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November 16, 2007
The Four I’s
Michelle Karns is an author and a school improvement consultant. Her background is teachers to become more effective as adult-child communicators. Michelle Karns is a dynamic speaker and I was fortunate enough to see her speak again recently at the Leadership Summit of the Association of California School Administrators. Her academic success, particularly for English Language Learners. Though Monarch has few students who are learning English as a second language, the Four I’s apply to all Introspection, Illustration, Intonation, and Here is a brief description of each of the
Four I’s. Introspection: Student reflection
helps develop metacognition, that is,
thinking about learning. Students are more likely to be invested in studying and sense are attached to what they already
know. Illustration: Non-linguistic
representations, graphic organizers, and visualizations aid students in memory making, organization of information, accessing prior knowledge, and making
new information real. Intonation:
Intonation helps students decipher what is important and, when used as a means to develop prosody, facilitates greater competence in reading. Interaction:
consistent with the district’s 2007 Green Schools Resolution that calls for increasing “green” curriculum in classes Pre-K through connections to school. These connections 12th grade. Students will be able to monitor the solar system from classrooms and the problems and adversity. The Four I’s are solar providers will assist the district in alive and well at Monarch. I see evidence of all four in every classroom I visit.
opportunities such as a “green-themed” Career Technology program. The project was led by Chief Financial officer Dick Santa Cruz City Schools
Moss and Power Economics consultant Carl Pechman. School campuses involved Go Solar!
Soquel High, Branciforte Middle School, Mission Hill Middle School, Bay View I wanted you to know that at the October significant solar projects. I am going to cite the information that was published in the met with representatives of all four schools Cynthia Hawthorne, who along with several at a long-term greening of our campus that would complement the future solar nature of the school district. Several of us toured the Gateway Garden to glean ideas from their lovely space. We look forward to Basically the Board approved three power- generating contracts that will create a 1.7 megawatt roof-mounted solar system. It will be spread over nine school campuses and will produce 90 percent of the district's electricity needs during the next 20 years. Reminder
Our district was the first in the state, if not the country to enter negotiations for a system of this size. This deal is sweeping Power Partners and UPC Solar. Thanks to eligibility for $4.4 million in rebates from PG&E, the district will have zero cash outlay for the system. Savings to the district over the 20-year period will be $2 million and 12,000,000 pounds of carbon. In addition, the school district retains the right to share in any future economic gain that results from the carbon savings. Earth News by Susie
switch every 5 weeks so ask your child what they are doing now. Don’t forget to talk to Michelle Hooks if you want to be a immigration in a variety of ways. Students brought in family trees and shared them with the class. We read stories on all kinds success and fun with parents using the “my emigrating. Everyone in the class wrote a pile/your pile” game with the high frequency patterned book about their progression of conferences. Keep it up! I wanted to thank a large class mural depicting the different could have lasted an hour, as I learn so much from talking to parents about their (inspired by Eric Carle) to make our art. It is conferences, I was struck (again) by how on the wall above the self-portraits. We many conversations followed similar lines people emigrate from one place to another. social/emotional behavior. I encourage you to talk to each other about your frustrations and revelations. We can all learn from each of Ellis Island and have started working on our own play based on a read aloud about with me at any time to talk about their child.
