D:\data\cv-list\scheid\literaturlisten\liste a-neu=oben-2004-deutsch.wpd

A. Original-Veröffentlichungen und eingeladene Übersichten
Ballantyne, D., M. Andrzejewski, K. Mückenhoff and P. Scheid (2004). Rhythms, synchronyand electrical coupling in the Locus coeruleus. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 143, 199-214.
Schreiber, S., R. Bücker, C. Groll, M. Baptista, D. Garten, P. Scheid, S. Gatermann, S.
Friedrich, C. Josenhans and S. Suerbaum (2004). Rapid loss of motility of Helicobacter pyloriin the gastric lumen in vivo. Infect Immun. (in press).
Schreiber, S., M. Konradt, C. Groll, P. Scheid, G. Hanauer, W.-O. Werling, C. Josenhans andS. Suerbaum (2004). The spatial orientation of Helicobacter pylori in the gastric mucus.
PNAS 101:5024-5029 Schreiber, S., T.H. Nguyen,,M. Konradt and P. Scheid (2003). Recovery from gastric mucusdepletion in the intact guinea pig mucosa. Scand. J. Gastroenterol. 38: 1136-1143.
Scheid, P. (2002). The pyrophysiology and sexuality of dragons. Respir. Physiol. 133: 1-2 Andrzejewski, M., K. Mückenhoff, P. Scheid and D. Ballantyne (2001). Synchronizedrhythms in chemosensitive neurons of the Locus coeruleus in the absence of chemical synaptictransmission. Respir. Physiol. 129: 123-140.
Ballantyne, D. and P. Scheid (2001). Central chemosensitivity of respiration: a brief overview.
Respir. Physiol. 129: 5-12.
Ballantyne, D. and P. Scheid (2000). Mammalian brainstem chemosensitive neurones: linkingthem to respiration in vitro. J. Physiol. (London) 525.3: 567-577.
Schreiber, S., T.H. Nguyen, M. Stüben and P. Scheid (2000). Demonstration of a pH gradientin the gastric gland of the acid-secreting guinea pig mucosa. Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest.
Liver Physiol.
279: G597-G604.
Oyamada, Y., M. Andrzejewski, K. Mückenhoff, P. Scheid and D. Ballantyne (1999). Locuscoeruleus neurones in vitro: pH-sensitive oscillations of membrane potential in an electricallycoupled network. Respir. Physiol. 118: 131-147.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1999). Modeling oxygen availability to exercising muscle. Respir.
118: 95-101.
Schreiber, S., M. Stüben, C. Josenhans, P. Scheid and S. Suerbaum (1999). In vivodistribution of Helicobacter felis in the gastric mucus of the mouse: Experimental method andresults. Infect Immun. 67, 5151-5156.
Schreiber, S., M. Stüben, P. Kröhan and P. Scheid (1998). Micropipette system for samplingand injecting small volumes. J. Neurosc. Methods 85: 27-32.
Oyamada, Y., D. Ballantyne, K. Mückenhoff and P. Scheid (1998). Respiration-modulatedmembrane potential and chemosensitivity of locus coeruleus neurones in the in vitrobrainstem-spinal cord of the neonatal rat. J. Physiol. (London) 513.2: 381-398.
Wellner-Kienitz, M.-C. H. Shams and P. Scheid (1998). Contribution of Ca2+-activated K+-channels to central chemosensitivity in cultivated neurons of fetal rat medulla. J.
79:2885-2894. List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 2 Okada, Y., A. Kawai, K. Mückenhoff and P. Scheid (1998). Role the pons in hypoxicrespiratory depression in the neonatal rat.Respir. Physiol. 111: 55-64.
Scheid, P.: Und was, bitte, soll ich lernen?” (1997). Aus der harten Arbeit der KommissionZielvorstellungen. In: 25 Jahre IMPP: ein Vierteljahrhundert bundeseinheitliche MC-Prüfungen in der Medizin und Pharmazie. Tagungsband. Hrsg.: G. Boelcke, H.-Th. Lenzen.
pp. 133-141.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1997). Vertebrate respiratory gas exchange. In: Handbook ofPhysiology, Section 13: Comparative Physiology, Vol. 1, edited by W.H. Danzler. New York,Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.309-356.
Schreiber, S. and P. Scheid (1997). Gastric mucus of the guinea pig: proton carrier anddiffusion barrier Am.J.Physiol. 272 (Gastrointest. Liver Physiol.35): G63-G70 Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1997). Diffusion. In: The Lung: Scientific Foundations, 2nd. ed.,edited by R.G. Crystal, J.B. West, P.J. Barnes, N.S. Cherniack and E.R. Weibel. Philadelphia,New York: Lippincott-Raven, pp. 1681-1691. Scheid, P. (1996). Möglichkeiten der Effizienzsteigerung klinischer Forschung. Einepersönliche Sicht.
Kawai, A., D. Ballantyne, K. Mückenhoff and P. Scheid (1996). Chemosensitive medullaryneurones in the brainstem-spinal cord preparation of the neonatal rat. J. Physiol. (London)492: 277-292 Shams, H., L. Daffonchio and P. Scheid (1996). Effects of levodropropizine on vagal afferentC-fibres in the cat. Br. J. Pharm. 117: 853-858.
Scheid, P. and B. Pelster (1995). Gas exchange in the fish swimbladder. In: Advances inComparative and Environmental Physiology, Vol. 21. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag,pp.41-59.
Shams, H. and P. Scheid (1995). Respiratory response to positive inspiratory pressure in thecat: effects of CO and vagal integrity. J. Appl. Physiol. 79/5: 1704-1710.
Scheid, P. and H. Shams (1995). Höhenflug von Vögeln. Naturw. Rdsch.11/95: 413-418.
Kawai, A., Y. Okada, K. Mückenhoff and P. Scheid (1995). Theophylline and hypoxicventilatory response in the rat isolated brainstem-spinal cord. Respir. Physiol. 100: 25-32.
Landich, R. M., I. Schnellenbach, R. Körfer and P. Scheid (1995). Extrakorporale Blutpumpefür den Einsatz in der pädiatrischen Kardiochirurgie. In: Menschliche Nähe und medizinischeKompetenz, hrsg. von H. Meyer und R. Petzoldt. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag, pp. 199-212.
Scheid, P. (1994). Säure-Basen-Gleichgewicht. In: Lehrbuch der Physiologie, hrsg. von R.
Klinke und S. Silbernagl. Stuttgart, New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, pp. 269-283.
Scheid, P. (1994). Atmung. In: Lehrbuch der Physiologie, hrsg. von R. Klinke und S.
Silbernagl. Stuttgart, New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, pp. 211-269.
Scheid, P. and B. Pelster (1994). Swim Bladder. In: McGraw-Hill yearbook of science &technology 1994, Willard, Ohio: The Lakeside Press, pp. 202-203.
Scheid, P. and H. Shams (1994). Chemosensitivity from the lungs of vertebrates. In: Arterialchemoreceptors: Cell to system, edited by R. G. O`Regan, P. Nolan, D. S. McQueen and D. J.
