Printed in Germany · All rights reserved_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Teaching Cataloguing and Classificationat the University of Pretoria: ThinkingPreferences of Second Year Students
Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, Queenswood, South Africa
The information profession has changed drastically in the
Pretoria. At the beginning of 2000, funds were obtained to
last few years. The core requirements for information work-
use the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument to establish the
ers have also changed because the workplace needs specific
preferences of the second year Library Science students
qualities and skills. The necessity of continuing to teach cata-
taking cataloguing. The result showed that their preferences
loguing and classification is questioned, and many library
do not really correspond to those of cataloguers. They
schools have discontinued teaching these subjects. Many ex-
specifically do not like the analysing and mastering the
perts, however, believe that cataloguing and classification
technical details required in cataloguing. As these skills are
are still among the basics of information work. The subject
required for cataloguing, teaching methods will have to be
still forms part of the curriculum at the University of
adapted to equip students for the workplace.
who specialise in IT (information technology) andcomputing are needed. To discover how the
The library and information profession as a
information professional of the future must be
whole and the work of cataloguers in particular
educated and trained, it is essential to look at the
has changed significantly in the last few years.
environment in which these future professionals
There are a number of reasons for these changes.
Among these are the increase in electronicpublishing,
What does the workplace require of
materials, the advent of the Internet, the
availability of information in many new formatsand the extensive use of technology in the
Most library and information science students
organisation and retrieval of information, as well
receive a general undergraduate education,
as in most other operations in library and
including a variety of subjects and skills, to
information organisations (Ayres 1999, 3). All
enable them to be able to function adequately in
this seems to make cataloguing if not superfluous
different environments. Few know at the end of
their studies which direction their careers might
Information workers also had to adapt to meet
take. They therefore need a general background
the information needs of a varied clientele. Sheila
Corral, as quoted by Garrod (1999, 194) argues
development depends on the in-service training
that, in the hybrid library of today, “content
they receive in the workplace. Thus, when
professionals”, who specialise in information
handling, as well as “conduit professionals”,
education, it is essential that the requirements of
Ann-Louise de Boer; H. S. Coetzee, H. Coetzee, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, P O Box 12339,Queenswood, South Africa, 0121. E-mail: [email protected]Ann-Louise de Boer, H. S. Coetzee, H. Coetzee
the profession be known and met as far as
Hjørland 2000, 502–503, 515; Wojcik 1999, 1).
The aim of this study is to establish whether
All prospective information workers should
acquire the above-mentioned general skills.
description and access, classification and
providing subject access to information) is still a
information workers, it is important to realise
required skill for library and information workers
that many will have to operate within a “hybrid”
and if so what consequences this should have for
library where a “generalist” information worker,
curricula. It is accepted that all students studying
as described by Hjørland (2000, 503) is needed.
library and information science, must possess
This highlights the need for lifelong learning to
certain characteristics and skills but this study
will attempt to establish if a specific group of
conditions (Garrod 1999, 191). Because the focus
students taking courses in cataloguing at the
of this study is on the education for cataloguing,
University of Pretoria possess the specific skills
we will show where cataloguing fits into the
bigger picture of education for informationworkers.
Olsson, according to Hjørland (2000, 503)
identifies various professional strategies (see
Figure 1), giving an indication of the possible
Much has been written about the most desirable
scenarios in which an information professional
characteristics that candidates for information
might have to function. Hjørland then uses this
work should possess and also which subjects
model to group library and information science
and skills should be included in a curriculum.
Future information workers should possess the
<insert fig. 1 near here -- do we have
following characteristics, according to Buttlar &
Du Mont (1996, 44) and Wojcik (1999) to enable
them to adapt and be successful in most working
<insert fig. 2 near here -- do we have
permission to re-publish? Author did notrespond>
• Integrity when working with information at the request
The first dimension (horizontally) is form vs.
