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Guide redaction thèse.rtf

GUIDE POUR LA RÉDACTION ET LA PRÉSENTATION DES THÈSES A L’USAGE DES DOCTORANTS * * Le présent guide concerne les thèses de doctorat au sens propre du terme, à l’exclusion des thèses d’exercice en médecine ou odontologie. Valoriser les thèses en privilégiant l’internet …. 3 Valoriser dans le respect de la réglementation …. 4 Comment structurer sa thèse po


WILLIAM AGACE 1. J Exp Med. 2008 Sep 1;205(9):2139-49. Epub 2008 Aug 18. Small intestinal CD103+ dendritic cells display unique functional properties that are conserved between mice and humans. Jaensson E, Uronen-Hansson H, Pabst O, Eksteen B, Tian J, Coombes JL, Berg PL, Davidsson T, Powrie F, Johansson-Lindbom B, Agace WW. PMID:18710932 2. Immunity. 2013 May 7. [Epub ahead of print] IR


Recurrent prostate cancer following external beamradiotherapy: Follow-up strategies and managementCharles Catton, MD, FRCPC*, Michael Milosevic, MD, FRCPC,Padraig Warde, MD, FRCPC, Andrew Bayley, MD, FRCPC,Juanita Crook, MD, FRCPC, Robert Bristow, MD, PhD, FRCPC,Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto, Princess Margaret Hospital, 610 University Avenue,Patients with early-

Don’t kill the pain of exercise

Don’t kill the pain of exercise If you do the same sport for too long or too hard, you are bound to pick up an overuse injury at some point. Or in our sport a momentary lapse of concentration or co-ordination could have you kissing the dirt leaving you with some nasty war wound. But like a true sports warrior, the drive to keep up the training miles or the temptation to head out on a long-pla


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Defi nitions of Ecosystem Services, Version 2 Sub-category Defi nition Examples Provisioning services: The goods or products obtained from ecosystems Cultivated plants or agricultural produce harvested by people for Animals raised for domestic or commercial consumption or useWild fi sh captured through trawling and other non-farming Fish, shellfi sh, and/or plants that are bred a

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Décret n° 2000-2339 du 10 octobre 2000, fixant la liste des déchets dangereux (JORT n° 86 du 27 octobre 2000) Sur proposition de la ministre de l'environnement et de l’aménagement du territoire, Vu la loi n° 92-11 du 3 février 1992, portant ratification de la convention de "Bamako" sur l'interdiction d'importer en Afrique des déchets dangereux et sur le contrôle des mo

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Comportamiento de la disfunción sexual eréctil con el tratamiento acupuntural en el estado Delta Amacuro. Behavior of erectile dysfunction acupuncture treatment in the state Delta Amacuro. Dr. Francisco Mederos Pino Lic. Lázaro Alfonso Hernández Lic. Fermina Mercedes González Pérez RESUMEN Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal prospectivo en pacientes con algú

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Euro Crafts 21: Developing competence for sustainable management in European handicraft Translation of Module S4: Marketing Concept Vienna, December 2009 Source: Westdeutscher Handwerkskammertag (Ed.): CD-ROM: Sustainable Management in crafts enterprises. A manual for the implementation of a qualification and consulting concept for consultants and teachers in the crafts sector.

Exploring the link between organizational values and human resource certification

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / h u m r e sExploring the link between organizational values and humanresource certificationThe Eli Broad Graduate School of Management, Michigan State University, N475 North Business Complex, East Lansing, MI 48824‐1122, United StatesWe contribute to the discussion of human resource (HR) certification by iden

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People Programme – Marie Curie Actions Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IOF Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development (IOF) Deadline 12 August 2011 Indicative Funding Decision (Evaluation Preliminary Results) IMPORTANT: Note that results published on the web should be taken as purely indicative. Key to Provisional status of proposals : A: Prop

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CURRICULUM VITAE József VITRAI ADDRESS: Home 1194 HUNGARY Budapest, Temesvár 41 BORN: Budapest, CITIZENSHIP: Hungarian EDUCATION: József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Hungary 1st Prize, University Society of Young Researchers "For Outstanding Teaching" Award from Scientific Society of Medical Students The M

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Flu Vaccination Frequently Asked Questions What is immunisation? Immunisation uses the body’s natural defense mechanism – the immune system – to build resistance to an infection. The vaccine contains inactive particles of the virus that are used to stimulate your body’s own immune response without causing you to actually contract the virus itself. What is Influenza? “The

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GYÓGYSZER INTERAKCIÓ A MAGZAT FEJL Ő DÉSI ZAVARAINAK LÉTREJÖTTÉBEN. (A TARDYL® NEUROTOXIKUS HATÁSA EMBERI MAGZATBAN) Petik Dóra1, Czeizel Endre2, Szili Réka3, Bódis József3-4, Kriszbacher Ildikó3 1Fővárosi Szent István és Szent László Kórház, Szülészeti - Nőgyógyászati Osztály, Budapest 2Genetikai Ártalmak Társadalmi Megelőzése Alapítvány, Budap

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Inactivity Fact Sheet CONTACT American College of Sports Medicine INACTIVITY EPIDEMIC REFERENCES  Low activity increases risk of death. Physical inactivity: the biggest public health problem of the 21st century Blair SN. Physical inactivity: the biggest public health problem of the 21st century. Br J Sports Med 2009; 43:1-2.  Prevalence of inactivity in the US acco


IIR 20th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE REFRIGERATION INTO THE THIRD MILLENIUM 19-24 September 1999, Sydney, AUSTRALIA SLURRY ICE BASED FOOD CHILLING APPLICATIONS Zafer URE C.Eng, M.Sc., MCIBSE, MASHRAE, M.Inst.R , MIIR EPS Limited, Unit 18, The Business Village, Wexham Road, Berkshire, SL2 5HF, UK Telephone: (+44) 1753 - 692212, Facsimile: (+44) 1753 - 692457, E-Mail: URE @ COMPUSE

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Antibiotic resistance in Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli isolated from poultry in the South East Queensland region Jeanette K. Miflin, Jillian M. Templeton* and P. J. Blackall Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Animal Research Institute, Yeerongpilly, Queensland 4105, Australia Key words: MIC, disc diffusion, multi-resistance Running title:- Antibiotic re

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Ministry of Health and Human Services Public Notice Public Announcement The Ministry of Health and Human Services (MOHHS) would like to inform the public of the occurrence of Dengue Fever cases here in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). As of today, 21st October 2011 there are five (5) known cases of Dengue Fever that have been confirmed by rapid test as well as two clinically sus


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HAND INFECTIONS: GENERAL INFORMATION KEY FIGURE: Hand infections are relatively common problems. Seemingly minor in-juries can sometimes lead to significant infections. Proper treatment isvital to prevent long-term disability. Cellulitis vs. Abscess Cellulitis is a diffuse infection of the soft tissues. No localized area of pus can be drained. The affected area is described as indur


Diário da República, 1.a série — N.o 166 — 29 de Agosto de 2006 res e da Madeira será definido em diploma próprio dasrespectivas Assembleias Legislativas. Aplicação no tempo 1 — A punição da contra-ordenação ambiental édeterminada pela lei vigente no momento da prática Entrada em vigor do facto ou do preenchimento dos pressupostos de queA presente lei entra em vigor

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Course Information and Outline PHRM 409: Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis [Credit: 4] Fall, 2012 Department of Pharmacy Instructor: Dr. Chowdhury Faiz Hossain, Professor and Dean, FSE. Section 2 Class Hours: 12:40 1:40 (Room-304) Course Objective:  To give some ideas on advanced level about the principles and applications of NMR spectroscopy and Mass spect

