Reach and effectiveness of a computer-based alcohol intervention in a swedish emergency room
International Emergency Nursing (2010) 18, 138– 146
a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / a a e n
Reach and effectiveness of a computer-basedalcohol intervention in a Swedish emergency room
Anna Trinks MSc (Student) *, Karin Festin PhD,Preben Bendtsen PhD (Professor), Per Nilsen PhD (Associate Professor)
Department of Medical and Health Science, Division of Community Medicine, Linko
Received 28 April 2009; received in revised form 19 August 2009; accepted 25 August 2009
Objectives: This study evaluates a computerized alcohol intervention implemented in a Swedish
emergency department (ED) with regard to the effectiveness of two different types of tailored
brief feedback on patients’ drinking patterns and the reach of the intervention.
Methods: The study was a prospective, randomized controlled trial of ED patients. The desig-nated target population was the ED population aged 18–69 years who registered at the triageroom before receiving care. Patients who were categorized as risky drinkers and completed thecomputerized test were randomized to either a long or a short feedback. The feedback was tai-lored on the basis of the individual patient’s responses to questions on their drinking patterns. Results: The computerized intervention reached 41% of the target population. Those who com-pleted the computerized test and received the feedback were younger than those who did notreceive the intervention. Among those who could be followed up, the feedback was effective inreducing the patient’s weekly alcohol consumption and the number of heavy episodic drinkingoccasions. The long feedback was slightly more effective than the short feedback, but the dif-ferences were not statistically significant. ª 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Alcohol consumption in Sweden has increased substantiallyover the last decade, reaching its highest levels in
100 years. Between 1996 and 2004, consumption increased
Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 13227132.
from 8.8 L of 100% alcohol per year per person (over
15 years) to 10.4 L. Since then, consumption has stabilized
1755-599X/$ - see front matter ª 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reach and effectiveness of a computer-based alcohol intervention in a Swedish emergency room
). The alcohol consumption trends in Sweden have led
Study participants were eligible if they were aged
to concern as to whether the number of alcohol-related
18–69 years. Patients were excluded for the following
emergency department (ED) presentations might be on the
increase. Patients presenting to EDs have higher weeklyconsumption and more frequently engage in heavy episodic
Structural reasons: arrived by ambulance or received
drinking (HED) than the general population
immediate care without presenting to the triage room.
Health reasons: the triage nurses considered the patients
setting thus offers an important opportunity to intervene
to be too ill, injured, intoxicated or fragile to do the
with patients to reduce future alcohol intake
Feasibility reasons: the triage nurses perceived ‘‘logisti-
scribed as ‘‘an ideal setting in which to identify and initiate
cal’’ problems such as many patients presenting within
interventions for alcohol abuse’’ and
a short time period or the ED waiting room being
being ‘‘ideally situated for alcohol screening, interventions,
Despite the ED’s potential as an important venue for
The remaining patients comprised the designated target
alcohol interventions, emergency care patients are rarely
population: patients who should be given a card by the ED
triage nurses with an instruction to do the computerized
This can be partially explained by the operational difficul-
The computerized intervention concept was designed to
ties of delivering alcohol interventions in the ED environ-
require minimal input by the researchers. The amount of
ment, which tends to be busy and overcrowded. Lack of
time the researchers devoted to maintaining the interven-
time, fear of negative patient response due to the perceived
tion did not exceed 2 h/week over the 1-year study period.
sensitivity of the subject, negative attitudes to and lack of
The implementation of the concept is described in detail in
interest in alcohol prevention, and insufficient knowledge
about alcohol-related issues have been cited as key obsta-cles for implementation of alcohol interventions in ED set-
Patients who were registered at the ED triage room were
Although empirical support is emerging for computerized
given an instruction card by a triage nurse and requested
health behaviour interventions, very few studies have eval-
to answer alcohol-related questions on a touch-screen com-
uated the effectiveness of computer-based alcohol inter-
puter that was positioned in the adjacent ED waiting room.
