserbrutzeitlichesTerritorialverhalten bei Vögeln. - Ann. Acad. Scient. Fennicae (A IV) 42: 1-42.
Lind, E. A. 1960. Zur Ethologie und Ökologie derMehlschwalbe, Delichon u. Murbica (L.). - Ann. Zool. Soc. "Vanamo" 21 (2): 1-123.
*Peiponen, V. A. 1960. Verhaltenstudien am Blaukelchen,(Luscinia s. svecica). - Ornis Fennica 37: 69-83.
Kalela, O. 1961. Zum Vergleich der Wanderungen des Waldund
Berglemmings. - Arch. Soc. ´Vanamo´: 81-90.
Kalela, O. 1961. Seasonal change of habitat in theNorwegian lemming, Lemmus lemmus (L.). - Ann. Acad. Scient. Fennicae (A IV) 55: 1-72.
Koponen, T., Kokkonen, A. & Kalela, O. 1961. On a case ofspring migration in the Norwegian lemming. - Ann. Acad. Scient. Fennicae (A IV) 52: 1-29.
*Kalela, O. 1961. Wanderungen. - Handbuch der Zoologie11 (3): 1-40.
Arvola, A., Ilmen, M. & Koponen, T. 1962. On theaggressive behaviour of the Norwegian lemming, (Lemmuslemmus), with special reference to the sounds produced. - Arch. Soc. "Vanamo" 17 (2): 80-101.
Kalela, O. 1962. On the fluctuations in the numbers ofarctic and boreal small rodents as a problem ofproduction biology. - Ann. Acad. Scient. Fennicae (A IV)66: 1-38.
Lind, E. A. 1962. Verhalten der Mehlschwalbe, Delichonu. urbica (L.), zu ihren Feinden. Ann. Zool. Soc. "Vanamo" 23 (5): 1-38.
Myllymäki, A., Aho, J., Lind, E. A. & Tast, J. 1962. Behaviour and daily activity of the Norwegian lemming,Lemmus lemmus (L.), during autumn migration. - Ann. Zool. Soc. "Vanamo" 24 (2): 1-31.
*Peiponen, V. A. 1962. Uber Brutbiologie, Nahrung undgeographische Verbreitung des Birkenzeisigs, (Carduelisflammea). - Ornis Fennica 39: 37-60.
Peiponen, V. A. 1962. Zur Aktivität der Graurötelmaus,Clethrionomys rufocanus (Sund.), im Dauerlicht desarktischen Sommers. - Arch. Soc. "Vanamo" 17 (3):171-178.
*Pearson A.M. 1962. Activity patterns, energy metabolismand growth rate of the voles Clethrionomys rufocanus and
C.glareolus in Finland. -Ann. Zool. Soc. "Vanamo" 24:1-58. (Univ. of Helsinki).
Kalela, O. 1962. We´re Learning Things about NorwegianLemmings.
Asp, K., Brander, E. & Koponen, T. 1963. Experimentaltuberculosis in the Norwegian lemming, (Lemmus lemmus). Acta Tub. Pneum. Scand. 43: 216-222.
*Hämet-Ahti, L. 1963. Zonation of the mountain birchforests in the northernmost Fennoscandia. - Ann. Bot. Soc. "Vanamo" 34 (4): 1-127.
Kalela, O. (ed.) 1963. Beiträge zur Biologie desWaldlemmings, Myopus schisticolor (Lillj.). - Arch. Soc. "Vanamo" 18: 1-96.
Delichon u. urbica (L.). - Ann. Zool. Soc. "Vanamo" 25(4): 1-71.
uber das Farbensehen beim Blaukehlchen, Luscinia svecica(L.). - Ann. Zool. Soc. "Vanamo" 24 (8): 1-49.
Hämet-Ahti, L. 1963. Pohjois-Euroopanmetsänrajakoivikkojen asemasta kasvillisuudenvyöhykejärjestelmässä.
Bodenbildungin den Fjeldgegenden von Enontekiö, Finnisch-Lappland.
homoiothermy in the Norwegian lemming (Lemmus lemmus). - Experientia 20: 1-5.
Norwegian lemming, Lemmus lemmus (L.). - Arch. Soc. "Vanamo" 18 (4): 260-278.
Mehlschwalbe, Delichon u. urbica (L.). - Ann. Zool. Fennici 1: 7-43.
Waldlemmingsund seine Massenvorkommen in Finnland. -
leg in the wood lemming, Myopus schisticolor (Lillj.) -Ann. Zool. Fennici 2 :1-2.
fjeldlemmingen. - Naturens Verden, Maj 1965: 145-155.
in the Norwegian lemming, Lemmus lemmus (L.), atKilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 3:53-65.
lemming, Myopus schisticolor (Lillj.), in nature and incaptivity. - Ann. Univ. Turkuensis (A II) 37: 1-24.
Tast, J. 1966. The root vole, Microtus oeconomus(Pallas), as an inhabitant of seasonally flooded land. -
Knirpsspitzmäusen, Sorex minutissimus Zimmerman 1780. -Z. f. Säugetierkunde 32: 301-306.
Carduelis flammea (L.) im Jahre 1965. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 4: 547-559.
subarctic waters in Finnish Lapland. - Rep. KevoSubarctic Res. Station 4: 32-83.
thermoregulation in the Norwegian lemming and the goldenhamster. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 5: 345-383.
behaviour in the captive wood lemming, Myopusschisticolor (Lillj.). - Ann. Zool. Fennici 5: 207-219.
(Pallas), in man-made habitats in Finland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 5: 230-240.
oeconomus (Pallas), upon the habitat selection of fieldvole, Microtus agrestis (L.), in northern Finland. - Ann. Acad. Scient. Fennicae (A IV) 136: 1-23.
Valanne, K., Patomäki, J. & Kalela, O. 1968.
nesting birds in timber-line forests at Kilpisjärvi,Finnish Lapland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 5: 401-408.
Myopus schisticolor (Lillj.), in relation to sexualstatus, size and age. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 6: 335-344.
(Lemmus lemmus) in a year with extremely largepopulations. - Mimeogr. 7 p.
migratory populations of the Norwegian lemming, Lemmuslemmus (L.), at Kilpisjärvi in 1960. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 7: 141-187.
subarctic summer conditions. - In: Ecology of thesubarctic regions.
the linnet, Carduelis cannabina, in Finland. - OrnisFennica 47: 74-82.
Brummer-Korvenkontio, M., Korhonen, P. & Hämeen- Anttila,R, 1971.
Ecology and phenology of mosquitoes (Dipt.,
Culicidae) inhabiting small pools in Finland. -
och dess förekomst i Finland. - Memoranda Soc. FaunaFlora Fennica 47: 33-37.
monoamines in the diencephalon of the Norwegian lemming. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 8: 367-373.
Enontekiössä (Summary: On the breeding of the arctic fox(Alopex lagopus) in NW Enontekiö, Finnish Lapland). -Suomen Riista 23:7-16.
the grey-sided vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus (Sund.). -Ann. Zool. Fennici 8: 452-455.
Kalela, O., Kilpeläinen, L., Koponen, T. & Tast, J. 1971.
Seasonal differences in habitats of the Norwegian
lemming, Lemmus lemmus (L.), in 1959 and 1960 atKilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland. - Ann. Acad. Scient. Fennicae (A IV) 178: 1-22.
movements of the Norwegian lemming in areas characterizedby isolated fells. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 8: 80-84.
Kalela, O., Koponen, T. & Yli-Pietilä, M. 1971. Übersicht über das Vorkommen von Kleinsäugern aufverschiedenen Wald- und Moortypen in Nordfinnland. - Ann. Acad. Scient. Fennicae (A IV) 185: 1-13.
Tast, J. & Kalela, O. 1971. Comparisons between rodentcycles and plant production in Finnish Lapland. - Ann. Acad. Scient. Fennicae (A IV) 186: 1-14.
Viitala, J. 1971. Age determination in Clethrionomysrufocanus (Sundevall). - Ann. Zool. Fennici 8: 63-67.
Toivonen, H., Vuokko, S. 1972. Suomen luonnon- jakansallispuistojenkasvillisuudesta ja kasvistosta.
