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Tremplins langues et Tremplins Jobs : associations d’accueil en Irlande

Personne contact
Opportunités de volontariat
Sport, adventure sports, social inclusion, drug prevention, international youth exchanges, internet access, cultural Base youth
[email protected] The Base provides exciting new initiatives working in partnership with the community from its unique facility where childcare sharan.kelly@th all children, young people, staff and the wider community are respected, accepted, listened to and cared for. -To provide user friendly services seven days a week with late waiter -To provide an activity based innovative centre as a resource for all children, young people, youth service providers and the technical IT -To provide arts, music and new media programmes that will aid the personal and social development of children and young -To engage in youth work provision by outreach, liaison and integration with other programmes, services, activities and youth service providers in the area -To engage in alternative training and education through the arts, music, digital media and information technology -To provide childcare services to young parents enabling them to engage in positive activity within the Youth Centre as well as training, education and employment undertaken by them -To aid the development of social, political and economic -To provide youth friendly health services and general youth information services including addressing issues of general health and well being, mental health, parenting support, substance misuse and other health needs as identified. To provide an education and training link that enables young animal care / horseride lessons No special people to progress into worthwhile further training / To retain greater numbers of young people to the end of To integrate children aged six to ten into the Stay in Schools Programme and Community Riding Programme; To increase the Community Horse Riding programme and the number of visiting groups utilising the facilities To enhance the community participation programme in the Centre To provide a comprehensive youth service that supports young people who are experiencing difficulties and challenges in the following areas, drug use/alcohol use, relationships, family, Catholic
CYC safeguards the welfare of children in our care. We Youth Care
undertake to ensure a best practice response to child protection by having a clear child protection policy and procedures which are designed to underpin and demonstrate our committment to our duty of care. Programmes, training, events and activities for youth clubs/groups and adult leaders.Co-ordination and support for summer programmes, which provide educational and recreational programmes for children and young people during the summer months.Programmes which promote social inclusion amongst young people. Provision and encouragement of youth arts activities.Crime diversion programmes which help young people involved in crime.Drug Education and Prevention Initiatives. Adventure Sports Programmes. Local Youth Services in Bray, Clondalkin, Dun Laoghaire, Dundrum\Rathdown,East Wicklow, Finglas, Lucan, Ronanstown, Swords\Baldoyle and to young travellers in Tallaght. Youth Information Centres in Bray, Clondalkin and admin@bradog. Bradóg Regional Youth Service aims to support young people · meeting them in their own area through ‘Outreach’ and ‘Centre’ based programmes of activity and services. pauline@bradog · negotiating facilities, resources and access to buildings for · developing and supporting a team of staff for delivery of services. · developing a volunteering strategy to support the work of the service. · promoting awareness of Bradóg and its services · taking a lead role in initiating and developing good youth · working towards the development of a long-term strategy for · supporting young people to stay in school and access health · By representing their views at community fora. · developing good policies that support youth workers in doing Personne contact
Telephone Courriel
Opportunités de volontariat
Accomodation available at the student house
50 €/week
robertg@limerickyouthservi Full-time vocational training programmes for 160 young people who have left the formal education system without qualification. Evening, weekend and residential Outreach work managerCookerWaiterBartender for participants of the Limerick Youth Service training programmes with FÁS CTC and Youthreach. A wide range of residential, developmental and recreational programmes based at Ballyloughran Centre. Intensive work with individual young people in severe difficulties. Special intensive initiatives for young people excluded by local communities and Young people with responsibilities as single parents. Mainstream Youthwork in specifically targeted parishes of Limerick city and county who may be experiencing poverty, disadvantage or isolation.Training and development opportunities for young people, volunteers and community members Limerick
staceyq@limerickyouthservi Space to chill out with friends Northside
Youth Café
Wide range of extra curricular activities Lava Java
siobhanob@limerickyouthse Music & Live bands youth café
Counselling,money advice, health based programmes, jobs Limercik
damianl@limerickyouthservi Youth leading youth forum City Centre Youth Work
Southill area Southill intervention
frankc@limerickyouthservic The objectives are :To develop the personal and social skills of CookerYouth leader : sport young people (between the ages of 10 – 16 years) in the annc@limerickyouthservice. projects through individual and group interventions To comJackOL@limerickyouths promote the educational development of young people in particular to support them to remain in mainstream education café space To promote civic responsibility among young people and to challenge their involvement in anti social activity To support parents/carers of children referred to projects to address the needs of their children To participate in inter-agency responses in both communities to address the needs of young people at risk and their families The activities are :Sport & Social Programs Nutrition, Cookery & Hygiene Educational Support Relationships & Sexual Health Programs Bereavement Programs Creative Projects, Crafts, etc. Copping-On Program Citizen & Environmental Programs Individual crisis work with families Parent support / Mentoring Personal Development Garda drug