Paterson. New York: Plenum Press, pp.123-132.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 3 Kobayashi, H., P. Scheid and T. Tomita (1994). Diffusion and perfusion limitations in patientssuffering fibrosing lung disease. In: Oxygen Transport to Tissue XV, edited by P. Vaupel etal. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 105-111.
Pelster, B. and P. Scheid (1994). Gegenstromkonzentrierung in der Schwimmblase.
Naturwissenschaften 81: 473-480.
Mückenhoff, K., S. Schreiber, A. De Santis, Y. Okada and P. Scheid (1994).Ion-sensitivemicroelectrode system with short response time. J. Neurosci. Meth.51: 147-153.
Landich, R. M., E. Spangenberg, K. Mückenhoff, Y. Okada and P. Scheid (1994). Pump foracurate mixing of three gas components with predetermined fractions. Pflügers Archiv 427:178-180.
Ballanyi, K., K. Mückenhoff, M. C. Bellingham, Y. Okada, P. Scheid and D. W. Richter(1994). Activity-related pH changes in respiratory neurones and glial cells of cats.
NeuroReport 6: 33-36.
Scheid, P., F. Lofaso, D. Isabey and A. Harf (1994). Respiratory response to inhaled CO2during positive inspiratory pressure in humans. J. Appl. Physiol.77: 876-882.
Scheid, P. and H. Shams (1994). Das Rätsel des Höhenfluges von Vögeln. RUBIN 1/94: 12-17. Landich, R. M., P. Scheid and W. Weber (1993). Neue extrakorporale Blutpumpe für denEinsatz in der kardiochirurgischen Pädiatrie. Facta Universitas 6: 69-88.
Pelster, B. and P. Scheid (1993). Glucose metabolism of the swimbladder tissue of theEuropean eel Anguilla anguilla. J. Exp. Biol.185: 169-178.
Okada, Y., K. Mückenhoff and P. Scheid (1993). Hypercapnia and medullary neurons in theisolated brainstem-spinal cord of the rat. Respir. Physiol. 93: 327-336.
Okada, Y., K. Mückenhoff, G. Holtermann, H. Acker and P. Scheid (1993). Depth profiles ofpH and PO in the isolated brainstem-spinal cord of the neonatal rat. Respir. Physiol. 93: 315- Orr, J.A., H. Shams, W. Karla, B.A. Peskar and P. Scheid (1993). Transient ventilatoryresponses to endotoxin infusion in the cat are mediated by thromboxane A . Respir. Physiol. Pelster, B. and P. Scheid (1993). Metabolism of the swimbladder epithelium and the singleconcentrating effect. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 105A: 383-388.
Shams, H. and P. Scheid (1993). Effects of hypobaria on parabronchial gas exchange innormoxic and hypoxic ducks. Respir. Physiol. 91:155-163.
Scheid, P., H. Shams, W. Karla and J.A. Orr (1992). Acid infusion elicits thromboxane-mediated cardio-respiratory effects. In: Control of Breathing and its Modeling Perspective,edited by Y. Honda, Y. Miyamoto, K. Konno and J.G. Widdicombe. Plenum Press: NewYork, pp. 71-86.
Pelster, B., P. Scheid and R.B. Reeves (1992). Kinetics of the Root effet and of O exchange in whole blood of the eel. Respir. Physiol. 90:341-349.
Pelster, B. and P. Scheid (1992). The influence of gas gland metabolims and blood flow ongas deposition into the swimbladder of the European eel Anguilla anguilla. J. Exp. Biol.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1992). Gas exchange in vertebrates through lungs, gills and skin.
NIPS 7:199-203.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 4 Lofaso, F., D. Isabey, A. Harf and P. Scheid (1992). Airway anesthesia during positive andnegative inspiratory pressure breathing in man. Respir. Physiol. 89:89-96.
Lofaso, F., D. Isabey, H. Lorino, A. Harf and P. Scheid (1992). Respiratory response topositive and negative inspiratory pressure in humans. Respir. Physiol. 89:75-88.
Karla, W., H. Shams, J.A. Orr and P. Scheid (1992). Effects of the thromboxane A mimetic, U46,619, on pulmonary vagal afferents in the cat. Respir. Physiol. 87:383-396.
Pelster, B. and P. Scheid (1992). Countercurrent concentration and gas secretion in the fishswim bladder. (Inv. Perspectives in Physiological Zoology). Physiol. Zool. 65:1-16.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1992). Modeling of gas exchange in vertebrate lungs, gills, and skin.
In: Lung Biology in Health and Disease, edited by C. Lenfant, Vol. 56: PhysiologicalAdaptations in Vertebrates, edited by S.C. Wood, R.E. Weber, A.R. Hargens and R.W.
Millard. New York, Basel: Marcel Dekker, pp. 69-95.
Hucho, F. and P. Scheid (1991). Aus Forschung und Medizin; Kreisläufe unserer Welt.
Herausgegeben von F. Hucho und P. Scheid. Berlin: Schering Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1991). Zur Evolution der Sauerstoffversorgung. Aus Forschung undMedizin; Kreisläufe unserer Welt. Herausgegeben von F. Hucho und P. Scheid. Berlin:Schering, pp. 7-17.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1991). Diffusion limitation of O supply to tissue in homogeneous and heterogeneous models. Respir. Physiol. 85: 127-136. Pelster, B. and P. Scheid (1991). Activities of enzymes for glucose catabolism in theswimbladder of the European eel Anguilla anguilla. J. Exp. Biol. 156: 207-213.
Kobayashi, H., J. Piiper and P. Scheid (1991). Effect of the curvature of the O equilibrium curve on alveolar O uptake: theory. Respir. Physiol. 83: 255-260.
Kobayashi, H., B. Pelster, J. Piiper and P. Scheid (1991). Diffusion and perfusion limitation inalveolar O exchange: shape of the blood O equilibrium curve. Respir. Physiol. 83: 23-34.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1991). Diffusion. In: The Lung: Scientific Foundations, edited byR.G. Crystal, J.B. West, P.J. Barnes, N.S. Cherniack and E.R. Weibel. New York: RavenPress, pp. 1277-1287.
Scheid, P., W. Siffert, K. Mückenhoff, B. Pelster and N. Clemens (1990). Significance ofcarbonic anhydrase in the function of skeletal muscle. In: From Neuron to Action, edited by L.
Deecke, J.C. Eccles and V.B. Mountcastle. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 81-85.
Shams, H., J.A. Orr, M.R. Fedde and P. Scheid (1990). Possible pitfalls in the search forarterial and central chemoreception in respiration. In: Arterial Chemoreception, edited by C.
Eyzaguirre, S.J. Fidone, R.S. Fitzgerald, S. Lahiri, D.M. McDonald. New York, Berlin,Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 368-373.
Shams, H. and P. Scheid (1990). Effects of thromboxane on respiration and pulmonarycirculation in the cat: role of vagus nerve. J. Appl. Physiol. 68: 2042-2046. Clemens, N., W. Siffert and P. Scheid (1990). Thrombin-induced cytosolic alkalinization inhuman platelets occurs without an apparent involvement of HCO)/Cl- exchange. Pflügers Kobayashi, H., B. Pelster and P. Scheid (1990). CO back-diffusion in the rete aids O secretion in the swimbladder of the eel. Respir. Physiol. 79: 231-242.