midst of all that we were having fun with Halloween. The kids learned 6 songs about Halloween and we made a class book with their costume homework. Thanks to everyone who dressed up for the parade, we had lots of fun doing Capoiera in costume! Speaking of Capoiera, the kids are learning Ocean News by Jamie and Lysa
this Brazilian martial art with Papiba every week. During this time they sing in It’s almost Thanksgiving, and we have lots classroom. Our parent-teacher conferences parents who help us pay for these artists observations and insights. We liked doing the conferences together (both Lysa and Speaking of fundraising, don’t forget to great having the additional perspective and It really is a fun party atmosphere and the support. It is important now to share with your child those things we discussed at the conference (if appropriate). Many of the calendars! Art rotations are going well, they homework, student goals (and how you will support them), and/or playdates. Since the information from you so that they will know “I feel happy because you remembered to what is expected of them (and that they turn off the lights for class meeting and I know that we know what they expect of you appreciate your leadership skills.” (It’s from the PD books.) With respect to playdates, we realized thatwe didn’t emphasize them as much this Finally, for now, we wanted to share just how much fun the Ellis Island simulation past, so we thought we would here, in this newsletter! It is very important, in the fall of excited and engaged the students get prior to and during such activities. It reminds us opportunities to make new friends. This is that we need to remember to provide such how the multi-age aspects of the classroom opportunities whenever possible. It is a work best — when there are friendships pleasure to see just how seriously students across the grade levels. Playdates are a great way for students from the class (new participate, and how perceptive they are when looking back at their experiences. We relationships, developing mutual respect have found that students continue to talk about such events for years afterwards and students, enabling them to take risks, as even share their experiences with younger solving skills throughout the rest of the comes around. Being able to participate in role-playing situations not only provides students with another method of learning (and retaining) the pertinent information, it also enables them to make significant connections with respect to the curriculum discussed at many of the conferences, we (Habits of Mind). We hope you heard lots of practice the Positive Discipline method of using words to communicate your problems Fortunately, the event was also videotaped to others. Please encourage your students to use the following to help them express viewing it. Lysa has the only copy; please let her know if you are interested in having “I feel _____ because ______ and I need Have a wonderful holiday break the latter ______.” For example, “I feel frustrated and Sea News by Joanne
imagine what a difficult ordeal it was for those who were detained there. Soon we will begin multi-age activities that will Immigration and family history have been culminate in our heritage fair for Learning families continue to share fascinating stories from their family history. Today, for example, Cooper's grandmother shared her experience of coming to America from Holland in 1956. For her, the experience was a pleasant one since she had recently married an American and already spoke English. We hope that other families will continue to share family stories with us.
Sky News by Denise
Everyone found our Ellis Island simulation to be a very powerful learning experience. From the time students boarded the boat, student/teacher/parent conferences. I really everyone took their roles very seriously — enjoy these conferences as it gives us time from the boat crew and those in steerage, as a team to take a look at your child’s educational experience — what’s going on, steerage were especially affected by their what’s ahead, what’s needed, etc. I hope lack of facilities and the unequal treatment you all came away with a clearer picture of they received as compared with the first class passengers. The crew did a great job taking care of passengers needs based on Since we just met, I will not go into a lot of deserving of first class treatment. Exciting started designing their travel brochures for their colonies. Students are encouraged to boarded "the barge" to make the trip to Ellis Island. The boat crew took over the roles of immigration officers and workers at Ellis acceptable if they note the website; in fact, Island. From the doctors, legal inspectors, they must have the website in order to use mental inspectors, line officers, and oath officer, everyone was very professional in their roles. It was an exciting and solemn moment when the new citizens to their oath letter to the Waste Reduction Division of of allegiance to their new country. This is the type of a learning experience is the asked what happened to plastics put into recycling bins that could not be recycled. A very detailed explanation was included. We also found out that bottle caps and tub lids (yogurt, salsa, butter containers, etc.) could indeed be recycled but just need to be similarities and differences between Ellis found at our last mini-beach clean-up by Island immigration and that experience by size, paying attention to the type of plastic Island. Our last field trip to Angel Island collected 225 pieces of plastic alone! We have set a date for our next beach clean-up Food for the Auction
morning-only visit. Please feel free to join I just slid into base on getting my auction responsible for getting the food table for the Bodyworlds II exhibit. This is a very unique auction going. It's okay. I've done this, with help, for five years. Maybe you're new and Jordan, has offered to sponsor the trip for don't know about the food table, or maybe you've been through this a few times, but For some students, it may be a bit unusual have forgotten. The thing is we've got to eat, we like to eat, and the auction is about description of the exhibit was sent to me by our Library Media Teacher, Debbie Gable, do is we all make food (or buy it, or get it and I’ve attached it to the Sky family’s hard donated), and bring it to the auction, where newsletter copy. I will, however, include we sell it back to you. Usually, if you stick around to the end, sweeping the floor, you suggest that the exhibit is suitable for can get a pretty good deal on a dinner of leftovers — which is about all we're up for with "That's gross!" and "Isn't that beautiful?", but they were fascinated. If you Here are my tips on what to bring. Think want to see more about the exhibit go to kids or adults. The adults like quiches,” Due to sushi, wrapped salads, little fancy things. these varied reactions, I’m looking for at There's always a place for some vegetarian least eight adults to join us so kids can and vegan things. It is more difficult to view this exhibit in groups of three to four serve soupy things that are not divided up access to the rest of the Tech Museum. We burritos (already covered, thank you Jen), will be leaving school at 8:30 and returning these donations), pizzas (ditto), you know, sponsor the trip, any contribution toward kid food. Everyone goes for good desserts.
