Traditional and unusual plants

Assorted Rare, Unusual and Hard-to-Find Trees and Shrubs – May include but
not limited to:
Gold Pillar Barberry, Bottle Brush Buckeye, Dwarf Burning Bush, Annabelle
Hydrangea, Panicle Hydrangea ‘Limelight’, ‘Quick Fire’, Climbing Hydrangea, Dwarf
Oakleaf Hydrangea, Dwarf Sweetspire, Shrub Roses ‘Knockout’, OSO Easy Rose
‘Paprika’, ‘Strawberry Crush’, Black Lace Elderberry, Spirea ‘Magic Carpet’, ‘Gold
Mound’, and ‘Neon Flash’, Miss Kim Dwarf Lilac, Emerald Green Arborvitae, Blue
Muffins Viburnum, Cayuga Fragrant Viburnum , Weigela florida ‘Fine Wine’, ‘Rumba’,
White Fringetree
Trees (mostly small sizes): Japanese Stripped Bark Maple, Coliseum Maple, Henry
Maple, Japanese Maple, Native Stripped Bark Maple, Three-Flowered Maple, Red Buckeye,
Serviceberry, Korean Hornbeam, Redbud, White Fringetree, Chinese Dogwood, Purple
Leaf Beech, Ginkgo Tree, Kentucky Coffeetree, Carolina Silverbell, Tuliptree, Cucumber
Magnolia, Dawn Redwood, Black Gum, 2-3 types of Oaks, Japanese Pagodatree, Japanese
Stewartia, Japanese Snowbell, Ivory Silk Tree Lilac, Baldcypress
Bench Farms – St. Rt. 2
Variety of Annuals, Perennials, and Collectable Favorites – May include but
not limited to:
A wide variety of unusual Herbs, Cacti and Succulents, Coleus, Scented Geraniums, tender
Salvias, and Tropical Plants along with Ethnic (Laotian, Middle European, Mexican) and
Heirloom Vegetables, Perennials, Roses, and Flowering Vines. We will also offer
Hummingbird and Butterfly Specialties, a selection of Children’s “Fun” Plants and Gift
May include but not limited to:
Colorful hanging baskets and bags – including impatiens, begonias, petunias,
fuchsia, and bacopa. Combination containers with a mix of annuals such as Wave and
Supertonia Petunia, Gerbera Daisy, variety of Coleus, Hanging Geraniums, Lantana, trailing
Verbena, Diamond Frost Euphorbias, specialty Salvias, Black Eye Susans, Spikes, Fern,
Nettle, Million Bells and other Proven Winners. Single pots of annuals available to create
your own combination pots and gardens. Gift Certificates
May include but not limited to:
Annuals, Wave Petunias, Impatiens, Geraniums, Coleus, also Herb pots, colorful hanging
basket and flower bag combinations, Perennials, Planters, Wooden Garden Benches,
Cement Garden Bugs, Vegetable Garden Plants, and Gift Certificates
Native Midwest Plants - May include but not limited to:
Aster, Blazing Star, Boneset, Butterfly Weed, Prickly Pear Cactus, Wild
Columbine, Purple Coneflower, Coreopsis, Culver’s Root, Goldenrod, Iris
Jack-in-the Pulpit, Joe Pye Weed, Blue Lobelia, Wild Lupine, Swamp Milkweed, Obedient
Plant, Sneezeweed, Sunflower, Black-eyed Susan, Thimbleweed, Vervain
Big Bluestem, Indian, Little Bluestem, Prairie Dropseed
Trees and Shrubs:
Red Osier Dogwood, Common Elderberry, Nannyberry, New Jersey
North Branch Nursery
May include but not limited to:
Achillea (Yarrow), Artemesia (Silver Mound), Astilbe, Brunnera (Heartleaf
Bugloss), Coreopsis (Tickseed), Dianthus (Pinks), Dicentra (Bleeding Heart), Echinacea
(Coneflower), Gaillardea (Blanket Flower), Heuchera (Coral Bells), Iris, Leucanthemum
(Daisy), Mondarda (Bee Balm), Nepeta (Cat Mint), Paeonia (Peony), Polemonium (Jacob’s
Ladder), Rosa (Rose), Rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susan), Salvia (Sage), Veronica (Speedwell),

Blue Apple Farm

Organic grown Heirloom Tomato plants, - May include but not limited to:
Tomatoes :
Chocolate Cherry, Riesentraube, Snowberry, Sungold, Red Grape, Yellow
cherry, Yellow Pear, Patio Orange, Jelly Bean Red, Little Julia, Juliet, Tommy Toe, Amana
Orange, Costoluto Genovese Moneymaker, Black From Tula, Cherokee Purple, Giant
Belgium, Dr. Wyche's Yellow, Kellogg’s Breakfast, Pineapple, Black Prince, Cream
Sausage, Mariglobe Supreme Canning, Tigerella, Garden Peach, Garden Pearl, Green
Zebra, Big Rainbow, Bush Goliath, Rutgers, Delicious, Money Maker, Purple Russian,
Nebraska Wedding, White Wonder, Ponderosa Red, Brandywine Red, Heinz 1439,
Beefsteak, Roma.

