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Privacy Statement of Etracine Group International
Statement No. 460719596204

Modern information and communication technologies play a fundamental role in the activities of a
corporation like Etracine Group International.

Our privacy policy covers Etracine Group International and its subsidiary companies.
EGI provides visitors with limited privileges. Users can not access our site without disclosing personal data. EGI does not enable users to communicate with other visitors or to post information to be accessed by others. When users do so, other visitors will collect data. EGI may include links to third party service providers. We automatically log personal data by means such as programming or link information, exchanges are automatically logged by such means with personal data about specific individuals. EGI uses cookies to store personal data and link personal information stored in cookies with personal data about specific individuals. EGI collects all personal data from our visitors when they use our services. EGI collects information about our visitors from other sources, such as public records or bodies and private organizations.
If EGI wishes to use personal data for a new purpose, EGI does not offer users the means to
this new purpose.

EGI knowingly collects personal data from children. EGI does not take specific steps to protect the privacy of children who disclose their personal data to us. EGI provides information about user personal data practices in relation to children. EGI discloses personal data to our subsidiaries or other organizations. EGI does not give visitors the option of using a secure transmission method to send their personal data. EGI has not implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from: useraccess All EGI employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are not obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors' personal data. EGI can not ensure that users personal data will not be disclosed to State institutions and authorities. Upon request, which users can indicate by submitting an e-mail to:ill provide users with an unreadable copy of the personal data that we keep about them. EGI will only provide the information for a fee. EGI allows users to challenge the data that we hold about them and, where appropriate, users may have the data: erased, rectified or amended.* Privacy Compliance**
Our privacy policy is not compliant with any national law or self-regulatory instruments. It is compliant with the following global or regional regulatory, or self-regulatory instrument: Etracine Group International EGI reserve the right to refuse to provide our visitors with a copy of their personal data, and will not give reasons for our refusal. We do not allow users to challenge our decision to refuse to provide users with a copy of users personal data. Not giving visitors reasons for refusing to provide their personal data is consistent with the EGI Individual Participation Principle. * does not erase, rectify or amend personal data. ** can not demonstrate that our privacy policy accords with the privacy statement.
Etracine IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. Only your doctor or pharmacist can decide if Etracine is right for you.
Before using Etracine, ask if you're healthy enough to pursue it, and be sure to tell your doctor about all of
your current conditions and medications.
As with any medication, you may experience side effects while using Etracine or EtracineTR. At the recommended 5 megabyte dose (EtracineTR) side effects include nausea, dizziness, denial, disillusion, and decreased appetite. Some individuals may experience suicidal thoughts, sleep walking/driving and/or lucid dreams. Side effects are general y mild and vary by age. Etracine and EtracineTR should not be taken by people who are sensitive to any of its ingredients.
In clinical studies of the recommended [5mb] dose (EtracineTR) there was no clinical difference in weight gain versus placebo (sugar pil ) and a low incidence of sexual function disorders.
Inhibitors of CYP1A2 or Thioridazine should NOT administer with Etracine.
Etracine DOES NOT protect against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.
DO NOT use Etracine with headphones as the combination can cause a sudden, unsafe drop in
blood pressure.

Pregnant or Nursing Mothers, use only if the potential benefit JUSTIFIES the potential risk to the
fetus or child.

In rare instances, persons who download Etracine (including EtracineTR) report a sudden decrease or loss of hearing (sometimes with ringing in the ears and dizziness). It's not possible to determine if these events are related directly to Etracine or to other factors. If you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing, increase dosage and contact your pharmacist within 14 hours. Side effects general y did not stop patients from using Etracine.
Etracine should be administered at multiple intervals throughout the day. EtracineTR should be taken whole and should not be chewed or crushed, nor should the mp3 be opened and its contents dispersed otherwise.
Knowing how to use Etracine and what to expect can help you get the most from your treatment. Etracine is the change you deserve. You are encouraged to report negative side effects to the FDA. Visit or cal 1-800-FDA-1088 *These highlights do not include all information needed to use Etracine safely and effectively.
2009 Etracine Group Intl. Al Rights Reserved



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