the $12.00 entrance fee would be appreciated and can be sent in, either in You may price your own, or I'll try to price. (If we make the mistake of going too high, I'll lower, hard to go the other way.) I'm not really great at pricing, not a retail queen at Just a reminder to course leaders, there all, but it usually works out alright. We try to will be no courses next Tuesday 11/20 due to our short week. There will be three more increments. Dollar increments are best, so course meetings: the week of 11/26, 12/3, if you're cutting up brownies or cake or and 12/10. Thank you so much for all the quiche, think of this. People can volunteer time, energy and creativity you share with assistant or two at the beginning and end. It's a fun job.
I think that's all. Please email/call (459-8942; [email protected]) and let me know what you want to bring so that I can be sure that we have all the food bases covered. Thank you! Educational Materials Yard
Health Notes Fall 2007
Sale During the Auction
Skin Infections and MRSA
At the same time as the auction we will be (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
having a yard sale under the trees outside Aureus)
in the playground. We are trying to clean out the dungeon of things we just There has been a lot of media lately about might be interested. If you would like to help man the tables, please contact Lysa.
Staph and MRSA infections are now common in the community; most staph infections are minor and can be treated Monarch Library
Opening Soon!
type of staph infection that is resistant to penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics. MRSA infections look the same as those caused by ordinary staph. Both are passed Thanksgiving. Each classroom will receive by frequent, direct skin-to-skin contact with an orientation during the week of the 26th, an infected person or by touching contami- during which time students will learn how to check out & return books. In addition to equipment, or clothing). Some infections sores; others may require antibiotics (make sure you take all the medicine even if the
Hooray! The library will have regular hours, including being open during some lunch periods. (We are still working out which Students with infections do not need to be ones.) It will always be open when it is too excluded from school unless the infection cannot be covered; they may participate in contact sports if the lesions are dry or can Please think of a place in the house, a box, or bag to put Monarch library books in so that they will stay separate from your own Prevention: Proper hand washing remains
Students will be able to have up to three books checked out, so it doesn't have to be water are not available. Cover all wounds and skin infections with clean, dry dressings. Do not share personal hygiene Costanoa Fundraiser
items (towels, bar soap, etc) or clothing. If your child has a skin infection you are Maybe you’ve already seen or tasted the health-care provider for evaluation.
12:30 around the picnic tables. This fundraiser is supporting the Barclays, a Costanoa family whose son, Donovan, is in the hospital. They hope to continue this bake sale until the winter break. Buy a bite!


J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9 (1997) 10739–10748. Printed in the UK Magnetism of free and supported vanadium clusters S E Weber†, B K Rao†, P Jena†, V S Stepanyuk‡, W Hergert§,K Wildberger , R Zeller and P H Dederichs† Physics Department, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284-2000, USA‡ Max-Planck-Institut f¨ur Mikrostrukturphysik, Weinbergweg 2, D-06120 Halle,

Microsoft word - urab minutes 8-24-2010-rev 2.doc

City of Sandpoint Urban Renewal Agency BoardCity of Sandpoint Council Chambers 7:30 AMEric Paull, Marilyn Sabella, Chris Schreiber, Steve LockwoodMayor Hellar, Stephen Drinkard, Kim Woodruff, Jeremy Grimm, Kody Van Dyk andCouncilman Carrie LoganKathleen Hyde, manager DSBA, Todd Prescott, CEO of Whitewater Creek, LLC, andRyan Hackett and Neil Rubano and Dari Barillette and John Sayler of the Mi

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