Pelster, B., H. Kobayashi and P. Scheid (1990). Buffering characteristics of eel blood at theextreme conditions in the swimbladder. Respir. Physiol. 79: 219-230.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 5 Siffert, W., G. Siffert, P. Scheid and J.W.N. Akkerman (1990). Na+/H+ Exchange modulatesCa2+ mobilization in human platelets stimulated by ADP and the thromboxane mimetic U46619. J. Biol. Chem. 264: 719-725. Scheid, P. (1990). Avian respiratory system and gas exchange. In: Hypoxia: The Adaptations,edited by J.R. Sutton, G. Coates and J.E. Remmers. Toronto, Philadelphia: B.D. Decker, pp.
Kobayashi, H., B. Pelster and P. Scheid (1989). Solute back-diffusion raises the gasconcentrating efficiency in counter-current flow. Respir. Physiol. 78: 59-71.
Kobayashi, H., B. Pelster and P. Scheid (1989). Water and lactate movement in theswimbladder of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Respir. Physiol. 78: 45-57.
Siffert, W. and P. Scheid (1989). What causes a help to become a hinderance? - HaemostaticCells can cause Coronaries. Reports of the DFG: German Research 3: 7-9.
Fedde, M.R., J.A. Orr, H. Shams and P. Scheid (1989). Cardiopulmonary function inexercising bar-headed geese during normoxia and hypoxia. Respir. Physiol. 77: 239-262. Shams, H. and P. Scheid (1989). Efficiency of parabronchial gas exchange in deep hypoxia:measurements in the resting duck. Respir. Physiol. 77: 135-146.
Pelster, B., H. Kobayashi and P. Scheid (1989). Metabolism of the perfused swimbladder ofthe European eel: oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose and lactate balance. J. Exp. Biol. 144:495-506. Kobayashi, H., B. Pelster, J. Piiper and P. Scheid (1989). Significance of the Bohr effect fortissue oxygenation in a model with counter-current blood flow. Respir. Physiol. 76: 277-288.
Yamaguchi, K., M.L. Glass, P. Scheid, and J. Piiper (1989). Oxygen transfer kinetics of redblood cells of the turtle Pseudemys scripta elegans. Respir. Physiol. 75: 371-384. Mückenhoff, K., G. Barnas and P. Scheid (1989). Afferent vagal activity during hyperthermicpolypnea in the pigeon. Respir. Physiol. 75: 267-278.
Scheid, P., M.R. Fedde and J. Piiper (1989). Gas exchange and air-sac composition in theunanaesthetized, spontaneously breathing goose. J. exp. Biol. 142: 373-385. Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1989). Aerodynamic valving in the avian lung. Acta Anaest. Scand.
33: 28-31.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1989). Blood-gas equilibration in lungs and pulmonary diffusingcapacity. In: Respiratory Physiology: An Analytical Approach, Vol. 40, edited by H.K. Changand M. Paiva. New York, Basel: Marcel Dekker, pp. 453-497.
Siffert, W., G. Siffert, P. Scheid and J.W.N. Akkerman (1989). Activation of Na+/H+exchange and Ca2+ mobilization start stimultaneously in thrombin- stimulated platelets.
Biochem. J. 258: 521-527. Shams, H., H. Schulz, M. Mohr, H. Kobayashi, U. Mesch, A. Das, P. Scheid and J. Piiper(1989). Cyclooxygenase inhibition and effects of hypoxia on pulmonary circulation and gasexchange in anesthetized dogs. Respir. Physiol. 75: 39-50.
Powell, F.L. and P. Scheid (1989). Physiology of gas exchange in the avian respiratorysystem. In: Form and Function in Birds, Vol. 4, edited by A.S. King and J. McLelland.
London, San Diego, New York: Academic Press, pp. 393-437.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1989). Respiratory mechanics and air flow in birds. In: Form andFunction in Birds, Vol. 4, edited by A.S. King and J. McLelland. London, San Diego, NewYork: Academic Press, pp. 369-391. List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 6 Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1989). Gas Exchange: Theory, Models, and Experimental Data. In:Lung Biology in Health and Disease, edited by C. Lenfant, Vol. 39: Comparative PulmonaryPhysiology. Current Concepts, edited by S.C. Wood. New York, Basel: Marcel Dekker, pp.
369-416. Orr, J.A., M.R. Fedde, H. Shams, H. Röskenbleck and P. Scheid (1988). Absence ofCO -sensitive venous chemoreceptors in the cat. Respir. Physiol. 73: 211-224.
Scheid, P. (1988). Physiologie des Lungenkreislaufs. Intensivbehandlung 13: 44-46.
Scheid, P., K. Yamaguchi and J. Piiper (1988). Kinetik des O -Austausches in Erythrozyten: Messungen mit der "Stopped Flow-Technik". In: Funktionsanalyse biologischer Systeme, Bd.
18. J. Grote (Hrsg.). Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. Stuttgart, NewYork: G. Fischer, S. 89-93. Hook, C., K. Yamaguchi, P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1988). Oxygen transfer of red blood cells:experimental data and model analysis. Respir. Physiol. 72: 65-82. Pelster, B., H. Kobayashi, and P. Scheid (1988). Solubility of nitrogen and argon in eel wholeblood and its relationship to pH. J. Exp. Biol. 135: 243-252.
Shams, H., B.A. Peskar and P. Scheid (1988). Acid infusion elicits thromboxane A -mediated effects on respiration and pulmonary hemodynamics in the cat. Respir. Physiol. 71: 169-183.
Yamaguchi, K., K.D. Jürgens, H. Bartels, P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1988). Dependence of O2transfer conductance of red blood cells on cellular dimensions, In: Oxygen Transport to TissueX, edited by M. Mochizuki, C.R. Honig, T. Koyama, T.K. Goldstick and D.F. Bruley. NewYork, London: Plenum, pp. 571-578. Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1987). Gas exchange and transport. In: Bird Respiration. Vol. I,edited by T.J. Seller. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 97-129. Siffert, W., P. Scheid and J.W.N. Akkerman (1987). Role of cytoplasmic pH forstimulus-induced Ca2+ mobilization in human platelets. In: Signal Transduction and ProteinPhosphorylation, edited by L.M.G. Heilmeyer. New York, London: Plenum, pp. 317-321. Scheid, P. (1987). The use of models in physiological studies. In: New Directions inEcological Physiology, edited by M.E. Feder, A.F. Bennett, W.W. Burggren, R.B. Huey.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Presspp, pp. 275-288. Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1987). Diffusion and convection in intrapulmonary gas mixing. In:Handbook of Physiology, Section 3: The Respiratory System, edited by A.P. Fishman; VolIV: Gas Exchange, edited by L.E. Farhi and S.M. Tenney. Bethesda: Amer. Physiol. Soc., pp.