To provide secure premises for project workers to carry out Initiative
To provide a non-judgemental, confidential support structure to families who have been adversely affected by a family member’s addiction to drugs and alcohol. Community
angelaconnolly06@hotmail. Angela is an artist involved in community based art projects targeting disadvantaged young people in the community. She young people (12 upwards) is currently undertaking a mural project (on the theme of horses) reflecting the young people’s interests, and intends to Public relations expand the project to a car theme. The artistic process incorporates young people’s interests with education through Society of St. Eileen Hoffer
The aim of the St Vincent de Paul Society is to tackle poverty Vincent de
in all its forms through the provision of practical assistance to sur l'ensemble du territoire those in need.The concept of need is broader than financial hardship, so visiting the sick, the lonely, the imprisoned form a Prison visitsSupporting families large proportion of the Society's work.The Society operates in (homework clubs, youth clubs, small groups, called "Conferences", based on local parishes which meet regularly and their work is usually concentrated on camps,…) local visiting. However over the years, the SVP has responded to social changes, providing a range of additional services depending on the prevailing need. Today, these “Special Works” include shops, resource centres, providing accommodation to vulnerable people and various holiday Oxfam is an international charity which is focused on fighting charity shop Anne McGlynn
poverty and empowering impoverished individuals around the Limerick
Personne contact
Telephone Courriel
Opportunités de volontariat
(meeting at
Our Lady of

Irish Society Alex O’ Keeffe
The ISPCC exists to advocate on behalf of all children in Ireland, and to provide a range of independent and unique Prevention
services which are preventative and empowering in nature. of Cruelty to Limerick Teen focus
Provides teen focus service, a mentoring programme Children
individually tailored to needs of vulnerable teenagers, other aspects of the organisation include fundraising, advocacy etc Limerick
Involved in the regeneration of disadvantaged communities in Southside
PAUL Partnership is an organisation made up of communities, Partnership
state agencies, social partners, voluntary groups and elected representatives. It works with local communities that have benefited least from economic and social development and aims to promote social inclusion and improve the quality of life Our Lady of
The work of the community development project in Our Lady of Lourdes stemmed from a growing awareness of the needs Community
within the community to involve more people in the Development
community development process. The work of the project is based on a process of consultation - the focus of the consultation is on meeting people living and working in the community to identify issues at local level. These issues are then prioritise by the management committee and put in a work plan to be addressed over a 3-year period Limerick City Liam Cantwell
lcantwell@limerickcitysports The key aim of the LCSP is to increase participation in sport and physical activity, especially amongst specific target groups Partnership
and to ensure that local resources are used to best effect. The Sport events organisation Limerick City Sports Partnership, under the Irish Sports Council, will maintain and increase participation in sport and physical activity in the City, especially amongst specific target groups such as older people, girls & women, people with disabilities, unemployed people and those who live in identified The Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) was founded in 1960 Wheelchair
by a small group of wheelchair users committed to improving Association
the lives of people with physical disabilities in Ireland. IWA has gone on to become an important provider of quality services to people with limited mobility throughout the country. Today, our association is made up of a vibrant network of 20,000 members and 2,000 staff, as well as many dedicated volunteers. Together we work to achieve greater independence, freedom and choice for people living with a disability. Childworld
Childcare facilities are available at Our Lady of Lourdes ChildWorld Crèche. This is open to families in the community, with preference given to parents who are working or going http://www.communitylink. back to education.


Die Parkinson Krankheit Immer wieder stel t sich den an Parkinson Erkrankten die Frage „Warum bin gerade ich erkrankt?“ Leider kann man bis heute darauf noch keine eindeutige Antwort geben; zahlreiche Vermutungen und der Hinweis auf verschiedene mögliche Ursachen sind aber richtungweisend. Was geschieht im Gehirn? Auch wenn die genaue Ursache der Parkinson-Krankheit nicht bekannt ist,

Mod 54 biomedical therapies

Mod 54 Biomedical Therapies Obj 1 Goals Biomedical therapy: prescribe medications or medical procedures that act directly on patient’s nervous system Drug therapies Psychopharmacology: study of effects of drugs on mind & behavior Since 1950's treatment of choice for those w/severe disorders Deinstitutionalization: due to drug therapy, minimize hospitalization as an intervent

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