ventions delivered in ED settings. We have only been able
Participation was voluntary and the patient could exit the
computer programme at any point. Patients who completed
). This paucity of research suggests that more
the programme received a one-page printout, containing
studies are needed to explore the use of computerized
either a long or a short feedback on their drinking patterns
interventions implemented in ED settings. Effectiveness is
and motivation to change drinking behaviour. The patient
obviously a critical aspect, but it is also important to con-
picked up the printout by the computer and it was not avail-
sider the reach of computer-based interventions in terms
able to any of the staff. No further person-to-person feed-
of the proportion and representativeness of patients who
are willing to participate in such interventions. The public
Using a randomization algorithm within the computer
health impact is a function of effectiveness and reach
programme, patients were allocated to one of two types
of feedback. The ‘‘long feedback’’ group received tailored
a knowledge gap by evaluating a computerized alcohol
advice and information concerning the weekly alcohol in-
intervention implemented in a Swedish ED with regard to
take level, frequency of heavy episodic drinking (HED),
its reach and the effectiveness of two different types of tai-
and motivation to change current drinking patterns. The
lored feedback on patients’ drinking patterns.
printout also included a graphic illustration of a traffic light,indicating the patient’s weekly alcohol consumption and
frequency of HED, represented as ‘‘hazardous level’’, an‘‘elevated risk’’ or ‘‘no risk’’. The advice, information,
and traffic lights were tailored based on the patient’s an-swers. The ‘‘short feedback’’ group received only the gra-
The study was a prospective, randomized controlled trial of
phic illustration showing the risk levels regarding their
ED patients, conducted over a 1-year period at the ED facil-
weekly alcohol consumption and frequency of HED. The
ity of the Motala County Hospital, beginning in March 2007.
decision to use two different types of feedback was based
The population of Motala is 42,000. Motala County Hospital
on the ED staff’s wishes to provide feedback to all patients
is a public hospital with a total catchment area of approxi-
who did the computerized test. A similar methodology was
mately 80,000 people Swedish health care is
also used in one of the previous computer-based ED studies
publicly funded, i.e. residents are insured by the state and
health care services are funded through a taxation scheme
At the end of the computer programme, the patients
of the county councils. Approval and permission to conduct
were asked if they would be willing to respond to a fol-
this study were given by an ethical committee.
low-up postal questionnaire. The follow-up questionnaire
was mailed 6 months after the ED visit. Two reminders were
HED occasions per month, we applied the same principle
of using the highest amount in an interval.
Risk drinking was defined as having a weekly consumption
of 10 or more drinks for women (P120 g) and 15 or more(P180 g) for men (i.e. hazardous weekly consumption)
Several different sources were used to obtain data for this
and/or engaged in HED (as defined above) once a month
study. ED logs provided data on the total number of pa-
or more often. This composite risk drinking definition has
tient’s aged 18–69 years presenting to the ED during the
been promoted by the National Public Health Institute and
study period. Baseline data were collected through the
computer, which stored participant-provided information
). Those who drank at above these levels of weekly con-
in a database. This made it possible to access socio-demo-
sumption and/or frequency of HED are referred to as risky
graphic and alcohol consumption information about the par-
ticipants and to examine the number of tests initialized andcompleted. Follow-up data were collected by means of a
postal questionnaire that was mailed to the patients6 months after their ED visit. Questions on the patient’s
alcohol consumption since the ED visit were included inthe questionnaire.
(1) Participation was examined in terms of the propor-
Individual interviews were conducted with five triage
tions of patients who initialized and completed the
nurses and one group interview was conducted with a fur-
computerized test, were willing to be followed up
ther five triage nurses to obtain information on the different
6 months later, and responded to the follow-up
types of patients presenting to the ED who did not initialize
the computer test, i.e. estimates of how many patients
(2) Representativeness was examined by comparing age
were excluded due to structural, health or feasibility rea-
and sex for patients who initialized but did not com-
sons. After the study was over, the number of ‘‘instruction
plete the computerized test with those who com-
cards’’ remaining was counted to obtain a measure of how
many patients were not given a card by the triage nurses.