51-69. Orr, J.A., H. Shams, M.R. Fedde and P. Scheid (1987). Cardiorespiratory changes during HClinfusion unrelated to decreases in circulating blood pH. J. Appl. Physiol. 62: 2362-2370.
Yamaguchi, K., J. Glahn, P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1987). Oxygen transfer conductance ofhuman red blood cells at varied pH and temperature. Respir. Physiol. 67: 209-223.
Siffert, W., G. Siffert, P. Scheid, T. Riemens, G. Gorter and J.W.N. Ackerman (1987).
Inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange reduces Ca2+ mobilization without affecting the initial cleavageof phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate in thrombin-stimulated platelets. FEBS Letters 212:123-126.
Siffert, W., G. Siffert and P. Scheid (1987). Activation of Na+/H+ exchange in human plateletsstimulated by thrombin and a phorbol ester. Biochem. J. 241: 301-303. List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 7 Shams, H. and P. Scheid (1987). Respiration and blood gases in the duck exposed tonormocapnic and hypercapnic hypoxia. Respir. Physiol. 67: 1-12.
Scheid, P., K. Mückenhoff and W. Siffert (1986). Functional significance of carbonicanhydrase in skeletal muscle. In: Funktionsanalyse biologischer Systeme, Vol. 16, edited byM. Meyer and N. Heisler. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. Stuttgart,New York, G. Fischer pp. 57-61. Siffert, W., S. Gengenbach and P. Scheid (1986). Inhibition of platelet aggregation byamiloride. Thromb. Res. 44: 235-240.
Siffert, W. and P. Scheid (1986). A phorbol ester and 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol induce Na+/H+exchange in human platelets. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 141: 13-19.
Fedde, M.R., R.E. Burger, J. Geiser, R.K. Gratz, J.A.Estavillo and P. Scheid: (1986). Effectsof altering dead space volume on respiration and air sac gases in geese. Respir. Physiol. 66:109-122. Marek, W., B.H. Holmer und P. Scheid (1986). Lungendehnungsrezeptoren undrespiratorische Muskelaktivität: Effekte von Vagotomie und elektrischer Vagusreizung bei derKatze. Atemw.-Lungenkrkh. 12: 333-338.
Holmer, B.H., W. Marek und P. Scheid (1986). Der Einflu$ laryngealer Afferenzen aufinspiratorische und exspiratorische Nerven und Muskel der Katze. Atemw.-Lungenkrkh. 12:327-332.
Nguyen Phu, D., K. Yamaguchi, P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1986). Kinetics of oxygen uptakeand release by red blood cells of chicken and duck. J. exp. Biol. 125: 15-17.
Piiper, J., P. Scheid, S.F. Perry and G.M. Hughes (1986). Effective and morphometricoxygen-diffusing capacity of the gills of the elasmobranch Scyliorhinus stellaris. J. Exp. Biol.
123: 27-41.
Scheid, P., C. Hook and J. Piiper (1986). Model for analysis of counter-current gas transfer infish gills. Respir. Physiol. 64: 365-374.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1986). Cross-sectional PCO distributions in Krogh cylinder and solid cylinder models. Respir. Physiol. 64: 241-251.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1986). Control of breathing in birds. In: Handbook of Physiology,Section 3: The Respiratory System, edited by A.P. Fishman; Vol. II: Control of Breathing,Part 2, edited by N.S. Cherniack and J.G. Widdicombe. Bethesda: Amer. Physiol. Soc., pp.
815-832. Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1986). Inert gas wash-out from tissue: Model analysis. Respir.
63: 1-18. Bridges, C.R., B. Pelster and P. Scheid (1985). Oxygen binding in blood of Xenopus laevis(Amphibia) and evidence against Root effect. Respir. Physiol. 61: 125-136.
Yamaguchi, K., D. Nguyen-Phu, P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1985). Kinetics of O uptake and release by human erythrocytes studied by a stopped-flow technique. J. Appl. Physiol. 58:1215-1224.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1985). Distribution and mixing in gas-exchange organs ofnonmammalian vertebrates. In: Lung Biology in Health and Disease, edited by C. Lenfant,Vol. 25: Gas Mixing and Distribution in the Lung, edited by L.A. Engel and M. Paiva. NewYork, Basel: Marcel Dekker, pp. 359-391.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 8 Scheid, P. and W. Siffert (1985). Effects of inhibiting carbonic anhydrase on isometriccontraction of frog skeletal muscle. J. Physiol. (London) 361: 91-101.
Piiper, J., M. Meyer and P. Scheid (1985). Dual role of diffusion in tissue gas exchange:Blood-tissue equilibration and diffusion shunt. In: Oxygen Transport to Tissue, Vol. VI,edited by D. Bruley, H.I. Bicher and D. Reneau. New York, London: Plenum, pp. 85-94.
Scheid, P., M. Meyer and J. Piiper (1985). Elements for modeling inert gas washout fromheterogeneous tissues. In: Oxygen Transport to Tissue, Vol. VI, edited by D. Bruley, H.I.
Bicher and D. Reneau. New York, London: Plenum, pp. 65-72.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1985). Gas exchange in the avian parabronchial lung. In: BionaReport, Vol. 3: Bird Flight - Vogelflug, edited by W. Nachtigall. Akademie derWissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. Stuttgart, New York: G. Fischer, pp. 351-369.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1985). Airflow pathway in the avian respiratory tract. In: BionaReport, Vol. 3: Bird Flight - Vogelflug, edited by W. Nachtigall. Akademie derWissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. Stuttgart, New York: G. Fischer, pp. 335-350. Holland, R.A.B., H. Shibata, P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1985). Kinetics of O uptake and release by red cells in stopped- flow apparatus: effects of unstirred layer. Respir. Physiol. 59: 71-91.
Siffert, W., K. Mückenhoff and P. Scheid (1984). Evidence for a role of Na+/H+ exchange inplatelets activated with calcium-ionophore A 23187. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 125:1123-1128.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1984). Model analysis of gas transfer in fish gills. In: FishPhysiology. Vol. XA, edited by D.J. Randall and W.S. Hoar. New York, London: AcademicPress, pp. 229-262.
Siffert, W., G. Fox, K. Mückenhoff and P. Scheid (1984). Thrombin stimulates Na+/H+exchange across the human platelet plasma membrane. FEBS Letters 172: 272-274.
Geiser, J., R.K. Gratz, T. Hiramoto and P. Scheid (1984). Effects of increasing metabolism by2,4-dinitrophenol on respiration and pulmonary gas exchange in the duck. Respir. Physiol. 57:1-14.
Kaethner, T., J. Kohl and P. Scheid (1984). Gas concentration profiles along airways of doglungs during high-frequency ventilation. J. Appl. Physiol.: Respirat. Environ. ExercisePhysiol. 56: 1491-1499.
Piiper, J., M. Meyer and P. Scheid (1984). Dual role of diffusion in tissue gas exchange:Blood-tissue equilibration and diffusion shunt. Respir. Physiol. 56: 131-144.
Scheid, P. (1984). Mass spectrometers in respiratory physiology. In: Techniques in the LifeSciences, Physiology - P4/I., edited by A.B. Otis. Elsevier Scientific Publ. Ireland Ltd. P402:1-21. Scheid, P. and H. Slama (1983). Stabilization control for a mass spectrometer. UK PatentGB2073920B.
