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Dean Row Chapel, Wilmslow SK9 2BX
Minister Rev Jeff Gould
01625 403509
[email protected]
Services every Sunday at 11.15 a.m.,
Meditations – Wednesday 12.30 pm
Friday evenings 7.00pm-7.30pm
Initial enquiries regarding Weddings,
should be made to Mrs. Peggy Charmer 01606 892039
December, January and February 2013
Services of Worship at the Haldean Chapels
December - February 2013
Services at Hale Chapel begin at 9.30 Services at Dean
Row Chapel begin at 11.15
Unless otherwise stated
Services of Worship at the Haldean Chapels
December to February 2013
Hale Barns Chapel
Dean Row Chapel
First Sunday in Advent – (Toy Service Hale Second Sunday in Advent – (Toy Service Fourth Sunday in Advent – Carol Service FROM OUR MINISTER

We enter the season of Advent and Christmas this year with
an awareness of the great upheavals of the Middle East that
follow on from the ‘Arab Spring’ of two years ago, the ongoing
European financial crisis and a large number of natural
disasters that have wreaked havoc for millions of people
world-wide. It is this global perspective that comes to us each
year in the familiarity of the Christmas story, a story that we
know almost word-for-word, but which still has new depths to
reveal each time we mark it in worship and in family
celebrations. The visit of the Magi to the manger, as told in
Matthew’s Gospel, is an account that is rich with imagery,
metaphor and wonder. At its heart is a message of global
concern. It proclaims that the Christmas message of peace,
symbolised in the arrival of a baby, is relevant to all people, in
all places. It is in that spirit that we anticipate welcoming
visitors to our chapels throughout this particular time of the
The members of Dean Row Chapel and Hale Chapel offer
their warmest greetings to all our readers of this newsletter
and to our friends in the wider community at the beginning of
this special season of worship and fellowship. Please know
that you are in our thoughts as we re-tell the story of Jesus’
arrival in the world. May that story resonate within your own
life, and may you find surprising gifts come your way.
Jeff Gould, Minister of Dean Row Chapel, Wilmslow and
Hale Chapel, Hale Barns

Chairman’s Letter - Peter Shaw

Well, the Christmas season is here again and preparations in the
Chapel seem well advanced. The early date for the Saturday
Christmas Fair gave everyone the chance both to get into the spirit
of the season and to buy a few gifts at the same time.
Autumn seems to have been a particularly busy period, both per-
sonally and in the chapel. It has been wonderful having Jeff back
with us and to see the congregation thriving. Let's do our best to fill
the chapel during Advent and Christmas! It has been especially
pleasing to me to enjoy all the Sundays that we have celebrated,
including All Souls, Remembrance Sunday and Harvest. Particu-
larly, I enjoy the consideration we give to other faiths and beliefs.
The Interfaith service last week was most enlightening.
Sadly, shortly after Jeff's arrival, we lost one of our oldest members,
Margaret Hall. Jeff led a wonderful service celebrating her life - as
he had done for her husband, Jimmy, during his earlier ministry. As
anyone who knew Margaret would expect, she had left full instruc-
tions for the service, right down to the hymns and other music! I
think we gave her a good send off that she would have been happy
Enjoy the festive season, but let's try to remember our older mem-
bers. If you can think of anyone who might need help as the bad
weather sets in, please let one of the officers or committee know.
I'm sure we can drum up some assistance!
Compliments of the Season from Hilary and I.
God bless, Peter

