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Mission & Vision
The Center for Health Studies (CHS) is one of ten centers within the Institute for Research at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG). It was designated in 1999 to conduct research and provide training to health professionals and students in the area of infectious diseases infectious diseases, and subsequently provide technical assistance to health authorities. Its vision is to contribute to the improvement of health and the well- being of the population in Guatemala and the region, in collaboration with strategic partners, through the advancement of knowledge in prevention and control of relevant public health disease, strengthening of human health capacities, and the transference and application of research results at different levels of the health system. Strategic Partners
The UVG has a long history of collaboration with both the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Guatemalan Ministry of Health. The collaboration started in 1978 under a tripartite agreement among the Guatemalan Ministry of Health (MOH), CDC, and the UVG. In May 1999, a revised Memorandum of Understanding expanding the role of CDC in research, training and technical assistance in the area of infectious diseases was signed by representatives of the Governments of the Republic of Guatemala and the United States of America. At the same time, a Letter of Agreement between the UVG and CDC provided the framework for continuing close collaboration between these institutions and identified the Center for Health Studies (CHS) of the UVG as the institutional counterpart for all collaborative activities with CDC. In recent years, two other important CDC groups have joined the CDC-UVG collaboration. In 2001, the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) was initiated as a regional program in Central America in response to Hurricane Mitch. Beginning in 2003, the regional Global AIDS Program for Central America and Panama (GAP/CAP) joined the CDC-UVG group and began collaborating with the regional USAID program in 4 countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Panama). In October 2005, the Coordinating Office for Global Health (COGH) assumed the operational responsibility for the CDC-UVG cooperative program in Guatemala, expanding its mission to
promote the capacity of the Central American Region countries, Panama and Dominican Republic to detect, prevent and control diseases, along with other natural or bioterrorist The Guatemalan Ministry of Health, as the governing organization of public health in country, has played a major role as collaborator of CHS. It has been an important partner in the definition of needs and implementation of activities along with CDC, and the final recipient of applicable results. Agreements endorsed by the Ministry of Health, support and institutionalize the programs that have implemented by Center for Health Studies. Since the expansion of activities to other Central American countries, the remaining Ministries of Health have become important collaborators in each country. For the CHS, the link with health authorities is essential to assure compliance with relevant needs, and to promote strengthening of local capacities that would impact Institutional capacities
Technical capacity. Through the collaboration with CDC, during the last 31 years, CHS has developed the capacity to conduct studies in response to public health needs and to translate results into public health programs and policies. Major investments, mainly focused on parasitic diseases due to the support of the CDC Division of Parasitic Diseases, have yielded important gains in research-based knowledge and applied public health programs, such that it is fair to say that the program has played a critical role in the advancement of public health in Guatemala and Central America. The knowledge produced has been the basis for the improvement of the prevention and control of the major vector transmitted parasitic disease: onchocerciasis, malaria, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis. As examples, results from a malaria bednet study have been translated into a national enhanced program with the technical assistance of our experts and the financial support of the Global Fund. Chagas disease research has contributed to the initiation of the elimination program in Central America. After more than a decade of assistance to Guatemalan National Onchocerciasis Program, CHS has verified the interruption of transmission in the hypo-endemic foci of Guatemala and it’s now participating in the evaluation of meso-endemic communities. Currently, we are regionally recognized as a center for excellence in research and training in health science, with more than 300 publications and the completion of over 100 grants. Attached is a list of the most recent publications and active grants. (Appendixes I & II). A total of 30 projects were in progress during 2009, covering the following topics: surveillance and diagnostics of respiratory, diarrheal and febrile infectious disease; preparedness and response to health emergencies with emphasis in flu; HIV/AIDS surveillance and prevention; epidemiology, prevention and control of vector transmitted parasitic diseases (malaria, onchocercosis, and leishmaniasis), ecological epidemiology