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New berlin elementary school

New Berlin Jr/High School
2010-2011 Registration Form
Please read carefully and correct or add information as needed Student Information
Last Name: ___________________ First Name:____________________ Middle Name: _____________________
Gender: _______ D.O.B.: _________ SSN: ___________________ Grad Year: __________
Place of Birth : _____________ ( Circle one) American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic, Caucasian, Multiracial
Guardian/Mailing Information
*Stepparents or non-custodial parents must also be listed as emergency contacts
Guardian Name:____________________________ _______________________________________
Relationship to Student: _____________________ _______________________________________
Home Address: ____________________________ P.O. Box: _________________________________ City, State, Zip:____________________________
Home Phone:______________________________ Work Phone:______________________________ _______________________________________
Cell Phone: _______________________________
Work Location:____________________________ _______________________________________
Guardian’s Email Address: ________________________
Second Family
Guardian Name: _____________________________

Relationship to Student:_______________________
Home Address: ______________________________
Office Use
P.O. Box: ______________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________
Phone: _____________________________________

Cell Phone: _________________________________
Work Phone: _________________________________
Work Location: ______________________________
Second Family’s Email Address: _________________________________________
School Reach Telephone#_______________________________
Emergency Contact Information
Please list 2 Relatives/Neighbors who WILL CARE FOR STUDENTS IF PARENTS/GUARDIAN CANNOT BE REACHED. Students will be released to these RELATIVES/NEIGHBORS ONLY. Emergency Contacts:Must be updated yearly
Contact Name: Contact Phone#: Relationship:
______________________________________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________
______________________________________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________
______________________________________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________
______________________________________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________
[ ] I _________________________________________ authorize Community Unit School District # 16 to release
Parent/Guardian (Please Print)
Medical information regarding _______________________________________ to school personnel responsible for
Child’s Name (Please Print)
supervising my child at school.
Parent/Guardian signature Date
Please list all student’s pertinent health problems and/or allergies: _______________________________________
Doctor’s Name:__________________ Doctor’s Phone: _______________________
Hospital: _______________ Hospital’s Phone #: _____________________
[ ] I give my child _________________________ permission to take acetaminophen (generic Tylenol) at school if needed for complaints of headache or pain. (Generic Tylenol 325 mg. is kept in the nurse’s office in a locked cabinet). The nurse will monitor safety of administration. The nurse/administrator or a teacher may administer the medication. [ ] I do not want my child ____________________________ to take acetaminophen(generic Tylenol) at school. ____________________________________ _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date [ ] My student’s name and picture/s may be included in the school yearbook [ ] My student’s name and picture/s MAY NOT be included in the school yearbook. [ ] My student’s name, grade, award recognition, activity, and athletic information may be included in press releases and school related websites. EX: The New Berlin BEE, school website, etc. [ ] My student’s name, grade, award recognition, activity, and athletic information MAY NOT be included in press releases and school related websites. Community Unit School District #16 follows the practice of forwarding student records at the request of a District to which the student is transferring. ____________________________________ _________________________ Home Language Survey
The state requires the district to collect a Home Language Survey for every new student. This information is used to count the students whose families speak a language other that English at home. It also helps to identify the students that need to be assessed for English language proficiency. Please answer the questions below and return this survey to your child's school. Student's Name:_________________________________ 1. Does anyone in your home speak a language other than English? What language? ___________________________ 2. Does your child speak a language other than English? What language? ____________________________ No___________ If the answer to either question is yes, the law requires the school to assess your child's English language proficiency. ___________________________________ __________________ Parent


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IRM Training - White Paper UML – Business Context UML – Business Context Suite 209, 620 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne, Vic. 3004, Australia Overview “Where does UML fit?” is a common question among new (and not so new!) business analysts. We all know that the M stands for modelling but beyond this, perceptions start to differ. In its current form (V2.0) UML consists of 13 diagram type

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