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COMITATO REGIONE VENETO 00_ CARATTERISTICHE Sig. Corrado Betella M° nico Cavallini M° Roberto Ravarro Il COMITATO REGIONALE VENETO FIKBMS, in collaborazione con la BOOSTER e i maestri e, hanno ideato il TORNEO BOOSTER TRIVENETO. La competizione, che si svolgerà indicativamente da metà novembre 2012 a metà giugno 2013, si struttura in 7 tappe e vedrà la presenza di un t


CURRICULUM FORMACIÓN Licenciada en Farmacia. Universidad de Navarra Máster en Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos. Centro de Investigación en Farmacobiología Aplicada (C.I.F.A.) Universidad de Cursos específicos 6th European Conference on Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients: GMP Conference and Regulatory Conference. APIC / CEFIC. En 2.003. Gestión económic

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SICHERHEITSDATENBLATT gemäß Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 APESIN HD 1000 ML WM 0408719 Bestellnummer: 1. BEZEICHNUNG DES STOFFES BZW. DES GEMISCHES UND DES UNTERNEHMENS Produktinformation : Desinfektionsmittel und allgemeine Biozid-Produkte : Werner & Mertz Prof. Vertriebs GmbH 2. MÖGLICHE GEFAHREN Risikohinweise für Mensch und Umwelt Entzündlich. Gef


http://www.eps1.comlink.ne.jp/~mayus/eng/ Commercial cows’ milk has estrogenic activity as revealed by the hypertrophic effects on the uteri of young ovariectomized rats and immature rats Ganmaa D, Tezuka H, Enkhmaa D, Hoshi K, Sato A. Commercial cows’ milk has uterotrophic activity on the uteri of young International Journal of Cancer 2006;118:2363-65. Abstract Cows’ mil

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Communiqué de presse 11 Novembre 2011 Lancement d’Equistone Partners Europe Reprise de la société de gestion Barclays Private Equity (« BPE ») par ses équipes Equistone Partners Europe (« Equistone ») annonce la reprise de la société de gestion Barclays Private Equity, un des leaders européen du capital investissement sur le segment du mid-market. Equistone, sociét�


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Lesvoorbereiding De Buren Beginsituatie : De kinderen weten wat “buren” zijn. De meeste kinderen zagen hun ouders vriendelijk met de buren omgaan. Ze beseffen echter niet welke waarde de Islam hecht aan een goede relatie met de buren. Doelstellingen : De leerlingen kunnen verwoorden dat een moslim respect moet hebben voor zijn buren. De leerlingen gaan spontaan hun buren goed behandelen

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Departement für Nutztiere Vetsuisse-Fakultät Arbeit unter der Leitung von Dr. F. Janett Einfluss der Zentrifugationsmethode auf Qualität und Kryokonservierung von Hengstsamen Simone Weiss Einfluss der Zentrifugationsmethode auf Qualität und Kryokonservierung von Hengstsamen S. Weiss1, F. Janett2, D. Burger1, M. Hässig2, R. Thun2 1Nationalgestüt, Avenches, 2Klinik für

Obesity and associated cardiovascular risk factors in iranian children: a cross-sectional study

Pediatrics International (2006) 48 , 566–571 Obesity and associated cardiovascular risk factors in Iranian children: A cross-sectional study ANAHITA HAMIDI , HOSSEIN FAKHRZADEH , ALIREZA MOAYYERI , RASSUL POUREBRAHIM , RAMIN HESHMAT , MASOUMEH NOORI , YALDA REZAEIKHAH AND BAGHER LARIJANI Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center, Doctor Shariati Hospital, Tehran University o

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Example SBA Questions for Primary FRCA 1. A patient in hospital develops a tachycardia with a regular rate of 145 bpm and a blood pressure of 95/42 mm Hg. He denies chest pain, although he is acutely aware of his rapid heart rate. An ECG shows the duration of the QRS complex to be 0.10 s. The single most appropriate immediate treatment is: A. Adenosine 6mg B. Amiodarone 300mg


Seite 1/3 Medikamentenliste + Dosierung Eichhörnchen Convenia : ( VP ) 0,05ml /100g Tier ggf. nach 4-5 Tagen wdh. Wird gespritzt und daher keine Probleme mit Durchfällen . Bei erwachsenen und halbwüchsigen Tieren ideal, da Langzeitwirkung von ca. 4 Tagen bis ca. 1 Woche. Bei Katzenbiss und schlimmeren Krähenverletzungen immer nach 4 Tagen wiederholen. Gute Verträglichke


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Medical Imaging Services St Vincent’s Hospital 390 Victoria street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 www.stvincents.com.au CT Coronary Angiogram is a study of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart which is performed using fast computed tomography (CT) scanners. This does not replace conventional cardiac catheterisation, and may not be suitable for al patients, but for most patients it can be


Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen Reguleringsmæssige barrierer fordanske virksomheder uden for EU Bilagsrapport for afdækningsundersøgelse August 2008 Rambøll Management A/S Nørregade 7A DK-1165 København K Danmark Telefon +45 3397 8200 www.ramboll-management.dk Indholdsfortegnelse Igangværende og planlagte forhandlinger mellem Kommis- sionen og 3. lande Oversigterne i denne bi


Many companies are now marketing DHEA. Be aware of products that are labeled “natural”�� or that claim to contain EUROHEALTH® is a leading supplier of revolutionary “actual extracts of the Mexican wild yam”�� as this cannot be and unique natural products for achieving optimal health�� longevity as well as inner and outer beauty. Carrying the traditions of its American�

4:1 triamcinolone intra sheath injection for diabetic flexor tenosynovitis ( trigger finger - tf)

Vol:12 4:1 Triamcinolone intra sheath injection for diabetic flexor enosynovitis (Trigger finger - TF). TF is caused by a disproportion between the flexor tendon and its surrounding tendon sheath, in which smooth gliding of the flexor tendon within its sheath is restricted. The incidence in the general population is 1-2% while that in diabetics is 10 – 20%. Steroid injections for TF in

Learning styles of ite students

LEARNING STYLES OF ITE STUDENTS Puah Keng Hai M/ASC/CC Abstract This paper presents a study on the relationship between learning styles and GPA (Grade Point Average). Accordingly to Kolb’s Model, students’ learning styles can be classified as Accommodating, Converging, Diverging and Assimilating. This study on a group of 291 ITE students revealed that those who employed


Preliminary introduction to Infringement The rights conferred by a registered trade mark are set out in Article 5 of the TM Directive. Article 5 provides as follows: 1. The registered trade mark shall confer on the proprietor exclusive rights therein. The proprietor shall be entitled to prevent all third parties not having his consent from using in the course of trade: (a) any sign which is

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Practice Quiz 3 Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Vocabulary 1. Some medicines are _____. In other words, they are very safe. 2. Some medicines affect only one _____ part of the body. 3. People normally expect the police to _____ them. 4. Many people think we can stop cancer by changing our _____. 5. There's


Ecología y posmodernidad Joel Sangronis Padrón Entre los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII la sociedad Europea va a ser sacudida por un conjunto de radicales cambios en su manera de comprender al hombre y al universo; el hombre europeo va a sufrir una serie de mutaciones paradigmáticas en sus concepciones y valores estéticos, espirituales y seculares que van a desembocar en un proceso conoci

Curso: histria da descoberta de frmacos

CONFERÊNCIA “New drugs for Chagas disease treatment: From basic science to clinical trials” Julio A. Urbina1 1Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research Chagas disease, a systemic parasitosis caused by the Kinetoplastid protozoon Trypanosoma cruzi, remains the largest parasitic disease burden in the American continent and is now spreading to non-endemic areas due to intr