of arboviral and other zoonotic diseases (dengue and WNV), maternal and child health demography, and molecular biology applied to diagnostics and epidemiology. The financial support is mainly extra-mural through grants and contracts. Among the major projects are two cooperative agreements supported by CDC to strengthen public health science and programs in Guatemala and the Central American region, including Belize and Dominican Republic. An additional asset contributing to the high quality of our program has been the ability to integrate laboratory science into field studies. The UVG laboratory capacity includes modern equipment and personnel for entomological, parasitological, bacteriological, virological, immunological and molecular biology activities. Currently the following diagnostic techniques are implemented at UVG laboratories: (1) Serological diagnostics for West Nile virus, Dengue virus, rotavirus, Onchocerca volvulus and
Trypanosoma cruzi in humans, as well as flavivirus in vertebrate hosts. (2) Molecular
detection of arbovirus (flavivirus, bunyavirus, alehavirus) in mosquitoes and vertebrate
tissues (real time RT-PCR), respiratory viruses and bacteria norovirus and rickettsiae enterotoxigenic e coli (ETEC and EPEC) in humans (real time RT-PCR and PCR), herpes cytomegalovirus and enterovirus in cerebrospinal fluid (conventional PCR), Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum, O. volvulus in black flies, T. cruzi in triatomine vectors and Leishmania in both insect vectors and humans (conventional PCR). (3) Interpretation of DNA sequencing and fluorescent DNA fragment analysis.
(4) Microscopic diagnostics for malaria (national quality control laboratory),
leishmania, and intestinal parasites. (5) Parasite culture including T. cruzi and
Leishmania spp. (6) And microbiological diagnostics for enteric bacteria in stool and
Training capacity. CHS is linked to the academic activities of the Universidad del Valle through the Institute for Research. This strategic position allows multidisciplinary interaction with other research and academic units within the UVG. It also facilitates training of students and other public health professionals, due to UVG’s prestige in high-quality programs in science and technology. UVG offers academic credits through under-graduate, graduate and continuous education programs. In accordance with its mission, CHS has contributed directly to the development of human resources in research, public health, and laboratory techniques at both national and international levels. CHS highly trained staff with extensive knowledge on applied field studies, epidemiology, and laboratory science, and has conducted training in several substantive through courses, workshops, student exchanges programs, and professional fellowships. In 2007, the professional masters program in Applied Epidemilogy began with the assistance of CDC and the collaboration of the University of North Carolina. This is a regional in-service training program aiming to strengthen the public health workforce. Additionally, CHS has collaborated with the CDC Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP) in the accreditation of their Continuous Education Courses. Human resources. Also through the collaboration with CDC, guided by the explicit CDC policy to support the development of a strong crade of national public health professional and technicians, currently the CHS staff is considered a valuable resource in the region. The expertise of the CHS-UVG staff is recognized internationally by numerous invitations to participate on national and international committees, conferences, and meeting concerning diseases prevention and control programs. Our experts provide technical assistance not only at the regional level but are requested to participate in Latin American initiatives, for example the Amazon malaria initiative, the Chagas disease Central American Initiative, and the Leishmaniasis initiative for vaccine development. The national and international recognition of CHS-UVG staff accomplishments has facilitated the development of a strong network of collaborators in the Central American countries, Panama and Dominican Republic. The CDC-UVG staff working in the current cooperative agreement has the following qualifications: 03 PhDs, 12 MDs, 8 MD/MPHs, 41 Guatemalan licenciados, 2 DVM, 4 MSC, 2 BS and 2 information systems engineers, in addition to 87 technical and support staff. A total of 76 professionals are hired through UVG to participate in the UVG- CDC cooperative program. A major asset is the sustainable participation of highly trained team of scientist in the programmatic activities of CHS -a total of 12 professionals have been affiliated with UVG for more than 10 years- assuring the continuity of the program and the ready availability of local expertise to meet regional Facilities: CHS offers an approximate area of 350 square meters for the sole use of CDC staff offices working under the current cooperative agreement. There are also six laboratories, which account for approximately 250 square meters. CHS-UVG has 6 fully equipped laboratories, 5 BSL-2 and 2 BSL-2+. The major pieces of equipment in this laboratories include: 5 Type II A2 biosafety cabinets for biosafety level 2 work, 4 real time thermal cycler instruments and 6 conventional thermal cycler, 3 water distillation