Federley, B. 1972. The invertebrate fauna of theKilpisjärvi area, Finnish Lapland I. Introduction: Thearea, its investigation and the plant cover. - Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 80: 5-36.
Hissa, R., Hirsimäki, P., Tarkkonen, H. & Haapala, O. 1972. Calorigenic effects of noradrenaline and Inderal inthe temperature-acclimated Norwegian lemming. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 9: 35-41.
Kaikusalo, A. 1972. Population turnover and wintering ofthe bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreb.), insouthern and central Finland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 9:219-224.
Krogerus, H. (ed.) 1972. The invertebrate fauna of theKilpisjärvi area, Finnish Lapland. - Acta Soc. FaunaFlora Fennica 80: 1-250.
Mysterud, I., Viitala, J. & Lahti, S. 1972. On winterbreeding of the wood lemming, Myopus schisticolor. -Norw. J. Zool. 20: 91-92.
Tast, J. 1972. Annual variations in the weights ofwintering root voles, Microtus oeconomus, in relation totheir food conditions. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 9: 116-119.
*Lappalainen, E. & Lahti, S. 1973. Majavan jääkaudenjälkeisestä historiasta Suomessa. - Geologi 25:34-35.
Region, North Finland. - Astarte 6, 75-86.
Eurola, S. 1974. The plant ecology of Northern Kiölen,arctic or alpine? - Aquilo Ser. Bot. 13: 10-22.
Lahti, S. & Helminen, M. 1974. The beaver, Castor fiber(L.) and Castor canadensis (Kuhl), in Finland. - ActaTheriol. 19 (13): 177-189.
Tast, J. 1974. The food and feeding habits of root vole,Microtus oeconomus, in Finnish Lapland. - Aquilo Ser. Zool. 15: 25-32.
Henttonen, H. & Kosonen, L. 1975. Metsämyyrä ja sienet(Summary: The preference of various mushrooms as food forvoles (Clethrionomys glareolus) at Sotkamo, E. Finland). - Luonnon Tutkija 79: 86-87.
Lahti, S. & Oksala, T. 1975. A light colour mutant in thewood lemming, Myopus schisticolor (Lillj.). - Ann. Zool. Fennici 12: 244-246.
Viitala, J. 1975. Zur soziologie subarktischerPopulationen der Erdmaus, Microtus agrestis (L.). Säugetierkdl. Mitt. 23: 1-9.
*Hyvärinen H. 1975. Absolute and relative pollen diagramsfrom northernmost Fennoscandia. - Fennia 142: 1-23.
Forsten, A. & Lahti, S. 1976. Postglacial occurence ofthe beaver (Castor fiber) (L.) in Finland. - Boreas 5:155-161.
Järvinen, A. & Pryl, M. 1976. Havaintoja sepelrastaanTurdus torquatus pesimisestä Kilpisjärvellä (Summary:Nesting of the ring ouzel in Finnish Lapland). -Lintumies 11: 121.
Lahti, S. 1976. Vertebrates of North-Western Lapland. Luoteis-Lapin selkärankaiset. - Kilpisjärvi Notes 1:1-16.
Lahti, S., Tast, J. & Uotila, H. 1976. Pikkujyrsijöidenkannanvaihteluista Kilpisjärvellä vuosina 1950-1975(Summary: Fluctuations in small rodent populations in theKilpisjärvi area in 1950-1975). - Luonnon Tutkija 80:97-107.
Tast, J. & Kaikusalo, A. 1976. Winter breeding of theroot vole, Microtus oeconomus, in 1972/1973 atKilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 13:174-178.
*Uotila, H. & Seppälä, M. 1976. Havainto kiirunanpesimisestä Suomen Lapissa. - Lintumies 11: 62-63.
Visakorpi, T., Valtonen, M. & Lahti, S. 1976.
l. tularemia Suomessa (Summary: Tularemia in
Hyvärinen H. 1976.10 10: Flandrian pollen depositionrates and tree-line history in northern Fennoscandia. Boreas, Vol. 5, pp. 163-175. Oslo.
Jussila, R. 1976. The invertebrate fauna of theKilpisjärvi area, Finnish
*Järvinen, A. 1977. Kirjosiepon aggressiivisuus (Summary:Aggressive behaviour in the pied flycatcher, Ficedulahypoleuca). - Luonnon Tutkija 81: 153.
subarctic populations of the voles Clethrionomysrufocanus (Sund.) and Microtus agrestis (L.). - Ann. Zool. Fennici 14: 53-93.
Henttonen, H., Kaikusalo, A., Tast, J. & Viitala, J. 1977. Interspecific competition between small rodents insubarctic and boreal ecosystems. - Oikos 29: 581-590.
Järvinen, A. 1978. Breeding biology of the Siberian TitParus cinctus in northern Lapland. - Ornis Fennica 55:24-28
Järvinen, A. 1978. Leppälinnun Phoenicurus phoenicuruspopulaatiodynamiikasta pohjoisellla äärialueella(Summary: Population dynamics of the redstart in asubarctic area). - Ornis Fennica 55: 69-76.
Järvinen, A. 1978. Holkstudier i fjällbjörkskog vidKilpisjärvi, nordvästra Finland (Summary: Nest-boxstudies in mountain birch forest at Kilpisjärvi, FinnishLapland). - Anser Suppl. 3: 107-111.
Henttonen, H. 1978. Pohjois-Suomen pikkujyrsijöidenlajien välisistä suhteista (Summary: Interspecificrelations among small rodents in northern Finland). -Kilpisjärvi Notes 2: 1-6.
Järvinen, A. 1978. Kololinnut subarktisessa kesässä(Summary: Hole-nesting passerines under subarctic summerconditions at Kilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland). -Kilpisjärvi Notes 2: 7-11.
Laine, K. 1978. Piirteitä kukinnan sekä marja- jasiemensatojen vaihteluista Kilpisjärvellä (Summary:Aspects of annual variations in the numbers of flowers,
berries and seeds in the Kilpisjärvi area). - KilpisjärviNotes 2: 12-16.
*Pylväs, S. & Järvinen, A. 1978. Neitokurki Anthropoidesvirgo Kilpisjärvellä (Summary: The demoiselle crane atKilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland). - Lintumies 13: 144.
100. *Tast, J. 1978. Etologiska aspekter vid lämmingvandringes
utbrott. - Nordmus rapport 9: 13-16.
101. *Tähkä, K. M. 1978. A histochemical study on the effects
of photoperoid on gonadal and adrenal function in themale bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). - J. Reprod. Fert. 54: 57-66.
102. *Viitala, J. 1978. On the sociology of Clethrionomys and
Microtus species at Kilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland. -Nordmus rapport 9: 17-23.
103. Hyvärinen H. 1978. Pohjois-Lapin kasvillisuuden kehitys
jääkauden jälkeen. (Postglacial history of vegetation innorthern Finnish Lapland). - Acta lapponica fenniae No10. pp: 7-17.
104. Hämet-Ahti, L. 1978. Koivumetsävyöhyke- Fennoskandian
eri-koisuus. - Acta Lapponica Fenniae 10: 31-35.
105. Ahti, T. 1978. Jäkäläinen Lappi. - Acta Lapponica Fenniae
106. Eronen, M. 1979. The retreat of pine forest in Finnish
Lapland since the Holocene climatic optimum: a generaldiscussion with radiocarbon evidence from subfossilpines. - Fennia 157: 93-114.
107. Järvinen, A. 1979. Notes on nests, eggs and nestlings of
the Siberian tit, Parus cinctus. - Ornis Fennica 56:32-33.
108. Järvinen, A. 1979. Lintuhavaintoja Kilpisjärveltä 1968-
79 (Summary: Ornithological observations from Kilpisjärviin 1968-79). - Lintumies 14: 179-181.
109. Seppälä, M. 1979. Elektro-optisen etäisyysmittarin
käytöstä geomorfologisessa tutkimuksessa (Summary: On theuse of the electro-optical distance meter ingeomorphological research). - Terra 91: 21-25.
