Past perfect
**1 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.
**3 Scrivi delle frasi complete usando i suggerimenti
e i verbi alla forma corretta.
1 I went / had gone to see Sarah this morning but she
went / had gone out.
0 He / fix / the car / when / we / arrive / at the garage
2 She had been / was in the pub for two hours when I
He had fixed the car when we arrived at the garage. had arrived / arrived.
1 Joan / make / the lunch / when / we / get home / from
3 No one had understood / understood gravity
properly before Newton had explained / explained it.
___________________________________________ 4 Alan wore / had worn those jeans before but Jane
2 She / teach / the class / before / she / become / their
didn’t recognize / hadn’t recognized them.
5 When we got / had got the tickets we had already
___________________________________________ paid / paid for them.
3 They / want / to get the actor’s autograph / before /
6 Before I sold / had sold the car I had had / had it
___________________________________________ 7 She had sung / sung the song many times before but
4 The gardeners / already / dig / a big hole / when / their
everyone had wanted / wanted her to sing it again.
8 Ricky was / had been an actor for a long time and then
___________________________________________ he had become / became a star.
5 We / feel / really good in the evening / because / we /
**2 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi
___________________________________________ tra parentesi.
6 Before / I / take / an aspirin / I / have / a really bad
0 When we arrived (arrive) at Sarah’s house she had already gone (already / go) out.
___________________________________________ 1 I _________________ (already / invite) Zara to the
7 I / know / Tom / for years / before / we / decide / to go
party when she __________ (stop) talking to me.
2 She ___________ (forget) how to use printer until
___________________________________________ 8 She / hear / the joke / before / but / she / laugh /
3 The car ___________ (already / hit) the tree before it
___________________________________________ 4 When we ___________ (do) the exam we
9 I / lend / him money in the past / so / I / not want / to
___________ (already / study) the Past perfect.
5 She ___________ (swim) across the channel twice
___________________________________________ before they ___________ (give) the award.
10 she / fall / from her horse / before / she / have / the
6 I ___________ (see) someone running up the road
when I ___________ (call) the police.
___________________________________________ 7 The animals ___________ (wake) everyone up before
11 When / you / arrive / at the party / you / already /
the earthquake ___________ (happen).
8 The sun ___________ (already / rise) when we
___________________________________________ 13 Where / the boy / be / before / he / kill / ?
9 The book which ___________ (discover) last year
___________________________________________ 14 Which exercises / you / do / when / the exam / finish / ?


Diário da República, 1.a série — N.o 1 — 2 de Janeiro de 2007 MINISTÉRIOS DAS FINANÇAS E DA ADMINISTRA- o Consumo, considera-se que o benefício fiscal culmina ÇÃO PÚBLICA, DO AMBIENTE, DO ORDENAMENTO todo este processo e que, por conseguinte, é de atri- DO TERRITÓRIO E DO DESENVOLVIMENTO REGIONAL, DA ECONOMIA E DA INOVAÇÃO, DA Nos termos do n.o 4 do artigo 71.o-A a

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