Secretary’s Report -
Chrissie Wilkie
Oh dear, it is here again! The awful season when folk get
themselves into the most terrible debt which they are then paying off
for the next year. Very few of us get into the Christmas season
without managing some kind of excess – I usually add about two
inches to my waistline. My Christmas wish is that people all over
the world subscribe to the real Christmas message of love, hope
and peace.
This has been a challenging year for the Chapel, but we have
survived and our numbers will now start to grow apace thanks to the
return of our Minister Jeff. It is so good to see you all coming out of
Chapel on Sundays with a smile on your faces.
I think the most challenging night was the ABBA night, which gave
us all a new respect for the group. Goodness those songs are hard
to sing! But we had a good laugh and were entertained with some
excellent Class Turns. Thank you to all who took part and attended.
I am sure that we shall have more splendid events next year. If you
have any ideas about what you might enjoy, please let us know.
Derek and I wish you all Happy Christmas and a Happy, Peaceful
and Prosperous New Year
Love to you all Chrissie
As we are fast approaching the end of another financial year I
thought that I should give you a brief update on our finances during
2012 and outline the challenges that we will face in 2013.
In 2011, the Chapel would have made a deficit if it was not for
Vernon resigning in October of that year. In the first part of 2012, the
balance at the bank has risen due to the fact that we were without a
minister and did not have to make any contributions to Haldean.
However, with our new minister starting in September 2012, the
balance at the bank has been reducing, largely due to having to pay
approximately £2,350 per month to Haldean as our contribution
towards the minister’s costs.
I believe that a full time minister is essential to the wellbeing of the
Chapel and we have been extremely fortunate to be able to have
Jeff as our minister. However, having a full time minister does not
come cheaply and the cost equates to approximately £8 per week
for every member of the Chapel. I am aware that we have a number
of sources of income including weekly offerings, weddings,
investment income etc., but as well as paying for our minister we
have many other outgoings to meet such as heating and lighting,
maintenance of the Chapel, Hall and grounds, insurance, organist
As a result I feel that we will have to look very critically at all out
expenditure in 2013 and also seek out other sources of income. I
am currently working on a budget for 2013 which I will share with
the Committee at the December meeting. I will also go through this
in detail with all Members at the Annual General Meeting.
I also have to confess that when Sue and I give our donation to the
Chapel on a Sunday we do so in cash. Unfortunately this means
that the Chapel cannot claim an extra 20% back under the Gift Aid
Scheme. We have now rectified this and in future we will be
donating via the “Brown Envelope” scheme. I would strongly urge all
Members, who do not use the “Brown Envelope” scheme, to join
Sue and I in enrolling, ensuring that the Chapel gains extra funds at
no extra cost to yourselves.
Having worked in local government for 40 years, I am passionate
about transparency and democracy and as I have been entrusted
with looking after the Chapel’s money, which after all is your money,
I want all Members to have a say in how it is spent.
If you have any question about our finances, or want to discuss any
financial matters, I would be very happy to speak with you in the
Hall after Sunday service.

Wardens Comments - Ian Harrison

Now that the exceptional plant growth has stopped we are busy
cutting down all the dead flowers, weeds and moss that have
invaded virtually all the graves. This with take some months to
complete and in addition we have started to pressure spray all the
paving to prevent slippery surfaces.
Ian Barber, with his lack of fear of heights, has recently replaced a
faulty light tube at the front of the Chapel gallery – very scary. He
has recently been up a ladder again to clean the Hall gutters. He will
also be lifting the crowns of a number of trees, with much tree
swinging and the creation of masses of wood. The wood will have to
be dragged to the wood store and fed into his very fast branch
stripper. Kevin Upham is the unfortunate expert operator of the
machine and finds it is the equivalent of 10 gym sessions.
Mike Casey, having finished the big job of tiling the Men’s outside
toilet and giving it a touch of the Ritz, has now been working in the
Ladies. We occasionally see him when he comes up for air and
coffee. He is replacing the cracked and missing tiles and fitting a
new mirror. Ian Briscoe has spent a lot of time trying to get the new
Hall computer working with Peter Shaw. He is often to be seen
wheeling a full barrow load about, offering to everyone in sight, his
inside views of Manchester City – this is why Larry and I tend work
at the far corners of the graveyard.! Ian of course is also responsible
for checking that the Chapel is ready for services.
Women’s League - Anne Gemmell
By the time you read this, we will have had our Christmas Fayre &
Coffee Morning. Unfortunately our events seem to occur before the
Newsletter goes to print, so I am always looking at events retrospec-
tively! At this point I can only hope that our Fayre is a suc-
cess. Such a lot of hard work goes into putting it all together, and
last year it was so disappointing when only a handful of people
came along to support us. I hope that when I write again in the
next newsletter, I can report massive turnouts and lots of monies
raised towards our Women's League and their 2012/13 project -
Send a Child to Hucklow!