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Belgium Indoor Hockey Titre IV Règlement Sportif Salle Saison 2012-2013 Edition Septembre 2012 by Belgium Indoor Hockey Page 1/11 29/10/201226/10/2012 Table des matières Article 1 - Code de Conduite. . 3 Article 2 - Qualifications. . 5 Article 3 - Heures des rencontres. 6 Article 4 - Premiers soins. 6 Article 5 - Rapport Officiel. 7 Article

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Trends and Outcomes in the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Kim Sweeny Pharmaceutical Industry Project Working Paper Series PO Box 14428 Melbourne VIC 8001 AUSTRALIA Trends and Outcomes in the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Kim Sweeny 1. Introduction The cost of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) to the Government has been the subj

Variation of agronomic traits of potato somaclones produced by meristem culture

Variation of agronomic traits of potato somaclones produced by meristem culture Viive Rosenberg*, Marje Särekanno, Katrin Kotkas, Virge Vasar, Ann Ojarand Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture, Plant Biotechnological Research Centre EVIKA. Saku, Teaduse 6A, Harjumaa, 75501, Estonia Abstract Following a thermotherapy virus eradication procedure potato plantlets were multiplied as

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Multi-Stakeholder Forum in Vreed-en-Hoop, Date: 4 March 2006 Region: 3 Venue: Vreed-en-Hoop Primary School Number of participants: 17 Facilitators: Rajkumarie Singh, Cheryl Mc Clure – Cyrus, Arlene Dinally Co facilitated by: Cheryl Frank, Andrea Prescott, Yasmin Gordon, Bibi Fareeda Lall, Conversation Agenda 1. Pledge 2. Welcome & Opening Remarks (Statement of MSF Obj


98. ANTICONCEPCIÓN DE EMERGENCIA. C. del Pozo AE: fármaco o dispositivo empleado con el fin de prevenir embarazos después de un coito sin protección. Riesgo global de embarazo en un único coito desprotegido de 2-4%. Más usado hasta 1998 Yuzpe 0,2 mg EE + 1 mg LNG (dosis total). Comprimidos EE 0,05mg / LNG 0,250 mg. Mifepristona (RU486) 5-10-25-50-600 mg. (Cochrane Database Syst Rev 20


HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA Anplag (Sarpogrelate hydrochloride) Caduet (amlodipine besylate/atorvastatin calcium) Cholexamin (nicomol) Elaszym (elastase) Lipitor (atorvastatin) Lipovas (simvastatin) Livalo (Pitavastatin) Lochol (Fluvastatinsodium) Mevalotin (pravastatin) HYPERLIPIDAEMICS Bezalip (bezafibrate) Crestor (rosuvastatin calcium) Epadel (ethyl icosapentate)

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NICK OSBORNE Dr Nick OSBORNE Research Fellow  - Centre for Molecular, Environmental, Genetic and Analytic Epidemiology, The University of Melbourne Department of Public Health, EDUCATION 2004 PhD, National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology & School of Population Health, University of Queensland. M.Ag.Sc., School of Land and Food, University of Queensland.

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Formatting Your Paper for Evolutionary Computation B. A. Author Department of Science, My University, MyTown, Zip, Country D. C. Author2 Department of Science, My University, MyTown, Zip, Country Abstract The abstract goes here. It should be about 200 words and give the reader a summaryof the main contributions of the paper. Remember that readers may decide to read ornot to re

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Gledhill Christopher. 1997. Les Collocations et la construction du savoir scientifique. Anglais de Spécialité 15/18. 85-Les collocations et la construction du savoir Chris GLEDHILL Résumé . We claim here that collocation constitutes an essential process in the construction of scientific ideas. While corpus analysis in lexicography has established the importance of idiom in the langu


Mastologia INSTRUÇÕES • Verifique se este caderno de prova contém um total de 10 questões, numeradas de 1 a 10. Se o caderno estiver incompleto, solicite outro ao fiscal da sala. Não serão aceitas reclamações posteriores. • Você deve ler cuidadosamente cada uma das questões. • Essa resposta deve ser marcada na CADERNO DE RESPOSTAS que você recebeu. ATENÇÃO •

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THE RENEWABLE DEAL, ASPECT TWO, PLANK 6: HEALTH Chapter 2 THE CAUSES OF THE UNITED STATES HEALTHCARE SYSTEM CRISIS Sixteen percent of the U.S. economy as of 2006 is consumed by health care costs; in 1960, 5.2percent of GDP went to pay for health care. From 1997 to 2003 U.S. health care spending wentfrom 13.1 percent to 15.3 percent of GDP. In March 2008 the Centers for Medicare andMedicai

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Eureka Orienteers Newsletter: July 2006 . president: mark valentine, secretary: jenni jamieson victorian selectors: geoff lawford, (foot O). anitra dowling, MTBO. Coming Events: Eureka Club Series #2 (+ AR Vic Champs) Blackfellows Flat 5km W of Ballan MEL 77 13 Aug Sun Social event TK Carroll’s Spring North of Ballan MEL EUREKA NEWS: Remember this date: Sun October 22nd. Lon

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DEMANDA DE FRAUDE ELECTORAL Línea telefónica directa de Fraude al Votante 1-877-868-3737 Conforme a la sección 97.012(15), Estatutos de la Florida, la División Electoral tiene autoridad para llevar a cabo investigaciones preliminares sobre cualquier alegato de irregularidades o fraude que involucren registro de votantes o votación, o petición de candidato o emisión de actividades de


Die Parkinson Krankheit Immer wieder stel t sich den an Parkinson Erkrankten die Frage „Warum bin gerade ich erkrankt?“ Leider kann man bis heute darauf noch keine eindeutige Antwort geben; zahlreiche Vermutungen und der Hinweis auf verschiedene mögliche Ursachen sind aber richtungweisend. Was geschieht im Gehirn? Auch wenn die genaue Ursache der Parkinson-Krankheit nicht bekannt ist,


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Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immunity Vol. 3(8), pp. 134-139, August, 2011 Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/JIDI ISSN 2141-2375 ©2011 Academic Journals Full Length Research Paper Antibiotic susceptibility patterns of Salmonella and Shigella isolates in Harar, Eastern Ethiopia Ayalu A. Reda1, Berhanu Seyoum2*, Jemal Yimam2 ,Gizachew Andualem2, Sisay Fi

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ALMIRALL REACHES AN AGREEMENT TO ACQUIRE AQUA PHARMACEUTICALS, A US- BASED SPECIALTY DERMATOLOGY COMPANY. The transaction implies a cash acquisition of 100% of Aqua Pharmaceuticals for an upfront of $305m plus potential additional earn outs of up to $75m. Provides additional geographic and business diversification and gives access to the largest dermatology market globally. Aqua Pharmace


Capitulum Responsorium Versus {ex Psalterio secundum temporum} 1 Pet 3:18 C hristus semel pro peccatis nostris mortuus est, justus pro injustis, ut nos offerret Deo, mortificatus quidem carne, vivificatus autem spiritu. R. Deo grátias. R.br . Gavisi sunt discipuli, * Alleluia, alleluia. R. Gavisi sunt discipuli, * Alleluia, alleluia. V. Viso Domino. R. Alleluia, alleluia

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Un jardin de papillons L a p l u p a r t d e n o s p a p i l l o n s s o n t a u j o u r d ’ h u i e n s u r s i s . L e s p e s t i c i d e s, l e s d e s t r u c t i o n s d ’ h a b i t a t s e t l ’ a r t i f i c i a l i s a t i o n d e n o s p a y s a g e s e n s o n t l e s p r i n c i p a u x r e s p o n s a b l e s . N o s j a r d i n s p e u v e n t c o n


Silvia Bakirdjian Decatlón para ejercitar el alma (Endorfinas Filosóficas) Decatlón para ejercitar el alma : endorfinas filosóficas . - 1a ed. - Ushuaia : Utopías, 2009. Decatlón para ejercitar el alma EDITORIAL UTOPIAS de Jorge Navone I.S.B.N: 978-987-1529-04-9 Queda hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723Queda estrictamente prohibida, sin la autorización escrita del a


A Review of the Efficacy and Side Effects of Introduction…………………………………………………………………….…………3 Methodology………………………………………………………………………………4 Results…………………………………………………………………………………….5 Efficacy…………………………�

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PACKAGE LEAFLET: INFORMATION FOR THE USER Metformin HCl Pfizer 500 mg film-coated tablets Metformin HCl Pfizer 850 mg film-coated tablets Metformin HCl Pfizer 1000 mg film-coated tablets Read all of this leaflet carefully before you start taking this medicine. - Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again. If you have any further questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.


