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________________________________________________________________ Kiwicare Corporation Limited
225 Maces Road
P.O Box 15050
New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 389 0778
Fax: +64 3 389 0669
________________________________________________________________ 2. HAZARDOUS IDENTIFICATION
HSNO HAZARD CLASSIFICATION: 6.4A, 6.5A, 6.5B, 6.9B, 9.1A, 9.4B
________________________________________________________________ 3. COMPOSITION
________________________________________________________________ 4. FIRST AID MEASURES
Can cause irritation of upper respiratory tract. May cause headaches. fresh air. If ill effects persist call a doctor. Seek immediate medical attention. INGESTION
If poisoning occurs, do not induce vomiting. To dilute the ingested product, give affected person one
or two glasses of water or milk. Never give an unconscious person anything by mouth. Place in Recovery position. Obtain medical advice immediately.
Can be absorbed through the skin. Can cause irritation. May result in initial stinging, burning tingling or a rash. Wash affected area with soap and water. Remove and wash any contaminated clothing and wash skin. Prolonged or repeated contact may result in degreasing of the skin and dermatitis. May induce an allergic response in susceptible individuals. These skin sensations are reversible and usually subside
________________________________________________________________ 4. FIRST AID MEASURES - continued
May be severely irritating, characterised by redness, watering and itching. Check for and remove any contact lenses. if easy to do so Do not use an eye ointment. Flush eyes with running water for 15 minutes holding eyelids open if necessary. Seek medical advice. ________________________________________________________________ 5. FIRE/EXPLOSION MEASURES
Clear fire area of all non-emergency personnel
Extinguishing media Water spray foam, dry chemical or Carbon Dioxide. Fire fighters should wear a full set of protective clothing, including self-contained breathing apparatus. Toxic fumes may be emitted including. hazardous gases may be formed including but not limited to, Chlorine, Hydrogen Chloride, Oxides of Carbon. ________________________________________________________________ 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES
Floor may be slippery if wet. Eliminate all ignition sources and naked lights. Use non sparking equipment. Wear protective clothing. Clear area of unprotected personnel. Contain spill and absorb with Sand, Soil or absorbent granules. Do not allow product or washings to enter the waterways or sewer. If spill does enter waterway contact local authority. Pyrethroids are toxic to fish and other aquatic invertebrates. Contaminated absorbent and wash water should be disposed of according to local and Collect in an appropriate sealable container for disposal in an approved landfill or incinerated at an ________________________________________________________________ 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE
Store in original container in a cool, dry ventilated place. Away from direct heat of sunlight. Store away from foodstuffs, children and animals. Do not allow product to get wet in storage. Keep container sealed when not in use. Rinse out empty containers and do not use for any other purpose. All aspects of storage, handling, use and record keeping must be in accordance with NZS 8409-2004 “Management of Agrichemicals” and local and regional council ________________________________________________________________ 8. EXPOSURE CONTROL AND PERSONAL PROTECTION
Avoid all personal contact. Extreme over–exposure can result in death. Wear approved mask, overalls, boots, gloves, safety goggles and safety glasses when using. Wash protective clothing before storage or reuse. Wash hands after use and before, using tobacco products, or toilet facilities. Always use with ________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
________________________________________________________________ 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY
avoid mixing with strong acids, alkalis and oxidising agents hazardous gases may be formed including but not limited to, Chlorine, Hydrogen Chloride, Oxides of Carbon., Oxides of Nitrogen and Iodine vapours. Contain runoff. ________________________________________________________________ 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION
Moderately toxic through ingestion and can be absorbed through the skin ________________________________________________________________ 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION
Contains Pyrethroids which are toxic to fish and other aquatic invertebrates. Contaminated absorbent and wash water should be disposed of according to local, national regulations. ________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS
Wear protective clothing. Clear area of unprotected personnel. Contain spill and absorb with Sand, Soil or absorbent granules. Do not allow product or washings to enter the waterways or sewer. If spill does enter waterway contact local authority. Collect in an appropriate sealable container for disposal in an approved landfill or incinerated at an authorised installation. Rinse out empty containers prior disposal. Do not re-use empty container for any other purpose All aspects of disposal, handling, use and record keeping must be in accordance with NZS 8409-2004 “Management of Agrichemicals” and local and regional council ________________________________________________________________ 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION
________________________________________________________________ 15. REGULARTORY INFORMATION
The regulatory information is not intended to be comprehensive. Other regulations may apply to this product ________________________________________________________________ 16. OTHER INFORMATION
Avoid release into the environment. Refer to special instructions on Safety Data Sheet Emergency Contact
Work Hours
0800 764 766 (POISON)
All Material Safety Data Sheets are subject to review and should not be left longer than three years For further information visit the Kiwicare web site,, or contact the supplier. The information in this document should be made available to all who may handle the product This information is based on data believed by Kiwicare Corporation Limited to be accurate at the time of writing. It is given in good faith but no warranty expressed or implied is made as to its accuracy, completeness or otherwise. Every person dealing with the materials referred herein does so at their own risk absolutely and must make independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information from all sources to ensure their proper Attention is drawn to the application and safety instructions set out on the label. This sheet is not a substitute for safety, hazard or application instructions set out on the label. As Kiwicare Corporation Limited and their distributors have no control over storage or use of this product no liability for accident or damage will be accepted. ________________________________________________________________



Techniques for the removal of marker genes from transgenic plantsCharles P. Scutt a,*, Elena Zubko b, Peter Meyer b a Reproduction et Développement des Plantes, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 46, allée d’Italie, 69364 Lyon cedex 07, France b Centre for Plant Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK Received 30 August 2002; accepted 24 October 2002 Abstract The presen

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