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J. Patrick Cooke // Sr. Project Manager
Professional Experience
May 2013 – September 2013 // Blast Radius / Wunderman World Health, New York, NY

As a Sr. PM at Blast Radius I was responsible for the day-to-day management activities on the
entire Novartis Gas-X account, as well as portions of the Novartis Prevacid account. Including but
not limited to financial forecasting and budgeting, against a internal resource plan. Creating, and
enforcing schedules on all projects wich I managed as well as highlighting and reporting any risk
management that is inherent to Pharmaceutical projects. A few highlights included:
• Managing a staff of both internal and external creative and development team members to produce the best quality product on time and within expected budget. • The Gas-X Sweepstakes site take-over at http:/ with their supporting sweepstakes banners and drive to media. • The Gas-X YouTube video updates • The Prevacid Shopper Project • The Prevacid Mobile Discovery Project • Future Scoping of all the Gas-X and Prevacid work through the remainder of this year and into the beginning of 2014 October 2012 – May 2013 // Saatchi & Saatchi, New York, NY
Sr. Digital Producer, for the Toyota Dealership Account “TDA”
Management of the Day-to-Day operations of the Tri-State and National Toyota Dealerships
advertising projects. A few of my recent project highlights include:
• Team work flow, and process enhancements to an existing SalesForce “Cloud” CRM System • The full site redesign, and re-launch of • Frequent enhancements and additions to • Management of the NiceCar Bluetooth App pitch, and creative production for that campaign • Production of the Corollanomics Banner, and Online Video Advertising campaign • The planning and design management surrounding the soon to launch • All the Yankees Prius Sweepstakes campaign assets, including Banners, Roadblocks, a Prius Car wrap, print assets, and Sweepstakes pages:
February 2012 – August 2012 // Tribal DDB, New York, NY
Sr. Project Manager
My responsibilities at Tribal DDB included the overall scope of digital projects from statement of
work, project definition and cost estimates, to the creation of detailed MS Project production
schedules & timelines. I was responsible for managing the entire project life-cycle from Creative
Brief to Launch. A few of my recent project highlights include:
• NFL Fantasy Football 2012 Standard Flash and Rich Media Banner campaign
• Exxon / ESSO Extra- Internal website and paid media banner updates & quarterly
• Rail Europe 2012 Standard Flash Banner Campaign
• Alcon- DAILIES® AquaComfort® Plus, 2012 Consumer Campaign
• Centrum / Nutrition Possible quarterly website updates
• Centrum / Nutrition Possible Facebook updates
J. Patrick Cooke // Sr. Project Manager • Centrum / ProNutrients Website updates July 2010 – October 2011 // MRM Worldwide / McCann Erickson, New York, NY
Sr. Digital Producer, for the General Mills Account
My project highlights included: • Pilsbury’s “Make a Cake Face” Facebook ApplicatioN • Preserve The Parks Campaign plus the planning around a larger overall site redesign launched in late 2011 • Hamburger Helper’s June Site updates and accompanying drive to banners • 2010 Recipe Contest Campaign plus all that campaign’s supporting Drive to Banners March 2010 – July 2010 // dDFCB Healthcare, New York, NY
Freelance Senior Interactive Project Manager, for the Cephalon, Nuvigil® Account
• Managed the day to day operations of the website including, all HTML, PHP and Flash updates to the site, as well as banner, rich media, and email campaigns for the Nuvigil® account. • Responsibilities involved organizing and managing the entire interactive project life cycle from estimates, SOWs, Kick-Offs, MS Project Timelines, IA and graphic production, into development, Quality Assurance, User Acceptance testing, and launch. • Weekly Resource Allocations and budget tracking, to manage the team’s internal burn rate. • Responsible for communicating all changes in scope or client direction clearly across all the different tiers of management within the agency.