• Motivation • Stickelberger • The fractional Galois ideal • Relation to Stark units • Cyclotomic example • The higher K -group situation of Snaith • Equivariant Birch–Swinnerton-DyerA very early analytic-to-algebraic result is theanalytic class number formula: For a numberfield L ,annZ( µ ( L )) J ( L ) ⊆ annZ(Cl( L ))Question 1 If L/K is Galois with Galois g

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Frequently Asked Questions Q. Who is Elixir and what do they do? A: Patient Overview THE ONLY SYSTEM OF ITS KIND IN SOUTH AFRICA The nature of the Elixir Systems is saving lives. Elixir manufacture and supply emergency medical bracelets and necklaces. These bracelets are unique as they are pre engraved and available at approximately 600 pharmacies throughout South Africa. T

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RP 64/2002 rd Regeringens proposition till Riksdagen om godkän- nande av överenskommelsen med Republiken Uruguay om främjande av och skydd för investeringar samt med förslag till lag om ikraftträdande av de bestämmelser i överenskommelsen som hör till området för lagstiftningen PROPOSITIONENS HUVUDSAKLIGA INNEHÅLL I denna proposition föreslås att riksdagen företag

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30-09-2002 Revista Internacional de la Cruz Roja N° 847 por Hans-Peter Gasser Actos de terror, “terrorismo” y derecho internacional humanitario El derecho internacional humanitario prohíbe, sin excepción, la realización de actos terroristas en situaciones de conflicto armado internacional y no internacional. Asimismo, insta a los Estados a prevenir y castigar las violaciones

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St SEPULCRE - JEUNES Le 18 septembre 2008 PELERINAGE EN TERRE SAINTE du lundi 27 au vendredi 7 août 2009 P R O G R A M M E Lundi 27 juillet Le matin, départ de PARIS pour TEL AVIV . Accueil à l’aéroport et route vers le désert du Néguev. Arrêt à TEL SHEVA et évocation d’Abraham. Continuation de la route puis messe dans le désert avant d’arriv

The business of obesity

Strategic Issues The Business of Obesity: Trends in Developing and Commercializing Therapeutics for the Worldwide Marketplace Evelyn B. Kelly, PhD  Obesity is the most prevalent, fatal chronic disease of the twenty-first century and is increasing at rates only seen with infectious diseases. Obesity causes 300,000 premature deaths each year and accounts for $93 billion in


Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2007, 1–9CHRISTOPHER A. HONSTVET† and PAMELA F. JONES‡*†School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Worsley Building, Clarendon Way, Leeds LS2 9NL, UK‡Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, St James’s University Hospital, Wellcome Trust Brenner Building, Leeds(Received 21 February 2007; in final form 22 February

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La Peregrinación desde el Punto de Vista del Líder Supremo de la Revolución Islámica Índice: Los resultados de la peregrinación - El conocimiento - La peregrinación es el símbolo de la nación islámica - La característica destacada - La integración nacional e internacional - La eliminación de los problemas de las sociedades musulmanas - La presencia significativa Las dime


Available on line at : www.eijppr.com International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research (ICV-5.09) ISSN (Online) 2249 – 6084 ISSN (Print) 2250 – 1029 Int.J.Pharm.Phytopharmacol.Res. 2013, 2(4): 259-262 (Research Article) Design and Evaluation of Chronopharmaceutical Drug Delivery System for Asthma Using Natural Polymers Prashant S.

Lunatique 83 – extraits

LE PRENEUR DE FEU Richard Kadrey Preston se promet d’arrêter de prendre les pilules Les barbituriques du marché noir sont puissants, beaucoup plus forts que les somnifères qu’on lui donnait à l’infirmerie militaire de la ville (mais pour-quoi appeler ville une douzaine de baraques en T, de casernes, et un million de tonnes de gravats ?). Pour-tant, sans alcool pour faire desc

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Contactless identification system BIS® The basic elements of contactless identification systems are chip radio frequency identification items, which ensure unequivocal, fast and reliable identification of persons and objects. Every identification item is provided with a micro chip and antenna. The items are provided in different forms that differ in size and type of encasement. We also offer d

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Investor Relations Background Information Half Year 2001 Results August 2001 Overview Solid Growth Trend in Pharmaceuticals Drives Group Sales Sales: CHF 15.5 bn, +12% in local currencies, +11% in CHF Sales growth in % (LC) Sales by region in % Pharmaceuticals Asia/Australia/ Generics1 Consumer Health CIBA Vision1 Rest of the Americas Animal Heal


In het bot zijn verschillende lagen te onderscheiden. Direct onder het kraakbeenligt de epifyse. Dit is de zone die verantwoordelijk is voor de voeding van hetkraakbeen. Hieronder zien we de metafyse, de zone van waaruit groeiplaatsvindt. In de diafyse bevindt zich de mergholte waar de aanmaak vanbloedcellen plaatsvind. Op dit plaatje is de diafyse opbouw van buiten naar binnen zichtbaar

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Determination of pharmaceutical residues and hormones in wastewater in Jordan Chemicals released into the environment may have endocrine-disrupting effects in living organisms, including humans. The incidence of endocrine-related diseases and adverse physiological effects in wildlife is increasing, and there are indications that changes in the reproductive health of humans, including declinin

Fish factfile

Animal Aid Factfile Focus on Fish Background the process and also to adopt a truly consistentstance by ending fish sales as well. In June 2003,In the mid 1990’s, DIY giant Focus Do it All begunthe firm’s commercial director wrote to Animalselling a range of ‘pet’ animals in its stores, Aid confirming that Focus were now committedincluding small mammals, reptiles, fish and


Flagstaff’s Community Supported Wild Foraging Newsletter 928-523-2942 928-523-8243 www.environment.nau.edu/food/cswf October 2, 2003 Summer is over and the fall harvest has begun. We have been working with the Becky and Dana from the Henry Cordes Ranch near Cordes Junction. They, like many rural Arizonans, have a deep history with the land and foraging. At the same time mu

Observation de marteilia spp.

Edition n° 1 Quantification of Perkinsus sp. infection intensity using Ray’s Fluid Thioglycolate Medium (RFTM) Method CONTENTS Editions Edition Date Ifremer , Genetic and Pathology Laboratory, Avenue de Mus de Loup, 17390 La Tremblade, France Quantification of Perkinsus sp. infection intensity using Ray’s Fluid Thioglycolate Medium (RFTM) Method 1

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Drugs, Surgery and Insurance Reimbursement of Massage Therapy I still look at the prescriptions in my desk drawer as a reminder. a reminder that Western medicine doesn't have all of the answers. I had gone in to see a well-known doctor in New York City for what I now know was simple muscle spasm and tightness in my neck due to stress/anxiety. He prescribed Vioxx and Paxil and sent me on my way.