of others; sharing information; and providing improved
content. This is characterised by a differentiation
between technical form on the one side and
• Versatility to be able to adapt to different environments
content of knowledge, information or subject
like public libraries, college/university libraries,
matter on the other side. The other dimension
school/media centre environments, the private sector
attempts to differentiate between specialist and
• Mobility/flexibility to apply basic skills and expertise
Figure 1 gives an indication of the core subjects
in the curriculum according to Olsson. Hjørland(2000, 508) (see Figure 2) is of the opinion that
The following skills are identified by some
the central subjects are related to both form and
authors as essential for information workers:
content. Subjects related to cataloguing such as
bibliography tends to be form-oriented in anational bibliography, but more content-oriented
when it comes to a theory of subject bibliography
and search strategies in online retrieval (Hjørland
2000, 508). Classification is form-oriented in
• Knowledge of reference and information sources
systems, in software for knowledge organisationand in formal kinds of knowledge organisation,
but content-oriented in the analysis of subject-
• Materials and collection development skills
• Critical thinking skills (Abell 1999, 591; Buttlar & Du
information structures in disciplines (Hjørland
Mont 1989, 13–14; 1996, 44, 47; Garrod 1999, 187;
2000, 508). Reference work is generally more
Teaching Cataloguing and Classification at the University of Pretoria
content related than bibliography. It is difficult to
construct a theory of reference work without
deprofessionalisation of cataloguers. She states
that the most dominant effect of automation and
organisation (Hjørland 2000, 508). According to
co-operative networks was on cataloguers. As
this model cataloguing deals with both form and
result of standardisation, cataloguers were able
content and can be regarded as a specialist
to use each other’s work. Although their work
became more visible, it affected their statusnegatively (Hafter 1986, 1–10). The control ofcataloguing processes shifted to administrators,
who insisted that less time be devoted to creating
Now we take a brief look at cataloguing and its
complex bibliographic records. Consequently a
status at present in the workplace. Library
large part of cataloguing was left to library
schools must take this into account to decide if
assistants. Many thought that the need for
cataloguing should be a part of present curricula
professional cataloguers would become even less
as a core competency or as an elective, and how
much time should be devoted to this aspect of
It became clear that the reduced need for
cataloguers in the 1970s and 1980s was not
Cataloguing in its broadest sense, including
permanent. Vast segments of library collections
describing, indexing, classifying and controlling
consisted of non-book material, for which
library materials bibliographically, is considered
part of technical services (Hill & Intner 1999: 1).
perception that the computer “had everything,
A century ago it formed the biggest part of library
did everything, knew everything” proved not to
continuously and the lines between formats were
acquisition of other skills, such as computer
blurring. The catalogue itself was changing as it
skills. These skills were often included as part of
contained records for material not owned.
the teaching of cataloguing. As a result,
Libraries no longer functioned in isolation,
cataloguing changed from a required to an
increasing the need for standardisation and good
elective course. Information science emerged as a
quality bibliographic data. A relatively small
number of cataloguers were doing the work to be
remained part of the library science curriculum.
used by many institutions. Cataloguing also
The division between technical and public
became increasingly complex and expensive (Hill
services also took place, with cataloguing
regarded as part of technical services (Hill &
The demise of cataloguers in libraries was
differently but the product they create is still
heralded in the mid-seventies, and courses in
essential for good library services (Steinhagen &
cataloguing were cut from library school curricula
Moynahan 1998, 3). Catalogue construction is
and the content was changed. A perception that
now so complex that only a small minority in the
the profession itself must train cataloguers in the
profession fully understands the standards on
workplace emerged. This had a deleterious effect
which construction is based or the problems that
on the image of cataloguers (Steinhagen &
the standards seek to overcome or control. The
Moynahan 1998, 5). Even in those courses in
need for this complexity has little to do with
cataloguing still presented, practical training was
requirements of the user (Ayres 1999, 4).
reduced. Fewer and fewer students applied for
Steinhagen & Moynahan (1998, 5) declare that
cataloguing positions even when they were
”A good catalogue is the foundation of a good
qualified (Hill & Intner 1999, 5).
information delivery system.” Pat Oddy (1996,
During the 1980s much was written about the
x) calls the catalogue “the heart of the library”.
crisis in cataloguing. In her book Academic
Because cataloguing is the tool used to organise
librarians and cataloging networks: visibility, quality
and manage access to library collections, the need
control and professional status, Ruth Hafter
for knowledge of this aspect of information work,
Ann-Louise de Boer, H. S. Coetzee, H. Coetzee
will not disappear soon. It can play an important
• uniform titles are needed as linking mechanisms (Ayres
cataloguers know how to organise knowledge(Hill & Intner 1999, 7–8).
