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Vers la productivité et dignité humaine. Towards human productivity and dignity. Hacia la productividad y dignidad humana. Short-term volunteers may spend one month or
The Partnership/Volunteer/Program (PVP) is an more working with the organization and are opportunity created by the Batey Relief Alliance to responsible for all their expenses including provide concerned individuals, professionals or insurances, air travel, lodging, meals and ground groups interested in helping to improve human transportation. Long-term volunteers may spend
conditions in the developing world to work overseas one year or more with the organization and will as partners/volunteers with the BRA Dominicana, by receive from BRA’s partner, the Catholic Medical supporting, coordinating or implementing Mission Board (CMMB), support in free airfares, free humanitarian projects. Review BRA’s Website at insurances and $350-500 monthly stipends to cover to become more familiar with their basic lodging, means and ground transportation our work and the environment volunteers work in in the foreign country. For more information about our volunteer program, please visit our website at The Batey Relief Alliance is an international relief organization and maintains a strict policy of Nota Bene: It is strongly recommended that neutrality in the carrying out of its humanitarian mission in foreign States. The organization does not health/life/evacuation/malpractice insurance policies involve directly or indirectly in local political affairs of to determine if they have adequate coverage for the any country. All persons working under the umbrella period they will be overseas with the BRA. of the organization must respect and follow that Interested volunteer groups should contact BRA at Volunteering with the BRA in the Dominican Republic [email protected] to receive a PVP information BRA’s PVP takes place inside the Dominican Republic, packet. Individuals wishing to volunteer must submit and welcomes short-term as well as long-term to BRA a letter of interest, copies of their resume volunteers. The PVP provides volunteers with the and/or professional license (if applicable), and two unique opportunity to learn about, take a letters of recommendations to: Ulrick Gaillard, CEO, comparative look at, and gain an understanding of Batey Relief alliance, P.O. Box 300565, Brooklyn, the cultural, socio-economic, and health factors N.Y. 11230. Volunteers may also fax the same affecting those who are economically disadvantaged. information to (809) 540-0786, attn.: Maria Virtudes Through mission trips, short-term or long-term Berroa, Directora Ejecutiva of BRA Dominicana. volunteer placements at the BRA, volunteers gain a wide range of experiences and knowledge. The goal of the PVP is to help volunteers fulfill their Prior to starting work with the BRA Dominicana philanthropic/humanitarian or professional needs – inside the Dominican Republic, long-term volunteers and to help advance the organization’s humanitarian participate in a full-day orientation to prepare for the field experience. The orientation may consist of lectures, discussions and site visits. Topics may “…The Batey Relief Alliance is doing important and difficult work. They need our continued support.” --- Hon. Bill Clinton, former US President, September 10, 2005. Vers la productivité et dignité humaine. Towards human productivity and dignity. Hacia la productividad y dignidad humana. cover the economic, social, cultural and public health restrictions for checked baggage. To secure a free aspects of the Dominican Republic. Additional topics Pack, contact Ruth McLeod at 800/225/8550 or include BRA’s humanitarian intervention targeting [email protected]. For more details, please visit the Dominican Republic’s poverty-stricken and most MAP’s website at and click on the vulnerable communities, including the bateyes. round Travel Pack logo. If you are securing your own medicines from other sources, we highly suggest that you contact BRA to obtain a Wishlist of specific medicines you will need to deliver care in the foreign registration fee that contributes to help State. The value of the purchased or donated medicines may be tax-deductible claimed. PVP opportunities are generally unpaid and volunteers are responsible for their own Before you accept to volunteer with the BRA, we strongly recommend that you have read our policies personal needs. BRA assists volunteers in protective/safety measures while working overseas. prior to their arrival in the country. All For your safety concerns, we also strongly encourage costs related to volunteering with the BRA you to visit the United States Department’s website are tax-deductible to the full extent of the for warnings and cautions when traveling abroad at volunteers (one year or more) in securing Volunteers must make every reasonable effort and grants for health/life/evacuation insurances, take all precautionary steps to protect themselves and their lives – and are responsible for their own welfare while working under BRA’s umbrella in the foreign State. BRA may provide, upon request, reasonable assistance in case of an emergency. But Each qualified volunteer traveling with the BRA on a volunteers must always contact their local foreign healthcare-related mission to the Dominican Republic embassy or consulate or the local police for must secure her/his own supply of medicines. BRA emergency assistance. BRA shall not be held liable suggests the medicine-boxes of Interchurch Medical for volunteers who are victims, due to their own Assistance ( or the pre-packaged negligence, irresponsibility or unsafe