Scheid, P. (1983). Atmung und Gasaustausch. In: Handbuch der Geflügelphysiologie. Hrsg.
von A. Mehner and W. Harfield, Teil 1. Jena, VEB G. Fischer, pp. 486-519.
Knopp, T.J., T. Kaethner, M. Meyer, K. Rehder and P. Scheid (1983). Gas mixing in theairways of dog lungs during high-frequency ventilation. J. Appl. Physiol.: Respirat. Environ.
Exercise Physiol.
55(4): 1141-1146.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1983). Comparison of diffusion and perfusion limitations in alveolargas exchange. Respir. Physiol. 51: 287-29O.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 9 Bridges, C.R., M.P. Hlastala, G. Riepl and P. Scheid (1983). Root effect induced by CO and by fixed acid in the blood of the eel, Anguilla anguilla. Respir. Physiol. 51: 275-286.
Scheid, P. (1983). Respiratory mass spectrometry. In: Measurement in Clinical RespiratoryPhysiology, edited by G. Laszlo and M.F. Sudlow. London, New York: Academic Press, pp.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1982). Physical principles of respiratory gas exchange in fish gills.
Edited by Houlihan, Rankin and Shuttleworth: Gills. Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-61.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1982). Models for a comparative functional analysis of gas exchangeorgans in vertebrates. J. Appl. Physiol.: Respirat. Environ. Exercise Physiol. 53: 1321-1329.
Scheid, P. (1982). Respiration and control of breathing. In: Avian Biology, Vol. VI, edited byD.S. Farner, J.R. King and K.C. Parkes. New York, London: Academic Press. pp. 405-453.
Bridges, C.R. and P. Scheid (1982). Buffering and carbon dioxide binding in the diapausingsilkworm moth, Hyalophora cecropia. In: Exogenous and Endogenous Influences onMetabolic and Neural Control, edited by A.D.F. Addink and N. Spronk. Oxford, New York:Pergamon, pp. 39-40.
Mitchell, G.S., B.A. Cross, T. Hiramoto and P. Scheid (1982). Interactions between lungstretch and PaCO in modulating ventilatory activity in dogs. J. Appl. Physiol.: Respirat. Environ. Exercise Physiol. 53: 185-191.
Jennings, D.B., M. Meyer, T. Stokke, J. Piiper and P. Scheid (1982). Blood-Gas CO2equilibration in lungs of unanesthetized dogs during hypercapnia. J. Appl. Physiol.: Respirat.
Environ. Exercise Physiol.
52: 1177-1180.
Scheid, P. (1982). Diffusion in gas exchange of vertebrates. In: Exogenous and EndogenousInfluences on Metabolic and Neural Control, edited by A.D.F. Addink, N. Spronk, Oxford andNew York: Pergamon Press, pp. 115-125.
Scheid, P., C. Hook and C. R. Bridges (1982). Diffusion in gas exchange of insects. Fed.
41: 2143-2145.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1982). Role of diffusion in the external gas exchange of animals. Fed.
41: 2117-2118.
Bridges, C.R. and P. Scheid (1982). Buffering and CO dissociation of body fluids in the pupa of the silkworm moth, Hyalophora cecropia. Respir. Physiol. 48: 183-197.
Boon, J.K., M.R. Fedde and P. Scheid (1982). A method for localizing intrapulmonarychemoreceptors in the parabronchical mantle of the duck. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 72A:463-468.
J. Piiper, M. Meyer and P. Scheid (1982). Alveolar-capillary equilibration of O and CO in lungs studied by rebreathing. In: Oxygen Transport to Human Tissues, edited by J.A.
Loeppky, M.L. Riedesel, Elsevier, North Holland, New York, pp. 51-58.
Scheid, P. (1982). A model for comparing gas-exchange systems in vertebrates. In: C.R.
Taylor, K. Johansen, L. Bolis (eds.), A companion to Animal Physiology. CambridgeUniversity Press: New York, pp. 3-16.
Meyer, M., P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1982). Assessment of pulmonary function: Application ofstable isotopes to measurement of lung diffusing capacity. In: H.-L. Schmidt, H. Förstel andK. Heinzinger (eds.), Stable Isotopes. Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 409-414.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 10 Fedde, M. R., J.P. Kiley, F.L. Powell and P. Scheid (1982). Intrapulmonary CO receptors and control of breathing in ducks: Effects of prolonged circulation time to carotid bodies andbrain. Respir. Physiol. 47: 121-140.
Meyer, M., P. Scheid, G. Riepl, H.-J. Wagner and J. Piiper (1981). Pulmonary diffusingcapacities for O and CO measured by a rebreathing technique. J. Appl. Physiol.: Respirat. Environ. Exercise Physiol. 51: 1643-1650.
Hlastala, M.P., P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1981). Interpretation of inert gas retention andexcretion in the presence of stratified inhomogeneity. Respir. Physiol. 46: 247-259.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1981). Model for capillary-alveolar equilibration with specialreference to O uptake in hypoxia. Respir. Physiol. 46: 193-208.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1981). Oxygen exchange in the Metazoa.In: Oxygen and LivingProcesses, edited by D.L. Gilbert. New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 150-176.
Meyer, M., W. Lessner, P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1981). Pulmonary diffusing capacity for COindependent of alveolar CO concentration. J. Appl. Physiol.: Respirat. Environ. ExercisePhysiol. 51: 571-576.
Scheid, P., M.P. Hlastala and J. Piiper (1981). Inert gas elimination from lungs with stratifiedinhomogeneity: Theory. Respir. Physiol. 44: 299-309.
Powell, F.L., J. Geiser, R.K. Gratz and P. Scheid (1981). Airflow in the avian respiratorytract: Variations of O and CO concentrations in the bronchi of the duck. Respir. Physiol. 44: Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1981). Gas mixing and its measurement. In: Respiratory Medicine,edited by J.G. Scadding and G. Cumming. London: William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd.,pp. 129-138.
Hlastala, M.P., M. Meyer, G. Riepl and P. Scheid (1980). Solubility of helium, argon, andsulfur hexafluoride in human blood measured by mass spectrometry. Undersea Biomed. Res.
7: 297-304.
Denison, D.M., N.J.H. Davies, M. Meyer, R.J. Pierce and P. Scheid (1980). Single-exhalationmethod for study of lobar and segmental lung function by mass spectrometry in man. Respir.
42: 87-99.
Torre-Bueno, J.R., J. Geiser and P. Scheid (1980). Incomplete gas mixing in air sacs of theduck. Respir. Physiol. 42: 109-122.
Eccles, J.C. and P. Scheid (1980). Physiologie der Nervenzelle und ihrer Synapsen. In:Allgemeine Neurophysiologie. 3. Aufl., Bd. 10, edited by O.H. Gauer, K. Kramer, R. Jung.
München, Wien, Blatimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 109-164.
Piiper, J. M. Meyer, C. Marconi and P. Scheid (1980). Alveolar-capillary equilibrationkinectis fo 13CO in human lungs studied by rebreathing. Respir. Physiol. 42: 29-41.