July 2009 – March 2010 // Blenderbox, Brooklyn, NY
Senior Interactive Project Manager, for the Blenderbox Project Management Team
Goldman Sachs: Managed the team responsible for the new Goldman Sachs PDF
review & download HTML/CSS prototype. • Rockefeller Foundation website: Responsible for managing the redesign of the
Foundation website • Writing the SOW • Managing the Information Architecture, Creative Reviews, Development, Quality Assurance, User Acceptance testing and launch • Daily Client management The new site launched in early December with excellent reviews from the client, and the RF global community. I then managed the day to day changes and enhancement requests that came in through the Rockefeller Foundation • American Express “OPEN for Government Contracts, Victory in Procurement for
Small Businesses
website: This new site was designed
and Developed as a How To instructional guide on how to procure business from the US
Government. The site launched with great reviews in late November 2009, and has
steadily Increased traffic since its initial launch.
The Kennedy Center ArtsEdge Redesign: Responsible for the daily management of
the redesign and enhancements for • Writing the numerous Statements of Work J. Patrick Cooke // Sr. Project Manager
• Managing a cross functional team of IA’s, Creative’s, and Developers • Client and overarching day to day Account Management The redesign technology includes a full Sitecore CMS and SharePoint data integration.
February 2009 – May 2009 // The New York Times, New York, NY
Freelance Senior Interactive Project Manager, for the New York Times in-house Marketing
Services Dept.
• Responsible for managing the International Herald Tribune and New York Times online Media Kit Micro-site. Managed the daily in-house and vendor activities of the site from the planning and conception stages, through development and launch. • As Senior Interactive Project Manager I was made responsible for as many as forty in-house banner, email, and Landing Page campaigns and all the day to day management of those advertising campaigns. • Also responsible for recommending software’s and new processes to stream-line the interactive teams current in-house processes.
May 2007 – January 2009 // Ogilvy & Mather, OgilvyInteractive New York, NY
Senior Interactive Project Manager for the OgilvyOne and OgilvyInteractive Group
Senior Project Manager for numerous projects and clients including Time Warner Cable®, Clear
Card® “Verified Identification Pass”, and Unilever- Promise® “Buttery Spread”. I have been
directly responsible for On-line Advertising Projects from start to fruition. I have managed tasks
from cost estimates, staff plans, schedules, presenting Statements of Work (SOWs) as well as
the multiple rounds of the creative design process, and development, through to quality
assurance testing, and launch.
- Time Warner Cable
• Q1-Q4 2008- “E.B.P.P.” E-Business Portal Project” for the Re-design. • Managed the TWC Team through all the phases of this ecommerce project- from the initial Business Requirements, to the Information Architecture, to the final creative designs, quality assurance testing and launch. • The E.B.P.P. Project when completed encompassed the full buy-flow for all of Time Warner Cable’s 10 Nation-wide divisions and sold all TWC’s individual products and bundle’s of products to both new and existing customers. -The Clear Card- Redesign
• Responsible for all the design of the new site and a small percentage of the overall development work for the Clear site: Also responsible for the management of all the banner campaigns to advertise Clear’s site re-launch. - Unilever / Promise® “Buttery Spread”
• Managed the Advertising Micro-site and all this campaign’s corresponding drive-to
emails, and banners:
• Q4 2007- Q1 2008- Dr Collins The Cooking Cardiologist Promise® Sub-Section