practices, of an Travel Packs by MAP International offering an accident, death or serious bodily injuries while assortment of the most critically needed medicines and medical supplies ideal for short-term mission teams. Three months prior to your trip, please contact the IMA or the MAP International for Travel Warnings to the Dominican Republic: Effective processing and transportation fees. Those travel boxes are generally designed to relieve volunteers Please be advised that the CDC has issued "Revised the time-consuming and lengthy process of Recommendations for Malaria Prophylaxis" for the identifying diseases common to developing Dominican Republic. Several cases of Malaria in US countries, choosing appropriate medicines to take travelers have been reported in the regions of Punta and attending to other details to insure safe passage Cana, Barahona and San Francisco de Macoris. Other of the valuable life-saving cargo. Each pack/box will cases were reported in Tourists from Europe who provide between 500-700 treatments. The Travel visited Punta Cana as well. The previous Pack is securely packaged in two separate boxes, recommendation was for travelers to rural areas to which meet the size and weight requirements for one receive Chloroquine prophylaxis. The new piece of checked baggage when strapped together. recommendations include travelers to regions that Always check with your airline regarding any include La Altagracia Province including the Punta “…The Batey Relief Alliance is doing important and difficult work. They need our continued support.” --- Hon. Bill Clinton, former US President, September 10, 2005. Vers la productivité et dignité humaine. Towards human productivity and dignity. Hacia la productividad y dignidad humana. Cana area and areas of Duarte Province for any losses of or delays in retrieving luggage prophylaxis. It is recommended that all personnel traveling under BRA's hospice and who plan to visit reasonable assistance in resolving travel- those regions be advised of these new guidelines by related problems that you may encounter in visiting the CDC website at Upon your entering the Dominican customs, Upon receiving an acceptance letter to join country. You must always tell them that you reservations and purchase your round-trip airfares immediately to avoid unnecessary Dominicana and have official documents we charges or missing your arrival date in the Dominican Republic. You must also contact your airlines or travel agent regarding visas license) qualifying you to travel with the requirements - the types of luggage that medical materials. Please do not bring with are acceptable on the aircraft - additional charges to and from the Dominican Republic To help you enjoy the full benefits of your - and all other travel requirements you may lodging in the Dominican Republic, if you are part of a group, BRA will arrange for you subsequently notify BRA promptly of your to be paired in double-rooms with one of reserved airlines and flight itineraries. your mission’s colleagues. The pairing selections will be done randomly. You are Desk at 1-800-221-2255. Please note that roommate, a single room, a triple room, or this is not an endorsement of the company. other lodging arrangements that may suit (BRA is not connected with AA). Until further notice, volunteers must meet colleague may not arrive on the same date the arrival date and time of a program - land at the Dominican’s capital airport, Las have to pay extra for a temporary single Americas, in Santo Domingo on the earliest arrival flight. Upon your arrival in the Whatever decision you make, you must let Dominican Republic, BRA will arrange for circumstances you are not able to make the expected arrival date, you must let us know related questions while working for BRA in the Dominican Republic, you must speak to timely for your airport pick up. You must BRA Dominicana’s Executive Director, Maria 4947. Active partners/volunteers working for BRA may use the organization’s office to board boxes or suitcases to carry medicine receive mailing from home or as a point of supplies or equipment. Please contact them connected with any airlines you may wish to do business with, nor is it responsible for “…The Batey Relief Alliance is doing important and difficult work. They need our continued support.” --- Hon. Bill Clinton, former US President, September 10, 2005. Vers la productivité et dignité humaine. Towards human productivity and dignity. Hacia la productividad y dignidad humana. General Rules and Policies of the Batey Relief Sector Piantini, Santo Domingo, Rep. Dom. BRA shall collaborate with or seek the support of all lawful parties to help advance its charitable and lawful purpose, by seeking solutions to the socio- economic ills affecting all mankind, including those living in extreme poverty in the Dominican Republic. For that we thank all for their contribution and support. The collaboration, however, does not in any Republic, please contact your country’s form or manner, whether legal or non-legal, subject state government offices for more details. BRA and its officials, staff, general members, members of the Board, or any entities legally Volunteers support the Batey Relief Alliance connected with BRA, to any liability resulting from Please help BRA continue its humanitarian and save the actions or inaction, conduct or misconduct, lives by making a tax-exempt gift online through our practice or malpractice (medical or non-medical, Donate Now! Button at You legal or non-legal), behavior or misbehavior, of said may also mail your check payable to Batey Relief parties that have, capable of having or potentially Alliance, P.O. Box 