110. *Tähkä, K. M. 1979. Age and sex differences in the
distribution of lipids, tetrazolium reductases andhydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in the gonads and adrenalsof the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus): Ahistochemical study. - Biol. Reprod. 21: 125-133.
111. Järvinen, A. 1980. Population dynamics in the Pied
Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca at subarctic Kilpisjärvi,Finnish Lapland. - Ornis Fennica 57: 17-25.
112. Wallgren, H. 1980. Kilpisjärven biologinen asema 15-
vuotias (Abstract: Kilpisjärvi Biological Station). -Luonnon Tutkija 84: 1.
113. Hiltunen, R. 1980. Tuulenpieksemän ja lumenviipymän
lämpötila- ja lumioloista Pikku-Mallalla (Abstract:Temperature and snow conditions on snow beds and wind-exposed places on Pikku-Malla, NW Finnish Lapland). -Luonnon Tutkija 84: 11-14.
114. Kyllönen, H. & Laine, K. 1980. Tunturikasvillisuuden
vuotuisista vaihteluista Kilpisjärvellä (Abstract: Annualvariation in the plant biomass, net production,flowering, and berry and seed crops in the Kilpisjärvifjeld area, Finnish Lapland). - Luonnon Tutkija 84:19-23.
115. Henttonen, H. 1980. Tunturisopuli (Abstract: Norwegian
lemming, Lemmus lemmus). - Luonnon Tutkija 84: 23-25.
116. Järvinen, A. & Tast, J. 1980. Pikkujyrsijä- ja
kololintukantojen säätelystä subarktisella alueella(Abstract: Regulation of subarctic populations of smallrodents and box-nesting passerines). - Luonnon Tutkija84: 26-30.
117. Viitala, J. 1980. Myyrien sosiologiasta Kilpisjärvellä
(Abstract: Sociology of Microtus and Clethrionomysspecies in Kilpisjärvi). - Luonnon Tutkija 84: 31-34.
118. Henttonen, H. & Järvinen, A. 1980. Katsaus Luoteis-Lapin
lintu- ja nisäkäsfaunaan (Abstract: Birds and mammals inNorthwestern Lapland). - Luonnon Tutkija 84: 35-38.
119. Uotila, H., Helminen, M. & Nyholm, E. S. 1980. Kiirunan
ja riekon ekologiasta Enontekiön käsivarressa (Abstract:Winter feeding habits of two sympatric Lagopus species inWestern Finnish Lapland). - Luonnon Tutkija 84: 39-42.
120. Eurola, S., Kyllönen, H. & Laine, K. 1980. Lumen
ekologisesta merkityksestä kasvillisuudelle Kilpisjärvenalueella (Abstract: Snow conditions and some vegetationtypes in the Kilpisjärvi region). - Luonnon Tutkija 84:43-48.
121. Tolonen, A. 1980. Kilpisjärven kasviplanktonin
perustuotannosta (Abstract: Phytoplankton production inLake Kilpisjärvi). - Luonnon Tutkija 84: 49-51.
122. Eurola, S. 1980. Kilpisjärven seudun lumilevistä
(Abstract: Snow algae in the Kilpisjärvi region). -Luonnon Tutkija 84: 52-53.
123. *Henttonen, H. 1980. Tunturipöllöjä Länsi-Lapissa
jyrsijähuippujen aikana (Summary: Two summertimeobservations of the snowy owl from the coniferous zone ofW-Lapland). - Lintumies 15: 87.
perhosfaunasta (Abstract: Characteristics of thelepidopterous fauna of the Kilpisjärvi area inNorthwestern Finland). - Luonnon Tutkija 84: 54-55.
development in the Kaamasjoki river basin, FinnishLapland. - Boreas 9: 311-319.
Atlin region, British Columbia, Canada. - Arctic 33:357-365.
talvilisääntymisestä Kilpisjärvellä (Abstract: The effectof snow depth and extra food on winter breeding in smallrodents.) - Luonnon Tutkija 84: 56-58.
Wintertime heat conservation in voles). - Luonnon Tutkija84: 59-61.
130. Uotila, H., Nyholm, E. S. & Helminen, M. 1980.
ja riekon talviravinnosta Kilpisjärvellä (Summary: Winterfeeding habits of the ptarmigan Lagopus mutus and willowgrouse L. lagopus in Kilpisjärvi-area, NW-Finland). -Suomen Riista 28: 59-66.
131. Valtonen, M., Visakorpi, R. & Lahti, S. 1980.
eli tularemian esiintymisestä Suomessa vuosina 1966-1975(Summary: Tularemia in Finland 1966-75). - Suomen Riista27: 11-17.
132. Metsänheimo, K. & Ohenoja, E. 1980.
sienistä (Abstract: The production of mushrooms inmountain birch forests in the Kilpisjärvi region). -Luonnon Tutkija 84: 61-62.
of Photoperiod on Gonadal and Adrenal Function in theFemale Bank Vole (Clethrionomys glareolus,Schreb.). -Gen. Comp. Endocr. 41: 41-52.
134. Henttonen, H., Järvinen, A. & Laine, K. 1980.
luonnonpuiston kasveista, linnuista ja nisäkkäistä(Summary: Plants, birds and mammals in the Malla naturereserve). - Kilpisjärvi Notes 3: 1-16.
135. Järvinen, A. & Pryl, M. 1980.
bluethroat Luscinia svecica at Kilpisjärvi, FinnishLapland. - Kilpisjärvi Notes 4: 1-7.
of the voles Microtus agrestis and M. oeconomus. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 17: 1-4.
willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus). - Ann. Zool. Fennici 17:5-9.
138. Järvinen, A. & Linden, H. 1980.
the clutch size in the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleucain Finnish Lapland. - Ornis Fennica 57: 112-116.
Microtus agrestis at Kilpisjärvi, Finnish
Lapland. - Kilpisjärvi Notes 4: 8-11.
140. Kaikusalo, A. 1980. Kilpisjärven seudun päästäiset
(Summary: The shrews of the Kilpisjärvi area, FinnishLapland). - Kilpisjärvi Notes 4: 12-16.
L. mutus lumisuojista (Summary: On snow burrows of willowgrouse and ptarmigan). - Lintumies 15: 64-68.
142. Järvinen, A., Järvinen, L., Pietiäinen, H.,
1980. Sinirinta Kilpisjärven ankarassa pesimäympäristössä(Summary: The bluethroat Luscinia svecica in harshsubarctic summer conditions in Finnish Lapland). -Lintumies 15: 129-134.
143. Eronen M. & Hyvärinen H. 1980: Kilpisjärvi - jääkaudesta
nykyaikaan. (Kilpisjärvi -from the Ice age to thepresent). - Luonnon Tutkija 84: 7-10.
144. Henttonen, H. & Järvinen, A. 1981.
Kilpisjärvi: characteristics of a small peak. - MemorandaSoc. Fauna Flora Fennica 57: 25-30.
145. Järvinen, A. & Pietiäinen, H. 1981.
flammea varhainen pesintä Kilpisjärvellä 1980 (Summary:Early breeding of Acanthis flammea in 1980 atKilpisjärvi, NW Finnish Lapland). - Lintumies 16: 83-85.
Phoenicurus phoenicurus in northern Fennoscandia. -Ornis Fennica 58: 129-131.
147. Järvinen, A. & Hilden, O. 1981.
cinctus vaellus syksyllä 1980 (Summary: Autumn irruptionof the Siberian tit Parus cinctus in 1980 in Finland). -Lintumies 16: 168-172.
of the redpoll (Acanthis flammea L.) and the Siberian tit(Parus cinctus Budd.) in winter. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 18:165-168.
149. *Ohenoja, E. & Pohjola, L. 1981.
mittaaminen ruokosokerin inversioon perustuvallamenetelmällä (Summary: Sucrose inversion method formeasuring the temperature condition in forest soil). -Silva Fennica 15: 115-121.
geomorphic processes in Kuttanen esker-dune region,northernmost Finland. - Fennia 159: 221-228.
Clethrionomys rufocanus (Sund.). - Biol. Res. Rep. Univ. Jyväskylä 7: 3-17.
