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Microsoft word - list of the books available to job seekers

List of the Books Available to Job Seekers The following is the list of the books available to job seekers who purchased individual career counseling services or participated in paid trainings organized by Career Portal. Please, contact support team by Email: [email protected] or by Phone: +374 10 350111, if you are 1. HOW TO INTERVIEW LIKE A TOP MBA: JOB-WINNING STRATEGIES FROM HEADHUNTERS, FORTUNE 100 RECRUITERS, AND CAREER COUNSELORS [PAPERBACK] By: Dr. Shel Leanne (Author). Book Details: Paperback: 256 pages, Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (December 26, 2003), Language: English, ISBN-10: 007141827X, ISBN-13: 978-0071418270 Product Description Interviewing for a job is more than answering questions. The most successful candidates are those who've done their homework, who come prepared with polished answers for every question, and who know how to steer the conversation where they want it to go. Now professional career coach Shelly Leanne--a Harvard graduate--teaches job seekers proven interview techniques taught at the nation's top business schools. How to Interview Like a Top MBA arms job seekers with: Insights and advice from top corporate executives, headhunters, and MBA program Worksheets, charts, diagrams, and other valuable tools for creating a customized interview Valuable lessons on how to read interviewer signals, take control of an interview, turn weaknesses into strengths, ask the right questions, and much more. About the Author Dr. Shel Leanne is President of the Wilshel Corporation, an educational and career consulting service. A former McKinsey & Company consultant, a Harvard graduate, and a former Harvard faculty member, she runs interview workshops with MBA students from Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, Columbia, and other top business schools, and provides career guidance and coaching for 2. IN SEARCH OF THE PERFECT JOB [PAPERBACK] By: Clyde C. Lowstuter (Author). Book Details: Paperback: 356 pages, Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 2 edition (January 2, 2007), Language: English, ISBN-10: 0071485880, ISBN-13: 978-0071485883 Product Description Find the Executive Position that Gives You the Opportunity, the Challenges, And the Competitive Salary that You Deserve! In Search of the Perfect Job gives you the edge to land a job that matches your senior-level experience and status. Fully revised and updated for leaders committed to growth, it prepares you for the next step-whether you're making a career move, or want to take charge of your career so that you won't be blindsided by a downsizing or a “new broom.” “A highly motivating guide for executives seeking to make a move or readying themselves for that eventuality. If you master the tools provided, you will achieve your career goals.”-S. Gary Snodgrass, EVP & Chief HR Officer, Exelon Corporation “Every executive should buy this book! Clyde has accurately positioned executive recruiters as partners and one of the many tools in your search arsenal.”-Edward Santimauro, Senior Client Partner, Korn Ferry International “Lowstuter has distilled a lifetime of coaching into a wonderfully crafted owner's manual for executives committed to optimizing their careers.”-William A. Colaianni, VP/General Director,Wal-Mart Stores and Amigo Supermarkets, San Juan, Puerto Rico. About the Author Clyde C. Lowstuter is President & CEO of Robertson Lowstuter, a leading executive development firm that has consulted with thousands of clients since 1981. He is a Master Certified Coach from the Cammen B. Lowstuter is a staff writer and workshop developer for Robertson Lowstuter, Inc., and is the marketing and promotions coordinator for Colorado Free University. 3. 301 SMART ANSWERS TO TOUGH INTERVIEW QUESTIONS [PAPERBACK] By: Vicky Oliver (Author). Book Details: Paperback: 384 pages, Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc. (May 1, 2005), Language: English, ISBN-10: 1402203853, ISBN-13: 978-1402203855 Product Description "As valuable for the executive going into her umpteenth interview as for the college grad seeking his first real job." - Richard Zackson, Business Coach, Professional Coaching Network. In today's job market, how you perform in an interview can make or break your hiring possibilities. If you want to stand a head above the rest of the pack, 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions is the definitive guide you need to the real, and sometimes quirky, questions employers are using to weed out candidates. Do you know the best answers to: It looks like you were fired twice. How did that make you feel? Do you know who painted this work of art? What is the best-managed company in America? If you could be any product in the world, what would you choose? Are you a better visionary or implementer? Why? Leaning on her own years of experience and the experiences of more than 5,000 recent candidates, Vicky Oliver shows you how to finesse your way onto a company's payroll. "Everything I always wanted to know about job interviews but was afraid to be asked." - Claude