systems, 2 autoclaves, 6 ultra low freezers (2 with CO2 backup), 2 liquid nitrogen tank, 6 -20˚C freezers, 12 refrigerators, ice machine, 2 ELISA readers, 1 CO2 incubator, 6 dry incubators, 2 refrigerated incubators, 2 fluorescent microscope, 3 phase contrast microscope, 8 light microscopes, 15 stereoscopes, emergency diesel power generator, 3 refrigerated table top centrifuge, 1 large refrigerated centrifuge, 9 microcentrifuges, 3 PCR clean hoods, gel documentation system, 7 vortex, 6 thermal bath, 8 multichannel pipettes, 1 shaker, 2 sellador colitert idexx, 1 mixer mill, 1 chemical hood, 1 potenciometer, 15 electrophoresis systems and field equipment for vector biology an arbovirus investigation (tables, chairs, nets, mosquito traps, etc). In addition, CHS offers 14 vehicles to support field work. UVG also provides space for storage (~75 mt2) and automotive maintenance space and facilities (~400 mt2). Auditorium, conference rooms, classrooms and virtual teaching facilities are also available at UVG which are suitable for staff meetings and scientific presentations. As part of the collaboration with CDC, UVG offers office and parking space for the CDC Regional office for Central America and Panama (CDC-CAP) and the space for parking Management: In general, management and administrative processes are simple and fast due to its private academic legal status. CHS, with the support of other additional administrative and financial units within UVG, has extensive experience in managing large and multifaceted United States Government (USAID) projects and cooperative agreements. CHS-UVG is currently conducting two cooperative agreements with CDC, after the successful completion of a previous 5-year cooperative agreement (ID: U50/CCU021236-05, April 2002-2007). UVG has gained a lot of experience with USG business operations, especially in regard with policies, regulations, and compliance requirements with USG funded activities. Additionally, CHS has been the grantee of other agencies (World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization, European Community, and others) for health related projects. Appendix III provides a list of the major projects supported by external funds. UVG offers a unique mechanism for hiring professional staff from other countries in the region and outside the region. Through this mechanism -Bucks County Organization for Intercultural Advancement in collaboration with UVG- legal working permits are obtained for foreign professionals at Guatemalan Foreign Affairs Ministry. Currently, there are 15 professionals (one from El Salvador, one from Nicaragua, one from Colombia, one from Mexico, one from Honduras, one from Peru and nine from USA) Current programs and activities
CHS-UVG is currently completing the fifth year of a cooperative agreement with CDC (ID: U50/CCU021236-05). Under this joint effort, CHS is collaborating in the implementation of the following activities: (1) A community-based surveillance system for diarrheal, respiratory, neurological, and febrile illnesses in Guatemala, (2) Strengthening West Nile Virus disease surveillance, (3) Support to the national Onchocerciasis elimination program, (4) Technical assistance to strengthen HIV/AIDS surveillance and regional strategic information, (5) Influenza pandemic preparedness, (6) Early warning surveillance and rapid response to health emergencies, and the (7) Field epidemiology and laboratory training program. (FETP). With the support of other external funding agencies, CHS is carrying out projects in additional areas relevant to public health in Guatemala: food and water-borne disease diagnostics, malaria treatment, Chagas Disease control, indoor air pollution and respiratory diseases, leishmaniasis clinical trials, and ecology of viral zoonotic diseases. During the last 3 years, the most relevant achievements related to public health surveillance and programs include: evaluation of HIV/AIDS surveillance system in several CAP countries, development of HIV monitoring and evaluation plans, training of rapid response teams and development of action plans for avian influenza preparedness, development of monitoring and evaluation plan for maternal and childhood health program in Honduras, implementation of a surveillance strategy in four de-centralized health areas in Honduras, the implementation of an early warning and emergency response in areas affected by the tropical storm Stan in Guatemala, and the support to the Guatemalan National Onchocerciasis Program in the verification of During the last year, CHS-UVG and CDC-CAP staff collaborated in the investigation of the following outbreaks in the region: influenza outbreak in Hospital Roosevelt Guatemala, 2006; WNV suspected severe neurological disease in Guatemala, 2006; diethylene glycol poisoning in Panama, 2006; and peanut butter salmonellosis outbreak, 2007. Additionally a network of epidemiologist is active in all countries in Central America and Panama through the activities of the FELTP, influenza preparedness and Appendix I. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS
2000 - 2010
Alvarez de Mejía M, López MB y Mendoza CE: Evaluación de la calidad
microbiológica del agua en las plantas de tratamiento de agua que surten la Ciudad de
Guatemala. Revista de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, No. 11: 16-21, 2001.