153. Eurola, S., Kyllönen, H. & Laine, K. 1982. Kilpisjärven
Jehkats-tunturin luonnosta. I. Kasvipeite,korkeusvyöhykkeet ja maanpäällinen biomassa (Summary: Thenature of the fjeld Jehkats (Kilpisjärvi, NW Lapland,69o01'N, 20o50'E. I. The belts, vegetation types andabove-ground biomass). - Kilpisjärvi Notes 6: 7-13.
Lemmus lemmus in 1970, a year with extremely largepopulations. - Kilpisjärvi Notes 6: 1-6.
155. Henttonen, H. & Viitala, J. 1982.
rufocanus (Sundevall, 1846) - Graurötelmaus. - Handbuchder Säugetiere Europas, Band 2/I: 148-176.
156. Järvinen, A. & Pietiäinen, H. 1982.
bird community of the Malla nature reserve, NW FinnishLapland. - Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 58: 21-26.
weather on the breeding of the pied flycatcher Ficedulahypoleuca in Finnish Lapland. - Ibis 124: 196-198.
cinctus in NW Finnish Lapland. - Ornis Scand. 13: 47-55.
pohjoisuusennätyksistä (Summary: Records of Regulusregulus from northern Lapland). - Lintumies 17: 39-40.
160. Hilden, O., Järvinen, A., Lehtonen, L. & Soikkeli, M.
1982. Breeding success of Finnish birds in the bad summerof 1981. - Ornis Fennica 59: 20-31.
161. Järvinen, A. & Järvinen, L. 1982.
performance of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca indifferent habitats and nest-boxes in Finnish Lapland. -Ornis Fennica 59: 151-153.
162. Järvinen, A. & Pietiäinen, H. (eds.) 1982.
activities at Kilpisjärvi Biological Station. -Kilpisjärvi Notes 7: 1-20.
163. Niethammer, J. & Henttonen, H. 1982. Myopus schisticolor
(Lilljeborg, 1844) - Waldlemming. - Handbuch derSäugetiere Europas, Band 2/I: 70-85.
Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas, Band 2/I:
Nordische Wuhlmaus, Sumpfmaus. - Handbuch der SäugetiereEuropas, Band 2/I: 87-105.
166. Tast, J. 1982. The pine grospeak, Pinicola enucleator, a
species that has disappeared from the Kilpisjärvi region. - Kilpisjärvi Notes 6: 14-15.
piekanan, Buteo lagopus, pesinnästä samalla jyrkänteellä(Summary: Gyrfalcon and rough-legged buzzard nesting inthe same cliff). - Kilpisjärvi Notes 6:15-17.
samalla ikkunalaudalla pesivää harmaasieppoa, Muscicapastriata (Summary: Wagtail chasing spotted flycatcher). -Lintumies 17: 98.
169. Henttonen, H. & Peiponen, V. A. 1982.
rutilus (Pallas, 1779) - Polarrötelmaus. - Handbuch derSäugetiere Europas, Band 2/I: 165-176.
Piileväsuhteet eräissä Suomen rannikon
ja Kilpisjärven pohjan rannalta ulapalle suuntautuvissalinjaprofiileissa.
along some profiles drawn offshoreward on the Finnishcoast and Lake Kilpisjärvi.) - Publ. Dept. QuaternaryGeol. Univ. Turku 46: 1-33.
nisäkäspedot. (Summary: Predatory mammals and volepopulations in the fell regions of north-west Finland.) -Suomen Riista 29: 89-92.
Finska Lappland. (Summary: Seasonal thawing of palsas inFinnish Lapland.) - Geografisk Tidsskrift 82: 39-44.
173. *Ohenoja, E. & Metsänheimo, K. 1982.
fruiting body production of macrofungi in subarcticFinnish Lapland. - Arctic and Alpine Mycology.
International Symposium on Arcto-Alpine Mycology:390-409.
174. Järvinen, A. 1982. "Pistelaskenta" talvella: muuan koe.
(Summary: "Point census" in winter: an experiment). -Lintumies 17: 142.
reproduction of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca,and the redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus in FinnishLapland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 19: 171-174.
Reproductive and adrenal functioning in Clethrionomysrufocanus and C. rutilus during one population cycle. Third International Theriology Congress, Helsinki. Abstract, 253.
177. Wallgren, H., Tähkä, K. & Rosokivi, V. 1982. Reproductive
state and size of adrenals in two sympatric species ofClethrionomys during one population cycle. - KilpisjärviNotes 7, 5.
178. *Tähkä, K., Teräväinen, T. & Wallgren, H. 1982. Effects
of photoperiod on the testicular steroidogenesis of thebank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus, Schreber).
vitro study. - Gen. Comp. Endocr. 47, 377-384.
179. *Pankakoski, E. & Tähkä, K. 1982. Relation of adrenal
weight to sex, maturity and season in five species ofsmall mammals. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 19: 225-232.
180. Eronen M. & Hyvärinen H. 1982 0615: Subfossil pine dates
and pollen diagrams from northern Fennoscandia.
Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar, Vol.
103 (for 1981),Pt. 4, pp. 437-445. Stockholm. ISSN0016-786X.
minutissimus,Pallaksella. (The least shrew, Sorexminutissimus, in western Finnish Lapland, in Finnish withEnglish summary). - Luonnon Tutkija 86:131.
182. Laine, K. & Henttonen, H. 1983.
production in microtine cycles in northern Fennoscandia. - Oikos 40: 407-418.
passerines in northern Lapland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 20:129-149.
184. Järvinen, A. & Pietiäinen, H. 1983.
Luscinia s. svecica population at Kilpisjärvi, FinnishLapland: density, habitat selection, age structure andnesting success in 1981. - Proc. Third Nordic Congr. Ornithol. 1981: 189-194.
185. Tenora, F., Henttonen, H. & Haukisalmi, V. 1983.
helminths of rodents in Finland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 20:37-45.
186. Järvinen, A, & Väisänen, R. A. 1983.
related reproductive traits in a southern passerineFicedula hypoleuca breeding in an extreme northernenvironment. - Ornis Scand. 14: 253-262.
187. Eurola, S. & Hiltunen, R. 1983.
tuulenpieksämäkankaan kasveihin Kilpisjärvellä. (Summary:The effect of winter conditions on the plants on awind-exposed fjeld heath (Kilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland,69o01'N, 20o50'E)). - Oulanka Reports 4: 45-47.
188. Haukisalmi, V. & Henttonen, H. 1983.
talviekologiasta Pohjois-Suomessa. (Summary: The winterecology of helminths in rodents in Northern Finland). -Oulanka Reports 4:72-74.
189. Henttonen, H., Kaikusalo, A., Laine, K. & Tast, J. 1983.
Ravinto ja syklisten pikkujyrsijöiden talvehtiminen.
(Summary: Food resources and the wintering of cyclicmicrotine rodents.) - Oulanka Reports 4: 75-78.
190. Henttonen, H. & Viitala, J. 1983.
pikkujyrsijöiden talvisesta sosiaalisestakäyttäytymisestä. (Summary: Aspects of the socialbehaviour of cyclic microtines in winter). - OulankaReports 4: 79-81.
191. Järvinen, A. & Ylimaunu, J. 1983.
maritima. - Suomen lintuatlas (toim. K. Hyytiä, K.
Suomen lintuatlas (toim. K. Hyytiä, E. Kellomäki & J. Koistinen.
SLY:n Lintutieto OY, Helsinki): 242-243.
lintuatlas (toim. K. Hyytiä, E. Kellomäki & J. Koistinen.
SLY:n Lintutieto Oy, Helsinki): 392-393.
Suomen lintuatlas (toim. K. Hyytiä, E. Kellomäki & J. Koistinen.
SLY:n Lintutieto Oy, Helsinki): 332-333.
195. Järvinen, A. & Ylimaunu, J. 1983.
Plectrophenax nivalis. - Suomen lintuatlas (toim. K. Hyytiä, E. Kellomäki & J. Koistinen.
196. Järvinen, A. & Ylimaunu, J. 1983.
hypoleuca. - Suomen lintuatlas (toim. K. Hyytiä, E. Kellomäki & J. Koistinen.