Meyer, M., P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1980). Pulmonary diffusing capacity for O and CO by rebreathing techniques using stable isotopes. In: Pulmonary Circulation in Health and Disease,edited by G. Cumming and G. Bonsignore. Plenum Publ. Co., pp. 167-191.
Meyer, M. and P. Scheid (1980). Solubility of acetylene in human blood determined by massspectrometry. J. Appl. Physiol. : Respir. Environ. Exercise Physiol. 48: 1035-1037.
Piiper, J. and Scheid, P. (1980). Blood-gas equilibration in lungs. In: Pulmonary GasExchange, Vol. I, edited by J.B. West. San Francisco, New York: Academic Press, pp. 131-171.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 11 Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1980). Intrapulmonary gas mixing and stratification. In: PulmonaryGas Exchange, Vol. I., edited by J. B. West. San Francisco, New York: Academic Press, pp.
Mitchell, G.S., B.A. Cross, T. Hiramoto and P. Scheid (1980). Effects of intrapulmonary CO2and airway pressure on phrenic activity and pulmonary stretch receptor discharge in dogs.
Respir. Physiol. 41: 29-48.
Bridges, C.R., P. Kestler and P. Scheid (1980). Tracheal volume in the pupa of the saturniidmoth Hyalophora cecropia determined with inert gases. Respir. Physiol. 40: 281-291.
Scheid, P., J.-M. Petit, L. Delhez, Y. Jammes and C. Préfaut (1980). Séminaire sur ladistribution de la ventilation et la regulation de la ventilation. Essai de synthèse. In: AspectsActuels et Intérêt Clinique de l'Exploration Fonctionnelle Respiratoire, edited par C. Préfaut.
Reims: ALINEA, pp. 117-121.
Piiper, J., M. Meyer and P. Scheid (1980). Diffusion limitation in alveolar-capillary CO2transfer in human lungs: experimental evidence from rebreathing equilibration. In: Biophysicsand Physiology of Carbon Dioxide, edited by C. Bauer, G. Gros and H. Bartels. Berlin,Heidelberg, New York: Springer, pp. 359-365.
Piiper, J., M. Meyer and P. Scheid (1980). Experimental results on gas-blood CO2equilibrium in lungs. In: Biophysics and Physiology of Carbon Dioxide, edited by C. Bauer,G. Gros and H. Bartels. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, pp. 351-352.
Scheid, P., T. Kawashiro and J. Piiper (1980). Evidence for facilitated transport of CO in muscle tissue. In: Biophysics and Physiology of Carbon Dioxide, edited by C. Bauer, G. Grosand H. Bartels. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, pp. 58-63.
Scheid, P. (1979). Respiration and control of breathing in birds. Physiologist 22/5: 60-64.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1980). Blood/gas equilibrium of carbon dioxide in lungs. A criticalreview. Respir. Physiol. 39: 1-31.
Scheid, P., M. Meyer and J. Piiper (1979). Arterial-expired PCO differences in the dog during acute hypercapnia. J. Appl. Physiol. 47: 1074-1078.
Macklem, P.T., P. Bouverot and P. Scheid (1979). Measurement of the distensibility of theparabronchi in duck lungs. Respir. Physiol. 38: 23-35.
Scheid, P. (1979). Mechanisms of gas exchange in bird lungs. Rev. Physiol. Biochem.
86: 138-186.
Scheid, P., M. Meyer and H. Slama (1979). Use of a mass spectrometer to measure lungdiffusing capacity for O and CO by rebreathing stable isotopes at tracer levels. Bull. Europ. Physiolpath. Resp. 15: 11P-14P.
Paiva, M., L.A. Engel, H.K. Chang and P. Scheid (1979). On the boundary conditions used incalculations of gas mixing in alveolar lungs. Respir. Physiol. 37: 1-3.
Piiper, J., M. Meyer and P. Scheid (1979). Pulmonary diffusing capacity for O and CO at rest and during exercise. Advantages of rebreathing techniques using stable isotopes. Bull. Europ.
Physiopath. Resp.
15: 145-150.
Burger, R.E., M. Meyer, W. Graf and P. Scheid (1979). Gas exchange in the parabronchiallung of birds: experiments in unidirectionally ventilated ducks. Respir. Physiol. 36: 19-37.
Scheid, P. and M. Meyer (1978). Mixing technique for study of oxygen hemoglobinequilibrium: a critical evalution. J. Appl. Physiol. 45: 818-822.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 12 Scheid, P., R.K. Gratz, F.L. Powell and M.R. Fedde (1978). Ventilatory response to CO in birds. II. Contribution by intrapulmonary CO receptors. Respir. Physiol. 35: 361-372.
Powell, F.L., M.R. Fedde, R.K. Gratz and P. Scheid (1978). Ventilatory response to CO in birds. I. Measurements in the unanesthetized duck. Respir. Physiol. 35: 349-359.
Powell, F.L., R.K. Gratz and P. Scheid (1978). Response of intrapulmonary chemoreceptors inthe duck to changes in PCO on pH. Respir. Physiol. 35: 65-77.
Weingarten, J.P., H.S. Rollema, Ch. Bauer and P. Scheid (1978). Effects of inositolhexaphosphate on the Bohr effect induced by CO and fixed acids in chicken hemoglobin.
Pflügers Arch. 377: 135-141.
Meyer, M., J.P. Holle and P. Scheid (1978). Bohr effect induced by CO and fixed acid at various levels of O saturation in duck blood. Pflügers Arch. 376: 237-240.
Powell, F.L., M.R. Fedde, R.K. Gratz and P. Scheid (1978). Role of avian intrapulmonarychemoreceptors in the ventilatory response to inhaled CO : effects of acetazolamide in the duck. In: Respiratory Function in Birds, Adult and Embryonic, edited by J. Piiper. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 164-167.
Scheid, P., R.E. Burger, M. Meyer and W. Graf (1978). Diffusion in avian pulmonary gasexchange: role of the diffusion resistance of the blood-gas barrier and the air capillaries. In:Respiratory Function in Birds, Adult and Embryonic, edited by J. Piiper. Berlin-Heidelberg:Springer, pp. 136-141.
Scheid, P. and J.P. Holle (1978). Adjustment of the regional pulmonary circulation to theprofile of oxygen pressure along the parabronchus in the duck. In: Respiratory Function inBirds, Adult and Embryonic, edited by J. Piiper. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 105-110.
Holle, J.P., N. Heisler and P. Scheid (1978). Blood flow distribution in the duck lung and itscontrol by respiratory gases. Am. J. Physiol. 234: R146-R154.
Scheid, P. (1978). Analysis of gas exchange between air capillaries and blood capillaries inavian lungs. Respir. Physiol. 32: 27-49.
Scheid, P. (1978). Estimation of effective parabronchial gas volume during intermittentventilatory flow: theory and application in the duck. Respir. Physiol. 32: 1-14.
