Microsoft word - bf 2 - spirit, soul & body - eng.doc.doc
Man is a three-part Being Growing up Spiritually The Body – our Earth-Suit
Just as GOD has revealed Himself to us as a three-
The moment we are born again into God’s family we
In order to live in our world and provide the
part being; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so the Word
arrive as babies needing plenty of care and
salvation for lost people, JESUS had to be born as a
of God reveals that He has also created man as a
attention. Many Christians, out of ignorance, used to
human baby with a fleshly body. In order to live in
three-part being. People in the ancient world
remain in the baby stage, needing to be bottle-fed
this world and achieve everything God wants you to
understood this well, but this is a truth that has
and pampered. However we are not supposed to
do, you also have a physical body that is wonderfully
become lost to the modern world. One of the
stay in the nursery but grow up and bring enjoyment
made, although very fragile and limited. Remember,
outstanding teachers whom God raised up to renew
though, that the temporary body we see is not the
this revelation to the Body of Christ is the late Rev.
genuine you. Rather, as a human being you are a
Kenneth E. Hagin. We strongly recommend his book
The Apostle Paul writes to the Corinthian believers
spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body.
on this topic: ‘Man on Three Dimensions’.
about three types of people: These are the Natural
Just as an astronaut needs to put on a space-suit in
Man; The Carnal Man; and the Spiritual Man. The
The distinction between body, soul and spirit is clear
first is the unsaved person who has not encountered
order to function outside of the earth’s atmosphere,
when you look at the Greek language, where there
God or been Born Again. However, it is a shock to
so we need an earth-suit in order to function in this
are clear definitions for the three terms, and these
learn that the other two types of people are both
world. These bodies are miraculously made, and we
three words are all used in the English language in
should respect and look after them to be fit to go the
various ways today; PNEUMA means spirit – PSUCHE
distance GOD has set for us. However, this
means soul – SOMA means body. It is important to
God’s Word shows us that growth is not a matter of
temporary clothing is of no use whatsoever to us
discern between your own thoughts and feelings and
years but of obedience to God’s Word in your life. It
outside of this world and age. When JESUS returns,
the voice of God in your life. When we recognise
is God’s Will and plan for you to take a great leap of
these weak bodies will be transformed to glorious
where God is at work in our lives we are able to
growth during this Module. Let us take a look at
bodies that are far more powerful and do not wear
out. However, if our job is done before He returns
I Thessalonians 5: 23 I Corinthians 2: 14 – 3: 15 I Corinthians 6: 19, 20 I Peter 2: 2 Isaiah 40: 29 - 31 Hebrews 4: 12, 13 Hebrews 5: 12 – 6: 8 Romans 12: 1- 3
What does it mean for God to sanctify us
II Corinthians 5: 1 - 11
Which of the three ‘men’ are you today?
What is God’s promise for your physical
Where is the Holy Spirit’s Temple today?
How can you tell between GOD’s voice and
How does a Believer grow? [Hebrews 5: 14]
Talk to GOD Talk to GOD
Thank GOD that HE is committed to perfect you in
Talk to GOD
Ask GOD to train you to become a spiritual person
ASk GOD whether you are ready to leave milk and
Meditate today that you are GOD’s temple in the
Thank God that HE is your strength physically,
Ask GOD to give you discernment about where
Start to meditate on the reality of your eternal home
ACTION James 1: 22 ACTION James 1: 22 ACTION James 1: 22
Write down how you desire to grow over the
Write down what GOD has spoken to you in the
Write down how you can look after your body
God’s Word in my heart Renewing your Mind The things that are unseen are Eternal
I Thess. 5: 23: ‘Now may the God of Peace sanctify
The Greek word for Soul is Psuche. This is where we
You are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a
you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul
get the word Psychology-the study of the mind.
body. Your spirit is the part of you that is GOD-
and body be preserved blameless at the coming of
Actually, in the Biblical languages the word rendered
breathed. It naturally desires after GOD because it is
‘Soul’ refers to the Mind, the Will and the Emotions.
the same nature as Him. Your spirit is the eternal
This is the seat of your personality and temperament
you. When you were Born Again your spirit was
and is where moods and attitudes (both positive and
made instantly alive to GOD. This is the meaning of
negative) come from. Although your soul is the place
Eternal Life. Your spirit is the place where GOD’s
where decisions must be made that determine the
anointing dwells in your life, the spring from where
outcome of your life, remember that your soul is
life pours out to others, and the place where you
built up from your past experiences, whereas it is
receive God’s revelation and vision. THE THINGS
your spirit that is in contact with your future in GOD.
When you were Born Again your spirit was made
instantly alive to GOD. It is then up to you to train
Whichever part of your life you feed the most will
your mind to think and feel like JESUS- according to
become the strongest and start to demand attention
GOD’s Word. This is your responsibility. If your mind
and control. Your spirit is the place where you hear
is not renewed it will not agree with the new life you
GOD’s voice and where HE communes with you.
have found in your spirit. The Bible teaches us that
Therefore, your spirit should be in command of your
whether a Believer is spiritual or carnal depends on
rest of your life. Build yourself up by praying in the
whether their soul follows their spirit or runs after
Spirit. For your spirit to rise up and speak peace and
their body. (Soul + Body) in control = FLESH
order above the noise of your life, you must feed
your spirit more than your soul and body.
Romans 12: 1, 2 Romans 8: 1 - 13 John 4: 23, 24 Galatians 6: 8 II Corinthians 4: 16 - 18 Jude verse 20
What does it mean to be carnally minded?
How much do you need to pray in tongues?
Talk to GOD Talk to GOD
Ask GOD to show you how to seek His Kingdom in
Start to worship GOD in a new way from today
Pay careful attention when GOD speaks to you.
BECOMING FRUITFUL series Unit 2 of 10
Start to pray in the Spirit whenever you feel any
Ask God to show you those people you should walk
ACTION James 1: 22 ACTION James 1: 22
The anointing is the supernatural power to
fulfill GOD’s Will in your life. Write down one
testimony under the headings: Before Christ –
way to increase the anointing on your life.
Companion : _____________________
Der ökonomische Wert der biologischen Vielfalt Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität HeidelbergGrabengasse 14, D-69117 Heidelberg, [email protected] in: Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (Hrsg.). Warumbrauchen wir einen flächendeckenden Biotopverbund? Grundlagen zum Verständnis der bio-logischen Mannigfaltigkeit, ihrer ökologischen Be
Man is a three-part Being Growing up Spiritually The Body – our Earth-Suit Just as GOD has revealed Himself to us as a three-The moment we are born again into God’s family we In order to live in our world and provide the part being; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so the Word arrive as babies needing plenty of care and salvation for lost people, JESUS had to be born as a o