investigated by comparing socio-demographic andalcohol data for those who were unwilling to be fol-
lowed up with a questionnaire (non-participants),those who did not respond to the follow-up question-
The following data were recorded on the computer: (a)
naire (non-responders), and those who responded to
socio-demographic data on sex, age, education, and occu-
the follow-up questionnaire (responders).
pation; (b) data on three drinking variables: frequency of
(3) Effectiveness was measured by comparing the long
drinking, typical quantity of drinking, and frequency of
and short feedback conditions in terms of absolute
HED. The data on drinking variables were also recorded in
and relative changes, from baseline to follow-up, in
weekly alcohol consumption (in grams) and number
Frequency of drinking was measured as follows: every
of HED occasions per month, and the proportion of
day; almost every day; 3–4 times per week; 1–2 times
patients who changed from risk drinking to non-risk
per week; 2–3 times per month; about once per month; less
drinking levels, according to the previously stated
often than monthly; had not been drinking during the past
year. Typical quantity of drinking was measured as follows:1 standard glass; 2–3 standard glasses; 4–5 standardglasses; 6–7 standard glasses; 8–9 standard glasses; 10
standard glasses or more. One standard drink equals 12 gof pure alcohol.
Pearson’s v2-test and Fisher’s exact test, when appropriate,
Responses regarding frequency of drinking and typical
were used to analyse the differences in distribution regard-
quantity were combined to calculate the weekly consump-
ing socio-demographic characteristics ), type
tion for each patient, according to a method suggested by
of feedback (and proportion of risky drinkers
Differences in average weekly consumption were
per week (counted as two times per week) and a typical
tested with one-way ANOVA (for all three categories in
quantity of 4–5 standard glasses (counted as drinking five
) and t-test (all tables). Differences concerning fre-
standard glasses) has a weekly consumption of 10 standard
quency of HED occasions per month between the two
types of feedback were tested with non-parametric tests,
HED was defined as consuming four drinks or more on one
the Kruskal–Wallis test (for all three categories in
occasion for women and five drinks or more on one occasion
and the Mann–Whitney test (all three tables). In
for men. This standard is widely applied in the international
absolute change in consumption within each feedback con-
dition was tested with the paired t-test (average weekly in-
Frequency of HED was categorized as follows:
take) and with the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank
never; less than monthly; about once per month; 2–3 times
test (number of HED occasions per month). A p-value
per month; 1–2 times per week; 3–4 times per week; al-
<0.05 was considered statistically significant. SPSS 15.0
most every day or every day. To estimate the number of
was used for the statistical calculations.
Socio-demographic and drinking characteristics of the three categories.
Frequency of HED, no. of HED occasions/month (p = 0.009)Median (range)
a Non-participants, risky drinkers who completed the computerized questionnaire but answered that they not were willing to respond to the follow-up questionnaire. b Non-responders, risky drinkers who completed the computerized test and were willing to be followed up, but chose not to respond to the questionnaire. c Responders, risky drinkers who completed the computerized test, wanted to be followed up and answered the follow-up questionnaire.
patients aged 18–69 years were registered at the ED be-
Baseline socio-demographic and drinking charac-
fore receiving care during the 1-year study period. Of
teristics according to type of feedback.