Scheid, P., H. Worth, J.P. Holle and M. Meyer (1977). Effects of oscillating and intermittentventilatory flow on efficacy of pulmonary O transfer in the duck. Respir. Physiol. 31: 251- Holle, J.P., M. Meyer and P. Scheid (1977). Oxygen affinity of duck blood determined by invivo and in vitro technique. Respir. Physiol. 29: 355-361.
Scheid, P. and H. Slama (1977). Schaltungsanordnung zum Erzeugen von Ausgangssignalenbei einem Massenspektrometer. Patentschrift. Deutsches Patentamt 20-37-698.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1977). Comparative physiology of respiration: functional analysis ofgas exchange organs in vertebrates. In: International Review of Physiology, Vol. 14,Respiratory Physiology II., edited by J.G. Widdicombe. Baltimore: University Park Press, pp.
Scheid, P., W.D. Kuhlmann and M.R. Fedde (1977). Intrapulmonary receptors in the Tegulizard: II. Functional characteristics and localization. Respir. Physiol. 29: 49-62.
Fedde, M.R., W.D. Kuhlmann and P. Scheid (1977). Intrapulmonary receptors in the Tegulizard: I. Sensitivity to CO . Respir. Physiol. 29: 35-48.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 13 Kawashiro, T., P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1976). Measurement of diffusivity and metabolic rateof O and CO in respiring tissue. In: Oygen Transport to Tissue II, edited by J. Grote, D.
Reneau and G. Thews. New York: Plenum Press: pp. 199-206. Scheid, P., T.Kawashiro and J. Piiper (1976). Problems in determination of oxygendissociation of avian blood. In: Oxygen Transport to Tissue II, edited by J. Grote, D. Reneauand G. Thews. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 151-158.
Deecke, L., W. Becker, B. Grözinger, P. Scheid and H. Kornhuber (1973). Human brainpotentials preceding voluntary limb movements. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 33(Suppl.): 87-94.
Meyer, M., H. Worth and P. Scheid (1976). Gas-blood CO equilibration in parabronchial lungs of birds. J. Appl. Physiol. 41: 302-309.
Kunz, A.L., T. Kawashiro and P. Scheid (1976). Study of CO sensitive vagal afferents in the cat lung. Respir. Physiol. 27: 347-355.
Molony, V., W. Graf and P. Scheid (1976). Effects of CO on pulmonary air flow resistance in the duck. Respir. Physiol. 26: 333-349. Graf, W., V. Molony and P. Scheid (1976). A technique for study of lung function in birds byblocking the primary bronchus. Respir. Physiol. 26: 325-331. Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1975). Intrapulmonary mixing and diffusion in alveolar gas exchange:concepts and experimental results. INSERM 51: 51-54.
Sikand, R.S., H. Magnussen, P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1976). Convective and diffusive gasmixing in human lungs: experiments and model analysis. J. Appl. Physiol. 40: 362-371.
Fedde, M.R. and P. Scheid (1976). Intrapulmonary CO receptors in the duck: IV. Discharge pattern of the population during a respiratory cycle. Respir. Physiol. 26: 223-227.
Kawashiro, T. and P. Scheid (1976). Measurement of Krogh's diffusion constant of CO in respiring muscle at various CO levels: evidence for facilitated diffusion. Pflügers Arch. 362: Magnussen, H., H. Willmer and P. Scheid (1976). Gas exchange in air sacs: contribution torespiratory gas exchange in ducks. Respir. Physiol. 26: 129-146.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1976). Quantitative functional analysis of branchial gas transfer:theory and application to Scyliorhinus stellaris (Elasmobranchii). In: Respiration ofAmphibious Vertebrates, edited by G.M. Hughes. London: Academic Press, pp. 17-38. Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1973). Diffusion in alveolar gas exchange. In: Physiological Basis ofAnaesthesiology, edited by W.W. Mushin, J.W. Severinghaus, M. Tiengo and S. Gorini.
Padua: Piccin Medical Books, pp. 71-94. Scheid, P. and J.C. Eccles (1975). Music and Speech: Artistic functions of the human brain.
Psychology of Music 3(1): 21-35.
Kawashiro, T., W. Nüsse and P. Scheid (1975). Determination of diffusivity of oxygen andcarbon dioxide in respiring tissue: Results in Rat Skeletal Muscle. Pflügers Arch. 359: 231-251.
Eccles, J.C., T. Rantucci, P. Scheid and H. Táboríková (1975). Somatotopic studies on rednucleus: Spinal projection level and respective receptive fields. J. Neurophysiol. 38: 965-980.
Eccles, J.C., P. Scheid and H. Táboríková (1975). Responses of red nucleus neurons toantidromic and synaptic activation. J. Neurophysiol. 38: 947-964.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 14 Eccles, J.C., I. Rosén, P. Scheid and H. Táboríková (1975). The differential effect of coolingon responses of cerebellar cortex. J. Physiol. (London) 249: 119-138.
Scheipers, G., T. Kawashiro and P. Scheid (1975). Oxygen and carbond dioxide dissociationof duck blood. Respir. Physiol. 24: 1-13.
Kawashiro, T. and P. Scheid (1975). Arterial blood gases in undisturbed resting birds:measurements in chicken and duck. Respir. Physiol. 23: 337-342.
Scheid, P. and T. Kawashiro (1975). Metabolic changes in avian blood and their effects ondetermination of blood gases and pH. Respir. Physiol. 23: 291-300.
Scheid, P. and H. Slama (1975). Remote-controlled device for sampling arterial blood inunrestrained animals. Pflügers Arch. 356: 373-376.
J. Piiper and P. Scheid (1975). Gas transport efficacy of gills, lungs and skin: theory andexperimental data. Respir. Physiol. 23: 209-221.
Fedde, M.R., R.N. Gatz and P. Scheid (1974). Avian intrapulmonary CO -sensitive receptors: insensitive to stretch. Poultry Sci. 53: 1923-1924.
Scheid, P. (1974). Funktionelle Asymmetrien des menschlichen Gehirns. Dtsch. Med. Wschr.
99: 2616-2620.
Scheid, P., H. Slama, R.N. Gatz and M.R. Fedde (1974). Intrapulmonary CO receptors in the duck: III. Functional localization. Respir. Physiol. 22: 123-136. Fedde, M.R., R.N. Gatz, H. Slama and P. Scheid (1974). Intrapulmonary CO receptors in the duck: II. Comparison with mechanoreceptors. Respir. Physiol. 22: 115-121.
Fedde, M.R., R.N. Gatz, H. Slama and P. Scheid (1974). Intrapulmonary CO receptors in the duck: I. Stimulus specificity. Respir. Physiol. 22: 99-114.
Eccles, J.C., T. Rantucci, I. Rosén, P. Scheid and H. Táboríková (1974). Somatotopic studieson cerebellar interpositus neurones. J. Neurophysiol. 37: 1449-1459.
Eccles, J.C., I. Rosén, P. Scheid, and H. Táboríková (1974). Patterns of convergence ontointerpositus neurones from peripheral afferents. J. Neurophysiol. 37: 1438-1448.
Eccles, J.C., I. Rosén, P. Scheid and H. Táboríková (1974). Temporal patterns of responses ofinterpositus neurons to peripheral afferent stimulation. J. Neurophysiol. 37: 1424-1437.