Cooperative Cataloging Standing Committee onTraining, developed a training model to support
Abilities and skills required of cataloguers
their programme. This model assumes that it is
Technology and economics have had tremendous
impacts on cataloguing operations within recent
• maintain an adequate supply of original cataloguing
years and on the requisite skills of cataloguingprofessionals. The catalogue requires design,
• accept the concept of a national cataloguing standard
input and maintenance by professionals with a
• increase acceptance of cataloguing copy
high level of understanding of bibliographic
control and information retrieval skills. Also a
• increase timeliness of contributions to national
wide range of other skills and qualities, such as
cataloguing databases (Swanekamp 1998, 51).
adaptability and problem-solving skills isessential.
To be able to educate and train cataloguers, it
prepare learners for specific jobs. It is necessary
has to be established which abilities and skills
to find a basic set of core competencies,
augmented by the possibility of specialisation. In
effectively. According to Hill (1997, 75–83), the
the article by Birger Hjørland (2000, 503–504), he
following skills and abilities are essential for
still sees cataloguers in a meaningful role in the
profession (see Figures 1 and 2) and in LISeducation. He places cataloguing in the quadrant
• Adaptability to new ideas and concepts in
of specialists in form, together with other
producers of data files. Subject cataloguing is
• Ability to use judgement and make decisions
placed in the specialist in content quadrant.
• Ability to manage time and prioritise tasks
Is it still necessary to include cataloguing inlibrary and information science courses?
• Ability to anticipate and appreciate catalogue user
Authors like Hill (1997, 75–83) and Spillane(1999, 223) expressed concern because the
number of cataloguing courses have been reduced
by most library schools during the last number of
years. In recent years a number of experts on
cataloguing have expressed themselves in favourof the value of retaining cataloguing in the LIS
curriculum: Doris Clack as quoted by Saye (1993,
127) declares “cataloging is the centrality, the
core, the heart of education for technical service.“According to Spillane (1999, 223), “cataloguing
To meet present demands curricula should also
take changes in cataloguing practice into account
education and remains one today. it is also an
that cataloguing functions should be defined by
important part of library is the
function that creates the bibliographic record, thecore of a library’s catalog.” According to Clack
• from the present pre-co-ordinate activity, it should shift
(1993, 7), “Cataloguing is one of the primary
functions of librarianship. It is the core of the
• authority control should shift from the cataloguing
profession, the cohesive force that binds the
Teaching Cataloguing and Classification at the University of Pretoria
“Cataloging has been the core of the library
30 per year. Curricula are revised on a regular
education programme. It will remain so in the
basis, trying to deliver students able to find jobs
future, although not necessarily in the form as we
and do the work required of them competently.
Traditional content like cataloguing and reference
intelligibility of bibliographic records and the
work is still taught although time allotted to
findability of material, a study of cataloging is
teaching these skills has been reduced. The range
beneficial to the success of every library
of jobs for which students must be equipped is
very wide in a country like South Africa, which is
The perception that only cataloguers need to
know about cataloguing is also not true. It is
sophisticated first world sector as well as a large
third world sector. Students have to be prepared
customisation of information systems, as well as
for the input of data into them (Hill & Intner
applications to community information services.
1999, 7). Although the number of people actually
doing cataloguing is fewer than before, many
retrieval, information organisation, management
experts argue that every information worker
of information organisations, and user studies are
should know how to organise information and
taught within the curriculum for a degree course,
how retrieval tools work. The information worker
with elective modules in more specialised topics
will in future not only need the basic core of
that could address the various interests of
traditional skills and professional knowledge, but
students and the needs of the marketplace.
a number of new competencies to be competitivein the changing working conditions (Buttlar & Du
Thinking styles of educators and students:
Mont 1996, 44; Hjørland 2000, 501–502). Utilising the Herrmann Brain DominanceTeaching cataloguing at the University of
At the beginning of 2000 an experiment wasconducted in which 1000 first-year students in
A number of library and information schools in
the Human Sciences faculty were tested using the
South Africa have closed in the last few years.
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI).