300565, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11230. having direct or indirect, immediate or latent, adverse, harmful, or fatal results on the recipient batey populations or any other entities directly or The BRA highly recommends volunteers or groups, indirectly involved with BRA; does not, in any form prior to traveling to the Dominican Republic, do or manner, whether legal or non-legal, connect BRA fundraising within their communities to help support and its officials, staff, general members, members of their work overseas. Donors may claim tax- the Board, or any entities legally connected with BRA deductible credits with the US-Internal Revenue to the philosophy, political or religious affiliations of Service (IRS) for gifts made to volunteers strictly to advance their work with the BRA. Tax-deductible credits will apply only for gifts/checks made payable Due to the heightened sensitivity relating to the batey and the Haitian immigrant population, BRA shall caution all collaborating parties from engaging into any activities capable of adversely affecting the The BRA invites volunteers to be part of its new organization’s humanitarian goals and objectives. Folders for Privacy Initiative. Our goal is to Such activities may include, but not limited to, collect 12,000 (8x11 manila) folders annually. making open statements with tones reflecting human Patient privacy in rural Dominican Republic is often a rights violations vis-à-vis the Haitian batey challenge. BRA has always made it a top priority to population; engaging in open political discussions run its health clinics with the strictest privacy with the general public about the bateyes’ socio- protocols. This is why for each of our patients, we economic ills; taking pictures or making videos of the have a folder file. However, we have a great need for recipient populations and/in their habitat, except folders to file patients' health records. Those folders under BRA’s direction; or publishing materials that are extremely expensive in the DR and yet relatively may be detrimental or harmful to BRA’s charitable cheap in the US. We would like to invite each person endeavors, its relations with interested parties, or traveling from overseas to work with BRA to make the recipient populations. Those who shall act space in his/her suitcase and bring 50+ folders. The directly to violate this prohibition clause; indirectly donation is tax-deductible. I thank you in advance by helping or inducing others to violate the said for joining us in this simple yet very important clause; display the malicious will or tendency to undermine the charitable and lawful purpose of this organization shall not be qualified to become or remain involved with BRA - and may be held liable “…The Batey Relief Alliance is doing important and difficult work. They need our continued support.” --- Hon. Bill Clinton, former US President, September 10, 2005. Vers la productivité et dignité humaine. Towards human productivity and dignity. Hacia la productividad y dignidad humana. for any harm caused to the existence of the information about the types of health related organization. BRA and its Board of Directors strongly precautions you must take for your trip to the count on your cooperation in this vital matter. Dominican Republic, please consult with your physician. Information on vaccinations and other By working under BRA’s umbrella, you agree that health precautions may be obtained from the Centers you have read carefully and agreed to abide by all of for Disease Control and Prevention's hotline for the organization’s rules and policies. Likewise you international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877- have agreed that all results produced while working 394-8747); fax 1-888-CDC-FAXX (1-888-232-3299), or operating under the organization’s umbrella or via the CDC Internet Site at become the property of BRA [except for journalistic work where BRA may have consented editorial If you wish to be immunized before traveling to the powers over all pre-published materials] and may be used at its discretion to advance its charitable and (Diphtheria/Tetanus) and Hepatitis B vaccination, lawful purpose. You have also agreed that it is in the and it must be up to date. In addition, Hepatitis A BRA’s utmost interests to prohibit all activities by vaccination is recommended if you were not already collaborating parties that could be detrimental to its exposed or immunized. It is strongly recommended, future work. In that context, all collaborating parties however, that you take Malaria Prophylaxis with must be conscious of the sensitive relations that may Mefloquine (Lariam) 250 mg once a week starting 2 exist between BRA and other interested parties, and weeks before the trip and ending four weeks after (a to keep this fact in mind in order to cause no harm total of 7 doses) unless there is a contraindication. or detriment to any future humanitarian endeavors This section is only a recommendation and not a BRA may undertake - and must strongly adhere to medical advice. You must always consult with your not causing harm to the recipient populations. physician first before taking any of these To help maintain a productive and healthy environment during a BRA’s health intervention, it is Only persons registered with BRA to work as recommended that collaborating parties be volunteer licensed health care providers shall have courteous, professional and culturally sensitive to access to and use or direct the use of BRA’s non- persons or entities dealing with the organization in hazardous donated medicines, medical supplies and the foreign State; volunteer medical