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Gerkens Product Specification
10-12% DR74
Spec. / Rev
Effective Date 01-Jun-2006
Printed On
01-Jun-2006 14:36
Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam Registration number: 35005253 General Information
Process Description Cocoa Powder
Cocoa powder is obtained by hydrolic pressing of cocoa mass into cocoa butter and cocoa cake, after which the cocoa cake is ground into a fine, free flowing, cocoa powder. Cocoa mass is produced from cocoa beans, which are deshelled and broken into cocoa nibs (the kernels). These kernels are then alcalised (with the exception of natural cocoa powder), roasted and ground into a fine cocoa mass.
Sensoric Description
Chemical and Physical Parameters
Microbiological Analysis
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Gerkens Product Specification
10-12% DR74
Spec. / Rev
Effective Date 01-Jun-2006
Printed On
01-Jun-2006 14:36
Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam Registration number: 35005253 Nutritional Values
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Gerkens Product Specification
10-12% DR74
Spec. / Rev
Effective Date 01-Jun-2006
Printed On
01-Jun-2006 14:36
Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam Registration number: 35005253 Trans Fatty Acids
Comments on Nutritional data
The above nutritional values are all indicative data. The values originate from analytical results. The expressed analytical data comprise relevant nutritional components only. Therefor the sum does not equal 100%.
Packaging and Storage Information
Labeling Information
The product labeling (if applicable) contains following standard information: Explanation product coding
The production number is made up of eight digits and is composed as follows: x xx xx x SS SS = production sequence of product/machine in one specific week This is a consecutive number, indicating the production year, eg. 04 for 2004.
This code is the number of the week according to the standard week numbering.
Quality Systems
Quality Certificates
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Gerkens Product Specification
10-12% DR74
Spec. / Rev
Effective Date 01-Jun-2006
Printed On
01-Jun-2006 14:36
Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam Registration number: 35005253 Quality Certificates [Continued]
Suitable for
Suitable for
C = Unintended presence during processing Page 5 of 5
Gerkens Product Specification
10-12% DR74
Spec. / Rev
Effective Date 01-Jun-2006
Printed On
01-Jun-2006 14:36
Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam Registration number: 35005253 Comments on Allergens
All Allergens should read: including derivatives. The allergens listed above are in accordance with European directive 2000/13/EC about labeling, presentation and advertising of foodstuff, as amended by directive Comments
If fields are left empty, the parameter is not applicable or no specification can be given.
All specifications quaranteed at time of loading.
The microbiological values are not obtained by any means of radiation, nor any sort of gas treatment.
Approved by:


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Altana fax standard

ALTANA AG Postfach 1244 T +49 (0) 6172 1712-160 F +49 (0) 6172 1712-158 ALTANA mit gutem Start im 1. Quartal 2005 Umsatz +4%; Konzerngewinn +4% Starkes Pharmageschäft Bad Homburg, 28. April 2005 – Die ALTANA AG (FWB: ALT, NYSE: AAA) hat im ersten Quartal 2005 den Konzernumsatz um 4% auf 741 Mio. € gesteigert. Bereinigt um Desinvestitions- und Währungseffekte e

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