Chene, Senior Vice President, Head of Business Development, U.K. and Europe, Sanford Bernstein & Co. About the Author Vicky Oliver is an award-winning copywriter with X years of experience at brand name, top tier advertising agencies in Manhattan. She would confess how long she's been in the field, but that would go straight to her age-something she feels strongly that one should never reveal on a job interview. As a freelance writer, Ms. Oliver has written extensively about unemployment and the job search, appearing on the front page of the New York Times Job Market Section, in Adweek magazine, and on Crain's New York Business website. Ms. Oliver has also worked with more than 5,000 professionals who have emailed her for advice on their job hunt and has given seminars on the topic at The Writer's Voice in Manhattan. 4. COMPETENCY-BASED INTERVIEWS: MASTER THE TOUGH NEW INTERVIEW STYLE AND GIVE THEM THE ANSWERS THAT WILL WIN YOU THE JOB [PAPERBACK] By: Robin Kessler (Author). Book Details: Paperback: 255 pages, Publisher: Career Press; 1 edition (April 30, 2006), Language: English, ISBN-10: 1564148696, ISBN-13: 978-1564148698 Product Description Have you ever wondered why you didn't get a job offer after an important interview? People interviewing for jobs today often fail because they are using yesterday's strategies. They haven’t realized that the best employers have changed the way interviews are done, and it now takes a different strategy to succeed. Competency-Based Interviews shows today's candidates a new, more targeted way to prepare for the tough interviews based on the competencies that the most sophisticated employers are looking for. Competency-Based Interviews offers you a new and more effective way to handle the tough new interviews so that you will emphasize the knowledge, skills and abilities that you have and that employers need. Most sophisticated U.S. and international employers are using competency-based systems to recruit, interview and select employees. Corporations such as American Express, Anheuser Busch, BP, Coca-Cola, Energizer, Federal Express, IBM, and Pfizer are all looking for specific competencies. Preparing for a competency-based interview will give you the strategy you need to: Be selected for the most competitive positions. Be chosen for that critical promotion in your current organization. Get more interesting assignments and more interesting work Most interviewees don't know how to be successful when they are being interviewed by an organization looking for key competencies. Few candidates answer questions so they demonstrate their own critical competencies. Competency-Based Interviews will teach you what you need to master this tough new interview style and give the interviewers the answers that will win you the job. About the Author Robin Kessler is currently president of The Interview Coach, a human resources and career consulting firm based in Houston, TX. She has more than 20 years experience improving interviews, resumes, presentations and organizational communications as a human resources professional, consultant, career coach and adjunct professor. Kessler co-authored Competency-Based Resumes, the first book to teach people to write their resumes considering the competencies employers are looking for. She received her B.A. and M.B.A. from Northwestern University. 5. THE UNWRITTEN RULES OF THE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE JOB SEARCH: THE PROVEN PROGRAM USED BY THE WORLD’S LEADING CAREER SERVICES COMPANY [HARDCOVER] By: Orville Pierson (Author). Book Details: Hardcover: 288 pages, Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (December 16, 2005), Language: English, ISBN-10: 0071464042, ISBN-13: 978-0071464048 Product Description The Proven Program Used by 600,000 Job Hunters! You put hours and hours of hard work into your job search and the companies you've contacted never call. It's a story all too common in the fast-paced, highly competitive world of job hunting. Nothing is more discouraging than sending one resumé after another into the job-hunting void. Eventually, you expect silence from the other end. The Unwritten Rules of the Highly Effective Job Search was written so this never happens to you again. These techniques, developed by author Orville Pierson, have been used successfully for ten years by Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH), the world's premier career services company. Here, Pierson provides you with the job-search techniques that up to now have been limited to the LHH consultants he trains. Orville Pierson has helped thousands of job hunters during his career, taking note of the characteristics that have led to success as well as failure. In The Unwritten Rules of the Highly Effective Job Search, he supplies key information on how professional job search consultants structure the job search project so you can apply the same winning strategies to your own search. You'll also be privy to inside information on how decision makers operate, enabling you to get the inside track on job openings before they are announced. This insider's guide covers every phase of the job search, leading you step