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information sheet 9.1
CVS in the North East
What is a CVS?
A Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) is a voluntary organisation which is set up, acting as a voice for the local voluntary Usually core funded by the local council and other local statutory agencies, there is a CVS working in almost every district As a focal point for the local voluntary private sectors. This allows local groups CVS also help different communities to organise their own networking activity. What do CVS do?
While the characteristics, history and even name of individual CVS may differ views of local groups to be represented. For example, many CVS run voluntary and community sector forums which Services and support
provide an opportunity for local groups to put forward their views on national voluntary and community groups by providing them with a range of services. Development work
CAVOS (Community and Voluntary

of the essential public services that we had their origins in, and were developed by, the voluntary sector. This tradition has continued into the 21st century, and Chester-le-Street & District Council
for Voluntary Service and Volunteer
Strategic partnerships
Community Action Northumberland
partnerships and are directly involved in Contact your local CVS
Derwentside Council for Voluntary
Community and Voluntary Action
Blyth Valley
Durham City & District CVS
Hartlepool Voluntary Development
Durham Rural Community Council
Middlesbrough Voluntary
Development Agency
East Durham Community
Development Trust
Newcastle upon Tyne Council for
Voluntary Service
North Tyneside—see VODA entry at
the bottom of page 4
Redcar and Cleveland Voluntary
Development Agency
Gateshead Voluntary Organisations
Council (GVOC)
South Tyneside Council for Voluntary
Wansbeck Council for Voluntary
Stockton Borough Voluntary
Development Agency
27 Yarm Road
Stockton on Tees
TS18 3NJ
Tel: 01642 355 292
Fax: 01642 355 294
[email protected]

Sunderland Centre for Voluntary
Riverview House, West Wear Street
2011 VODA. All rights reserved. This material is intended for use by community and voluntary groups based in North Tees Valley Rural Community
Tyneside only. VODA owns the sole distribution rights to this material. Use or distribution by any other organisation or individual is strictly prohibited. Please report abuse to the VODA Operations Manager; Tel: 0191 200 8557. North Tyneside VODA
Teesdale and Wear Valley CVS (2D)


SKÝRSLA STJÓRNAR HÍN Á AÐALFUNDI 24. FEB. 2012 Fundir stjórnar Á aðalfundi HÍN, sem haldinn var 26. feb. 2011, var tveggja ára kjörtímabili þeirra Esterar Ýrar Jónsdóttur, Estherar Ruthar Guðmundsdóttur og Hilmars J. Malmquists. Þau gáfu öll kost á sér til áframhaldandi stjórnarsetu og hlutu til þess kosningu. Frá síðasta aðalfundi hefur stjórn haldið 9 ven

Fresenius Documents CARE 2 Study

P R E S S R E L E A S E November 21, 2006 Dr. Bernd Ebeling Corporate Communications Tel.: +49-6172-6082378 Fax: +49-6172-6082294 e-mail: [email protected] Fresenius Medical Care Announces Positive Results from PhosLo CARE-2 Study Bad Homburg, Germany – Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA today announced positive results from the PhosLo (calcium acetate) CARE-2

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