Anderson JM, Lai JE, Dotson EM, Cordon-Rosales C, Ponce C, Norris DE and Beard
CB: Identification and characterization of microsatellite markers in the Chagas disease
vector Triatoma dimidiata. Infect, Genet Evol. 1(3):243-8, 2002.
Arana BA, Mendoza CE, Rizzo NR and Kroeger A: Randomized, controlled double-
blind trial of the topical treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis with paromomycin plus
methylbenzethonium chloride ointment in Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 65(5):466-
70, 2001.
Arana BA, Rizzo NR and Díaz A: Chemotherapy of cutaneous leishmaniasis: a review.
Med Microbiol Immunol, 190(1-2):93-95, 2001.
Arana BA, Rizzo NR, Navin TR, Klein RE and Kroeger A: Cutaneous leishmaniasis in
Guatemala: People’s knowledge, concepts and practices. Ann Trop Med Parasitol,
(8):779-86, 2000.
Arnold B, Arana B, Mäusezahl D, Hubbard A, Colford JM Jr. Evaluation of a pre-
existing, 3-year household water treatment and handwashing intervention in rural
Guatemala. Int J Epidemiol. 38(6):1651-61, 2009. .
Baer RD, Weller SC, Patcher L, de Alba García JG, Glazer M, Trotter R and Klein RE:
A cross cultural approach to the study of the folk illness nervios. Cult Med Psychiatry,
27(3):315-37, 2003.
Beard CB, Cordon-Rosales C, and Durvasula RV: Bacterial symbionts of the
Triatominae and their potential use in control of Chagas disease transmission. Annu
Rev Entomol. 47:123-41, 2002.
Beard CB, Dotson EM, Pennington PM, Eichler S, Cordon-Rosales C, Durvasula RV:
Bacterial symbiosis and paratransgenic control of vector-borne Chagas disease. Int J
Parasitol, 31(5-6):621-7. 2001. Review.
Bern C, Hernández B, López MB, Arrowood MJ, Mérida AM de and Klein RE: The
contrasting epidemiology of Cyclospora and Cryptosporidium among outpatients in
Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 63 :(5): 231-235, 2000.