197. Järvinen, A. & Ylimaunu, J. 1983.
Eremophila alpestris. - Suomen lintuatlas (toim. K. Hyytiä, E. Kellomäki & J. Koistinen.
lintuatlas (toim. K. Hyytiä, E. Kellomäki & J. Koistinen.
SLY:n Lintutieto Oy, Helsinki): 96-97.
the fruiting body production of forest fungi. - MemorandaSoc. Fauna Flora Fennica 59: 113-115.
Suomen lintuatlas (toim. K. Hyytiä, E. Kellomäki & J. Koistinen.
SLY:n Lintutieto Oy, Helsinki): 320-321.
Mansikkaniemi method: a critical evaluation. - Fennia161: 303-310.
northern Finland. - Helsingin yliopiston maantieteenlaitoksen julkaisuja A 125: 231-243.
Utsjoella. (Summary: Winter temperatures of palsa bog inFinnish Lapland). - Oulanka Reports 4: 20-24.
Lapland. - Permafrost: Fourth International Conference,Proceedings 1127-1132.
photoperiods in the gonads and adrenals of the bank vole(Clethrionomys glareolus, Schreber). - Summary of Ph. D. Thesis Dept. Zool., Univ. Helsinki, 35. pp.
206. Tähkä, M., Ruokonen, A., Wallgren, H. & Teräväinen, T.
Temporal changes in testicular histology and
steroidogenesis in juvenile bank voles (Clethrionomysglareolus, Schreber) subjected to different photoperiods. - Endocrinology 112: 1420-1426.
207. Tähkä, K. M., Teräväinen, T. & Wallgren, H. 1983.
Testicular steroid metabolism in juvenile bank voles(Clethrionomys glareolus, Schreber) exposed to differentphotoperiods: An in vitro study. - Gen. and Comp. Endocrinol. 51: 394-400.
lintuatlas (toim. K. Hyytiä, E. Kellomäki & J. Koistinen. SLY:n Lintutieto Oy, Helsinki): 118-119.
210. *Eurola, S. & Laine, K. 1984.
research in the Kilpisjärvi area. - Memoranda Soc. FaunaFlora Fennica 60: 117-124.
212. *Eurola, S., Hicks, S. & Kaakinen, E. 1984.
Finnish mire types. - Moore, P. D. (Ed.), European Mires.
Academic Press, London 1984, pp. 11-117.
213. Eurola, S., Kyllönen, H. & Laine, K. 1984.
production and its relation to climatic conditions andsmall mammal density in Kilpisjärvi region (69o05'N,20o40'E), Finnish Lapland. - Special Publ. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. 10: 121-130.
214. *Henttonen, H. & Hansson, L. 1984.
relations among small rodents in European boreal andsubarctic environments. - Acta Zool. Fennica 172: 61-65.
215. *Henttonen, H. Tast, J., Viitala, J. & Kaikusalo, A.
1984. Ecology of cyclic rodents in northern Finland. -Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 60: 84-92.
passerines in extreme northern conditions. - Ph. D.
Thesis, Dept. Zool., Univ. Helsinki, 102 pp. (Summarypublished in Kilpisjärvi Notes 8, 1984: 1-11).
Ranunculus glacialis population in a mountain area inFinnish Lapland. - Ann. Bot. Fennici 21: 179-187.
218. Järvinen, A. & Väisänen, R. A. 1984.
pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in good and badbreeding seasons in a northern marginal area. - Auk 101:439-450.
219. Järvinen, A. & Ylimaunu, J. 1984.
size on the growth of nesting pied flycatchers Ficedulahypoleuca. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 21: 213-216.
bird populations: a personal view. - Memoranda Soc. FaunaFlora Fennica 60: 107-116.
cuckoo Cuculus canorus and its host, the redstartPhoenicurus phoenicurus. - Ornis Fennica 61: 84-88.
flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in mountain birch woods inFinnish Lapland. - Ornis Fennica 61: 113-115.
Finnish landscape - a general review. - Fennia 162: 43-51.
Finnish Lapland 1974-1977. - In: Northern ecology andresource management, pp. 39-49.
oeconomus, in relation to population density and foodconditions at Kilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland. - SpecialPubl. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. 10: 59-66.
227. Wallgren, H., Tähkä, K. & Rosokivi, V. 1984. Reproductive
and adrenal functioning in Clethrionomys rufocanus and C. rutilus during one population cycle. - Acta Zool. Fennica171: 145-147.
228. *Tähkä, K., Wallgren, H. & Vuorinen, M. 1984.
aspects of population regulation in the genusClethrionomys. - Memoranda soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 60:93-106.
229. *Kaikusalo, A. & Hanski, I. 1984.
Sorex aranaeus and S. caecutiens in Finnish Lapland. -Acta Zool. Fennica 173: 283-285.
230. *Viitala, J. 1984. Stability of overwintering populations
of Clethrionomys and Microtus at Kilpisjärvi, FinnishLapland. - Spec. Publ. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. 10:109-112.
231. *Ohenoja, E. 1984. Fruit body production of larger fungi
232. *Ohenoja, E. & Koistinen, R. 1984. Fruit body production
of larger fungi in Finland. 2. Edible fungi in northernFinland 1976-1978. - Ann. Bot. Fennici 21: 357-366.
233. Kaikusalo, A. and Tast, J. 1984. Winter breeding of
microtine rodents at Kilpisjärvi, Finnish Lappland. Special Publication Carnegie museum of natural historyNo. 10. 243-252.
234. *Viitala, J.1984: Red vole, Clethrionomys rutilus, as a
subordinate member of the rodent community atKilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland. - Acta Zool. Fennica 172:67-70.
235. *Henttonen, H., Kaikusalo, A., Laine, K., Tast, J. 1984.
Ravinto ja syklisten pikkujyrsijöiden talvehtiminen. (Food resources and the wintering of cyclic microtinerodents.
In Finnish with English summary). - Oulanka
236. *Henttonen, H., Viitala, J. 1984.
pikkujyrsijöiden talvisesta sosiaalisestakäyttäytymisestä. (Aspects of the social behavior ofcyclic microtines in winter. In Finnish with Englishsummary) - Oulanka Reports 4:79-81.
237. *Haukisalmi, V., Henttonen, H. 1984.
suolistoloisten talviekologiasta Pohjois-Suomessa. (Thewinter ecology of helminths in rodents in northernFinland. In Finnish with English summary.) - OulankaReports 4:72-74.
238. *Tenora, F., Henttonen, H. & Haukisalmi, V. 1985. New
findings of some helminths in rodents from Finland. -Folia Parasitol. 32: 33.
239. *Henttonen, H. 1985. Predation causing extended low
densities in microtine cycles: further evidence fromshrew dynamics. - Oikos 45: 156-157.
240. Henttonen, H. & Kaikusalo, A. 1985. An additional note on
albinism in Sorex araneus. - Z. Säugetierkunde 50: 382.
241. Henttonen, H., McGuire, A.D. & Hansson, L. 1985.
Comparisons of amplitudes and frequencies (spectralanalyses) of density variations in long-term data sets ofClethrionomys species. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 22: 221-228.
242. Hansson, L. & Henttonen, H. 1985. Gradients in density
variations of small rodents: importance of latitude andsnow cover. - Oecologia (Berlin) 67: 394-402.
243. *Hansson, L. & Henttonen, H. 1985. Regional differences
in cyclicity and reproduction in Clethrionomys spp.: Arethey related? - Ann. Zool. Fennici 22: 277-288.
244. *Teräväinen, T. & Tähkä, K. M. 1985. Photoperiod-induced
changes in the testicular metabolism of 4-C14-17,hydroxyprogesterone in the bank vole (Clethrionomysglareolus). - J. Reprod. Fert. 74: 625-630.
245. Tenora, F., Haukisalmi, V. & Henttonen, H. 1985. Andrya
kalelai sp.n. and (?) Anoplocephaloides sp., Cestoda,Anoplocephalidae, parasites of Clethrionomys-rodents inFinland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 22: 411-416.
246. *Tähkä, K. M. & Rajaniemi, H. 1985. Photoperiod
modulation of testicular LH receptors in the bank vole(Clethrionomys glareolus). J. Reprod. Fert. 75: 513-519.
