If you believe Chantix has had an adverse effect on you oryour loved one, call one of Simmons’ pharmaceutical lawyersat 1-877-318-0580. You may be eligible to seekcompensation, including medical bills, lost earning capacity,pain and suffering, and more. We are experienced indefective drug lawsuits and are here for you. Call us toevaluate your case, answer your questions, and help youunderstand your legal rights, including the filing of a Chantixlawsuit against the pharmaceutical manufacturers.
The smoking addiction/recovery drug Chantix has beenlinked to suicidal thoughts and actions, as well as mood andbehavioral disorders. In early 2008, FDA officialsacknowledged receiving troubling reports from Chantixpatients throughout the United States. These reportsincluded 34 cases of suicide and nearly 420 reports ofsuicidal thoughts, behaviors, and completed suicides.
As of July 2009, the most serious reports to the FDAinvolving Chantix were1:
According to a new study from the U.K. drug regulatoryagency and the University of Bristol, any risk of suicide andsuicidal thoughts is likely to be very small. This conclusion isat odds with earlier studies, though. The epidemiologistbehind the new study says that larger studies are needed tofurther quantify the risk. Web MD reported that the study"compared the incidence of suicide and self-harm amongsmokers taking Chantix to that of smokers using the drugZyban or nicotine-replacement products."
Following the startling reports and conflicting informationlisted above, lawsuits began to emerge against thepharmaceutical manufacturer.
Chantix is used for withdrawals from smoking cessation, while going from nicotine dependencyand continuing through nicotine recovery. Chantix, known by the generic name varenicline,works by blocking the effect of nicotine on the brain. When a person quits smoking, the lowerlevels of dopamine and other brain chemicals causes the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Chantix combats these withdrawal symptoms by stimulating the release of low levels ofdopamine and other brain chemicals. Chantix also blocks the brain's nicotine receptors, sofuture cigarettes do not have the same effect, thus potentially stifling a relapse to regularsmoking.2
Chantix Side EffectsThe Mayo Clinic states that participants in clinical trials have reported:
FDA warnings about using Chantix as part of nicotine withdrawal and recovery therapy beginwith a 2008 advisory to health care professionals to be alert to and monitor for changes inmood and behavior in people taking Chantix. On July 1, 2009, it required varenicline to carrythe most severe safety warning, the black box label. Dangerous Chantix side effects include:
The FDA also advises consumers3:
tell your doctor about any history of psychiatric illness prior to starting Chantix
changes in mood and behavior should be reported to a doctor immediately
patients may experience vivid, unusual, or strange dreams
it's evaluating varenicline for additional potential side effects, including angioedema, seriousskin reactions, visual impairment, and accidental injury
your ability to drive or operate machinery may be affected
As a result of the machinery warning, the Federal Aviation Administration has prohibitedChantix for pilots and air-traffic controllers on the job.
* Please note that recovery results vary per client. The recovery amounts in each case reflect the specific facts of that case. Further,recovery amounts in past cases are not a guarantee of future results.
The Simmons firm handles a wide range of legal matters, including lawsuits regarding:mesothelioma, commercial, intellectual property, defective medical devices and dangerouspharmaceutical drugs. Contact the Simmons firm to learn more.
Simmons Firm Lawyer Dave Miceli Chosen to Help Lead National Litigation Against PfizerPharmaceuticals
DOXYCYCLINE HYCLATE Tarja: nenhuma Descarte dos resíduos do composto: soluções aquosas diluídas: pia. Sólidos: incineração Health Hazards Data ======================================================= Route Of Entry Inds - Inhalation: : YES Skin: NO Ingestion: : YES Carcinogenicity Inds - NTP: NO IARC: NO OSHA: NO Effects of Exposure: POSSIBLE EYE, SKIN, GI &/RESPIR
JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE MINISTÈRE DE LA SANTÉ ET DES SPORTS Arrêté du 1er septembre 2009 modifiant la liste des spécialités pharmaceutiques remboursables aux assurés sociaux Le ministre du budget, des comptes publics, de la fonction publique et de la réforme de l’Etat et la ministreVu le code de la santé publique ;Vu le code de la sécurité sociale ;Vu l