Bruce N, Weber M, Arana B, Diaz A, Jenny A, Thompson L, McCracken J, Dherani M, Juarez D, Ordonez S, Klein R, Smith KR. Pneumonia case-finding in the Guatemala indoor pollution trial: standardizing methods for resource-poor settings. Bull World Health Organ.85(7):535-44. 2007 Cordón-Rosales C y Pennington, PM. Eco-epidemiología de la transmisión vectorial de la enfermedad de Chagas en Guatemala. Revista de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. No. 16: 63-84, 2007. Díaz E, Bruce N, Pope D, Díaz A, Smith KR, Smith-Sivertsen T. Self-rated health among Mayan women participating in a randomised intervention trial reducing indoor air pollution in Guatemala. BMC Int Health Hum Rights. 5;8:7, 2008. . Díaz E, Bruce N, Pope D, Lie RT, Díaz A, Arana B, Smith KR, Smith-Sivertsen T. Lung function and symptoms among indigenous Mayan women exposed to high levels of indoor air pollution. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 11(12):1372-9, 2007. Díaz E, Smith-Sivertsen T, Pope D, Lie RT, Díaz A, McCracken J, Arana B, Smith KR, Bruce N. Eye discomfort, headache and back pain among Mayan Guatemalan women taking part in a randomised stove intervention trial. J Epidemiol Community Health. 61(1):74-9, 2007. Dowd SE, John D, Eliopolus J, Gerba CP, Naranjo J, Klein RE, López B, Mejía M de, Mendoza C and Pepper I L: Confirmed detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis, Encephalitozoon intestinalis and Cryptosporidium parvum in water used for drinking. J Water Health, 01: 117-23, 2003. Dubey JP, Lopez B, Alvarez M, Mendoza C and Lehmann T: Isolation, tissue distribution and molecular characterization of Toxoplama gondii from free-range chickens from Guatemala. J Parasitol, 91(4): 955-7, 2005. Dueger EL, Asturias EJ, Halsey NA; Guatemala Pediatric Bacterial Surveillance Working Group. Culture- and antigen-negative meningitis in Guatemalan children. Rev Panam Salud Publica, 24(4):248-55, 2008. Dueger EL, Asturias EJ, Matheu J, Gordillo R, Torres O, Halsey N. Increasing penicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance in nasopharyngeal Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from Guatemalan children, 2001--2006. Int J Infect Dis. 12(3):289-97, 2008. Durvasula RV, Sundaram RK, Cordon-Rosales C, Pennington P and Beard B: Rhodnius prolixus and ists symbiont, Rhodococcus rhodnii: A model for paratransgenic transmission. In: Bourtozis K and Miller TA (eds).: Insect Symbionts, Washington, DC: CRC Press, Chapter 6, 83-95 pp., 2003 Frech SA, Dupont HL, Bourgeois AL, McKenzie R, Belkind-Gerson J, Figueroa JF, Okhuysen PC, Guerrero NH, Martinez-Sandoval FG, Meléndez-Romero JH, Jiang ZD, Asturias EJ, Halpern J, Torres OR, Hoffman AS, Villar CP, Kassem RN, Flyer DC, Andersen BH, Kazempour K, Breisch SA, Glenn GM. Use of a patch containing heat- labile toxin from Escherichia coli against travellers' diarrhoea: a phase II, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled field trial. Lancet, 371(9629):2019-25, 2008. Gonzales RJ, Cruz-Ortiz N, Rizzo N, Richards J, Zea-Flores G, Dominguez A, Sauerbrey M, Catu E, Oliva O, Richards Jr. FO and Lindblade KA Succesful nterruption of Transmission of Onchocerca volvulus in the Escuintla-Guatemala focus, PloS Negl. Trop. Dis, 3(3):e404, 2009. Gonzalez-Reiche AS, Monzón-Pineda MdeL, Johnson BW, and Morales-Betoulle ME. Detection of west nile viral RNA from field-collected mosquitoes in tropical regions by conventional and real-time rt-PCR. Methods Mol Biol, Vol. 630: 109-24, 2010. Hashimoto K, Cordón-Rosales C, Trampe R and Kawabata M: Impact of single and multiple residual sprayings of pyrethroid insecticides against Triatoma dimidiata (Reduviiade: Triatominae), the principal vector of Chagas Disease in Jutiapa, Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 75(2): 226-30, 2006. Herwaldt BL, Arroyave, Wahlquist SP, Mérida AM de, López AS and Juranek DD: Multiyear prospective study of intestinal parasitism in a cohort of Peace Corps volunteers in Guatemala. J Clin Microbiol. 