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Smithers Summary Shandi Hopkins was admitted to the residential treatment program, Smithers Alcoholism and Rehabilitation Center, at Roosevelt Hospital on 4/18/01 and discharged 5/27/01. He was in touch with me regularly, sometimes twice a day while in the program. I obtained an 800 number to enable him to stay in touch with me when I moved from New York last July to begin teaching at Illinoi


Guía del medicamento JANUVIA® (sitagliptina) Tabletas Lea esta Guía del medicamento detenidamente antes de comenzar a tomar JANUVIA y cada vez que obtenga un reabastecimiento de su receta. Podría haber nueva información. Esta información noreemplaza las conversaciones con su médico acerca de su afección médica o su tratamiento. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre JANUVIA, consulte

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Esri 380 New York Street Redlands, California 92373-8100 General Dynamics Itronix Rugged Tablet PC and ArcPad Solution with Rugged GPS Receiver Options A special promotional offer of ArcPad ® packaged with a General Dynamics Itronix Rugged Duo-Touch II ® Tablet and options for Trimble ® GPS Pathfinder ® ProXT ™ or ProXH ™ Receiver, Trimble's GPS Analyst ™ extension

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Publicationlist Barbara Hasse-Fuhrer Original articles 1 Zuber JP, Calmy A, Evison JM, Hasse B , Schiffer V, Wagels T, Nuesch R, Ma- genta L, Ledergerber B, Jenni R, Speich R, Opravil M, Swiss HIV Cohort Study group (2004). Pulmonary arterial hypertension related to HIV-infection: improved hemodynamics and survival associated with antiretroviral therapy. 2 Hasse B , Ledergerber B, Eg


Citar Lexis Nº 0003/009988 Título: Aplicabilidad temporal de la Ley de Riesgos del Trabajo y consecuentes responsabilidades a partir de las conclusiones de un fallo de alzada Autor: Aronin, Lisandro S. Fuente: JA 2003-IV-17 ACCIDENTES DE TRABAJO - 02) Ámbito de aplicación -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comentario a: - C. Nac. Trab., sala 3ª, 1

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BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia has a diverse geography of mountains, fertile valleys (think BC peaches and blueberries) and a long coastline rich in fish and seafood (starring BC salmon). Top off your meal with a glass of BC wine! The province's landscapes produce an enviable array of food and agriculture products. Alcoholic Beverages Canadian wineries produce quality wines for any p

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Furosemid Furon®, Furorese®, Lasix®, versch. ApplikationenSchleifendiuretikumIndikation:10-20-60 mg i.v. Kinder: 0,4-1 mg / kgNierenversagen mit Anurie, schwere Hypokaliämie, Hyponatriämie, Hypoglykämie, Überempfindlichkeit gegen SulfonamideBemerkung: nicht bei RRsyst < 90 mmHg applizieren. NW: Gabapentin Gabapentin®, Neurontin®Kapseln zu 100 mg, 300 mg oder 400 mg - Filmt

Die südostschweiz, graubünden, 23.3.201

REGION SPORT DIE SÜDOSTSCHWEIZ | MITTWOCH, 23. MÄRZ 2011 11 KOMMENTAR Chur zittert sich zurück in die DIERÜCKKEHRDES WEITERHIN ETWAS ANDEREN VEREINS 1. Liga – vor 1625 Zuschauern VonJürgSigel Der EHC Chur hat mit einem Jahr Der EHC Chur hat die Eis- hockey-2.-Liga-Play-off-Final- serie mit 3:0 zu seinen Gunsten entschieden. Der Aufstieg in die 1. Liga


Voorzitter - Wijziging van de begroting - Wijziging van de begroting van de uitgaven en de ontvang- van de uitgaven en de ontvang- sten van het Ministerie van sten van het Infrastructuurfonds Financie ¨ n (IXB) voor het jaar voor het jaar 1995 (wijziging 1995 (wijziging samenhangende samenhangende met de Najaars- met de Najaarsnota) (24526); nota) (24536);

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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER MERKMALE DES ARZNEIMITTELS 1. BEZEICHNUNG DES ARZNEIMITTELS Sinemet 25 mg/100 mg-Tabletten 2. QUALITATIVE UND QUANTITATIVE ZUSAMMENSETZUNG Jede Tablette enthält 25 mg Carbidopa und 100 mg Levodopa Die vollständige Auflistung der sonstigen Bestandteile siehe Abschnitt 6.1. 3. DARREICHUNGSFORM Tablette Ovale, hellgelbe Tabletten mit Bruchkerbe und der

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FSIS to change testing approach for residues in meat During the first week of August, the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) began a new program for testing meat (along with poultry and eggs) for chemical residues. This change reflects new methods for detecting residues and new testing strategies. This is part of an overall tougher stance on meat residues coming from the FDA. Shi

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ALTANA AG Postfach 1244 T +49 (0) 6172 1712-160 F +49 (0) 6172 1712-158 ALTANA mit hervorragendem 1. Quartal 2006 • Signifikant zweistelliges Wachstum: Umsatz +28%, Gewinn +25% • Optimistischer Ausblick 2006 bestätigt Bad Homburg, 27. April 2006 – Die ALTANA AG (FWB: ALT, NYSE: AAA) hat im ersten Quartal 2006 den Konzernumsatz um 28% auf 948 Mio. € ges

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PRK Post-Op Instructions DROPS (Use 3 to 5 minutes apart. DO NOT use them one right after the other.)  Artificial Tears (Purchase Over the Counter) Preservative Free Refresh Plus: One drop in each eye every 15 minutes (or more often). This is very important to your healing. You cannot over do your artificial tears!Celluvisc / Genteal / Systane Free: Start these drops after the contact


CONTENT COPY OF ORIGINAL Ministry of Ministère de Environment and l’Environnement et de l'Énergie Apotex Inc. 150 Signet DriveNorth York, OntarioM9L 1N9 You have applied in accordance with Section 9 of the Environmental Protection Act for approval of: - three (3) manifolded Antibiotics Laboratory fume hoods, designated 3701-AH-03-FH-01 through -03 inclusive, exhaustedby t


Techniques for the removal of marker genes from transgenic plantsCharles P. Scutt a,*, Elena Zubko b, Peter Meyer b a Reproduction et Développement des Plantes, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 46, allée d’Italie, 69364 Lyon cedex 07, France b Centre for Plant Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK Received 30 August 2002; accepted 24 October 2002 Abstract The presen


In this unit children extend their knowledge of places around the school, and learn to talk about everyday routines and subjectsstudied during the school day. They revise both telling the time on the hour and some adjectives to describe appearance. In this unit children consolidate work on telling the time (Unit 11 and Unit 15). They begin to use extended descriptions ofpeople and share this in


From Global Enclosure to Self Enclosure: Ten Years After – A Critique of the CBD and the “Bonn Guidelines” on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Issue: Since 1994, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has been promising “benefit sharing” to Indigenous Peoples in return for access to biodiversity (i.e., bioprospecting). During these tenyears, Indigenous People

119 numeriing

million per year. 50% of the 19% of Americans love pill is sold in 110 There are 62 million citizens from 15 to 24 years percentage goes up to 26% wedlock: up from 48% in for SUVs. Ditto for 32% of ( 12.7% of the total population): 16.2% in institute. 15% of Italian Poland, 15.6% in Estonia, 23% opting for black – 15.4% in Slovakia, 13.2% in wedlock