247. *Ylimaunu, J., Henttonen, H. & Lagerström, M. 1985.
Myyrien kannanvaihtelut ja pöllöjen esiintyminen. (Summary: Strategies of European owls in relation to preydynamics). - Lintumies 20: 139-149.
248. *Nilsson, A. N. 1985. Notes on the Agabus congener group
(Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) in Kilpisjärvi and Lapland. -Notulae Entomologicae 65: 137-141.
249. *Kosonen, L. 1985. Jyväsmaatähti, Geastrum minimum,
Kilpisjärvellä. - Sienilehti 37: 7-8.
250. Clark, M. J., Gurnell, A. M., Milton, E. J., Seppälä, M.
& Kyöstilä, M. 1985. Remotely-sensed vegetationclassification as a snow depth indicator for hydro-logical analysis in sub-arctic Finland. - Fennia 163:195-216.
251. Järvinen, A. 1985. Predation causing extended low
densities in microtine cycles: implications frompredation on hole-nesting passerines. - Oikos 45:157-158.
252. Järvinen, A., Ylimaunu, J. & Hannila, J. 1985.
nesting pair Parus montanus and P. cinctus in FinnishLapland. - Ornis Fennica 62: 25-26.
253. *Ylönen, H. & Viitala, J. 1985. Social organisation, of
an enclosed winter population of the bank voleClethrionomys glareolus. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 22:353-358.
254. *Seppälä, M. & Koutaniemi, L. 1985. Formation of a
string and pool topography as expressed by morphology,stratigraphy and current processes on a mire in Kuusamo,Finland. - Boreas 14:287-309.
255. *Tähkä, K., Kahri, A., Voutilainen, R. & Wallgren, H.
1985. Sex-specific differences in the function of bankvole (Clethrionomys glareolus, S.) adrenals in tissueculture. The XV Acta Endocrinologica Congress. - ActaEndoc. 109, Suppl. 270, 37.
256. *Tähkä, K., Teräväinen, T., Rajaniemi, H., Ruokonen, A.
Wallgren, H. 1985. Photoperiodic control testicularfunction in a seasonally breeding small mammal, the bankvole (Clethrionomys glareolus, Schreber). -Endokrinologiyhdistyksen kevätkokous. Abstract.
257. *Tähkä, K. 1985. Androgeenisynteesin ja spermatogenee-
sin säätelystä luonnonvaraisilla nisäkkäillä. -Solubiologi 1, 3-4.
258. Kaikusalo, A. & Hanski, I. 1985. Population dynamics of
Sorex araneus and S. caecutiens in Finnish Lapland. -Acta Zool. Fennica 173:283-285.
259. *Viitala, J. & Hoffmeyer, I. 1986. Social organisation in
Clethrionomys compared with Microtus and Apodemus: Socialodours, chemistry and biological effects. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 22. 359-371.
260. Järvinen, A. 1986. Clutch size of passerines in harsh
261. Järvinen, A. & Ylimaunu, J. 1986. Intraclutch egg-size
variation in birds: physiological responses ofindividuals to fluctuations in environmental conditions. - Auk 103: 235-237.
262. Järvinen, A. & Ylimaunu, J. 1986. Growth of nestling Pied
Flycathers Ficedula hypoleuca in northern Lapland. -Ornis Fennica 63: 17-25.
263. Järvinen, A. 1986. Biomass of two Ranunculus species
measured by indirect methods. - Ann. Bot. Fennici 23:143-146.
264. Haukisalmi, V. 1986. Frequency distributions of helminths
in microtine rodents in Finnish Lapland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 23: 141-150.
265. *Viitala, J. 1986. Geno- vai fenotyyppistä sopeutumaa:
pikkujyrsijöiden sosiaalinen organisaatio (Abstract:Genetic evolution or phenotypic modidication: The originof social organization in small rodents). - LuonnonTutkija 90: 130-135.
266. Järvinen, A. 1986. Foraging patterns in the male and
female Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus during thenestling period. - Ornis Fennica 63: 128-132.
267. Koutaniemi, L. & Seppälä, M. 1986. Aapasuon routaa
säätelevät tekijät - esimerkkitapaus Kuusamosta. - Terra98:60-67.
268. Lautridou, J-P. & Sepppälä, M. 1986. Experimental frost
shattering of some Precambrian rocks, Finland. - Geogr. Ann. 68 A:89-100.
269. Seppälä, M. 1986. The origin of palsas. - Geogr. Ann. 68
270. Lehtovaara, J. J. 1986. Traces of alum shale in the
Finnish Caledonides of the Enontekiö Lapland - Fennia164:95-103.
271. Lehtovaara, J.J. 1986. Tectonostratigraphical outline of
Atlantic Paleozoic Orogens: 291-294.
272. *Tähkä, K., Rajaniemi, H. & Teräväinen, T. 1986. Photo-
periodic modulation of Leydig cell function in the bankvole (Clethrionomys glareolus, S.) International StudyGroup for Steroid Hormones. XII meeting. - J. Steroid. Biochem. 23, Suppl. 52. S.
273. *Tähkä, K., Kahri, A., Voutilainen, R. & Wallgren, H.
1986. Sex-differences in the effects of pregnenolone,progesterone and ACTH on corticosterone secretion of bankvole (Clethrionomys glareolus, S.) adrenals in tissueculture. - Can. J. Zool. 64: 1679-1683.
274. *Tähkä, K., Rajaniemi, H. & Teräväinen, T. 1986.
Photoperiodic regulation of Leydig cell function in thebank vole. - Acta Physiol. Scand. 126, P12.
275. *Tähkä, K. 1986. Current aspects of Leydig cell function
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277. *Tenora, F., Haukisalmi, V. & Henttonen, H. 1986.
Cestodes of the genus Andrya Raillet, 1893(Anoplocephalidae), parasites of rodents in Finland. -Acta Univ. Agric. (Brno), Fac. Agron., XXXIV, No 2:219-227.
- Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Helsinki, pp. 9 + 107.
281. Ylimaunu, J. & Järvinen, A. 1987. Do pied flycatchers
Ficedula hypoleuca have a brood-survival or brood-reduction strategy? - Ornis Fennica 64:10-15.
282. Hannila, J. & Järvinen, A. 1987. Feeding activity of
hole-nesting passerines during the nestling period innorthern Lapland. - Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Litt. Gothoburgensis Zoologica 14:102-108.
283. *Hilden, M. & Järvinen, A. 1987. Lintuhavaintoja
Kilpisjärveltä vuosilta 1980-1987 (Ornithologicalobservations from Kilpisjärvi in 1980-1987). - Lintumies22:151-154.
284. Järvinen, A. 1987. Microtine cycles and plant production:
what is cause and effect? - Oikos 49:352-357.
285. Viitala, J. 1987. Social organization of Clethrionomys
rutilus (Pall.) at Kilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 24:267-273.
286. Järvinen, A. 1987. Key-factor analyses of two Finnish
hole-nesting passerines: comparisons between species andregions. - Ann. Zool. Fennici 24:275-280.
287. Järvinen, A. 1987. A successful mixed breeding between
Parus cinctus and Parus montanus in Finnish Lapland. -Ornis Fennica 64:158-159.
288. Järvinen, A. 1987. Statistical methods used in Ornis
Fennica. - Ornis Fennica 64:159-160.
289. Haukisalmi, V., Henttonen, H. & Tenora, F. 1987.
Parasitism by helminths in the grey-sided vole(Clethrionomys rufocanus) in northern Finland: influenceof density, habitat and sex of the host. - J. Wildl. Dis. 23:233-241.
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291. Ylönen, H. & Viitala, J. 1987. Social organization and
habitat use of introduced populations of the voleClethrionomys rufocanus (Sund) in Central Finland. - Z. Säugertierkunde 52:354-363.
292. Seppälä, M. 1987. Periglacial phenomena of northern
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293. Virtanen, R. 1987. Kolme tuntureiden Splachnaceae-
294. *Metsänheimo, K. 1987. Sociology and ecology of larger
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295. *Hanski, I. 1987. Populations of small mammals cycle -
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296. *Seppälä, M. 1987. Nordenskiöldhuset (Svenskehuset) och
dess omgivningar på Spetsbergen. - Nordenskiöld-samfundets tidskrift 47:3-34.