by step through the process of creating a clear-cut plan-essential to every job search. Using the Pierson Method, you'll learn how to Develop a Target List (the key ingredient to every job search) Create a “core message” about yourself that decision makers won't forget Present yourself in the best possible light to prospective employers Using these strategies, Orville Pierson and LHH have helped 600,000 people land great new jobs. Employ the Pierson Method in your hunt for employment and you'll soon be doing what you love in the company that's right for you. About the Author Orville Pierson is Senior Vice President, Corporate Director of Program Design and Service Delivery, for Lee Hecht Harrison, a 240-office career services company that is part of the $20 billion Adecco global family of employment services and placement firms. Yale educated, he has worked in career services for nearly 30 years, authoring career publications that have helped over a million people 6. GUERRILLA MARKETING FOR JOB HUNTERS: 400 UNCONVENTIONAL TIPS, TRICKS, AND TACTICS FOR LANDING YOUR DREAM JOB [PAPERBACK] By: Jay Conrad Levinson (Author), David Perry (Author). Book Details: Paperback: 288 pages, Publisher: Wiley (September 29, 2005), Language: English, ISBN-10: 0471714844, ISBN-13: 978-0471714842 Product Description Ready! Aim! Hired! "This is an immensely helpful book, with the ancient wisdom of recruiters, and the up-to-date insights of two skilled Internet surfers. If you're job-hunting, you'll be grateful to learn the tips and tricks of these two seasoned veterans. I learned a lot myself." —Richard N. Bolles, author, What Color Is Your Parachute? "I have been an apprentice, a company president, and a CEO. No other single source provides a more contemporary and embracing job search bible. This book offers literally hundreds of little known insider tips, strategies, out-of-the-box success stories, hands-on exercises, and pearls of wisdom. Many readers will hear the words, 'You're Hired' due to David Perry and Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters." —Kelly Perdew, Executive Vice President, Trump Ice winner of The Apprentice 2 "Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters is an absolutely 'right on' book for today's job market. It not only has great job search tips but it takes you into the electronic job search system better than anything I've seen written to date." —William J. Morin, Chairman and CEO, WJM Associates, Inc. former CEO of DBM Using a typically unconventional Guerrilla approach, authors Levinson and Perry cover all the basics of a winning campaign. This book covers: Using the Internet for everything from research and job searches to your own Web site, blogs, and podcasting Performing an extreme resume makeover and creating a higher-powered value-based resume Harnessing the full power of Google, LinkedIn, and ZoomInfo to uncover opportunities in the "hidden job market" ahead of your competition (or other job hunters) Branding yourself and selling your strengths in resumes, letters, e-mail, and interviews Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters includes real-life war stories from successful job hunters and expert tips and tactics from over 100 prominent headhunters. About the Author JAY CONRAD LEVINSON is the author of more than thirty-five books in the multimillion copy-selling Guerrilla Marketing series, including Wiley's Guerrilla Marketing for Consultants. DAVID E. PERRY, BA, MM, is the author of Career Guide for the High-Tech Professional. As a Managing Director of Perry-Martel International, one of North America's top executive search, recruiting, and placement firms, he has negotiated more than $150 million in salaries. 7. THE QUICK RESUME & COVER LETTER BOOK: WRITE AND USE AN EFFECTIVE RESUME IN ONLY ONE DAY (QUICK RESUME AND COVER LETTER BOOK) [PAPERBACK] By: Michael Farr (Author). Book Details: Paperback: 404 pages, Publisher: JIST Works; 4 edition (November 2007), Language: English, ISBN-10: 1593575173, ISBN-13: 978-1593575175 Product Description The Quick Resume & Cover Letter Book, Fourth Edition, gives job seekers allthe expert advice they need to stay aead of competitors and land a great job. This book offers proven, proactive advice on how to create outstanding job search documents and use them efficiently. Readers learn to create a basic resume in an hour and an improved resume in about half a day. The fourth edition of this helpful guide includes more than 90 all-new sample resumes written by professional resume writers for all types of jobs and people, including a new chapter with electronic resume samples. The book also provides excellent career counseling sections to help anyone from high school graduates to high-level professionals define their ideal job and go out and get it. About the Author Michael Farr, America's Career Expert, has been teaching, writing, and developing his job search techniques for more than 20 years. He has written dozens of books that have sold over 2 million copies. He emphasizes practical, results-oriented methods that have been proven to reduce the time it takes to find a job. His commonsense advice has made his