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curriculum vitae

Age: 36years
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Indian
Date of birth: 28th May 1974.
Languages: Malayalam, English, Hindi, Tamil
Address for communication:
C/O Dr. P. V Bhargavan
Near Kavu Bus Stop,
Chevayur, Calicut 17
Ph: 0495-2354525
Mob: +91-9744439927

Permanent Address:
V11/865, Krishna,
Museum cross lane,
Thrissur, Kerala
India. PIN: 680020.

Electronic mail:
[email protected]
Educational Qualifications:
MBBS } JIPMER, Pondicherry
MS (General Surgery) } JIPMER, Pondicherry
Mch (Endocrine surgery) } SGPGI, Lucknow
Completed National Teachers Training Course for Teachers of
Medical Professionals.
Current position:
1) Consultant Endocrine Surgeon and Associate professor of Endocrine
surgery, MES medical college perinthalmanna, PVS Hospital, Calicut
2) Reviewer to World Journal of Endocrine surgery
Training details:
MBBS: Sept 1992 – Dec 1996
Internship (January 1997 - January 1998)
Non-PG Junior Resident, Dept. of Transfusion
Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi. ( July 1998 - December 1998 )
Junior Resident(MS), Dept of surgery, JIPMER,
Pondicherry ( August 1999 - August 2002 ).

Senior Resident, Dept. of surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry
including 6 months Pediatric Surgery (Sept 2003 – Feb 2004)

Training ( January 2003 – January 2006)
Asst. Professor, General Surgery, Amala Institute of
Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Thrissur (Feb 2006-

June 2006)
Senior resident (Mch), Dept. of Endocrine Surgery,
SGPGI, Lucknow (July 2006 – June 2009)

Non academic Positions:
I. Entertainment Secretary, Lister Osler hostel Association,
JIPMER, Pondicherry.
II. Secretary, Society for promotion of Indian Classical music
and Culture Amongst Youth, Pondicherry chapter (june
1994 – July 1995).
III. Member, Executive committee, JIPMER Resident Doctor’s
Association (2004 – 2005).
IV. Asst. Coordinator, Medical relief team of JIPMER, Tsunami
Rescue Operations December 2004.
Awards (Best paper:)
I. JIPMER Scientific Society award for the best paper during year
2002-2003 for the paper ‘ A study of risk factors in predicting the
need for surgery in liver abscess’.
II. Vittal’s Best Paper Award Indian Association of Endocrine
surgeons meet, ASICON, Bhubaneswar December 2007. A study
of Cytology with Histological correlation in patients undergoing
Hemithyroidectomy in a tertiary care centre in North India
i) As Main author:
1. Prediction of LT4 replacement dose to achieve
euthyroidism in subjects undergoing total thyroidectomy
for benign thyroid disorders
Sukumar R, Agarwal A, Gupta S, Mishra A, Agarwal G,
Verma AK, Mishra SK. World J Surg. 2010

2. A study of outcomes in patients with locally advanced
breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Ranjith Sukumar, Amit Agarwal, Puneeta Lal*, Anurita
Srivastava*, Anjali Mishra, Gaurav Agarwal, A.K.
Verma, S.K. Mishra
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Department of
Radiotherapy*, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of
Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India ( sent to clinical
oncology for publication)
3. A study of risk factors for mortality and predicting the
need for surgery in patients with liver abscess (Pending
4. A profile of upper gastrointestinal bleed in a tertiary
care center in South India. (Pending publication)
ii) As Co-author:
Basu A, Ranjith S, Jagdish S, Sistla SC, Jayanthi S.
Postgrad Med J. 2006 Jul;82(969):e16, e18.

Basu A, Sukumar R, Sistla SC, Jagdish S. Surgery. 2007

3. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes; chapter in
Surgery update manual – Maulana Azad medical college
new Delhi, 2006
4. Surgery of Thyroid gland – Surgery update manual – King
George Medical University, Lucknow 2007
5. Pancreatic Endocrine tumors – Conference manual –
Associations of surgeons of India annual meet, Dec 2008
Agarwal A, Gupta SK, Sukumar R. World J Surg. 2009
Nov;33(11):2303-13. Review.

*Accepted for publication in World J Surg as a part of
Seminars in Endocrine Surgery

Conference presentations:
A Study of outcomes in patients with locally advanced breast
cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy – Presented as
Poster in ISS meet, Montreal 2007
RET Proto – oncogene mutation analysis in a family of MEN
2A – Role of prophylatic surgery for carriers – ASICON,
Bhubaneswar 2007
A study of risk of developing hypothyroidism with
histological correlation in patients undergoing
hemithyroidectomy in an iodine deficient region – Travel
grant – Japanese Surgical Society, annual meet, Nagazaki,
Prediction of levothyroxine replacement dose to achieve
euthyroidism in subjects undergoing total thyroidectomy for
benign thyroid disorders – ESICON, Cochin, 2008
Current Projects:
a) Assessment of treatment outcome in patients who underwent
subtotal thyroidectomy for multi nodular goiters in a tertiary care
centre in the Malabar region of south india
Appu sashidharan, Ranjith sukumar
( Presented at IAES meet CMC vellore Oct 2010)
b) Clinical and biochemical profile of patients with lymphocytic
thyroiditis - Appu sashidharan, Ranjith Sukumar
c) Novel technique of parathyroid dissection during total
thyroidectomy to prevent hypocalcemia
Ranjith sukumar ( accepted for presentation at International
Surgical week 2013, Helsinki, Finland )
About Self:
I completed both my under graduation and post graduation in
General Surgery (both selections through an All India based entrance
Exam) along with 3 completed years of senior residency in general
surgery from JIPMER, Pondicherry which is also recognized as a
Regional Cancer Centre and Centre of medical excellence by the Govt.
of India. I had profound training in various general surgical procedures
during the period.
I have completed my Mch in Endocrine Surgery at SGPGIMS,
Lucknow which is an internationally acclaimed institute where the
selection is done after a thorough written and practical entrance exam
held on all India level. My job in both institutes carried teaching
assignments and research activities. I am proficiently trained to
conduct, safe Thyroidectomy along with neuro monitoring, Central,
mediastinal and various forms of neck dissections, parathyroid
surgeries, Adrenal surgeries, Endocrine pancreatic tumor resections,
anterior mediastinal surgeries along with preliminary experience in
Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgeries(VATS), Radio guided
surgeries, Various rare and challenging Endocrine tumors like
Oncogenic Osteomalacia, IGF secreting tumors and familial tumor
syndromes like Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia. My special area of
interest include diseases of thyroid and parathyroid. I am also
immensely interested in medical education and research.
I have also taken a course in ‘Early Management of Trauma’
conducted by CMC, Vellore and I am fully trained as a qualified
medical teacher.
I was also Assistant Co-ordinator of the medical team from
JIPMER, Pondicherry as part of the tsunami relief operations at
Nagapattanam, Nagoor and Velankanni in December, 2004. My services
were so appreciated that I was called in for a meeting with central Govt.
Delegation headed by Secretary, Ministry of Home affairs, Govt. of
India to suggest recommendations for a National Disaster Management



Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous Bisphosphonates in Patients with Bone Metastases Caused by Metastatic Breast CancerSolid tumors frequently metastasize to bone. This results in debilitating skeletal complications such as intracta-ble bone pain, pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, and hypercalcemia. Patients frequently require palliative radiation therapy or orthopedic surgery. Bispho

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