The INTASC Standards "What teachers know and can do makes the most difference in what children learn." ~ Linda Darling-Hammond
An integral component of the new performance-based process is the
use of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
(INTASC) standards. These standards reflect the requisite knowledge,
skills, and attitudes necessary for teachers starting their career. 1. Content Pedagogy
The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of
inquiry, and structures of the discipline he or she teaches
and can create learning experiences that make these
aspects of subject matter meaningful for students. 2. Student Development
The teacher understands how children learn and develop,
and can provide learning opportunities that support a
child•s intellectual, social, and personal development. 3. Diverse Learners
The teacher understands how students differ in their
approaches to learning and creates instructional
opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners. 4. Multiple Instructional Strategies
The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional
strategies to encourage student development of critical (1 of 10) [11/13/2007 8:35:24 PM]
thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. 5. Motivation and Management
The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group
motivation and behavior to create a learning environment
that encourages positive social interaction, active
engagement in learning, and self motivation. 6. Communication and Technology
The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal,
and media communication techniques to foster active
inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the
7. Planning
The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of
subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum
8. Assessment
The teacher understands and uses formal and informal
assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the
continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of
9. Reflective Practice: Professional Growth
The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually
evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on
others (students, parents, and other professionals in the
learning community) and who actively seeks out
opportunities to grow professionally. 10. School and Community Involvement
The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues,
parents, and agencies in the larger community to support (2 of 10) [11/13/2007 8:35:24 PM]
The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and
structures of the discipline he or she teaches and can create learning
experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for
● demonstrates an understanding of the central concepts of his or
● uses explanations and representations that link curriculum to
● evaluates resources and curriculum materials for appropriateness
to the curriculum and instructional delivery.
● engages students in interpreting ideas from a variety of
● uses interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning.
● uses methods of inquiry that are central to the discipline.
The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can
provide learning opportunities that support a child•s intellectual, social, (3 of 10) [11/13/2007 8:35:24 PM]
● evaluates student performance to design instruction appropriate
for social, cognitive, and emotional development.
● creates relevance for students by linking with their prior
● provides opportunities for students to assume responsibility for
and be actively engaged in their learning.
● encourages student reflection on prior knowledge and its
● accesses student thinking as a basis for instructional activities
through group/individual interaction and written work (listening,
encouraging discussion, eliciting samples of student thinking
The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to
learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to
● designs instruction appropriate to students• stages of
development, learning styles, strengths and needs.
● selects approaches that provide opportunities for different
● accesses appropriate services or resources to meet exceptional (4 of 10) [11/13/2007 8:35:24 PM]
● adjusts instruction to accommodate the learning differences or
needs of students (time and circumstance of work, tasks
assigned, communication and response modes).
● uses knowledge of different cultural contexts within the
community (socio-economic, ethnic, cultural) and connects with
the learner through types of interaction and assignments.
● creates a learning community that respects individual
The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies
to encourage student development of critical thinking, problem solving,
● selects and uses multiple teaching and learning strategies (a
variety of presentations/explanations) to encourage students in
● encourages students to assume responsibility for identifying and
● assures different roles in the instructional process (instructor,
facilitator, coach, audience) to accommodate content, purpose,
STANDARD 5: MOTIVATION AND MANAGEMENT (5 of 10) [11/13/2007 8:35:24 PM]
The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation
and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive
social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. KEY INDICATORS
● encourages clear procedures and expectations that ensure
students assume responsibility for themselves and others, work
collaboratively and independently, and engages in purposeful
● engages students by relating lessons to students• personal
interests, allowing students to have choices in their learning, and
leading students to ask questions and solve problems that are
● organizes, allocates, and manages time, space and activities in a
● organizes, prepares students for, and monitors independent and
group work that allows for full and varied participation of all
● analyzes classroom environment and interactions and makes
adjustments to enhance social relationships, student motivation/
The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media
communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and
supportive interaction in the classroom. KEY INDICATORS (6 of 10) [11/13/2007 8:35:24 PM]
● models effective communication strategies in conveying ideas
and information and when asking questions (e.g., monitoring the
effects of messages, restating ideas and drawing connection,
using visual, aural, and kinesthetic cues, being sensitive to
nonverbal cues both given and received).
● provides support for learner expression in speaking, writing, and
● demonstrates that communication is sensitive to gender and
cultural differences (e.g., appropriate use of eye contact,
interpretation of body language and verbal statements,
acknowledgment of and responsiveness to different modes of
● uses a variety of media communication tools to enrich learning
The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter,
students, the community, and curriculum goals. KEY INDICATORS
● plans lessons and activities to address variation in learning styles
and performance modes, multiple development levels of diverse
learners, and problem solving and exploration.
● develops plans that are appropriate for curriculum goals and are
● adjusts plans to respond to unanticipated sources of input and/or (7 of 10) [11/13/2007 8:35:24 PM]
● develops short and long-range plans.
The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment
strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social,
and physical development of the learner. KEY INDICATORS
● selects, constructs, and uses assessment strategies appropriate
● uses a variety of informal and formal strategies to inform choices
about student progress and to adjust instruction (e.g.,
standardized test data, peer and student self-assessment,
informal assessments such as observation, surveys, interviews,
student work, performance tasks, portfolio, and teacher made
● uses assessment strategies to involve learners in self-assessment
activities to help them become aware of their strengths and
needs, and to encourage them to set personal goals for learning.
● evaluates the effects of class activities on individuals and on
groups through observation of classroom interaction, questioning
● maintains useful records of student work and performance and
can communicate student progress knowledgeably and
● solicits information about students• experiences, learning
behavior,needs, and progress from parents, other colleagues, (8 of 10) [11/13/2007 8:35:24 PM]
The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the
effects of his or her choices and actions on others and who actively
seeks out opportunities to grow professionally. KEY INDICATORS
● uses classroom observation, information about students and
research as sources for evaluating the outcomes of teaching and
learning and as a basis for experimenting with, reflecting on and
● uses professional literature, colleagues and other resources to
support self-development as a learner and as a teacher.
● consults with professional colleagues within the school and other
professional arenas as support for reflection, problem-solving and
new ideas, actively sharing experiences and seeking and giving
The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and
agencies in the larger community to support students• learning and (9 of 10) [11/13/2007 8:35:24 PM]
● participates in collegial activities designed to make the entire
school a productive learning environment.
● links with counselors, teachers of other classes and activities
within the school, professionals in community agencies, and
others in the community to support students• learning and well-
● seeks to establish cooperative partnerships with parents/
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (10 of 10) [11/13/2007 8:35:24 PM]
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D V T P ro p h y l a x i si n Tot a l J o i n tR e c o n s t r u c t i o nNeil P. Sheth, Jay R. Lieberman, MDCraig J. Della Valle, MD Prophylaxis Deep venous thrombosis Venous thromboembolism Total joint arthroplastyDeep venous thrombosis (DVT) is the end result ofthe earlier part of this decade. The surgical carea complex interaction of events including the acti-improvement project (S