Family Group - Anne Gemmell

Our Toy Service will take place on Sunday the 9th December. We
are busy 'rehearsing' at the moment. Trying to get all the children
together at any one time always proves to be a nightmare, and even
at the 'dress rehearsal' we are never a full contingency! However,
we have always managed (so far) to pull together a successful
presentation on the day! Do remember to bring along a toy if pos-
sible. Toys for older children are always welcome. We do hope we
can rely on your support on the day. The children so enjoy perform-
ing for you and it does help their confidence.
Whilst writing, can I say a big 'thank you' to all those people who
came and told us how well behaved our very young children were
during the two minute silence at the Remembrance Day service. It
is a very big 'ask' of our two, three and four year olds to keep abso-
lutely silent for two minutes. It must seem an awfully long time
when you are a little person and if the occasional 'hiccup' occurred
then it is only to be expected. I think it is very important that our
young people come into chapel for the start of our services - even
on a day like Remembrance Sunday - and your tolerance and un-
derstanding of the situation was very much appreciated.

Wilmslow Christmas Tree Festival – Beryl Booth

Wilmslow Churches Together are holding their annual Christmas Tree Fes-
tival at Wilmslow United Reformed Church, Alderley Road, Wilmslow from
Thursday 6th December to Sunday 9th December from 10am -
4pm Thursday, Friday & Saturday and 12noon - 4pm Sunday.- The Dean
Row Chapel Christmas Tree will be displayed at this event. There will be
light refreshments each day with lunches being served on Saturday for a
small charge. All proceeds will be donated to Macmillan Cancer Care. We
hope the event will be well supported.
After the event the Christmas tree will be placed in the Chapel Hall and will
become a Memory Tree. For a £1 donation a message in remembrance of
a loved one may be tied to the tree and the tree will remain in the hall for
the Christmas period.
Smiles - John Pigot

A man was telling his neighbour, “I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost
me £3000, but its state of the art….It’s perfect”
“Really”, answered the neighbour. ”What kind is it?”
“Twelve thirty…”
A senior citizen said to his eighty-year old buddy: “So I hear you’re getting
married? “Yep!” “Do I know her?” “Nope”
“This woman, is she good looking”. “Not really”
“Is she a good cook?” “Naw she can’t cook too well”
“Does she have lots of money?” “Nope! Poor as a church mouse”
“Why in the world do you want to marry her then?”
“Because she can still drive!”
Mike’s Musings - Mike Heale

Some thoughts on Buddhism and its relevance today.
Like other religions, Buddhism does put forth certain philosophical tenets
that sketch out a basic understanding of human existence and serve as
guidelines for practical study.
In the Dhammapada Buddha’s followers have summarised the teachings
as follows –
‘Abstaining from evil, undertaking what is good, clearing one’s mind – This
is the teaching of the Buddahs’ Verse 183
‘Not blaming, not harming, living restrained lives according to discipline,
moderation in food, seclusion in dwelling, focussing on higher thought –
This is the teaching of the Buddahs.’ Verse 185
The Buddha is believed to have declared –
Do not accept anything I say as true simply because I have said it. Instead,
test it as you would gold to see if it is genuine or not. If after examining my
teachings, you find they are true, put them into practice. But do not do so
simply out of respect for me.’