these, 3016 patients were not given a card with an instruc-
tion to use the computer due to structural, health or fea-
sibility reasons. The remaining 3848 patients comprisedthe target population for the study, i.e. patients who
should be given a card with an instruction to do the com-
Of the target population, 1508 patients (39% of the tar-
get population) were lost due to oversight by the nurses
to give the patients the card with the request to do the com-
puterized test. An additional 278 patients (7% of the target
population) were given the card but chose not to partici-
pate. The test was initialized by 2062 patients and was com-
pleted by 1570 patients, constituting 41% of the target
The 1570 patients who completed the computerized test
were randomized to receive either the long or short feed-
back. Of those who completed the test, 560 patients (36%)
were categorized as risky drinkers. However, 415 (74%) of
those who completed the test did not want to be followed
up. The remaining 145 patients (26%) were followed up with
a questionnaire. Ninety-three patients replied to the ques-
tionnaire, yielding a response rate of 64% for the follow-
A number of patients were excluded from the study. One
patient who completed the test died within 6 months andwas thus excluded. We could not obtain the addresses of
four patients (they were included in the non-participants
group as we had baseline data for them). One patient sub-
mitted a follow-up questionnaire that had been filled in by
Frequency of HED, no. of HED occasions per month
another person (the patient was treated as a non-responder
since we had relevant baseline data). One patient was ex-
cluded because we lacked information about which type
of feedback the patient had received. We also excluded20 patients because they reported a weekly consumptionthat was three times higher than the cut-off for risky
describes the participation and reasons for attrition
In total, 492 patients initialized the computerized test but
did not complete it. This group of patients was to a greater
Effectiveness of the two types of feedback.
Average weekly consumption (g) at baseline, mean (median)
Average weekly consumption (g) at follow-up, mean (median)
Absolute change in average weekly consumption, g (p-value)
Relative change in average weekly consumption, %
Number of HED occasions per month at baseline, mean (median)
Number of HED occasions per month at follow-up, mean (median)
Absolute change in no. of HED occasions per month (p-value)
Relative change in no. of HED occasions per month, %
a Test for change in average weekly intake within the ‘long feedback’ group. b Test for change in average weekly intake within the ‘short feedback’ group. c Test for change in number of HED occasions per month within the ‘long feedback’ group. d Test for change in number of HED occasions per month within the ‘short feedback’ group.
Reach and effectiveness of a computer-based alcohol intervention in a Swedish emergency room
Patients who received the long feedback after
Patients who received the short feedback
extent older, 44 versus 41 years (p = 0.004), than those who
completed the test (n = 1570). Both groups were comprisedof 55% women.
compares characteristics for the patients who re-
presents key data on the three categories who
ceived the long and short feedback. There were no statisti-
completed the test: non-participants, non-responders, and
cally significant differences between the two feedback
responders. There were statistically significant differences
conditions concerning socio-demographic and drinking char-
in age between non-participants and non-responders
(p = 0.014); the non-participants were older. However,
presents the results concerning the effectiveness
there were no significant differences in sex, education or
of the two types of feedback, i.e. changes from baseline to
occupation between the three categories.
the 6-month follow-up. No significant differences were ob-
There were no significant differences between the three
served between the long and short feedback pertaining to
groups regarding weekly alcohol consumption (p = 0.123),
weekly consumption at baseline (p = 0.330) or follow-up
but the number of HED occasions per month differed signif-
(p = 0.100). Patients who received the long feedback de-
icantly between the groups (p = 0.009). Responders had a
creased their weekly consumption by 26 g between baseline
lower number of HED occasions per month than non-
and follow-up (34% reduction), which was statistically sig-
responders (p = 0.014) and non-participants (p = 0.005).
nificant (p = 0.029). Patients who received the short feed-
back also improved, reducing their weekly consumption by
Three-quarters of the patients who initialized the test
24 g between baseline and follow-up (26%), which was also
completed it and received the tailored feedback. Those
statistically significant (p = 0.039).
who completed the test were younger than those who did
There were no statistically significant differences be-
not complete the test. Of those patients who completed
tween the long and short feedback regarding the frequency
the test, the responders (those who responded to the fol-
of HED at either baseline or follow-up. Patients who re-
low-up questionnaire) had somewhat less detrimental drink-
ceived long feedback reduced their frequency of HED by
ing patterns than non-participants (those who did not want
1.2 occasions per month (40% reduction) between baseline
to be followed up) and non-responders (those who did not
and follow-up, which was significant (p < 0.001). Patients
respond to the follow-up questionnaire), with responders
who received the short feedback reduced their HED fre-
having a significantly lower number of HED occasions per
quency by 1.0 occasions per month (33% reduction), which
month. Our findings are in line with previous brief alcohol
was not statistically significant (p = 0.115).