New and Unusual Varieties Perennials, Annuals, Old Stand-bys and Colorful
Easy Care Tropicals
- May include but not limited to:
Perennials: Achillea (Yarrow)“Pretty Belinda”, Agastache (Anise Hyssop) “Summer
Love”, A. “Summer Sky”, Astilbe (False Spirea) “Burgundy Red”, A. “Fireferry”, A.
“Sugarberry”, A. “Younique Carmine”, A. “Younique Lilac”, Baptisia (False Indigo) ‘Twilite
Prairieblues”, Begonia g. “Wildwood Premier”, Campanula (Bellflower) “Dickson’s Gold”,
Centaurea (Bachelor’s-button)”Amethystin Snow”, C. “Gold Bullion”, Cimicifuga (Cohosh)
“Chocoholic”, Coreopsis (Tickseed) ‘Sunbeam”, Delphinium (Larkspur) “Pagan Purples”, D.
“Pink Punch”, Dianthus (Pinks) “Black Cherry Wild”, D. “Fusion”, Digitalis (Foxglove)
“Dalmation Purple”, D. Dalmation White, d. “Goldcrest” Echinacea (Coneflower) “Green
Jewel”, E. “Hot Papaya”, Geranium “Dark Reiter”, Geum “Mai Tai”, Heuchera (Coral Bells)
“Berry Smoothie”, H. “Caramel”, H. “Electra”, H. Marmalade”, H. Obsidian”, H. “Plum
Royale”, Hostas: H. “Aristocrat”, H. “Blue Ivory”, H. “Blue Mouse Ears”, H. “Cherry Tart”,
H. “Dancing Queen”, H. “First Mate”, H. “Flemish Sky”, H. “Frosted Mouse Ears”, H.
“Guardian Angel”, H. “Hacksaw”, H. “Ice Prancer”, H. “Ivory Coast”, H. Key West”, H.
“limey Lisa”, H. “Little Jay”, H. “London Fog”, H. “Mighty House”, H. “Miss Suzie”, H.
“Queen of the Seas”, H. “Rhino Hide”, H. “Sea Fire”, H. “Stitch in Time”, H. “White
Feather”, Lavandula (Lavender) “Provence”, Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy) “Amelia”, L.
“Banana Cream”, Lobelia f. “Elm Fire”, Lupinus (Lupine) “Popsicle Red”, Lychnis (Catchfly)
“Orange Gnome”, Monarda (Bee Balm) “Fireball”, M. “Purple Rooster”, Papaver (Poppy)
“Summer Breeze Orange”, P. “Casino”, Penstemon “Dark Towers”, Pulmonaria (Lungwort)
“Silverado”, Salvia (Sage) “Rhapsody in Blue”, Siene “Rollie’s Favorite”, Tanacetum (Tansy),
“Robinsons Red”
Tropical Patio Plants:
Gardenia and Hibiscus bush and standards, assorted elephant ears
Woodies: Albizia julibrissin “Summer Chocolate Mimosa, Hibiscus s. “Chiffon Blue”
Rose of Sharon, H. s. Cliffon White”, H. s. “Sanchoyo”, H. s. “Sugar Tip”, Hydrangea
“Invincibelle Spirit” H. i. “Blue Bunny”, H. m. “Let’s Dance Moonlight”, H. m. “let’s Dance
Starlight”, H. p. “Pinky Winky”, Indigofera amblyantha – Pink Flowering Indigo, I. kirilowii
– Pink Indigo, Tree Peonies (assorted), Weigela “Ghost”, W. “My Monet”
Vines: Lonicera (Honeysuckle) “Goldflame” , Passiflora “Incarnata’ – Hardy Passion Flower
Assorted lilies free with $15.00 purchase: Asiatic Lilies, “Brunello” orange, “Double
Sensation” red, “Landinni” purple, “Petite Brigitte” yellow, “Dino” bright orange, “Ghost”
purple, “Icon” pink, “Puppet” purple. Hybrid lilies, “Conca d’Or” sunny yellow, “Robina”
rose red. Oriental lilies, “After Eight” pink/white, “Angelique” pink/white, “Cobra” dark
red, “Salmon Star” salmon, “Stargazer” pink, “Sunny Sulawesi” pure white
May include but not limited to:
Ornamental and edible peppers:
Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Chili)-world’s hottest, Bulgarian
Carrot-hot, Pumpkin Pepper-hot, Filius Blue-hot, Joe’s Round-hot, Lady Bug-hot, Paper
Lantern-hot, Serrano del Sol-hot, Naga Morich-hot, Aji Crystal-hot, Cherry Hot-hot,
Japanese Shishitou-sweet hot, Pimento Yellow Cheese-sweet, Sweet Pickle-sweet,
Trees: Dawn Redwood, Curly Willow, Zelkova.
Peonies, Dinner Plate, Eskimo Pie, Coral Supreme, Felix Supreme.
Assorted Annuals: Alternanthera (Calico Plant, Joseph’s Coat), Acalypha (Copperleaf)
Pennisetum “Prince” (Fountain Grass),Yellow Russelia (Firecracker Plant), Assorted Salvia
Perennial: Leuconum vernum -Spring Snowflakes


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