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L-3 Lost in - 1 hour agoL-3 Communications (LLL - commentary - Cramer's Take)slid 6% early Monday after cutting financial targets to adjust for a lost translation contract. . Today's lesson is teach immigrants EnglishScotsman, United Kingdom - 1 hour agoIT shouldn't surprise anyof us that the public cost of translation services for immigrants is now standing at around £110 million. . Irepress Signs To Translation Loss RecordsMetal Underground, MD - 11 hours agoTranslation Loss Recordsare has announced the addition of Boston, Massachusetts' very own Irepress to their roster. Irepress(pronounced . Konkani academy to translate famous works :konkaniworld, United Arab Emirates - 11 hours ago. which isthe first offshoot of the Konkani Language and Cultural Foundation, will take up literary works, includingtransliteration and translation of inter . Fancy words can get lost in translationThe Columbian, WA - 19 hours agoPlain talk was on the farmer's mindin July of 1876 as he walked into a bar, sat on a stool, turned to a rancher and said, "I might not knoweverything about . Her contribution to this medical clinic needs no translationAsbury Park Press, NJ - 17 Dec 2006BYSHANNON MULLEN. Conversing in Spanish, Teresita Blake asks Sandra Diaz why she has come to theProvidence Medical Clinic in Neptune City. . Carlisle SentinelLost in translation?Boston Globe, United States - 16 Dec 2006Anyone who watchedyesterday’s press conference with Daisuke Matsuzaka came away with the impression that some of hiscomments were lost in translation. . Ace's impact not lost in translation Brockton EnterpriseToo much is agood thing Boston GlobeWooing of pitcher was wowing Boston (subscription) -MetroWest Daily News Thriller loses nothing in translationCleveland Plain Dealer, OH - 16 Dec 2006The Hunter (Kodansha International, $24.95) is the first English translation of the excellent mystery series from Asa Nonami, and isconstructed in a gripping . 10 Quotes and a Cloud of Dust: Week 15Patriots Insider - 16 Dec 2006. Translation: "You guys don't dealwith me every day, so I'll take it easy on you. . I'll see if I can clear it up.". Translation: "You guys aren't new.
. Hope of escape lost in translationTimes Online, UK - 16 Dec 2006It’sa shocking figure: more than£100m was spent in the past year on translating and interpreting for British residents who don’t speakEnglish. . Google Blog Search: translation
In Japan, a US actor befriends a young American wife while both are at the same hotel. (Movie)

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I'd like to complain about the Lithuanian translation of Dunno who have made thetranslation, but the language is very unnatural and needs quite a lot of improvement .
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Translation Loss Records are has announced the addition of Boston, Massachusetts' very own Irepress totheir roster. Irepress (pronounced Eear-press) consist of five ancestrally diverse individuals collaborativelycreating music that .
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In 2002, RNA came out from under DNA's shadow with the discovery that a class of molecules called smallRNAs control significant aspects of a gene's behavior; instead of coding for proteins, they control thetranscription and translation of the RNAs that do. More recently, advances in sequencing Publication:Bioscience Technology English to Russian and Russian to English correspondence translations Thousands of Beautiful Ukrainian and Russian women Russian Translation Service - 0.015 per word The Russian Women 1000 introduce marriage minded russian ladies. Russian women photos, mailorder,russian translation, romantic tours, dating services Meet the most beautiful ladies from Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine.Over 20,000 ladieslisted.Comprehensive services included,Translation,E-mail,Tour If you were one of the six or eight Californians listening to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's radio address lastweek, you would have heard him talk about how swell it was that voters approved the bond package on theNovember ballot Kandahar, Afghanistan (Toronto Star): Mohammed Niaz, an interpreter employed by Canadian Forces inKandahar, lost his legs in a firefight between our troops and Taliban fighters. Canadian Forces authoritieshave not returned calls about what Canada intends to do to help Niaz. […] Despite repeated calls by the Starto Canadian Forces authorities in Ottawa, no information has been forthcoming about what this countryintends to do for Mohammed Niaz, not even if Canada is legally — or morally — bound to do anything. For more information, please California, USA (LA Times): Though Congress passed legislation last year to grant special visas to those whoserve as translators for the military, there are no provisions made for Iraqis who have worked with distinctionon the civilian side. […] President Bush and Congress bear a moral responsibility to those Iraqis whose livesare imperiled because of their willingness to help us. We need to move swiftly to expand the specialimmigrant status beyond the military translators to permit these Iraqis asylum in our country. For more information, please,0,893452.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail Washington, USA (AILF): Recognizing that immigrants could provide special assistance to the armed forcesas translators, Congress in 2006 also passed a law providing for up to 50 immigrant visas per year fortranslators serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Given the great need for Arabic, Pashto, Dari, and othertranslators, it is not clear why Congress chose this low number. The Pentagon did, however, provideadditional avenues for qualified translators to serve in the military. The Army in particular devised a special“9L― translator aide program for enlisted soldiers and sought recruits through Arabic languageadvertising during World Cup soccer matches. Recruits like Kuwaiti-born Corporal Yousef A. Badou, a Marinewho has served three tours of duty in Iraq and who speaks Arabic fluently, are said to be “forcemultipliers― for the armed forces in that they strengthen the military far more than their numbers alonewould suggest.
For more information, please Baquba, Iraq (AFP): Omar Satar Hussein – an Iraqi working as a translator for the US army – goes by thenickname "Lucky", having survived, by his count, 37 shootings, 30 bombings and 11 mortar strikes. He's alsolost everything he ever cared about in the world: his family, his fiancee and his friends.
For more information, please Brussels, Belgium (SNA): Asserting cultural identity may be more important in the growing European club.
Ireland's decision has raised the stakes for other countries. Last year Spain requested semi-official status forCatalan, Galician and Basque. The Spanish government will foot the bill for translation services for Spaniardswho prefer to use those languages. Welsh nationalist politicians are now lobbying the British government toget the same deal for Welsh, although not so far to any effect. Getting national governments to pick up thetab for using regional languages can keep the EU's costs down. In 2005 the union spent some EUR 1.1 B(USD 1.4 billion) on translation and interpretation. For more information, please London, UK (Times): According to this article, providing interpreters instead of encouraging immigrants tospeak English keeps them in their ghettos. It’s a shocking figure: more than £100m was spent in thepast year on translating and interpreting for British residents who don’t speak English. In the name ofmulticulturalism, one Home Office-funded community centre alone provides these services in 76 languages.
For more information, please,,2092-2508040,00.html Dublin, Ireland (Business Post): Up to 30 translators will be employed at a cost of €3.5 million a year fromJanuary 1 to implement Irish as an official and working language of the European Union. The EU will coverthe cost of the translators. The change means that Irish can be listed as a required second language whenapplying for a position in the EU.
For more information, please Dublin, Ireland (IoL): The Government aims to create an English-Irish bilingual society over the next 20 years,it emerged today. The Cabinet will launch its policy statement containing 13 key objectives on the Irishlanguage next week. Irish is due to become the 21st official working language of the European Union onJanuary 1. Translators are currently being trained to instantaneously translate Irish into English in theEuropean Parliament.
For more information, please


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