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ECONOMIC SECURITY CORP. OF SW AREA/WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE 302 JOPLIN, JOPLIN, MO 64801 PHONE 417-781-4788 REQUEST FOR TREATMENT AND PRESCRIPTION OR INSERTION OF CONTRACEPTIVE DRUG, DEVICE OR METHOD. I hereby request that a person authorized by Economic Security Corporations Women’s Health Care & Family Planning program examine and treat me and that a suitable contraceptive drug, device or m


Ethical issues involving children 1. Preamble Children have unique ethical characteristics, as they are the only class of people who may be discriminated against legally. As minors they are judged not capable of running their own affairs, which are left to adults, normal y parents, to act as guardians for them. Historical y children have had minimal legal rights, with their paren


Critical Review Form Meta-analysis Corticosteroids for Bell’s palsy (idiopathic facial paralysis) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD001942 Objective: “To determine the effectiveness and safety of corticosteroid therapy in people with Bell’s palsy.” (p. 2) Methods: Three authors searched the Cochrane Neuromuscular Disease Group Tr


Role of protective and repair mechanisms in the inhibition of photosynthesis in marine macroalgae Donat-P. Häder,* a Michael Lebert, a Rajeshwar P. Sinha, a Elena S. Barbieri b and E. Walter Helbling b a Institut für Botanik und Pharmazeutische Biologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Staudtstr. 5, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany b Estación de Foto

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PRISE EN CHARGE DES NAUSEES ET VOMISSEMENTS POST-OPERATOIRES Validation par Dr E. AHLSCHWEDE Dr. MOULLIER chef de service d’anesthésie M. LAURENCIN président COMEDIMS DIFFUSION: services de chirurgie et de gynécologie – obstétrique, service d’anesthésie 1. OBJECTIFS : Traitement et prophylaxie des nausées et vomissements post-opératoires (NVPO).


NEWS LETTER Awareness of the ambivalence of scientific Deep Brain Stimulation Neuromodulation Therapies for Psychiatric Disorder and their Ethical Implicationsconsiderably over the last few decades. Prob-lems associated with scientific and technologi- Depression refers to a set of prevalent, extremely debilitating disorders that can be character- cal advancement and their possible but so

Journal of computing::quantitative analysis of ciprofloxacin sodium chloride pharmaceutical infusions using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy

ARPN Journal of Science and Technology Quantitative Analysis of Ciprofloxacin Sodium Chloride Pharmaceutical Infusions Using Ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy 1Affo, W., 2 Mensah-Brown, H., 3 Awuku, J. F., 4 Markwo, A 1, 3, 4 Department of Chemistry, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana2 Department of Food Process Engineering University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana ABSTRA


Program of the 9th Japan-China International Symposium on Health Sciences (The Auditorium, University of Shizuoka / October 14, 2010) Naohide Kinae (President, University of Shizuoka) Shen Zheng-rong (Deputy President, Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences) Chairperson: Toshiyuki Kan and Ye Yi-ping Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka Novel heart failure


EGIPT 1302 APRILIE 31.01.2013 09:07 First Booking Egipt-Hurghada 05,12,19,26 Aprilie 2013 Plecare din Bucuresti si Cluj Napoca Preturile sunt in EURO/persoana in camera dubla Localitatea 05.04 12.04 19.04 26.04 Shams Safaga Hotel Magawish Swiss Inn Resort Hurghada Hurghada Golden 5 Hurghada Hurghada Imperial Shams Abu Soma Amc Azur Resort


C L I N I C A L I N V E S T I G A T I O NBland Embolization in Patients with Unresectable HepatocellularCarcinoma Using Precise, Tightly Size-Calibrated,Anti-Inflammatory Microparticles: First Clinical Experienceand One-Year Follow-UpGuido Bonomo • Vittorio Pedicini • Lorenzo Monfardini •Paolo Della Vigna • Dario Poretti • Gianluigi Orgera •Franco OrsiReceived: 30 April 2009 / Acce


Kameliensamenöl (Camel ia Oleifera), Ingwerwurzelöl (Zingiber Officinale), Ginsengwurzelextrakt(Panax Ginseng), Tragantwurzelextrakt (Astragalus Membranaceus), Süßholzwurzelextrakt (Glycyrrhiza Glabra - blühendes Kraut, seit Jahrtausenden als Nahrung und Medizin verwendet), reinstes 999 Feingold. Morgens und abends am besten vor dem Essen 1 – 2 Teelöffel auf die Chakren auftragen,


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Médico Pediatra Concurso Público de Nazarezinho - PB Em uma caminhada o risco de lesão é como em uma LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA D. A doutora em Ciências da Saúde defende a prática Leia o texto a seguir para responder às questões de 01 a 07. freqüente de atividade física, assim como o hábito de Caminhar emagrece, sim! E ainda turbina a auto-estima A prática de exercícios p

Ley 191.pdf

Ley 191/1964, de 24 de diciembre, de asociacionesEs el derecho de asociación uno de los naturales del hombre que el positivo no puedemenoscabar y aun viene obligado a proteger, ya que al propio Estado interesa sumantenimiento y difusión como fenómeno social e instrumento de sus fines, forjados no sólopor la concurrencia de individuos, sino de asociaciones que necesariamente han de formarparte


The emergence of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) in modern trade has created the need for newarrangements in trade practices which can regulate adequately the relations between the tradepartners. The replacement of the manual way of conducting trade with the electronic one gives riseto particular legal problems. When using electronic trade the upcoming legal questions can threatento destabilise


Fußball Hentsch, Luisa Istogu, Donjeta Jacobi, Lara Knab, Julia Ludwig, Ida-Marie Martin, Eva Münch, Anna-Lena Muriana, Simona Schoofs, Johanna Selzer, Mona Sohns, Alesse Wierz, Lea 1. Platz Konfi Cup Bundesfinale EKD Fußball 1. Platz Konfi Cup Badisches Landesfinale Fußball 1. Platz Konfi Cup Kirchenbezirk Fußball Lind, Loris Münch, Anna-Lena Plagge, Valentin Rau, Artur Riel, Marcel

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F O R M A T O E U R O P E O P E R I L C U R R I C U L U M INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI COSTANZA GIULIANI VIA DI SCOPINO, 56 50019 SESTO FIORENTINO, FIRENZE 055/4218488 3381606286 costanzagiuliani@tim.it ESPERIENZE LAVORATIVE • Date (da – a) • Nome e indirizzo del datore di Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi • Tipo di azienda o set ore

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Psicofármacos Tener conocimientos sobre psicofármacos es esencial a la hora de realizar un Proceso de atención de Enfermería, porque permite valorar tanto el efecto positivo, como los adversos en la administración de los mismos. Autor: Lic. en Enfermería Nélida Torres QUE ES UN PSICOTROPICO ? Es una sustancia química que ingerida modifica la conducta humana. QUE ES


C O M M U N I Q U E D E P R E S S E OFI Private Equity Capital signe un accord pour acquérir Gault & Frémont, le leader français de l’emballage pour la boulangerie-viennoiserie-pâtisserie (BVP) OFI Private Equity Capital signe un accord pour acquérir la société Gault & Frémont auprès de LBO France et des actionnaires financiers BNP Développement et Osny Finance. Fondé

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ADULT PATIENT HISTORY FORM Kamini Ramani, M.D., P.C. Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine 99 E State Street Gloversville, NY 12078 Telephone: (518) 725-6080. NAME: ______________________________ DOB: ___/___/___ DATE COMPLETED: ___/___/___ Referred by: (Primary Care Physician’s Name): ___________________________________________ Occupation: _______________________________________ Ge

From ‘plan b’ to ‘plan v’: what the uk economy needs to reboot and rebalance growth