297. King, L. & Seppälä, M. 1987. Permafrost thickness and
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298. *Hyvärinen H. 1987. History of forests in northern Europe
since the last galaciation. Dendrochronology around thebaltic. A collection of papers read at the meeting heldin Joensuu, Finland, 27-30, August, 1986. ToimittanutMatti Eronen. Annales academiae scientiarum fennicae. pp:7-18.
299. *Laine,K. & Henttonen, H. 1987. Phenolics/nitrogen ratios
in the bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus L. in relation totemperature and microtine density in Finnish Lapland. -Oikos 50: 389-395.
300. Hämet-Ahti, L. 1987. Mountain birch and mountain birch
woodland in NW Europe. - Phytocoenologia 15 (4): 449-453.
301. *Henttonen, H. 1987. The impact of spacing behaviour in
microtine rodents on the dynamics of least weaselsMustela nivalis: a hypothesis. - Oikos 50:366-370.
302. *Henttonen, H., Oksanen, L., Jortikka, A. & Haukisalmi,
V. 1987. How much do weasels shape microtine cycles inthe northern Fennoscandian taiga? - Oikos 50:353-365.
303. *Henttonen, H. 1988. Tunturisopuli. - Neuvonen, V.,
Vuokko, S., Forsman, D. (toim.), Luonnonystävän Suomi,ss. 230-231, Valitut Palat, Helsinki.
304. Clark, M. J. & Seppälä, M. 1988. Slushflows in a sub-
arctic environment, Kilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland. - Arc. Alp. Res. 20:97-105.
305. *Laine, K. 1988. Long-term variations in plant quality
and quantity in relation to cyclic microtine rodents atKilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland. - Acta Univ. Ouluensis A198.
306. *Haapasaari, M. 1988. The oligotrophic heath vegetation
of northern Fennoscandia and its zonation. - Acta Bot. Fennica 135:1-219.
307. Kyllönen, H. 1988. Alpine and subalpine vegetation at
Kilpisjärvi, Finnish Lapland. Distribution of biomass andnet production and annual variations in biomass. - ActaUniv. Ouluensis A 202.
308. *Seppälä, M. 1988. Rock pingos in northern Ungava
Peninsula, Quebec, Canada. - Can. J. Earth Sci. 25:629-634.
309. Haukisalmi, V., Henttonen, H. & Tenora, F. 1988.
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316. *Laine, K. 1988. Herbivorien laidunpaine mustikan
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317. *Hansson, L. & Henttonen, H. 1988. Rodent dynamics as
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323. Järvinen, A. 1989. Geographical variation in temperature
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324. Järvinen, A. 1989. The life history of Ranunculus
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325. Järvinen, A. 1989. Patterns and causes of long-term
variation in reproductive traits of the pied flycatcherFicedula hypoleuca in Finnish Lapland. - Ornis Fennica66: 24-31.
326. Järvinen, A. & Pryl, M. 1989. Egg dimensions of the great
tit Parus major in southern Finland. - Ornis Fennica66:69-74.
327. Haukisalmi, V. 1989. Voivatko loiset säädellä riista-
populations by parasites) - Suomen Riista 35: 72-82.
328. *Henttonen, H. 1989. Metsien rakenteen muutoksen
vaikutuksesta myyräkantoihin ja sitä kautta pikkupetoihinja kanalintuihin - hypoteesi. (Summary: Does an increasein the rodent and predator densities, regulating frommodern forestry, contribute to the long-term decline inFinnish tetraonids?) - Suomen Riista 35: 83-90.
329. *Järvinen, A. 1989. More mixed breedings between Parus
cinctus and P. montanus in Finnish Lapland. - OrnisFennica 66: 123.
330. *Henttonen, H. 1989: Myyrien kannanvaihtelut - Pallaksen
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331. *Eurola, S., Laine, K. & Saari, E. 1989. Mustikan ja
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332. Järvinen, A. & Rajasärkkä, A. 1989. Mallan luonnon-
puiston linnustollisesta arvosta. (The importance of theMalla nature reserve (northwestern Finnish Lapland) as abreeding area of birds). - Folia Forestalia 736: 40-43.
333. Järvinen, A. 1989. Clutch-size variation in the Pied
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334. Hilden, O. & Järvinen, A. 1989. Efficiency of the line-
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335. Ståhls, G., Riberio, E. & Hanski, I. 1989. Fungivorous
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336. Hanski, I. & Kaikusalo, A. 1989. Distribution and habitat
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337. Henttonen, H., Haukisalmi, V., Kaikusalo, A. Korpimäki,
E., Norrdahl, K. & Skaren, U. 1989. Long-term populationdynamics of the common shrew Sorex araneus in Finland. -Ann. Zool. Fennici 26: 349-355.
338. Haukisalmi, V. 1989. Intestinal helminth communities of
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339. Järvinen, A. 1989. Body mass and wing length of nestling
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340. *Hansson, L. & Henttonen, H. 1989. Rodents, predation
wildlife cycles. - Finnish Game Res. 46: 26-33.
341. Järvinen, A. 1989. Animals in harsh conditions. - In:
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342. *Hersteinsson, P., Angerbjörn, A., Frafjord, K. &
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343. Viitala, J. & Ylönen, H. 1989: Variability of social
overwintering strategies in the genus Clethrionomys. Aquilo Ser. Zool. 24: 99-102.
344. Haukisalmi, V., Henttonen, H. 1989.
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346. *Kaikusalo, A. 1990. Enontekiön nisäkkäistä. -
347. Järvinen, A. 1990. Changes in the abundance of birds in
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348. *Bendiksen, E., Bendiksen, K. & Brandrud, T.E. 1990.
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349. Virtanen, R.& Väre, H. 1990. Haltin kasvisto. - Lutukka
350. Järvinen, A. 1990. Ornitologin menetelmät 12. Muunnokset.
351. Järvinen, A. 1990. Incubation and nestling periods in
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352. Seppälä, M. 1990. Depth of snow and frost on a palsa
mire, Finnish Lapland. Geogr. Ann. 72 A (2):191-201.
353. Järvinen, A. 1990. Ornitologin menetelmät 13.
Ruokailutapojen analysointi. Ornis Fennica 67: 101-103.
354. Haukisalmi, V.& Henttonen, H. 1990. The impact of
climatic factors and host density on the long-termpopulation dynamics of vole helminths. Oecologia83:309-315.
355. *Tähkä, K. & Teräväinen, T. 1990. Intraspesific
heterogenity in the reproductive response to differentphotoperiods in male red backed voles (Clethrionomysrutilus): An in vitro study on testicularsteroidogenesis. - Aquilo Ser. Zool. 28.
356. Lähdesmäki, P., Pakonen, T., Saari, E., Laine, K.
protein, amino acids and ammonia in tissues of bilberry,Vaccinium myrtillus, during the growing season. -Holartic Ecol. 13: 31-38.
357. Lähdesmäki, P., Pakonen, T., Saari, E., Laine, K. & Havas
P. 1990. Environmental factors affecting basic nitrogenmetabolism and seasonal levels of various nitrogenfractions in tissues of bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus. -Holarctic Ecol. 13: 19-30.
358. *Bendiksen, E., Bendiksen, K. & Brandrud, T., E. 1990:
Cortinarius Fr., underslekt Myxacium (Fr) Loudoni Norden. - Jordstjärnan, Tidskrift för Sveriges MykologiskaFörening, 11(2): 19-31.
359. Helle, E., Henttonen, H., Kaikusalo, A., Linden, H.,
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360. Tast, J. 1991. Will the Norwegian Lemming become
endangered if climate becomes warmer? Arctic and AlpineResearch, 23, 53-60.
361. Järvinen, A. 1991: A meta-analytic study of the effects
of female age on laying-date and clutch-size in the GreatTit Parus major and the Pied Flycatcher Ficedulahypoleuca. - Ibis 133:62-66.