The proportions of risky drinkers at baseline who chan-
ged to non-risky drinkers at follow-up did not differ signifi-
have found that patients who do not want to be followed
up after an intervention tend to drink more than those
feedback. Of the patients who received the long feedback,
56% of the risky drinkers at baseline became non-risky drink-
The computer-based intervention was effective in reduc-
ers at follow-up. The corresponding figure for patients who
ing the weekly alcohol consumption and number of HED
received the short feedback was 39%. In total, 48% of the
occasions per month for patients in both feedback condi-
target population became non-risky drinkers at follow-up.
tions who could be followed up. The long feedback wasslightly more effective than the short feedback, but the dif-ference was not statistically significant. The decrease in
weekly alcohol consumption and number of HED occasionsper month from baseline to 6-month follow-up ranged be-
This study set out to evaluate a computerized alcohol inter-
tween 26% and 40% for the two types of feedback. These
vention implemented in a Swedish ED with regard to reach
beneficial effects are largely consistent with the large body
in terms of the proportion and representativeness of pa-
of literature on brief face-to-face alcohol interventions.
tients who participated in the intervention, and the effec-
There is a solid evidence base that supports the effective-
tiveness of two different types of tailored computer-
ness of brief alcohol interventions at reducing hazardous
generated feedback on patients’ drinking patterns. The
and harmful alcohol consumption in non-dependent, non-
intervention was integrated into ordinary ED practice and
treatment-seeking patients in a variety of settings, includ-
required little maintenance, thus adhering to requirements
on realistic models for alcohol interventions described in
Only two previous computer-based ED studies have been
German university hospital ED. They found that patients
The reach of the intervention was acceptable. The test
who received the computer-based intervention reduced
was completed by two-fifths (41%) of the target population,
their weekly alcohol consumption by 36% from baseline to
i.e. patients who should have been given a card with an
6-month follow-up; weekly consumption in the control
instruction to do the computerized test. Unquestionably,
this proportion is smaller than in most conventional alcohol
set in an American university hospital ED, combined com-
intervention studies, even though the loss of patients in
puter-based feedback with face-to-face advice under four
such studies tends to vary a great deal and is not always re-
conditions: generic feedback complemented with brief ad-
ported in sufficient detail to allow for comparisons among
vice, generic feedback without the advice, computer-gen-
erated feedback that was tailored according to the
ticipation rates can be achieved by applying more research-
patient’s responses complemented with brief advice, and
er-supported procedures, e.g. with researchers on hand in
tailored feedback without the advice. The feedback con-
the ED to encourage patients to initialize the test and even
sisted of a booklet printed by the computer for each partic-
help them complete the test. However, the present concept
ipant. The tailored and generic booklets were identical in
was implemented with the intention of being sustained with
length, content, and graphics, but the generic version in-
minimal researcher input in order to study its effectiveness
cluded standard text and graphics rather than content tai-
and reach under realistic conditions.
lored to the individual responses. Patients in the tailored
Relatively few patients who received a card with a re-
feedback and brief advice condition achieved a 48% de-
quest to do the computerized test declined to participate.
crease in weekly alcohol consumption from baseline to
Our ‘‘refusal rate’’ of 7% of the target population compares
12-month follow-up; for the other conditions, reductions
favourably with many ED intervention studies (e.g.
of between 26% and 36% were achieved. The corresponding
reductions in HED occasions per month ranged from 20% to
due to patient refusal typically ranges from about 15% to
Our findings suggest that the computerized intervention
35%. The fact that nearly nine out of ten patients who re-
could have considerable public health impact, if sustained.
ceived the ‘‘instruction card’’ chose to initialize the test
The reach and effectiveness of the intervention must be
could possibly be seen as an indicator of patient interest
considered very promising, but further research is needed
before firm conclusions can be drawn concerning the viabil-
Reach and effectiveness of a computer-based alcohol intervention in a Swedish emergency room
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