From ‘Plan B’ to ‘Plan V’: what the UK economy needs to reboot and rebalance growth With the threat of stagflation and interest rate rises, the currenteconomic climate shows little sign of improvement in the near future. finds that the government’s severe austerityprogramme, with its very pessimistic view of future UK growth is riskingthe recovery through premature scrapping of

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WACV 2012 Organizing Committee General Chairs Terry Boult, Univ. Colorado at Colorado Springs Walter Scheirer, Univ. Colorado at Colorado Springs Program Chairs Michael Brown, National University of Singapore Ram Nevatia, University of Southern California Luc Vincent, Google Publications Chair Anderson Rocha, UNICAMP Registration Chair Ginger Boult Program C


j o u r n a l o f d e n t i s t r y x x x ( 2 0 0 6 ) x x x – x x xa v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o mj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / j d e nThe bleaching of teeth: A review of the literatureUnilever Oral Care, Quarry Road East, Bebington, Wirral, CH63 3JW, UKObjectives: To review c


Ege Vet Ltd Ege Vet Ltd was established in 1988 as a small and large animal clinic. In addition to its veterinary practice and consultation services, its marketing and distribution network developed by the years. Currently, Ege Vet Ltd has six branch offices in Ankara, Istanbul, Bursa, Samsun, Hatay and Antalya. Every branch office has its own sales team and responsible manager. (Please

Gen. information on pregnancy

General Information on Pregnancy Note: This information is intended for educational purposes only. You should seek further advice and instruction from your chosen healthcare professional. FIRST TRIMESTER SECOND TRIMESTER THIRD TRIMESTER Conception to 4 28-36 cm long (approx) 40-46 cm long (approx) 36 - 38 weeks Hormonal fluctuations It is during what is commonly ref


Selling Sickness: How Drug Companies Are Turning Us All Into Patients Updated information and services can be found at: Rapid responses Email alerting Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in thebox at the top right corner of the article To order reprints of this article go to: WEBSITES • MEDIA • PERSONAL VIEWS • SOUNDINGSchildren), preme


A Service of the Ear, Nose, & Throat Center, PC Spring 2004 ENT “Urgencies” True ear, nose, and throat emergencies—airway obstruction, posterior nose bleeds, or severe head and neck infections—while definitely requiring emergent ENT referral, are rarely a diagnostic dilemma. Much more difficult are the ENT “urgencies,” situations and diseases that may seem rather ben


Gambia: Psychiatrische Versor- gung Auskunft der SFH-Länderanalyse Einleitung Wir gehen aufgrund Ihrer Anfrage vom 17. Juni 2008 von folgendem Sachverhalt aus: Herr T. aus Gambia stammt aus einer eher armen Familie und stellte in der Schweiz ein Asylgesuch. Er heiratete im Jahr 2004 eine Schweizer Bürgerin. Im April 2004 wurde er erstmals (für zwei Monate) psychiatrisch hospita

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Eigenmann & Veronelli PRODUCTS for RUBBER Eigenmann & Veronelli – Paolo Bullani Who is Eigenmann & Veronelli? • E&V is a private, Italian, distributor and producer of specialty chemicals founded on 1910. • Turnover: more than 230 mln. of €. (194 people) • E&V is certified: - ISO 9001:2000 (reg. # IT 9882) - ISO 14001 (reg. # 5210) - OHS

Transabdominal electrical stimulation increases colonic propagating pressure waves in paediatric slow transit constipation

Journal of Pediatric Surgery (2012) 47, 2279–2284Transabdominal electrical stimulation increases colonicpropagating pressure waves in paediatric slowtransit constipation☆,☆☆,★Melanie C.C. Clarke a, Anthony G. Catto-Smith a,b,c, Sebastian K. King a,c,Phil G. Dinning d, Ian J. Cook d, Janet W. Chase a, Susan M. Gibb a,b,Val J. Robertson e, Di Simpson b, John M. Hutson b,c, Bridget R.


MICROLASERPEELTM Jason N. Pozner, M.D. 4800 North Federal HighwaySuite C101Boca Raton, Florida 33431drpozner@drpozner.com(561) 367-9101Fax (561) 367-9102 University of Miami School of Medicine and Boca Raton, Florida Presented in part at the American Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery Annual Key Words: Laser Resurfacing, Facial Rejuvenation, Erbium Laser Abstract Backgrou

Student permission slip and medical authorization form

Student Permission Slip and Medical Authorization Form As parent(s)/guardian(s) of the above student, permission to granted for this student to attend the [SCHOOL NAME/GROUP NAME] ’s trip to [LOCATION] during the dates of [DATES OF TRIP]. I/We am/are aware that the [SCHOOL NAME/GROUP NAME] requires all participants on a trip to supply the following information in case a medical


World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1 (1): 62-64, 2005 Compatibility of Phyton with Common Fungicides and Their Role on the Yield of Safed Musli 1Department of Studies in Applied Botany, Seed Pathology and Biotechnology, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore - 570006, India2Agricultural Consultancy Research and Educational Services, Abstract: In order to know the compatib

Project final summary

Project Final Summary NOT CONFIDENTIAL Information to be provided for project identification Title of the project DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW ‘IN VIVO’ AND ‘IN VITRO’ SYSTEMS FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS Acronym of the project EDERA Total project cost (in euro) 879 000 € Contract number Duration (in months) EU contribution


MEDIKAMENTE - EINE ÜBERSICHT NICHTOPIOIDANALGETIKA Die Nichtopioidanalgetika bilden die unentbehrliche Basis für die entzündungshemmende Schmerzbekämpfung in der Therapie rheumatischer Erkrankungen. Der allen Präparaten gemeinsame Wirkungsmechanismus beruht auf einer Prostaglandinsynthese-Hemmung. Am häufigsten verwendet werden: Saure Analgetika (NSAID) Salicylsäure (Aspirin u.a.), Di


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Client information &

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Section 1: Why is This an Important Question Now? David KrausYale School of Forestry & Environmental StudiesYale School of Public Health The United States’ healthcare and conservation communities are undergoing massive transformations as new business models are developed in response to financial, political, and other pressures. Given the historical connections between access to natu


Prescribing Information Pr ERYTHROCIN® I.V. (erythromycin lactobionate for injection ) Submission Control Number: 129342 PRESCRIBING INFORMATION NAME OF DRUG Pr ERYTHROCIN® I.V. (erythromycin lactobionate for injection) THERAPEUTIC CLASSIFICATION ACTION AND CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Erythromycin exerts its antibacterial action by binding to the 50S ribosomal subuni


Raumfahrt Erfolgreicher Start Computer Der Verlauf von Bord ist das chinesische Raumschiff Shenz-hou 8 erfolgreich ins All gestartet. Eine Ra-kete vom Typ Langer Marsch 2F brachtedas „Magische Schiff“ gestern vom Raum-fahrtbahnhof Jiuquan in der Wüste Gobiaus in eine Umlaufbahn. Nach 20 Minutenerreichte das unbemannte Raumschiffseine vorgesehene Geschwindigkeit. Esnegrippe und mer

Companion – november 201

Helping vets around the world Figure 1: Volunteers working at the Esther Honey Foundation clinic in April this year report on her time in the South Pacific. Aitutaki; clinical signs range from mild number of donations to worthy causes during 2011, including the registered non-profit organisation based on Rarotonga, the largest of the Cook Islands. the sole provider of vete

Nem136 365.374

Advance Access Publication 29 October 2007eCAM 2009;6(3)365–373doi:10.1093/ecam/nem136Evaluating Complementary Therapies for Canine OsteoarthritisPart I: Green-lipped Mussel (Perna canaliculus)Anna Hielm-Bjo¨rkman1, Riitta-Mari Tulamo1, Hanna Salonen2 and Marja Raekallio11Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, University of Helsinki,PO Box 57, Fi-000