Some have changed their names, because the
It formed part of the Academic Skills Programme
inclusion of the word “library” in the name is
seen as detrimental to attracting students
knowing themselves and their abilities through
enrolling for courses in these departments.
discovering their thinking preferences, thus
Traditional content, previously regarded as
enabling them to improve required skills, if these
essential to prepare students for careers in the
skills were not part of their thinking preferences.
information world, is gradually being phased out
At the beginning of 2000, funds were obtained
of courses. Consensus seems to be that the
to establish what were the thinking preferences of
availability of computer systems has made
second-year students enrolled for a degree in
knowledge of the traditional skills redundant. It
library and information science. The aim of this
is a debatable point. Although technology has
experiment was to adapt teaching methods to
largely eliminated the duplication of effort in the
take their thinking preferences into consideration.
field of bibliographic control by taking over many
Their preferred thinking styles should be
administrative and routine tasks, staff with this
addressed by teaching the lesser preferred
knowledge and skills is still essential even if
thinking styles and skills required by the
The Department of Information Science at the
University of Pretoria is the department with the
thinking styles. As more research in this field
largest number of staff and students in this field
continues to be published the findings may
in South Africa. The number of students enrolling
suggest solutions to overcome the difficulty of
for a degree in Library and Information Science
teaching students in traditional ways (Lumsdaine
has remained fairly consistent at between 25 and
& Lumsdaine 1995, 193, 202). Educators should
Ann-Louise de Boer, H. S. Coetzee, H. Coetzee
take the different thinking styles of students into
decisions through a structured, logical process,
whereas others rely on their values and emotions
incorporating a full spectrum of approaches and
to guide them to the appropriate action (Leonard
acknowledging the diversity in preferences
(Leonard & Straus 1997, 111–112).
In their research Leonard & Straus (1997,
developed to identify diverse categories of
111–112) point out that the so-called cognitive
cognitive approaches. All the instruments agree
differences that exist could also be varying
on the following (Herrmann 1989, 15–23;
approaches to perceiving and assimilating data,
Leonard & Straus 1997, 113; Lumsdaine &
making decisions, solving problems, and relating
synonymous with preferences and should not to
• Preferences are neither inherently good nor inherently
be confused with skills or abilities. Preferences
bad. They are assets or liabilities depending on thesituation.
are not rigid (Lumsdaine & Lumsdaine 1995,193). Most people can draw on a mixture of
• Distinguishing preferences emerge early in our lives,
and strongly held ones tend to remain relatively stable
approaches and do not live their lives within
narrow cognitive boundaries. They often stretchoutside the borders of preferred operating modes
• We can learn to expand our repertoire of behaviours, to
act outside our preferred styles, but that is difficult.
if the conditions are right and the stakes are highenough. People tend to have one or two preferred
• Understanding others' preferences helps people to
decision-making styles and their interaction with
others (Leonard & Straus 1997, 112).
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI[R]) or the
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI)
distinction since the early seventies is between
help educators not only to understand their own
left-brained and right-brained ways of thinking.
thinking style preferences, but that of their
students as well. Communications should be
physiological evidence, is metaphorical, because
tailored to the receiver instead of the sender. In a
it captures radically different ways of thinking
cognitively diverse environment, a message sent is
(Herrmann 1989, 8–15, 31–34). An analytical,
not necessarily a message received. Some people
logical, and sequential approach to problem
respond well to facts, figures, and statistics.
framing and solving (left-brained thinking) clearly
Others prefer anecdotes. Still others digest
differs from an intuitive, values-based, and non-
graphic presentations most easily. Information
linear approach (right-brained thinking) (Leonard
must be delivered in the preferred "language" of
the recipient if it is to be received at all (Leonard
Thinking preferences are also revealed in
different work styles, including decision-making
The study of library and information science
and communication activities. Some people
competencies by Buttlar & Du Mont (1996, 59)
prefer to work in a group to solve problems,
identified five areas needing attention in
whereas others prefer to gather, absorb, and
process information by themselves. Abstractthinkers, for instance, assimilate information
• breadth of curriculum and pedagogical technology to
from a variety of sources, such as books, reports,
broaden the scope of the interest of library and
videos, and conversations, and prefer learning
• greater attention to the external environment (e.g.,
experiencing it directly. Experiential people, in
government relations, societal trends, legal climate, and
contrast, get information from interacting directly
international development) that affects the institutions
with people and things (Leonard & Straus 1997,
112; Lumsdaine & Lumsdaine 1995, 202–203).