362. Järvinen, A. 1991. Proximate factors affecting egg volume
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363. *Kallio-Nyberg, I. & Koljonen, M-L. 1991. The Finnish
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364. Seppälä, M., Gray, J. & Ricard, J. 1991. Development of
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365. *Seppälä, M. 1991. Rinodina endophragmia, a lichen from
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366. *Sonck, C.E. 1991. Zwei Taraxacum-Arten (Sect. Taraxacum)
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367. *Sonck, C.E. 1991. En ny nordlig Taraxacum-art, hörande
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368. *Laine, K. 1991. Elämää äärirajoilla. (with English
abstr. in Karlsson, Laine, Lappalainen & Vuokko, Gettingto Know the Provinces: the Lappish Highlands) - SuomenLuonto 50: 18-21.
369. *Pakonen, T., Saari, E., Laine, K., Havas, P. &
Lähdesmäki, P. 1991. How do seasonal changes incarbohydrate concentrations in tissues of the bilberry(Vaccinium myrtillusL.) reflect carbon resourceallocation patterns? - Acta Oecologica, Oecol. Plant. 12:249-259.
370. *Laine, K. 1991. Ilmastomuutos uhkaa pohjoista luontoa.-
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371. Seppä, H. & Shemeikka, P. 1991. Havaintoja Kilpisjärven
lumivyörystä ja sohjuvirroista. - Terra 103: 141- 147.
372. Järvinen, A. & Järvinen, L. 1991. Seasonal change in
performance of Ranunculus acris in Finnish Lapland. -Aquilo Ser. Bot. 30: 43-46.
373. Hellemaa, P. 1991. Tuulten vaikutus deflaatioon ja lumen
kinostumiseen Kilpisjärven alueella (Winds causingdeflation and snow-drifting in Kilpisjärvi area). - Terra103: 309-316.
374. Järvinen, A. 1991. Linnut liitävi sanoja, romanttinen
tietokirja suomalaisesta lintuperinteestä. - Otava 253 s. ISBN 951-1-11703-3.
375. Hicks, S. 1991. Large and Small Scale Distribution of
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376. Hicks, S. 1991. The use of recent pollen rain records in
investigating natural and anthropogenic changes in thepolar tree limit in Northern Fennoscandia. - ESF ProjectEuropean Palaeoclimate and Man 4: Oscillations of theAlpine and Polar Tree Limits in the Holocene: 5-18
377. *Hanski, I., Hansson, L. & Henttonen, H. 1991. Specialist
predators, generalist predators, and the microtine rodentcycle. - J. Anim. Ecol. 60: 353-367.
(English summary: Climatic change and population dynamicsof small game and small mammals in northern Europe). -Suomen Riista 37:79-85.
379. Hicks, S. 1992. Aerobiology and palaeoecology. -
380. *Laine, K., Huttunen, S., Kauppi, M. & Ohtonen, R. 1992.
Response of northern of forest plants to the pressure ofair pollution and climatic change. - Publications of theAcademy of Finland 3/ 92: 261-268.
381. *Tolvanen, A., Laine, K., Pakonen, T., Saari, E. & Havas,
P. 1992. Compensatory responses to different thinningefficiencies in a clonal dwarf shrubs, the bilberry(Vaccinium myrtillus L.). - Acta Oecologica, Oecol. Plant. (in press)
382. *Kuusisto, E. 1992. Suomen järvien tilavuus (The volume
of the Lakes in Finland). - Terra 104: 3-10.
383. Järvinen, A. & Rajasärkkä, A. 1992. Population
fluctuations in two northern land bird communities:effects of habitat, migration strategy and nest-site. -Ornis Fennica 69: 173-83.
384. Järvinen, A. 1992. Ornitologin menetelmiä. 44 s.
varhaislento. (The oppotunistic early-season flight ofthe fjeld-Lepidoptera). - Baptria 17 (1):1-3.
386. Henttonen, H., Hansson, L., Saitoh, T. 1992. Rodent
rufocanus in northern Fennoscandia and Hokkaido. Ann. Zool. Fennici 29: 1-6.
387. Järvinen, A. 1992. Spatial pattern of nest-box occupancy
in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in mountainbirch forest. - Ornis Fennica 69:13-18.
388. *Sipilä, P. 1992. The Caledonian Halti-Ridnitsohkka
igneous complex in Lapland. Geological Survey of Finland,Bulletin 362.
389. Järvinen, A. 1992. Pitkäaikaisten tutkimusten
merkityksestä ekologiassa. (Importance of long-termstudies in ecology.) - Luonnon Tutkija 96: 103-107.
390. Järvinen, A. 1992. Kuningas tilastoi haukkansa. - Tiede
391. Ohenoja, E. 1992. Uhanalaiset sienet Pohjois-Suomen
lehdoissa (Threatened fungi in herb-rich forests innorthern Finland) - Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica68: 93-98.
kannanvaihteluista. - Metsästys ja Kalastus 5/92:12-185.
393. Aalto, M., Górecki, A., Meczeva, R., Wallgren, H. &
Weiner, J. 1993. Metabolic rates of the bank voles(Clethrionomys glareolus) in Europe along a latitudinalgradient from Lapland to Bulgaria. - Ann. Zool. Fennici30: 233-238.
394. Järvinen, A. 1993. Spatial and temporal variation in
reproductive traits of adjacent northern Pied FlycatcherFicadula hypoleuca populations. - Ornis Scandinavica 24:33-40.
395. Haukisalmi, V., Henttonen, H. 1993. Population dynamics
of Taenia polyacantha metacestodes in the bank voleClethrionomys glareolus. - Ann.Zool.Fennici 30:81-84.
396. Järvinen, A., Tast, J. 1993. Kuka löytää linnunpesiä
(Summary: Efficiency of observer groups in finding birdnests in mountain birch forest). - Linnut 28: 25-27.
397. Heikkilä, J., Kaarsalo K., Mustonen, O., Pekkarinen, P.,
1993. Influence of predation risk on early developmentand maturation in three species of Clethrionomys voles. -Ann.Zool.Fennici 30: 153-161
398. *Eurola S., 1993. Arktisuus ja kasvitiede. - Luonnon
399. *Malila E., Laine K., Siuruainen M., 1993. Tunturikasvien
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400. Järvinen, A., 1993. Redstart and Pied Flycatcher nesting
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401. Gowan, S.P., Ahti, T., 1993: Status of the lichen genus
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402. Somerma, P., Väisänen R. 1993. Annjalonjin
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403. Viitala, J., Ylönen, H. 1993. From population dynamics to
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404. *Turchin, P. 1993. Chaos and stability in rodent
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405. Hyvärinen, H. 1993. Holocene pine and birch limits near
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408. *Laine, K. 1993. Pohjoinen luonto kulttuurin perusta.
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409. *Laine, K., Siuruainen, M., Hiltunen, R. & Ahola, H.
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410. Laine, K., Lähdesmäki, P., Pakonen, T., Kontunen-Soppela,
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411. *Lähdesmäki, P., Pakonen, T., Saari, E., Laine, K. &
Havas, P. 1993. Biochemical followup of carbon andnitrogen allocation in tissues of bilberry (Vacciniummyrtillus).- Aquilo Ser. Bot. 31: 1-4.
412. *Laine, K., Malila, E. & Siuruainen, M. 1993. How is
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413. *Hanski, I., Turchin, P., Korpimäki, E. & Henttonen, H.,
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414. *Henttonen, H. & Kaikusalo, A. 1993. Lemming movements.
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415. *Laakkonen, J., Sukura, A., Haukisalmi, V. & Henttonen,
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418. *Bendiksen, E., Brandrud, T. E., Bendiksen, K. &
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419. *Bendiksen, E, Bendiksen, K. & Brandrud, T. E. 1993.
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420. *Haukisalmi, V., Henttonen, H. 1993.
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429. Järvinen, A. 1994. Global warming and egg size of birds. Ecography 17:1
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Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal.
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Behavioral Activation Is an Evidence-Based Treatment for Depression The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Behavior Modification Additional services and information for Behavioral Activation Is an Evidence- Based Treatment for Depression Peter Sturmey1 Abstract Recent reviews of evidence-based treatment for depression did not identify