39(1): 34-42, 2001. Jacobson, JO, Robinson P, Bluthenthal RN. Racial disparities in completion rates from publicly funded alcohol treatment: economic resources explain more than demographics and addiction severity. Health Serv Res. 42:2:773:794, 2007. Jacobson, JO, Robinson P, Bluthenthal RN. A multilevel decomposition approach to estimate the role of program location and neighborhood disadvantage in racial disparities in alcohol treatment completion.So Sci Med 64(2): 462-76, 2007. Johnston LG, Paz Bailey G, Morales-Miranda S, Morgan M, Alvarez B, Monterroso. High Prevalence of M. genitalium among female sex workers in Honduras: Implications for the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. International Journal of STD & AIDS (Accepted for publication 2010). Jones JL, López B, Alvarez Mury M., Wilson M, Klein R, Luby S, and McGuire JH. Toxoplasma gondii infection in rural Guatemalan children. Am J Tropical Med Hyg, 73(3): 295-300, 2005. Kowolic MJ, Dosett SA, Archila L, Solórzano AM, Owens ML, Brown M, and Gold BD: Water and biofilm transmission of Helicobacter pylorum (HP) in rural Guatemalan households. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 41: 493-563, 2005. Kroeger, A, Ochoa H, Arana B, Díaz A, Rizzo N and Flores W: Inadequate drug advice in the pharmacies of Guatemala and Mexico: the scale of the problem and explanatory factors. Ann Trop Med Parasitol, 95(6): 605-16, 2001. Lindblade KA, Arana B, Zea-Flores G, Rizzo N, Porter CH, Dominguez A, Cruz-Ortiz N, Unnasch TR, Punkosdy GA, Richards J, Sauerbrey M, Castro J, Catú E, Oliva O, Richards FO Jr. Elimination of Onchocercia volvulus transmission in the Santa Rosa focus of Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 77(2):334-41. 2007. Lindblade KA, Richards M, Richards J, Gonzalez RJ, Cruz-Ortiz N, Zea-Flores G, Morales AL, Sauerbrey M, Castro J, Catú E, Arana B, Richards FO Jr, Klein RE. Exposure of seasonal migrant workers to Onchocerca volvulus on coffee plantations in Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg.81(3):438-42, 2009 López B, Jones J y Arana B. Toxoplasmosis ocular en niños de Guatemala. Revista de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. No. 18, 80-89, 2008 Mendizábal-Cabrera R y Padilla N: Diversidad genética de Plasmodium vivax en regiones de alto riesgo de malaria en Guatemala. Revista de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, No. 15: 62-79, 2006. Mérida AMP de, Klein RE, López B, and Alvarez de Mejía M: Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology, Volume 2, 1136-1146, New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 2002. Molina-Cruz A, Mérida AM, Mills K, Rodríguez F, Schoua C, Yurrita MM, Molina E, Palmieri M and Black WC 4th: Gene flow among Anopheles albimanus populations in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean assessed by microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 71(3): 350-359, 2004. Monteiro FA, Barrett TV, Fitzpatrick S, Cordón-Rosales C, Feliciangeli D and Beard CB: Molecular pylogeography of the Amazonian Chagas disease vectors Rhodnius prolixus and R. robustus. Mol Ecol, 12(4): 997-1006, 2003. Morales-Betoulle ME, Monzon Pineda ML, Sosa SM, Panella N, López B MR, Cordon-Rosales C, Komar N, Powers A and Johnson BW. Culex Flavivirus Isolates from Mosquitoes in Guatemala. J. Med Entomol. 45(6): 1187-1190, 2008. Morales-Betoulle, ME., Morales H, Blivitch, B.J., Powers, A.M., Davis, A., Klein R., and Cordón-Rosales, C.: West Nile Virus in horses, Guatemala. Emerg Infect Dis, 12(6):1038-9, 2006 ( Nakagawa J, Cordón-Rosales C, Juárez J, Itzep C and Nonami T.: Impact of residual spraying in Rhodnius prolixus and Triatoma dimidiata in the Department of Zacapa in Guatemala. Mem do Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 98(2): 277-281, 2003 Northcross A, Chowdhury Z, McCracken J, Canuz E, Smith KR. Estimating personal PM2.5 exposures using CO measurements in Guatemalan households