• recognition that libraries are increasingly service-
orientated, and that all jobs have service implications,
Teaching Cataloguing and Classification at the University of Pretoria
• integration of curricula across functional areas, and
mode and D quadrants) and lower left (B
quadrants). About 16% of the population fall
within this profile. This group of students preferto use the Lower Right C quadrant (97) primarily,
It is also important to recognise the need for
followed by the Lower Left B quadrant (81) and
change in the education process (Curran 1998,
then the Upper Right C quadrant (68). The
183; Shannon 1998, 172). Teachers must adapt
Upper Left A quadrant (55) is the least preferred
and change to meet the changing demands of the
mode of thinking. Another important aspect
new generation of information workers. The
concluded obtained from the information is the
effective use of the information gathered by the
rank order of work elements (see Figure 4). These
HBDI can be used to address these issues, such
work elements are those elements most preferred
as planning and preparation of a “whole brain”
lecture, active participation in the class room by
learners, delivery and execution of the lecture and
the attitude of the teacher to recognise the
This profile is characterised by its multi-
various personalities “profiles” in the class
dominant and “generalized” nature, and fairly
(Curran 1998, 185–188). The system must be
balanced amount of understanding and ability to
harnessed to work to the advantage of the learner
use the three primary quadrants – the preferred
(Curran 1998, 193). To ensure adherence to this it
processing modes being creative and holistic in
is important to work from within the framework
Upper Right D, interpersonal and feeling in
suggested by Herrmann (1989, 419) (see Table 1).
Lower Right C, and planning and organising inthe Lower Left B. The Upper Left Quadrant A is
least preferred, but the person is still typically
quite functional in their use of the logical andanalytical aspects of this quadrant. This profile
Results of the HBDI evaluation of second yearstudents registered for the degree – Bachelor
resources professionals, including educators, as
in Information Science (Library Science)
well as those whose occupations require anunderstanding and ability to function on many
From a class of 28 second-year students, 27
levels, such as social workers, executive
participated in the experiment. The survey was
secretaries, and supervisory nurses (Herrmann
completed during a specially scheduled session.
The surveys were processed and scored as a set.
Some results are given in Table 2. The results
preference in the C quadrant (97). This implies a
were used to draw the group profile in Figure 3,
strong preference for the interpersonal, feeling
based, emotional and spiritual thinking modes.
preferences of this group of students.
The second most preferred quadrant is the B
The scores in Table 2 give an indication of the
quadrant (81) with a preference for controlled,
structured and organised thinking modes. The D
preference codes are identified as follows:
quadrant is third most preferred quadrant (68)with creative, holistic and synthesising modes.
• "1" or "Primary" A score of 67 or above indicates a
The least preferred quadrant is A (55) with a
quadrant which enjoys thinking. A score above 100
preference for analytical, rational, and logical
indicates a very strong preference, often visible toothers.
A careful study of the rank order of work
• "2" or "Secondary" A score of 34–66 represents thinking
elements (Figure 4), together with the specific
modes that are comfortable and available as necessarywith relative ease (Overview, 1999:1).
quadrant in which they are to be found, gives aclear indication that the preferences of this group
This group profile (Figure 3) is described by
of students is writing, interpersonal aspects and
Herrmann (1989, 388), as a triple dominant
administrative work. It also gives an indication of
profile (2111) with two primaries in the right
which areas need specific instruction, i.e. Ann-Louise de Boer, H. S. Coetzee, H. Coetzee
technical aspects, financial aspects innovating
and can as a result of this engage in constructive
dialogue with a reduction in the time needed forlectures and/or meetings (Whole brain 2000, 1).
The new information worker needed is likely to
be a mix of skills, which tends to be a generalist
The results of the HBDI when applied to the
group of students identified previously, indicate
competencies (Garrod 1999, 193). By using the
that the thinking preferences of these students are
HBDI profiles, a team can be put together where
not well aligned with those most useful to those
the strengths of the individual members are
who perform cataloguing and classification. In
harnessed to increase productivity, find a
many fields of the information profession, their
common basis for the meeting and to respect the
preferred thinking styles will be an asset. The
differences in thinking styles and learn to use the
profile of thinking preferences of this group of
diversity of the team (Whole brain 2000, 2).
students reveals that their thinking preferencesare mainly associated with the B and C
quadrants. Interpersonal skills are importantwhen dealing with information users. What
Abell, A. 1999. Carrying change to the core. Library
cataloguers and those who do subject cataloguing
Association Record 101(10): 590–592.