Microsoft word - foundation proposal bastaki 2010.doc

Estrogenic effects of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a persistent contaminant found in common consumer products Maria Bastaki Statement of proposed activity My research is focused on the toxic effects of environmental chemicals that are suspected endocrine disrupters, and specifically on the subcategory that affects mammalian estrogen-based functions. I employ in vitro systems (


Section1 Student Forenames: Last Name: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Parental Address: Fathers Address if Different: Phone Number: Phone Number: Email Address: Email Address: Name and Address of Current GP: Does your child take any regular medication, Does your child have any known allergies? Is your child on the BUPA School Medical Insurance

Immunotherapy – hyposensitization – allergy shots

Diplomate American Board of Allergy and Immunology IMMUNOTHERAPY – HYPOSENSITIZATION – ALLERGY SHOTS Allergic hyposensitization therapy is a well-established form of medical treatment that attempts to decrease the allergy sufferer’s allergic sensitivity. It entails giving the patient repeated injections of the allergenic materials to which he is most sensitive. The offending substances

Omnis 7

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Cephalexin Capsules and Eli Lilly and Company Material Safety Data Sheet Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Manufacturer's Emergency Phone: Manufacturer: CHEMTREC: Common Name: Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets Chemical Name: 5-Thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid, 7-[[(2R)-aminophenylacetyl] amino]-3-methyl-8-oxo-, monohydrate, (6R,7R)- Chemical Na

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Frequently  Asked  Questions   Tonsils  and  Adenoid   Scott  A.  Schraff,  MD,  FAAP   Contact Info Highland (Biltmore) Office: 602-264-4834, ext. 1106 Thunderbird (Glendale/Peoria) Office: 602-938-3205, ext. 2116 Surgery Scheduler: Amanda – 602-789-1063 WHAT ARE THE TONSILS AND ADENOID? The tonsils and adenoid are mounds of tissue that are part of the bo


Infectious Diseases Society of America Emerging Infections Network Comments for Query: ‘ Antimicrobial Drug Shortages’ Comments made by 93 respondents [Pediatric responses are shown in blue font] Comments about Specific Cases/Examples of Drugs Affected • [Instead of] IV Bactrim, an AIDS patient was given po instead; he died from severe PJP, but he had horrif

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Cornea Surgery 1 WEEK BEFORE SURGERY STOP any Aspirin, Coumadin, Plavix, Vitamin E 1 DAY BEFORE SURGERY Zymar (antibiotic) Xibrom (anti - inflammatory) 2 doses Discontinue contact lenses NO food or drink after midnight. You may take your normal medications (pills) with sips of water. Remove all eye makeup including eyeliner and mascara Be certain to have driving arrangemen


The relentless, focused binding of FOSRENOL.1-4 For sustained phosphate control — meal after meal, day after day, week after week.1, 5, 6 FOSRENOL removes phosphate, removes phosphate, removes phosphate, removes pho Fosrenol* 500mg, 750mg and 1000mg Chewable be exercised in these patients, and monitoring of liver function may be required. oedema; pain; thirst; blood aluminium increased;

Nanoparticle-mediated delivery of irbesartan reduces myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury in mice via ppar&#947; -dependent mechanisms

Nanoparticle-Mediated Delivery of Irbesartan Reduces Myocardial ,VFKHPLD5HSHUIXVLRQ,QMXU\LQ0LFHYLD33$5-Dependent Yasuhiro Nakano, Tetsuya Matoba, Gentaro Ikeda, Kaku Nakano, Kensuke Egashira Irbesartan-NP reduced infarct size via PPAR pathway. Therapeutic effect of early myocardial reperfusion in acute myocardial infarction is limited by ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury [1]. Novel

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TOWARDS DEFINING CRITERIA FOR METFORMIN USAGE IN MANAGEMENT OF GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS Hamidreza Mahboobi1, 2, Tahereh Khorgoei3, Aida Najafian11: Reproductive Health Research Center, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences (HUMS), BandarAbbas, Iran2: Payame Noor University (PNU), Iran3: Hormozgan Cardiovascular Research Center, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences (HUMS),Banda

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Your allergy testing is scheduled for:______________ __________ We require 48 hour cancellation notice or you will be charged $50.00. Please call 425.258.4361 if you need to cancel this appointment. The Following Items Are Extremely Important: PLEASE READ • Allergy skin testing takes approximately 1 (one) hour to complete. • Please wear something short-sleeved or sleeveless. •

Pii: s0001-706x(99)00071-6

Pathogenesis of and immunity to melioidosis Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases , Uni 6 ersity of Calgary Health Sciences Center , Calgary , Alta , Canada T 2 N 4 N 1 Abstract While Burkholderia pseudomallei , the causative agent of melioidosis, is becoming increasingly recognized as asignificant cause of morbidity and mortality in regions to which it is endemic, no l


Women and Epilepsy - Special Concerns about Seizure Medications How do I know if I am taking the right medication for my seizures? The choice of antiepileptic medication is based on your seizure type, the pattern on your EEG, how well the medicine controls your seizures, and how you tolerate the medication. Some types of epilepsy respond better to certain medications than others. Seizure p

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Abstract / Poster: 2-4 Clinical MEG: Auditory function Poster: 2-4 Clinical MEG: Auditory function 2-4-1: Superior temporal gyrus M100 phase-locking in schizophrenia: Associations with medication type and patient symptom profile *J. Christopher Edgar1,2, Bruce I. Turetsky3, Timothy P.L. Roberts1, Jose M. Canive2,4, Gregory A. Miller4,5 1Dept. of Radiology, The Children's Hospital of P

Microsoft word - curriculum vitae_des website_vpepin_2013.doc

i) Biographical Information Current Status: professor, Department of Exercise Science, Researcher, Axe maladies chroniques (groupe santé respiratoire), Centre de recherche, Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal Mailing Address: Department of Exercise Science Concordia University 7141 Sherbrooke St. West Science Pavilion Room 165.29 Montréal, Qc H4B 1R6 Phone: (514) 848-2424 Ext. 5


International Journal of Obesity (2004) 28, S54–S58& 2004 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0307-0565/04 $30.00Body composition in adolescents: measurements andmetabolic aspectsG Rodrı´guez1*, LA Moreno2, MG Blay3, VA Blay3, JM Garagorri1, A Sarrı´a1 and M Bueno11Department of Pediatrics, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain; 2University School of Health Sciences, Univ

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SUMMARY OF ACNE & TREATMENT: A Four-Part Solution 1. Skin cel s multiply too quickly and are too sticky, plugging the fol icular pore (comedone, "whitehead" or "blackhead"). > RETINOIDS make the skin cel s less sticky so they can be exfoliated2. Excessive sebum production causes accumulation of oil behind and enlarging the plug. > RETINOLDS, HORMONE PILLS, SPIRONO

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Edocamerica healthtip: outdoor cooking safety

Health Tip: There's a fungus (and more than one) among us. Did you know that ringworm, athlete's foot, and jock-itch are all common names for different infections caused by fungus? As a group, these infections are called "tinea" and are cased by a group of fungi known as Dermatophytes. The "derm" in Dermatophyte refers to their propensity to invade the ski


Akne vulgaris (AV) adalah penyakit inflamasi kronis pada folikel pilosebasea yang biasanya terjadi pada dewasa muda. Penyebabnya belum diketahui dengan pasti dan dapat disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Karakteristik penderita AV beragam, dilihat dari usia, jenis kelamin, jenis lesi, dan predileksi. Jenis penatalaksanaannya terdiri dari pengobatan lokal, sistemik, dan fisik. Tujuan penelitian ini ada



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