cooking with woodfuel. J of Environmental Monitoring. (in press 2009) Pachter LM, Weller SC, Baer RD, de Alba Garcia JE, Trotter RT 2nd, Glazer M and Klein R. Variation in asthma beliefs and practices among mainland Puerto Ricans, Mexican-Americans, Mexicans, and Guatemalans. J.Asthma: 39(2): 119-134, 2002 Panzera F, Ferrandis I, Ramsey J, Ordoñez R, Salazar-Schettino M, Cabrera M, Monroy MC, Bargues MD, Mas-Coma S, O’Connor JE, Angulo VM, Jaramillo N, Cordón-Rosales C, Gómez D and Pérez R: Chromosomal variation and genome size support the existence of cryptic species of Triatoma dimidiata with different epidemiological importance as Chagas disease vectors. Trop Med Health. Jul;11(7):1092-103. 2006. Paz-Bailey G, Morales-Miranda S, Jacobson JO, Gupta SK, Sabin K, Mendoza S, Paredes M, Alvarez B, Monterroso E. High rates of STD and sexual risk behaviors among Garifunas in Honduras. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 51 Suppl 1: S26-S34. 2009. Pennington PM., Paiz C., Grajeda LM, Cordon-Rosales C. Short report: concurrent detection of Trypanosoma cruzi lineages I and II in domestic Triatoma dimidiata from Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 80(2):239-41. 2009. Rangel JM, López B, Mejía MA, Mendoza C and Luby S: A novel technology to improve drinking water quality: a microbiological evaluation of in-home flocculation and chlorination in rural Guatemala. J Water Health, 1(1): 15-22, 2003. Richards FO Jr, Amann J, Arana B, Punkosdy G, Klein R, Blanco C, Lopez B, Mendoza C, Domínguez A, Guarner J, Maguire JH, Eberhard M. No depletion of Wolbachia from Onchocerca volvulus after a short course of rifampin and/or azithromycin. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 77(5):878-82., 2007 Rizzo NR, Arana BA, Diaz A, Cordon-Rosales C, Klein RE, Powell MR. Seroprevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection among school-age children in the endemic area of Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 68(6):678-82, 2003. Ryan PR, Arana BA, Ryan JR, Wirtz RA, Wortmann GW, Rizzo NR. The domestic dog, a potential reservoir for Leishmania in the Peten region of Guatemala. Vet Parasitol. 10;115(1):1-7, 2003. Salvadó, CAM.: Una modificación al método de reducción de orden para resolver ecuaciones diferenciales homogéneas. Revista de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Número 13: 16-17, 2004. Sejvar, J J, Lindblade K A, Arevlo W, Padilla N, Pringle K, Zielinski-Guttierez E, Farnon E, Dueger E. Ready for submission. Clinical assessment of self-reported acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in a community-based setting in the Department of Santa Rosa, Guatemala. (Accepted for publication 2010). Smith KR, McCracken JP, Thompson L, Edwards R, Shields KN, Canuz E, Bruce N, Personal child and mother carbon monoxide exposures and kitchen levels: Methods and results from a randomized trial of woodfired chimney cookstoves in Guatemala (RESPIRE), J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol (in press 2009). Smith-Sivertsen T, Díaz E, Pope D, Lie RT, Díaz A, McCracken J, Bakke P, Arana B, Smith KR, Bruce N. Effect of reducing indoor air pollution on women's respiratory symptoms and lung function: the RESPIRE Randomized Trial, Guatemala. Am J Epidemiol. 2009 Jul 15;170(2):211-20, 2009. Soto J, Arana BA, Toledo J, Rizzo N, Vega JC, Diaz A, Luz M, Gutierrez P, Arboleda M, Berman JD, Junge K, Engel J and Sindermann H. Miltefosine for new world cutaneous leishmaniasis. Clin Infect Dis, 38: 1266-1272, 2004. Steinberg EB, Mendoza CE, Glass R, Arana B, Lopez MB, Mejia M, Gold BD, Priest JW, Bibb W, Monroe SS, Bern C, Bell BP, Hoekstra RM, Klein R, Mintz ED, Luby S. Prevalence of infection with waterborne pathogens: a seroepidemiologic study in children 6-36 months old in San Juan Sacatepequez, Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg; 70(1):83-8, 2004. Weller SC, Baer RD., de Alba García JG, Glazer M, Trotter R, Pachter L.and Klein RE: Regional variation in Latino beliefs of susto. Cult Med Psychiatry, 26(4): 449-472, 2002. Winthrop KL, Proaño R, Oliva O, Arana B, Mendoza C, Dominguez A, Amann J, Punkosdy G, Blanco C, Klein R, Sauerbrey M and Richards F. The reliability of anterior segment lesions as indicators of onchocercal eye disease in Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 75(6):1058-62, 2006. Wortmann G, Hochberg LP, Arana BA, Rizzo NR, Arana F, Ryan JR. Diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Guatemala using a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay and the Smartcycler. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 76(5):906-8, 2007. Appendix II. ACTIVE GRANTS 2011
Project Name
Short Name
Funding Agency
lenght of Project
Enfermedades tropicales - "Thomas R. Navin" Chronic respiratory effects of early life pm exposures (creche). Cooperative agreement for implementing public health programs and strengthening public health science in Guatemala and the Central American region (CHS-UVG/CDC-CAP) Año 4 Cooperative agreement for strengthening infectious disease research capacity for Public Health Action in Guatemala and Central America (CHS-UVG/CDC-CAP) Año 2 Subcontrato Encuesta Nacional de Salud Materno Infantil Avian influenza preliminary assessment in birds from Guatemala Estimating the burden of malaria in pregnancy in Latin America (PregWax Burden Study - Spatial Analysis substudy) Extensión aprobada Molecular epidemiology and resistance of HIV-1 in Central American Region Comparison of Respondent-Driven Sampling and Time-Location Sampling Methodologies to Recruit Men Who Have Sex with Management of peridomestic animals for the control of Chagas disease Principal
Project Name
Short Name
Funding Agency
lenght of Project
Joint protocol for innovative dengue vector control interventions/networks from Asia & Latin America Pendiente solicitar extensión Acuerdo de Cooperación entre The Carter Center Inc./Programa para la Eliminación de la Oncocercosis en las Américas (OEPA) y la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala Extensión aprobada período enero - diciembre 2011 Evaluación epidemiológica a profundidad postinterrupción de tratamiento con Ivermectina en el Foco de Santa Rosa, Guatemala Extensión aprobada período enero - diciembre 2011 Evaluaciones/OEPA Cruz, Evaluación de un ensayo de ELISA IgM comercial para el diagnóstico temprano de Leptospirosis humana Proyecto nuevo Evaluación de la reacción en cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR) y la prueba de inmunofluorescencia indirecta como herramientas para la detección de infecciones por Bartonella sp en muestras de sangre de pacientes febriles Proyecto nuevo Caracterización de los vectores y epidemiología de las rickettsiosis en Guatemala Proyecto nuevo, pendiente fecha de inicio Double-blind, randomized, vehicle-controlled efficacy and safety trial of WR 279,396 (Paromomycin + Gentamicin Topical Cream), Paromomycin Alone Topical Cream, and Vehicle Topical Cream for the Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in


Salem public schools student data form

Salem Public Schools Student Data and Permission to Treat Form for School Nurse Student Last Name _____________________First ___________________School _______________________ Home Address ______________________________________ Date of Birth ___ / ___ / ___ Grade ________ Parent or Guardian ___________________________ Home Phone ( ) __________________________ Cell Phone ( ) ___

Microsoft word - curso_tramites_notariales_ante_el_ran__2__notario_vs_corredor.doc

“PROCEDIMIENTOS ANTE EL REGISTRO AGRARIO NACIONAL” NOT. RICARDO AGUILASOCHO RUBIO . Presidente de la Comisión de Asuntos Agrarios de la ANNM. ABREVIATURAS CONST: Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. LA: Ley Agraria (DOF 26/II/1992, ref. DOF 17/IV/2008). LFCP: Ley Federal de Correduría Pública (vigente desde 1993 y ref. DOF 23/V/2006). RLA

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