Microsoft word - quwave affiliate app 3 simple.doc
“Live every day Health y, Stress-Free, without EMF Worries” QuWave LLC, PO Box 439, Ledgewood, NJ 07852, USA Phone: 818-4QUWAVE (818-478-9283) Fax: 973-547-3343 Email:
Hi and thank you for your interest in becoming a QuWave Affiliate. To become our Affiliate, please follow these few simple steps, and then you can start selling our products.
1. Read and agree to our Affiliate Agreement Terms and Conditions on the next three pages.
2. Fill out the Application form on the last page, and sign it.
3. Either fax, or mail us the signed application. (Our contact information is on the top of this page).
4. You are now ready to make your website and start making money by selling our products.
If at anytime you have questions or problems that need to be resolved, please do not hesitate to contact us. Good Luck and plenty of Success !!! Sincerely QuWave LLC QuWave Affiliate Agreement Terms and Conditions
1. QuWave grants to Affiliate the rights to promote and sell all QuWave Products from the QuWave online store.
2. We will pay you a 10% commission on any affiliate sales.
3. Commission payments will be sent via PayPal. Affiliates must be PayPal members.
4. Commissions from orders which are cancelled/returned/bounced/chargedback will be deducted from the next
months payment. If there is no subsequent payment, the Affiliate will be invoiced.
5. Since we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on our products, please understand that there will be a 38-day
delay on affiliate commissions. This allows for 7 days of processing/shipping and 30 days for our return policy. We will pay your commissions every month, on about the 15th of the month, but starting 38 days after the sale.
6. For technical details on how sales are tracked in this affiliate program, please visit our shopping cart provider "E-
JUNKIE" found at:
7. You need to register on our Affiliate Tracking Program at “E-JUNKIE” to get assigned with a special code which
contains your affiliate tracking number. Go here to register:
8. We reserve the right to reject orders that do not comply with any requirements that we periodically may establish.
9. Affiliate will at all times inform QuWave of the names of all the websites which Affiliate is using to sell our
10. Affiliate shall abide by QuWave’s policies and communicate same to end-customer.
11. Affiliate shall abide by all the governing laws and regulations applicable to the type of products being sold.
12. Affiliate agrees to place an FDA disclaimer on his website and all sales/marketing materials.
13. Purchases of products for self-use is prohibited.
14. QuWave reserves the right to terminate an Affiliate or refuse service to anyone at any time for any reason.
15. QuWave makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, with respect to the affiliate program.
16. QuWave will not be responsible for damages suffered by any customer or affiliate, including incidental damages
or lost profits. QuWave makes no representation that the operation of our site or the Affiliate Sites will be uninterrupted or error-free, and we will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions or errors. All content in the QuWave software and affiliate program is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind either express or implied including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, security or accuracy.
Qualifying WebSites
QuWave reserves the right NOT to accept any site into the Affiliate Program based on site content. All sites will be reviewed and sites on certain topics will not be permitted. Sites that do NOT qualify relate to any of the following topics, including, but not limited to:
a. Pornography of any kind, including but not limited to online subscription pornography or adult subscription
content, or pre-adult content (pictures, videos, etc. of individuals under 18 yrs old).
b. Anything that falls into the category of "adult entertainment" is prohibited. c. Any form of "hate" oriented site. d. Animal cruelty or procedures deemed harmful, unnecessary or unnatural to animals. e. Any type of firearms, fireworks or pyrotechnic devices or supplies. f. The sale of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, live animals, prescription drugs or other controlled substances,
hazardous materials, combustibles, corrosives.
g. Unsolicited email services of any kind. h. Gambling transactions of any kind, including lottery, raffles, contest sites. i. Money making, work at home, home mailing, MLM, pyramid schemes, or similar products. j. Phone chat lines or psychic readings. k. Any form of sex product (viagra, penis, breast enlargement) growth hormones, nutrients, wonder drugs, or human
a. Violate the privacy, publicity or personal rights of others. b. Infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, i.e., copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, plagiarism,
software piracy, patents, music, images, or other proprietary or property right.
c. Materials that infringe on the intellectual property rights may not be distributed to others. d. Include Defamatory or Abusive Language. e. Sites may not contain any material that is unlawful, harmful, fraudulent, abusive, vulgar, hateful, racial or
otherwise objectionable, including, without limitation, any material that encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law.
f. Sites with defamatory, abusive or threatening language will be shut down. g. Distribute viruses or worms or provide information on how to send them. h. Any site promoting any form of cyber crime or other illegal activities will be shut down. i. Any illegal activities.
QuWave reserves the right to shut down your Affiliate Program if any activities are found to be harmful in any way.
You may not use your affiliate link as an entryway to pay for your own projects.
QuWave has a zero tolerance policy for spam. Spam is defined as any unsolicited email whether commercial or non-commercial in nature. Spam includes, but is not limited to, the sending of ANY unsolicited information to a person or group that has not specifically asked to receive that particular information or is not a personal acquaintance of the individual sending the information. All Affiliates are expected to adhere to QuWave's no spam policy. Affiliates may promote QuWave to "opt-in" lists ONLY. If you run a newsletter, ezine, or other kind of bulk email service, you must have evidence that people signed up to receive email from you. Any and all spam complaints will be investigated thoroughly. If you spam, we WILL terminate your contract.
Part of the no spam policy means, you may NOT:
a. Send any email to any type of mailing list or opt-in list that has been purchased or acquired from an outside
b. Send any email to any type of manually or automatically harvested list of email addresses, names, or contacts. c. Send any email to any type of "lead" or "prospect" before you have received a request for more information. d. Fax any message to any recipient that has not requested the information first. e. Send inappropriate postings to any newsgroup or forum that violates their anti-spam regulations.
Any Affiliate that engages spam or in promoting prohibited products or services in connection with their site in any way shall have their affiliate contract terminated and could lose any or all affiliate commissions due to them. The site owner also shall be held liable for any and all damages and/or losses that may result as a consequence.
QuWave Affiliate Application Email: QuWave LLC, PO Box 439, Ledgewood, NJ 07852, USA Phone: 818-4QUWAVE (818-478-9283) Fax: 973-547-3343 Company Information
Contact Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Business Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address/City: ______________________________________________________________________________________ State/Prov.:_____________________________ Zip Code: _________________ Country: _________________________ Phone: _________________________ Fax: ______________________Email:___________________________________
By signing here, you agree to all of our terms and conditions as stated in the “Affiliate Agreement Terms and Conditions” Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Please fax or mail this signed document
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