Sterling Fleet The newest aircraft are equipped with wing lets,
Forholdsregler i forbindelse med flyvning
which saves 4% fuel and the environment. Number Engine Cruising Max. airline Max. passengers Length, Wing Height, Max. range, cruising passen- m take-off craftedsmæssigt en meget sikker height, mlangt gers de fleste passager weight, kg
påvirkninger, som kroppen udsættes for under flyvning.
Boeing 737-800 10 CFM 56-7B26 850 5,500 12,500 34.4 12.5
Når man sidder stille i en længere periode uden at bevæge benene, kan dette medføre en – for langt
Boeing 737-700 lille 9 risiko for CFat udvikle dyb M 56-7B22 12,500 på dansk 33.6 blodprop 34.4 i benene. Boeing 737-500 6 CFM 56-3C-1 805 3,500 11,250 28.9 11.2
On the whole, flying is a very safe form of transport, and most passengers can tolerate the factors to
which the body is exposed during a flight.
Sitting still for a fairly long period of time without moving your legs may cause a risk that for most pas-
deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or in English, blood clots in the legs.
Forslag til lp y forebyggelse af blodpropper i Ways of preventing deep-vein thrombosis
Da Maersk Air ønsker, at flyveturen skal være e e
Maersk Air wants flying to be a positive experience for all our
oplevelse for alle vores passagerer, anbefaler vores lægelige
1 Vær forberedt til flyveturen, mød op i god tid og undgå 1 Be well-prepared for your trip, arrive in good time and avoid On the whole, fl
med vand y safe form of tr
Undgå or
er, and mo
dreven st pas- sengers can toler
for samt ate the factors to which the b
fødder os 4 Keep moving your feet and legs frequently during the flight 2 Drink plenty of water before and
d for 9 If you have any doubts or con- a fl ight 5 .Udfør hyppige skift af siddestilling, d
undersiden af låret hele tiden ændr 3 A
Sitting still for a fairly long period of
blodet fra benene uhindret vil kunne coff e
We hope that you 6 Wearing support hose during the flight is enj recommended oy your fl ight. for 4 Keep moving your feet and M vascular ads Klok condi- 7 A junior a enior Physician and
afrejsedagen, såfremt dette tåles, og fl igh
ekommer culation. 7 A acetyl salic Steff acid) en L is recom- Ways of preventi
sygdom, ep-vei
mended on the day you travel, if you can
S tolerate enior Phyit and sician are 8 Såfremt De bruger medicin, thrombosis Sterling wants fl ying to Medical Department Flight Operations. 9 sitive e
tvivl erience for a
anbefales det ll ou
flyvning- t the 8 If not suff passengers
en. . Our medical depart- Sterling ment has compiled the following 9 If you have any doubts or concerns, consult enhag own doctor en Airport South DK-2791 Dragør
Man is a three-part Being Growing up Spiritually The Body – our Earth-Suit Just as GOD has revealed Himself to us as a three-The moment we are born again into God’s family we In order to live in our world and provide the part being; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so the Word arrive as babies needing plenty of care and salvation for lost people, JESUS had to be born as a o
The development and industrilization of modern near infrared online reflective spectrometer………………1 Reacher for top grade leather special needle …………………………………………………………………3 Fuel feed pump Timing-advance device………………………………………………………………………8 Technical innovation projects of extending an