personnel follow equipment during a BRA’s health intervention. All dress codes similar to the ones found in regular medical directions have to be authorized, screened professional medical facilities in the business of and approved first by the BRA’s medical director providing medical care. Please do not forget to bring before taking effect. All donated medicines, medical the instruments necessary for you to work in the supplies and equipment are the property of the BRA clinic, i.e. stethoscope, blood pressure cuffs and must be used solely to provide affordable (pediatric and adult, if you own one), pocket medical assistance to those living in extreme poverty ophthalmoscope/otoscope (if you own one), and regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, national other small instruments that pertain to your specialty origin or political affiliations. In compliance with U.S we may have failed to mention. During mission trips, Federal Law [Section 503(b)] and BRA’s rules armed security personnel may be present to 1) [Donation & Disclaimer], BRA’s collaborating parties protect equipment and medical materials against must not, under any circumstances, exchange, sold vandalism, 2) to provide crowd control, 3) and to or re-import [in U.S. markets] BRA’s donated help create a safe environment for you and the medicines, medical supplies or equipment. Any donations of BRA’s donated medicines, medical supplies and equipment to other parties shall be BRA advises volunteer health care professionals to made only to help advance the organization’s follow reasonable standard of care - and to use charitable and lawful purpose, and be made only by reasonable health precautions - during the treatment the organization’s Executive Director. of or contact with the recipient population. For more “…The Batey Relief Alliance is doing important and difficult work. They need our continued support.” --- Hon. Bill Clinton, former US President, September 10, 2005. Vers la productivité et dignité humaine. Towards human productivity and dignity. Hacia la productividad y dignidad humana. Upon completion of a [medical] mission, each health BRA’s Medical Facilities in the Dominican Republic care provider (not nurses or assistants) must submit Medical Center Complex
three weeks to the last day of the mission to BRA in New York a medical report detailing out the medical experience in the batey. The purpose is for the mission medical director to create an-all-inclusive final medical report to help BRA advance its health Medical Clinic
care goals and objectives in the bateyes. While BRA shall act faithfully to acknowledge internally the contribution and support of all collaborating parties, it has however no obligation, and reserves the right, to acknowledge externally Visit the Dominican Republic’s first Haitian art gallery such contribution and support or parties by name, where you will be exposed to some of the title, expertise or organization. BRA shall not be held Caribbean’s greatest paintings and sculptures by responsible for no-credit recognition of parties, some of the most talented artists, and purchase at externally, after submission that is of no fault of the Batey Relief Alliance’s low discount price privilege. organization or its immediate personnel. The contribution and support, while they may be pro bono, they are voluntary and incidental to the Calle Las Mercedes # 255 (entre Jode Reyes y 19 organization’s global efforts to realize its long-term de Marzo), Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo, Rep. goals and objectives. Any act to help promote BRA, Dom. Tel.: (809) 682-9134 / Cel.: (809) 864-3498 / externally, shall gear primarily towards educating the general public about the plight of the target population and BRA’s humanitarian efforts to provide For those of you who wish to visit the other side of the Hispaniola Island, [also known historically as Ayiti, Quisqueya or Bohio] BRA may help coordinate Prohibitive activities during mission work with BRA a two-day excursion to HAITI – the world’s first
Involving in acts that may be dangerous, hazardous independent Black Republic. During your short or cause severe injuries or bodily harm to you or exciting journey to the Haitian Kreyol and French- others – or that may be detrimental to the work of speaking country, you will explore its capital, Port- the organization. Activities may include, but not au-Prince, its mystical culture and rich history, its limited to, horseback riding, motorcycling or captivating artistic flavors that have for decades bicycling, etc. Drinking alcoholic beverages – or attracted world curiosity, and the gentleness of the people. BRA will help arrange your transportation to and from Haiti and your tourist visas. You will be Local Collaborating Partners to the BRA Alliance responsible for your travel expenses. The activity is In carrying out its humanitarian health work inside optional, and will take place only if there is a the Dominican Republic, BRA works closely with the majority interest and it is logistically feasible. country’s Ministry of Health (SESPAS). Other Dominican-based grassroots/health organizations or government entities are actively involved with the BRA Dominicana in bringing relief to the needy. BRA supports them by donating supplies to and placing volunteers to work at their facilities raising their capacity to deliver improved services to other populations around the country. In doing so, BRA “…The Batey Relief Alliance is doing important and difficult work. They need our continued support.” --- Hon. Bill Clinton, former US President, September 10, 2005.


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