Scheid, P., H. Slama and H. Willmer (1974). Volume and ventilation of air sacs in ducksstudied by inert gas wash-out. Respir. Physiol. 21: 19-36.
Eccles, J.C. and P. Scheid (1974). Physiologie der Nervenzelle und ihrer Synapsen, In:Physiologie des Menschen, Bd. 10. Herausgeber: O.H. Gauer, K. Kramer und R. Jung.
München: Urban und Schwarzenberg, pp. 107-148. Adaro, F., J. Teichmann, A. Lüdtke-Handjery, P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1974). Comparison ofrebreathing and steady-state pulmonary DO in dogs ventilated by body respirator. Respiration Rosén, I. and P. Scheid (1973). Responses in the spino-reticulo-cerebellar pathway tostimulation of cutaneous mechanoreceptors. Exp. Brain Res. 18: 268-278.
Rosén, I. and P. Scheid (1973). Responses to nerve stimulation in the bilateral ventral flexorreflex tract (bVFRT) of the cat. Exp. Brain Res. 18: 256-267.
Rosén, I. and P. Scheid (1973). Patterns of afferent input to the lateral reticular nucleus of thecat. Exp. Brain Res. 18: 242-255.
the dog and in inhomogeneous lung models. Respir. Physiol. 18: 258-272.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 15 Scheid, P., F. Adaro, J. Teichmann and J. Piiper (1973). Rebreathing and steady statepulmonary D Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1973). Gas exchange in avian lungs: models and experimentalevidence. In: Comparative Physiology, edited by L. Bolis, K. Schmidt-Nielsen and S.H.P.
Maddrell. North Holland Publ., pp. 161-185. Adaro, F., P. Scheid, J. Teichmann and J. Piiper (1973). A rebreathing method for estimatingpulmonary DO : theory and measurements in dog lungs. Respir. Physiol. 18: 43-63.
Eccles, J.C., P. Scheid and H. Táboríková (1973). Responses of red nucleus neurones tocutaneous afferent inputs. Brain Res. 53: 440-444.
Scheid, P., J. Teichmann, F. Adaro and J. Piiper (1972). Gas-blood CO equilibration in dog lungs during rebreathing. J. Appl. Physiol. 33: 582-588.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1972). Cross-current gas exchange in avian lungs: effects of reversedparabronchial air flow in ducks. Respir. Physiol. 16: 304-312.
Rosén, I. and P. Scheid (1972). Cerebellar surface cooling influencing evoked activity incortex and in interpositus nucleus. Brain Res. 45: 580-584.
Rosén, I. and P. Scheid (1972). Cutaneous afferent responses in neurones of the lateralreticular nucleus. Brain Res. 43:259-263.
Eccles, J.C., I. Rosén, P. Scheid and H. Táboriková (1972). Cutaneous afferent responses ininterpositus neurones of the cat. Brain Res. 42: 207-211.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1972). Maximum gas transfer efficacy of models for fish gills, avianlungs and mammalian lungs. Respir. Physiol. 14: 115-124.
Scheid, P., H. Slama and J. Piiper (1972). Mechanisms of unidirectional flow in parabronchiof avian lungs: measurements in duck lung preparations. Respir. Physiol. 14: 83-95.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1971). Theoretical analysis of respiratory gas equilibration in waterpassing through fish gills. Respir. Physiol. 13: 305-318.
Scheid, P. (1971). Gasaustausch in der Vogellunge. Fortschritte der Medizin 89: 1178-1179.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1971). Analysis of test gas washout from lungs with varying tidalvolume: theory. J. Appl. Physiol. 31: 292-295.
Scheid, P. (1971). Gasaustausch in der Vogellunge. Habilitationsschrift, Göttingen.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1971). Direct measurement of the pathway of respired gas in ducklungs. Respir. Physiol. 11: 308-314.
Henning B., P. Scheid and J. Piiper (1971). Determination of the Haldane effect in chickenblood. Respir. Physiol. 11: 279-284.
Scheid, P., H. Slama and J. Piiper (1971). Electronic compensation of the effects of watervapor in respiratory mass spectrometry. J. Appl. Physiol. 30: 258-260.
Scheid, P., H. Slama and J. Piiper (1971). Elektronische Kompensation der Effekte desWasserdampfes in der Massenspektrometrie. Pneumonologie 144: 279-280.
Piiper, J. and P. Scheid (1971). Respiration: Alveolar gas exchange. Ann. Rev. Physiol. 33:131-154.
Scheid, P. und J. Piiper (1970). Analyse des Gasaustausches in der Vogellunge. Experientia26: 683.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1970). Analysis of gas exchange in the avian lung: theory andexperiments in the domestic fowl. Respir. Physiol. 9: 246-262.
List of Publications: Original Articles . - P. 16 Piiper, J., F. Drees and P. Scheid (1970). Gas exchange in the domestic fowl duringspontaneous breathing and artificial ventilation. Respir. Physiol. 9: 234-245.
Piiper, J., K. Pfeifer and P. Scheid (1969). Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity of therespiratory system in the domestic fowl. Respir. Physiol. 6: 309-317.
Scheid, P. and J. Piiper (1969). Volume, ventilation and compliance of the respiratory systemin the domestic fowl. Respir. Physiol. 6: 298-308.
Deecke, L., P. Scheid and H.H. Kornhuber (1969). Distribution of readiness potential, pre-motion positivity, and motor potential of the human cerebral cortex preceding voluntary fingermovements. Exp. Brain Res. 7: 158-168 Becker, W., L. Deecke, O. Hoehne, K. Iwase, H.H. Kornhuber und P. Scheid (1968).
Bereitschaftspotential, Motorpotential und praemotorische Positivierung der menschlichenHirnrinde vor Willkürbewegungen. Naturwissenschaften 55: 550.
Scheid, P. (1968). Theoretische Analyse des Auswaschvorganges von ungleichmäßigbelüfteten Lungen. Med. Dissertation, Göttingen.
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Source: http://www.scheid-info.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Publications-deutsch.pdf

Drugs used in skin disorders

Drugs used in Skin Disorders Skin Skin is about 1/6 body weight, complex diffusion barrier Epidermis is keratinized, stratum corneum the principal barrier Dermis is highly vascular, hypodermis and subcutaneous are connective tissues Palms have no follicles and sebaceous glands, but with sweat glands and thick keratin Face, scalp and upper chest, with lots of sebaceous glands Major

Microsoft word - oddino - graminicidas y viruela ok

EFECTO DE LA APLICACIÓN DE GRAMINICIDAS SOBRE LA INTENSIDAD DE LA VIRUELA DEL MANÍ Oddino, C. 1; García, J. 2; March, G. 1,3; Marinelli, A. 1; Ferrari , S. 2 y Taditti, L. 2 1-FAV-UNRC 2- Oro Verde Servicios Fitosanitarios 3- IFFIVE-INTA - [email protected] Introducción La viruela es la enfermedad foliar más importante que afecta al maní ( Arachis hypogaea L.) en toda

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