and classification need are analysing, problem
Ayres, F. H. 1999. Time for change: a new approach to
solving, implementing and organising. Technical
aspects are rated lowest, yet all aspects of
Classification Quarterly 28(2): 3–16.
bibliographic control rely heavily on technical
Buttlar, L. & R. Du Mont. 1996. Library and
knowledge and expertise. Knowledge of how
Journal of Education for Library and Information
catalogues and indexes work also forms the basis
Buttlar, L. & R. Du Mont. 1989. Assessing Library
Science competencies: soliciting practitioner input
technological proficiency are essential for most
for curriculum design. Journal of Education for
aspects of information work, but this group of
Library and Information Science 30(1): 3–18.
students do not prefer this thinking style, but will
Case name: Technical support and communication
have to acquire the requisite skills.
From the results obtained in this project above
it is clear that quite a few of the thinking
preferences need to receive attention in the way
Clack, D. H. 1993. Education for cataloging: a
the subject is taught. Teaching methods (see
symposium paper. Cataloging and ClassificationQuarterly 16(3): 27–37.
Table 1) should be adapted to use preferences to
Curran, C. 1998. What sixty-one superior LIS
develop needed skills. Attempts must be made to
teachers say about superior LIS teaching, plus
utilise preferences to master skills related to
comments from six knowledgeable observers.
those aspects for which a low preference is
Journal of Education for Library and Information
shown. During the second year of the library and
information science curriculum, more attention
Garrod, P. 1999. Survival strategies in the Learning
will be given to the less preferred but essential
Age – hybrid staff and hybrid libraries. Aslib
preferences. The same group will be evaluated
again next year, using the HBDI, to establish
Herrmann, N. 1989. The creative brain. The Ned
Herrmann Group: Lake Lure, North Carolina
Hill, D. W. 1997. Requisite skills of the entry-level
The dominant quadrant of most of the learners
cataloger: a supervisor’s perspective. Catalogingand Classification Quarterly 23(43): 75–83.
must be determined and then from within that
Hafter, Ruth. 1986. Academic librarians and
framework of how they learn and what they
cataloguing networks: visibility, quality and
respond to must the information necessary be
professional status. New York: Greenwood Press.
given. By doing this, learners can be introduced to
Hill, Janet Swan & Sheila S. Intner. 1999. Preparing
a new way of seeing things (other quadrants),
for a cataloguing career: from cataloguing to
Teaching Cataloguing and Classification at the University of Pretoria
knowledge management. [Online]. Available at:
Classification Quarterly 16(3): 125–141.
Shannon, D. M. 1998. Effective teacher behaviours in
intner_print.html [viewed May 31, 2001].
higher education and in LIS education programs: a
Hjørland, B. 2000. Library and information science:
review of the literature. Journal of Education forLibrary and Information Science 39(3): 163–174. Information Processing and Management 36:
Spillane, J. L. 1999. Comparison of required
Leonard, D. & S. Straus. 1997. Putting your company’s
Library Resources & Technical Services 43(4):
whole brain to work. Harvard Business Review
Steinhagen, E. N. & S. A. Moynahan. 1998.
Lumsdaine, M. & E. Lumsdaine. 1995. Thinking
Catalogers must change! Surviving between the
preferences of engineering students: implications
rock and the hard place. Cataloging and
for curriculum restructuring. Journal of Engineering
Classification Quarterly 26(3): 3–21.
Swanekamp, J. 1998. The changing cataloguing
Oddy, P. 1996. Future libraries future cataloguers.
culture: what do we mean when we talk about
cataloger values? Cataloging and Classification
Overview of the profile sheet. 1999. [Online].
Whole brain technology: Deepen self understanding –
improve communication. 2000. [Online]. Available
Putting your company’s whole brain to work. 1999.
Wojcik, T. 1999. Librarians and library science.
Saye, J. D. 1993. Education for technical services: a
summary of the symposium. Cataloging and
Figure 1: Library and information science disciplines placed
Figure 2: Hjørland’s model (Hjørland 2000, 504)
in Olsson’s model for professional strategies (Hjørland 2000,
Specialist Specialist Generalist Generalist Ann-Louise de Boer, H. S. Coetzee *, H. Coetzee
Table 2: Average scores of twenty-seven second-year
Table 1: Learning and Design considerations (Herrmann 1989, 419)
• behaviour modification• programme learning• structure• lectures
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