books the most widely used in job 8. RESUME MAGIC: TRADE SECRETS OF A PROFESSIONAL RESUME WRITER (RESUME MAGIC TRADE SECRETS OF A PROFESSIONAL RESUME WRITER) [PAPERBACK] By: Susan Britton Whitcomb (Author). Book Details: Paperback: 585 pages, Publisher: JIST Works; 3 edition (September 2006), Language: English, ISBN-10: 1593573111, ISBN-13: 978-1593573119 Product Description Filled with "before and after" resume examples that not only teach the author's special techniques but also show why they work, "Resume Magic" divulges the secrets of better resume writing from an expert with more than a decade of experience producing powerful, effective resumes. "A masterpiece on resume writing." - David F. Noble, Ph.D., author, Gallery of Best Resumes "The most comprehensive book ever written on resume writing and a vital addition to every job seeker's library!" - Wendy S. Enelow, author, executive resume writer and career consultant "Whitcomb has created the gold standard in resume guides." - Katherine Hansen, author of Dynamic Cover Letters, Dynamic Cover Letters for New Graduates, and A Foot in the Door: Networking Your Way into the Hidden Job Market "Whitcomb's before-and-after examples are reminiscent of Houdini!" - Darrell W. Gurney, CPC, JCTC, RSCP; author, Headhunters Revealed! About the Author Susan Britton Whitcomb has provided career management strategies to people who want to move their career forward faster for more than 20 years. Susan has helped thousand of job seekers succeed in translating their passions into profit - both for themselves and their employers. Susan speaks nationally on the topic of career management. She is past president of Career Masters Institute, the job seeker's "go-to" resource for trusted career experts; founder of Career Coach Academy, a training center and think-tank for quality career coaches; and principal of California- 9. THE ELEMENTS OF RESUME STYLE: ESSENTIAL RULES AND EYE-OPENING ADVICE FOR WRITING RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS THAT WORK [PAPERBACK] By: Scott Bennett (Author). Book Details: Paperback: 128 pages, Publisher: AMACOM; 1 edition (July 22, 2005), Language: English, ISBN-10: 081447280X, ISBN-13: 978-0814472804 Product Description It's amazing the myths one can find in some resume books. Scott Bennett has hired hundreds of people in a variety of industries, and he knows firsthand what kinds of resumes spark the interest of employers. In The Elements of Resume Style, Bennett explains why some of the most popular "tricks" backfire more often than they work, and offers clear, smart strategies for creating resumes and cover letters that get people jobs. From entry-level to executive, users of this invaluable guide will: * See their resume from the employer's perspective * Avoid the errors most candidates make * Handle job-hopping, employment gaps, and other touchy subjects honestly and effectively * Write cover letters that stand out -- and learn the untapped power of the inquiry letter 1,400+ Sample Action Words, Action Statements, and Position Descriptions/Blurbs 200+ Vague Claims to Avoid and 500+ More Words and Phrases to Avoid Sample Resume Format, Sample Response Letter, Sample Inquiry Letter Sample Informational Interview Request Letter Sample Response to Request for Salary Requirements Sample Salary History, Sample References The battle for jobs is tighter than ever. The Elements of Resume Style can help you make sure your first salvo is as powerful and on-target as possible. About the Author Scott Bennett has read tens of thousands of resumes, conducted thousands of interviews, and hired and developed hundreds of employees at all levels in small, mid-size, and large organizations. In 1996, he transitioned from his role as President and Chief Operating Officer of Public Service Computer Software, Inc., into career coaching. Individually and in seminars and workshops, he has coached more than 4,000 job seekers from more than 100 countries. 10. PERFECT CV (PERFECT SERIES) [PAPERBACK] By: Max Eggert (Author). Book Details: Paperback: 192 pages, Publisher: Random House UK (September 25, 2007), Language: English, ISBN-10: 1905211732, ISBN-13: 978-1905211739 Product Description A must-have for any job hunter, this insightful resource offers tried-and-tested tips towards creating a flawless résumé. Every detail of compiling your résumé is addressed, from the layout to the proper use of language and punctuation, and sample résumés are provided for comparison. Information on what qualities companies desire as well as instructions on how to discover and emphasize your individual potential within your résumé is also included alongside a variety of invaluable checklists that will ensure all vital details are addressed. Whether you are just starting out or looking to climb the next rung in the work force, this guidebook will make it all possible. About the Author Max Eggert is a psychologist and international consultant specializing in human resource management, interim management, and outplacement. His previous books include The Controlling Absenteeism Pocketbook and Resolving Conflict.



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