March 2005 – April 2007 // Web Power Associates, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Senior Interactive Project Manager, for the Business Development team
Responsible for management of new business demands for a company with gross sales of over
$2 billion in 2006. While at Web Power my responsibilities included:
• Development and maintenance of corporate website and 10 subsidiary websites J. Patrick Cooke // Sr. Project Manager
• Managed the creation of a search engine that uses visualization search technology as well as a corresponding open bidding engine to support the advertising on that search engine • Managed relationships with several different external vendors that provided assistance with graphic and web development, direct marketing, advertisements, and search engine optimization • Managed the organization of the department’s digital files on the corporate intranet, built on Microsoft’s SharePoint • Worked directly with the VP of Business Development to document the department’s strategy, procedures, and client presentations in MS Visio, Word, and PowerPoint • Acted as direct liaison between the external business development team and in-house design and development team • Managing the entire interactive project life cycle from Estimates, SOWs, Kick-Offs, MS Project Timelines, IA and graphic production, into development, Quality Assurance, User Acceptance testing, and launch. •Provided quality assurance leadership and processes for websites and team documentation • Managed the schedules and day to day activities of 6 indirect reports, including: 3 multimedia designers, and 3 business development/sales directors
2001 - March 2005 // Independent Consulting

Managed the production of websites from planning to design for an array of clients. from small
boutique agencies to large (2,000 plus employee) corporations. Also managed and provided art
direction for branding initiatives, such as logo design, brochures, business cards, posters, CD-
Rom presentations and other marketing collateral for a wide variety of corporate clients, including:
Art That Works, Pompano Beach, FL
Wireless Generation, New York, NY.
Kaplan University, Boca Raton, FL & New York, NY
Avrett Free & Ginsberg, New York, NY.
Pearson Education / Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ

1997 - 2001 // E-commerce Catalog Company (same company under different names)

2000- 2001 Actiant Inc. Tarrytown, NY
Product Manager for full-transaction e-Commerce solutions provider
• Strategic solution partner of choice for over 150 industry leading organizations,
many Global 2000 Companies
• Managed the production of the corporate website
• Responsible for overall project schedules, and the communication of project milestones.
• As a client liaison, interpreted client requests, provided technical consultation, prepared
all documentation and dispersed that information the internal teams and upper
• Project Manager and Manager of Fulfillment for numerous industrial suppliers
1998 - 2000 Electronic Sales Systems Inc. New York, NY
Project Manager for the Sales & Marketing Group
• Manger of fulfillment, for industrial supplier e-commerce catalogs including: Snap-On
Tools, Unisource Worldwide, Tire Centers, Kirk's Automotive and Steve Lieber &

J. Patrick Cooke // Sr. Project Manager
1997 - 1998 Sixth Gear, Inc. Internet Commerce Solutions, New York, NY
Art Director
• Worked with a team of designers and HTML developers on marketing and CD ROM
projects for various Fortune 500 business clients. Including Sony, and Gateway
• Acted as lead designer of such websites as and
1995 - 1996 Sonalysts Studios Inc., Waterford CT
Animator and Graphic Designer for the Multimedia CD-ROM Division.
• Designed and produced PowerPoint presentations for Ascom Hassler, and Fleet Bank's 1996 Annual meetings • Produced animation, 3-D mesh objects, and screen designs, for the Electronic Arts submarine simulation game "688 I Hunter Killer" • Produced all animation and screen designs for Lydall Inc. Corporate Sales CD-ROM
November 2010 // International Institute of Learning (IIL)
Orange Belt Project Management Certification (PMP)

Summer 2001 // United Digital Artists, New York, NY
Introduction to Flash Animation Certificate

Fall 1996 // Parsons School of Design, New York, NY
Continuing Education
1990 - 1994 // Rhode Island School of Design, B.F.A. Providence, RI
Film and Animation

Microsoft Applications:
MS SharePoint, MS Project & Project Server, MS Access, MS Outlook,
MS Word, MS Excel, MS Visio, MS Power Point, MS OneNote

Other Applications:
Admin on SalesForce Cloud Based CRM, Donovan Data Financial
Systems, Tempo Time Tracker, Open Air, activeCollab, Base Camp, Sitecore CMS, HTML &
CSS, Mindjet-Mind Manager Pro, Axure Pro, Snag-It, Noosh, Goldmine, Google Analytics,
Omniture Analytics, Various FTP and Large File Transfer apps, Lotus Notes.
Design Applications: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe ImageReady, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe
Illustrator, Macromedia Director, Adobe Flash, Adobe Fireworks, Quark Express, Corel Draw


Microsoft word - editoriale pagg. 1 -6.doc

Editoriale Fallacia alia aliam trudit (una bugia tira l’altra) di Alessandro Cresti Finanziaria 2005. Incarichi ad esperti L’attuale maggioranza del Consiglio comunale di San Felice Circeo è proprio un’allegra brigata! Mi si dice che i “buontemponi” hanno festeggiato anzitempo l’approvazione della norma contenuta nella “Finanziaria 2005” che dichiarava estinti

Grundlagen der Biometrie in Agrarwissenschaften /Vorlesung. Bitte bereiten Sie die Aufgaben vor. Wir besprechen sie am Donnerstag, den 24. November, in der Vorlesung. Aufgabe 1.1 Am Ende des Schuljahres haben 20% der Sch¨25% haben eine gute Chemienote, 10% ein gute Note in Mathematik und Chemie. Ein Sch¨a) Er hat eine gute Mathematiknote. Wie groß ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass er auch ei

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