Reflections on God’s love
God asks us to come to him with all ourselves,
Not hiding our doubts, fears, hate, guilt, disbeliefs,
He will gently support us if we ask from the right place-our true honest
Not the one that we may think he wants,
Not a cleaned up false version,
That is only a reflection of our inability to believe in his all embracing love,
Open our hearts to you lord,
Let us leave no dark corners hidden from your healing light.
By Jenny Williams
Events for December, January and February
10th February will be the next Chapel Breakfast from 9.30 am in the Hall. A
wonderful opportunity to meet with friends and enjoy food and chat
together before the Sunday Service.
Sunday 17th February 7.30 p.m. Rosalind Hall, our Organist is performing
at the Royal Northern College of Music, Brahms Requiem (with the William
Byrd Singers) and Schubert Fantasie in F minor. For more information see
Rosalind. Tickets from the RNCM 0161 907 5555 or on line.
Dean Row Book Club

All gatherings start at 8 pm and we meet on the last Wednesday in the
month. New bookworms are always welcome. Please contact Wendy
Cuerden for further information. Tel: 0161 439 8165
We have chosen to read the following books which will be discussed on the
dates shown:
The Gift of Rain by Tan Twan Eng
Wednesday 30 January
Hotel du Lac by Anita Brookner
Wednesday 27 February
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce
Wednesday 27 March
The Europeans by Henry James
Wednesday 24 April
Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
Wednesday 29 May
Sidesmen’s Rota - Dean Row Chapel
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
2nd Mr K Upham
9th Mr A Cupper
16th Mr D Gylee
23th Mr I Briscoe
30th Mr A Earp

Details of later dates are displayed in the Vestibule. If the date allocated to you proves
to be inconvenient please try to exchange it. If you are unable to do so please inform
Elizabeth Earp so that an exchange can be arranged (0161 439 3079).


The following funerals took place at Dean Row Chapel at which the
minister officiated:

Thursday, 20 September, for the late Frederick John Knowles, aged 85; Thursday, 4 October, for the late Stephen Powell, aged 62; Wednesday, 10 October, for the late Margaret Olive Hall, aged 97.
“Blessed are they that die in the Lord, for they rest from their labours, and
their works do follow them.”
The following infants were welcomed into the community of the
Church Universal through the Sacrament of Infant Baptism:
Dean Row Chapel

Saturday, 1 September, Noah Sebastian, son of Graeme and Kathryn
Sunday, 9 September, Halle Jean, daughter of Howard Kirk and Gemma Haig; Sunday, 16 September, Michael Peter, son of David and Sarah Angle; Sunday, 23 September, Alexander Edward, son of Anthony Simm and Hayley Ramsden; Sunday, 30 September, Neve Helena, daughter of Matthew and Helen Saunby; Sunday, 14 October, Olive Katherine, daughter of Stephen and Lorna Richardson; Sunday, 21 October, Harvey Benjamin, son of Benjamin Rolark and Hayley Roberts; Sunday, 28 October, Holly Jean and Jake Anthony, daughter and son of
Matthew and Sarah Delaney;

Hale Chapel

Sunday, 4 November, Riley David, son of Andrew and Nicole Hickson.
Chairman of the Chapel Committee:
Peter Shaw
Tel. 01625 584881
Email [email protected]
Len Elias
Tel. 0161 483 1868
Chrissie Wilkie
Tel. 0161 456 5643;
Email [email protected])
Ian Booth
Tel. 01625 262819
Ian Briscoe
Tel. 0161 485 5033
Women’s League Secretary:
Anne Gemmell
Tel. 0161 439 2302
Family Group:
Cathy Smeaton
Tel. 01625 537126
Anne Gemmell
Tel. 0161 439 2302
Flower Secretary:
Beryl Mitchell
Tel. 01625 878888
Items for Newsletter to Chrissie Wilkie
Chapel website:


Basic facts on tobacco cessation

Basic Facts on Tobacco Cessation • There are approximately 46 million adult, and five million youth, smokers in the United States • Smoking currently costs the U.S. economy approximately $150 billion annually, in health care costs, lost wages, and reduced productivity • More than premature 400,000 deaths, in the U.S. alone are caused by tobacco, many of which could be prevented by quittin


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